divine talisman

Chapter 1264 Fame Effect [Part 1]

Thank you brother "watchywq" for your support~


Star Wuxian Island.

Douxuan Immortal City.


There was a wave in the ancient teleportation array, and when it was opened again, a group of immortal cultivators poured out, among them were Chen Xi, Xuanyuan Yun, Crazy Liu, and Qi Xiaoyu.

It took only one day to return from Misty Immortal Continent to Douxuan Immortal City, but to Chen Xi, it was as if he had gone through a reincarnation of great joy and great sorrow.

He was extremely happy to take back his master, Crazy Liu.

However, witnessing the tragic experience that Crazy Liu had suffered in these years made him feel grief and indignation.

This was Chen Xi's great joy and great sorrow. In fact, with his Dao Xin cultivation, he could completely control all his emotions, but he didn't do that.

Whether it is a human or an immortal, it is definitely not a cruel and ruthless generation. If you lose your emotions and desires, what is the difference between you and a puppet walking dead? What kind of immortal is there?What do you understand?

As the location of Daohuang Academy, Douxuan Immortal City attracts countless powerful people from all over the world every day. In terms of scale and prosperity, it is far beyond the comparison of other immortal cities.

Today's Douxuan Immortal City is also prosperous and lively.

Walking on the spacious street full of traffic and people coming and going, looking at the various powerful beings from different areas of the fairy world, feeling the strong fairy power in the air, no matter if it is Liu Crazy or Qi Xiaoyu, they are all in love with each other. His eyes were wide open, his expression was in a trance, and he was shocked.

For Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu, who have been imprisoned in the dark Soul Refining Mining Area and acted as lowly prisoners, the dreamlike and prosperous place in front of them is the real fairyland!

Looking at Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu who followed him step by step, looking at the dazed and amazed look on their expressions, I could still vaguely see that they were still a little timid about this bustling scene, just like the country bumpkins first Entering a bustling big city for the first time is generally...

All of this made Chen Xi's nose sour for no reason, and his heart felt a little uncomfortable.

"From today onwards, I must not let them suffer!"

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi pursed his lips, and didn't say much, but secretly made a decision in his heart.


It didn't take long for Xuanyuan Yun to leave, and he went to arrange a place for Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu.

The reason was that the Dao Emperor Academy prohibited outsiders from entering. Although Chen Xi took Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu back, for the sake of their safety, he had to find a safe place.

And the Xuanyuan Clan also has a place to stay in the Douxuan Immortal City, if Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu can be placed under the Xuanyuan Clan's territory, it will undoubtedly be the safest.

After all, that was the territory of the Xuanyuan clan, one of the seven great families in ancient times, and even if the people from Misty Immortal Mountain came after them, they wouldn't dare to go one step further.

Chen Xi was not in a hurry to return to the academy, Shi Shi took Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu to tour around Douxuan Immortal City.

He is very clear that there are too many things in his body, even if he can't bear it, he has to spend a lot of time in cultivation. In this way, the chances of meeting Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu will undoubtedly be very few.

So now, he should spend time with them and not think about anything.

But very soon, Chen Xi keenly noticed that Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu looked slightly uncomfortable. He glanced around and immediately understood everything.

It turned out that Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu were dressed too shabby, and they acted like countrymen entering the city, looking too cautious and timid, which attracted the attention of many strange eyes on the road.

Even those with vicious mouths made no secret of their contempt and sneered.

"A shriveled old man from the early stage of the fairyland, and a little yellow-haired girl from the fairyland, ran out from some rural corner. In this city of Douxuan, which is either rich or expensive, it is very rare. Ha ha."

Chen Xi had just figured out the situation, and before he had time to react, a mocking voice came from the other side of the street.

It was a luxuriously dressed woman with a belt around her head, a treasure hairpin on her head, and a shiny feather fan in her hand. Her demeanor was proud, like a female peacock with its tail open.

It's just that at this moment, the mocking arc of her lips made her look a little mean.

Chen Xi frowned, and glanced over with ice-cold eyes.

"What are you looking at? Are you dissatisfied? Mixing with that old man and the yellow-haired girl, it's not a good thing at first sight." When the luxurious woman saw Chen Xi looking over, she immediately raised her eyebrows, raised her chin and said in disdain.


Before her voice fell, Chen Xi slapped the other person's cheek with a slap in the air, causing her treasure hairpin to break off, her long hair was disheveled, the left half of her snow-white cheek was red and swollen, and she fell to the ground with a shrill and shrill sound. Call.

"You... dare to hit me?"

The woman covered her cheeks, as if she couldn't believe that someone dared to do something to her, and immediately screamed angrily: "You three lowly ants, all of you today..."

The voice stopped abruptly, because her snow-white neck was tightly grasped by a big hand, which made her cheeks flush, no matter how much she struggled, she couldn't exert any more strength.

