divine talisman

Chapter 1263 Shocking Secret [Part 2]

Although he wished to kill Huang Long and the others in his heart, Feng Yanshan remained calm on the surface.

Especially after hearing that Chen Xi had passed the inner court assessment as No.1, the smile on his face became more and more gentle, like a daisy blooming in the wind.

Seeing this, Chen Xi couldn't help frowning, and said, "Feng Xianjun, you don't need to be polite with extra words. I just want an explanation. If I am not satisfied, then I will give you an explanation."

Hearing such an impolite question, Feng Yanshan's heart skipped a beat, but he sighed and said, "Little friend Chen Xi, to tell you the truth, I've been living in a simple place all these years, and I don't care about worldly affairs, and this soul-refining mining area , has been under the jurisdiction of my subordinate Huang Long, if I had known all this earlier, how dare I detain the commander here."

What he said was indeed the truth, Feng Yanshan was also the Immortal Monarch of a Continent after all, with great power, how could he put his mind on such a small place as the Soul Refining Mining Area.

But Chen Xi was not satisfied, and said bluntly: "Since this is the case, please continue to stay out of the matter, how about leaving these people to me?"

Feng Yanshan's complexion changed slightly, and immediately he smiled wryly and cupped his fists and said, "Little friend Chen Xi, please hold your hands high, my Immortal Mansion has only four Da Luo Jinxian commanders, and besides, there are also some of them who don't know the situation, if they are punished for this Tired, I'm afraid..."

Chen Xi sneered in his heart, and interrupted, "Then what does Feng Xianjun mean?"

Feng Yanshan's expression immediately changed, becoming serious. He turned his head to look at Huanglong on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "Huanglong, now I need your explanation!"

There was already a touch of fear in his voice, he could bow his head to Chen Xi, but he couldn't bear the fact that his subordinates brought him such a disaster.

If he hadn't arrived in time, he would have almost made two disciples of Daohuang Academy hate his Immortal Monarch's Mansion, and such consequences were absolutely unacceptable to him.

Huang Long raised his head and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, this subordinate has always acted according to your orders, and never deceived anyone."


Feng Yanshan waved his hand directly, and slapped Huanglong fiercely from the air, looking cold and ruthless: "If you are stubborn again, don't blame me for disposing of you!"

Huang Long screamed, trembling with severe pain all over his body, but he gritted his teeth and refused to let go.

"You don't need to ask, he was instructed by Misty Mountain." Suddenly, Crazy Liu opened his mouth and pointed out everything.

Misty fairy mountain?

Feng Yanshan's eyes flashed brightly, and his gaze towards Huanglong was already cold and indifferent, without any emotional fluctuations: "As the leader of the Immortal Monarch's Mansion, you are secretly colluding with Misty Immortal Mountain, how courageous you are!"

Before the words fell, there was a bang, and Huanglong didn't have time to react, his head exploded directly, blood splashed, and the sky was dyed red.

Seeing this, the other three Da Luo Jinxians who were seriously injured trembled and became more and more frightened.

"Hmph, it's not a pity to die!"

Feng Yanshan was still indifferent and cold, with an awe-inspiring appearance of being upright and upright.

Regarding this, Chen Xi raised his eyes and glanced at Feng Yanshan, without saying anything more, turned around, took Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu with him, and planned to leave.

Xuanyuan Yun was stunned, and quickly chased after him: "Is this how you let them go?"

"Let's go, enough people have been killed today." Chen Xi calmly replied.

Seeing this, Feng Yanshan heaved a long sigh of relief, and also chased after him, smiling kindly: "Little friend Chen Xi, if you are dissatisfied with what this old man has handled, you can just say so."

Chen Xi said indifferently: "Feng Xianjun killed relatives righteously, and I also admire him very much."

Feng Yanshan frowned imperceptibly, and immediately laughed out loud: "But no matter what happened today, it was my dereliction of duty in the Immortal Lord's Mansion. How about this? I hope you don't refuse."

"No need."

Chen Xi waved his hand: "I accept it kindly, but I have other things to do, so I won't bother Feng Xianjun."

After finishing speaking, his figure flashed, and he took Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu with him and teleported away out of thin air.

"Hmph, it's cheaper for you this time!"

Xuanyuan Yun cast a sideways glance at Feng Yanshan, then flung his sleeves and followed.


"Young people nowadays are getting more and more amazing."

Watching Chen Xi and the others leave, the smile on Feng Yanshan's face gradually faded, becoming cold and indifferent.

The three big Luo Jinxians struggled to get up and came to Feng Yanshan, one of them asked in a low voice: "My lord, Huanglong..."

"Hmph! Death is not a pity!"

Mentioning Huanglong's name, Feng Yanshan's brows suddenly filled with hostility, "I almost caused me to be killed. What's the use of keeping such a traitor?"

The crowd was silent.

"When the injury is healed, you can go and check for me. What exactly does Misty Mountain want Huanglong to do? Remember, don't alarm the other party. Although this Misty Mountain is far less scary than Daohuang Academy, but Orthodoxy also has a long history and can be traced back to the ancient times..."

Feng Yanshan stroked his chin, and thoughtfully said: "The important thing is, the details of this Misty Immortal Mountain are so weird that even the Central Immortal Court can't figure out its details. There are rumors that it is related to the Three Realms and Three Dao Lineages. One of the..."

Speaking of this, his voice stopped abruptly, and he kept silent, as if he didn't dare to mention the orthodox name casually.



The void fluctuated, and two figures flickered in it frequently.

"Brother Xuanyuan, do you know the details of Misty Immortal Mountain?" On the way, Chen Xi pondered for a long time before suddenly asking.

Xuanyuan Yun was not surprised, and said with a smile: "I knew you would ask such a question."

Speaking of this, he took out a jade slip and handed it over, saying: "This is the news I got from those friends when I arrived at Drunken Wind Immortal City, among them is this Misty Immortal Mountain."

Chen Xi was startled, and looked at the other party in surprise.

"Don't make a fuss, although I don't like being called a child of a family, but with the title of Xuanyuan, I can still get a lot of unexpected things, such as... information." Xuanyuan Yun laughed at himself.

Chen Xi also smiled, stopped talking, and started flipping through the jade slips.

There are [-] continents in the Immortal Realm, and although this Misty Immortal Continent is not as famous as the Four Great Immortal Continents, it is not much different. The reason is that it is on this Misty Immortal Mountain.

This is an ancient sect whose origin can be traced back to the ancient times. In the history of its sect, there were even more than one Immortal King Realm existence. Unfortunately, in the past tens of thousands of years, the power of Misty Immortal Mountain has gradually declined. It is no longer its former glory.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Misty Immortal Mountain can already be regarded as a first-class force in the fairy world. Standing in Misty Immortal Continent, it is like a thriving flower, and there is no one who can compare with it.

Especially hundreds of years ago, Misty Immortal Mountain suddenly dispatched many masters to enter the Immortal Realm of the Nine Flowers Sword Sect and uprooted it overnight, which also caused an uproar in the Immortal Realm.

You know, the Jiuhua Sword Sect is also an ancient orthodoxy, and when it comes to its foundation, it is even three points deeper than Misty Mountain, but such a powerful orthodoxy was wiped out overnight and became extinct in the world. Naturally shocking.

It was also the battle of exterminating the sect that made Misty Xianshan famous, and no one dared to underestimate this ancient sect that had fallen for a long time.

And according to the news on the jade slips, there are no less than ten holy fairylands in Misty Immortal Mountain today. As for whether there are half-step Immortal King level powerhouses, no one dares to be sure.

"It turns out that Misty Immortal Mountain really destroyed the foundation of Jiuhua Sword Sect in the fairy world..."

After Chen Xi finished reading the jade slips, he exhaled a long breath, but he inadvertently thought of Dao Lian, and also the Xie Lian who escaped from the ninth floor of Sword Cave No.90...

Back then, the evil lotus had escaped from trouble and had already flown to the fairyland, saying that he wanted to kill the enemy who had designed to frame the chaotic god lotus back then. Unfortunately, Chen Xi hadn't gotten any news about the evil lotus until now.

Chen Xi still remembered that when Xie Lian left, he said that when an extra lotus flower appeared on the Dao E sword, it would prove that Xie Lian had passed away...

Of course, Dao'er's sword is still the same, and there is no lotus pattern, which also proves that the evil lotus is still alive at least.

"Chen Xi, according to the information I have received, there is a bit of weirdness in the orthodoxy of Misty Immortal Mountain. It seems...it seems to have a lot to do with one of the three supreme orthodoxy, the Supreme Sect."

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Yun opened his mouth and revealed an astonishing secret.

Too good to teach!

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes. He knew a long time ago that among the Three Realms, there are three supreme Dao Lineages standing. One is Shenyan Mountain, the other is Nuwa Dao Palace. name.

The reason was that among the people he knew, no matter whether it was the young senior sister Li Yang or Xiao Ding, none of them had said a single word about it.

"The Supreme Sect is very mysterious. Like Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Taoist Palace, it is the supreme existence in the Three Realms. Even I only heard the occasional chats of the elders in the clan, so I know little about it. But there is no doubt that this Supreme Sect Very strong, unbelievably strong, even if someone knows its name, almost no one dares to mention it casually."

Xuanyuan Yun's expression was solemn, and he lowered his voice to convey it to Chen Xi with his thoughts.

"I see."

Chen Xi nodded, but he didn't feel that there was anything to be afraid of or avoided. You must know that he was also a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, one of the three great lineages, so he would never think that the Supreme Sect was so mysterious and terrifying.

However, what Xuanyuan Yun said still made him feel a lot heavy. The Jiuhua Sword Sect was destroyed by Misty Immortal Mountain, and Misty Immortal Mountain had a lot to do with the Supreme Sect. Among the enemies of the Patriarch Chaos God Lotus, are there people from the Supreme Sect?

If this is the case, Xie Lian's situation will be dangerous. After all, it is one of the three great traditions. With the strength of Xie Lian alone, how can Xie Lian be his opponent?

But taking the present as an example, why did Misty Immortal Continent instigate Huang Long to detain and persecute his master Liu Jianheng?What do they want from Master Liu Jianheng?

Chen Xi took a deep breath, suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his mind, and regained his composure in his eyes. No matter what, it would be best to wait until he returned to the academy. By then, he might be able to learn some truths from his master Liu Jianheng.

ps: Regarding the grievances and grievances between the founder of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, Chaos Shenlian, and the great figures of the Three Realms, some clues were mentioned in chapters 885 and 886. If you can’t remember the children’s shoes, you can go and review them. After all, Fu Huang wrote In the later stage, some clues and pits should also be buried...

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