"You say one more word, and I'll kill you!"

When Chen Xi opened his mouth, his deep black eyes were filled with bone-piercing ice-coldness.

That luxurious woman wanted to shout at first, but when her gaze inadvertently touched Chen Xi's icy black eyes, it was like being poured a basin of cold water from the top of her head, and a chill gushed out of her body, like falling into an ice cave, and she was shocked. I froze there.

"Fellow Daoist, please be merciful!"

At this time, three or four youths in luxurious clothes came quickly, and they were all shocked when they saw this scene. One of the youths in brocade robes hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My cousin is not in a good mood today. , please forgive me."

"If you are not in a happy mood, you can get angry at others?"

Chen Xi said coldly.

"What are you talking about? We've already apologized to you, so don't you think you're going to push yourself further? Do you really think of yourself as the number one person? Don't even ask, are you able to offend our Zuoqiu clan?"

Another young man in green robe snorted in displeasure.

"Zuoqiu family?"

There was a cold arc on Chen Xi's lips, making his expression even colder and indifferent.

"That's right, now that you understand it, hurry up and let Cousin Swift go, and then make an apology. Today's matter will be over, otherwise...huh!"

The young man in green robe folded his arms over his chest, proudly glanced at Chen Xi, and snorted coldly.

"Xi'er, let's go, don't cause trouble."

At this time, Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu also walked over, looking at Chen Xi worriedly. From the conversations of these luxuriously dressed youths, they already saw that the other party's background might not be small.

Even if it is clear that Chen Xi did this purely to vent his anger on him, Crazy Liu would not want to see a situation where Chen Xi offends such a force just because of a sneer.

But Crazy Liu did not expect that what he said made those people even more arrogant. Even the luxurious woman whose neck was grabbed by Chen Xi raised her head high, with a hint of resentment and cruelty in her eyes. color.

Chen Xi secretly sighed in his heart. Back then, Crazy Liu had such an unrestrained and unrestrained temper, willing to take revenge, but after going through the ordeal in the Soul Refining Mine, he seemed to have sharpened all his ambitions. This made Chen Xi feel Another burst of discomfort.

"My friend, have you thought it through? If you continue to delay like this, the consequences will only become more unfavorable to you!" Seeing that Chen Xi remained silent, the green robe became more and more complacent, and even his tone became aggressive.

"Is this considered a threat?" Chen Xi asked.

"Hmph! Of course you can think so." The green-robed youth said without hesitation,

However, the companions beside him were slightly taken aback, and they vaguely sensed a trace of uneasiness from Chen Xi's words.

Clap clap clap!

In that instant, Chen Xi didn't say much anymore, and didn't see how he moved. The luxurious woman called "Cousin Swift" was slapped dozens of times loudly and crisply on the cheek, and the other party's slap was even better. His face was red and swollen like a pig's head, extremely ugly and unsightly.

The shrill scream also resounded at this moment.

This is the bustling street of Douxuan Immortal City, and the flow of people is like water. After this scene happened, it immediately attracted the attention of all the people nearby.

And the complexions of those young people from the Zuoqiu family all turned gloomy in an instant, and they did not hide their murderous intentions. The young people in front of them were simply too arrogant, they simply did not know how to live or die!

However, before they got mad, there was a burst of exclamation.

"Chen Xi?"

"Senior brother Chen Xi! So it's you!"

"What? That young man is Chen Xi? I heard that he recently entered the inner court with his No.1 status in the inner court assessment. I never expected to see him here now."

"Hey, who are those guys? They are so blind, and they actually offended Chen Xi on the territory of Daohuang Academy. Isn't that just wanting to die?"

The crowd was in an uproar, and many of them were students from the outer courtyard of the Dao Emperor Academy. When they recognized Chen Xi, they all shouted in surprise, and their expressions of admiration and fanaticism could not be concealed.

And those who didn't know Chen Xi, when they heard that the handsome young man in front of them was the No. 1 freshman of Daohuang Academy who was famous all over the world and flourished, they all exclaimed in amazement.

Thus, Crazy Liu finally understood that the current Chen Xi was no longer the young man who needed to be taken care of by him back then, he... was already a well-known figure in the fairy world!

"This little guy has grown to the point where I don't need to worry anymore..." Crazy Liu sighed in his heart, feeling a sense of relief from the bottom of his heart.

Compared to Crazy Liu, the expressions of those Zuoqiu's children were completely dull, and they were lost for a while. Today, I... unexpectedly provoked this killer! ?

And that luxurious woman was so frightened that she trembled all over and almost peed on her pants. As the children of the Zuoqiu clan, how could they have never heard of the name of Chen Xi, a killer?

One must know that their Zuoqiu Clan has quite a few disciples, all of them fell into Chen Xi's hands!

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