divine talisman

Chapter 1265 Clearance Operation [Part 2]

As early as two years ago, when Chen Xi participated in the second round of assessment to enter the Dao Emperor Academy, he had killed quite a few disciples of the Zuoqiu clan in the Blood Fields of the Ten Directions.

And after entering Daohuang Academy, Zuoqiu Jun's actions against Chen Xi were also resolved time and time again by the latter. Not only did he fail to do any substantial harm to Chen Xi, but it indirectly boosted Chen Xi's status in the academy. and fame.

Until the inner court assessment a few days ago, the Zuoqiu clan secretly carried out what could be called the strongest sniper operation. It was dispatched by a half-step Immortal King Realm powerhouse.

Others may not know much about all of this, but to these Zuoqiu disciples, they are naturally clear. Seeing that they have offended Chen Xi, the killer, the young man in green robe and others were all terrified. It almost broke my liver and gallbladder, and my soul almost flew out.

It is true that they are indeed the children of the Zuoqiu clan, but they cannot even participate in the assessment of the Daohuang Academy, and their status in the clan cannot be compared with the core children of Zuoqiu Jun and Zuoqiu Yin. Compete with Chen Xi for killing stars?

"You...you...you are Chen Xi?"

The young man in the green robe spoke in a trembling voice. In fact, he didn't know what he was talking about. His mind had already been replaced by panic. His only thought was to run as far as he could!

Others might be afraid of their Zuoqiu clan's prestige, but for this killer in front of him, they are Zuoqiu clan members who like to kill the most!

Seeing their appearance like this, Chen Xi immediately understood that even if these guys in front of him were the children of the Zuoqiu clan, they probably belonged to the kind of small fish and small shrimps.

All of a sudden, he felt a sense of loss in his heart, threw the luxurious woman in his hand on the ground, and said, "Apologize, and get out."

The voice was calm, revealing an unquestionable tone.

Those young men and that girl had already been scared out of their wits, but if they were asked to bow their heads and admit their mistakes to Chen Xi, they would not be able to be beaten to death. Now that everyone knew that there was a conflict between Chen Xi and their Zuoqiu clan, how could they admit their mistakes to their enemies? Apologize?

But if I'm not mistaken...

When they thought of Chen Xi's incomparably vicious reputation, their hearts trembled again, they were frightened and embarrassed, they were in a dilemma, and they felt extremely uncomfortable.

Chen Xi's eyes turned cold, and just as he was about to say something, he inadvertently glanced at Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu beside him. He was silent for a moment, and in the end he didn't say anything more. Turn around and leave.

Now, it's not the time to settle accounts with the Zuoqiu family, and with the presence of Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu at this time, he is also a little worried that this conflict will involve the two of them.


"You had a grudge against them before?"

Crazy Liu couldn't help asking.

"There are too many people here, I will tell you later."

Chen Xi could feel that there were quite a few eyes chasing him along the way, some were amazed, some were admired, some were enthusiastic... Of course, there were also some peeps with ulterior motives.

After all, this is the bustling street of Douxuan Immortal City, so it is not appropriate to talk too much about it.

"Where are we going now?"

Crazy Liu was also clear about the importance, and immediately changed the subject, "If you have something important to do, you just need to arrange us to live in a random place."

Chen Xi shook his head: "This is no good."

Immediately, he looked Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu up and down, and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll buy you some clothes and things you need for cultivation. Even if you live on Xuanyuan's property, you don't have to bother them too much."

Just do what you say, Chen Xi immediately led them towards the busiest street in the center of the city, regardless of whether the two agreed or not.

Flowing Gold Immortal Pavilion.

As one of the most well-known chambers of commerce in the entire fairy world, Liujinxian Pavilion also opened its own branch in Douxuan Immortal City, and the scale is huge, overwhelming many shops, and those who can spend in it are either rich or expensive.

When Chen Xi arrived with Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu, the beautiful maids standing in a row on both sides of the pavilion immediately smiled politely.

He didn't show any disdain because of the clothes of Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu. It can also be seen that it is no fluke that the Liujin Fairy Pavilion can stand up to now. The quality of these beautiful maids must have been strictly trained of.

And when Chen Xi took out a VIP token of the Golden Immortal Pavilion, the expressions of those beautiful maids became more humble, and their smiles became more intense. At that moment, a maid stood up and led Chen Xi and the others into the room. go in.

"My lord, I wonder if you are here this time to shop, or to sell something?"

The beautiful maid asked respectfully.

"Sell some items first, and then buy some treasures."

Chen Xi casually replied that he had harvested a lot from the Nightmare Battlefield, and all kinds of rare fairy materials and ores were piled up like a mountain, but some items were not needed, so they had to be disposed of naturally.

"Then I don't know what treasure the young master wants to sell?"

The beautiful maid's eyes lit up.

"You will know when the time comes." Chen Xi replied.

The beautiful maid could tell that Chen Xi didn't want to talk to him, so he decided to talk to Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu.

She is dressed in lavender gauze, with a beautiful face, fair complexion, and a slender figure. Even her cultivation has the level of a mysterious fairy, but she is a little bit airy next to Liu Crazy, who is in the early stage of the fairyland, and Qi Xiaoyu, who is in the fairyland. No, it was respectful and polite, which made Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu smile from time to time.

Not long after, when the beautiful maid who claimed to be Ziyu brought Chen Xi and the others to their destination, Qi Xiaoyu and Ziyu had already warmed up to each other, even calling them sisters.

Regarding this, Chen Xi was noncommittal. This is where the magic power of power and wealth lies, and things in the world are just like this, so there is nothing to say.

This is a spacious and bright elegant room with elegant and grand furnishings.

After Chen Xi and the others took their seats, Ziyu carefully served tea and water one by one, then turned around and left, and not long after, a treasure appraiser was invited.

"Old man Xuan Zhong, I don't know what the young master wants to do?"

The treasure appraiser is an octogenarian, with a meticulous expression, and his words are humble and silent, like an old scholar who teaches in the secular world, exuding an intellectual and graceful demeanor.

That is the unique temperament of a treasure appraiser, and it cannot be condensed without the precipitation of years.

"There are a lot of items, I'm afraid I will have to trouble the seniors to spend some time this time."

Chen Xi looked up at the room, and said casually.

Are there many items to sell?Xuan Zhong frowned and reminded: "My lord, this is the VIP room. If the items you sell are not valuable and rare, I'm sorry I can't accompany you too much."

Obviously, he thought that Chen Xi used a lot of ordinary items to perfuse himself.

Chen Xi was dumb, and didn't explain much. With a wave of his sleeve robe, in an instant, the entire elegant room was filled with brilliant precious light, gorgeous and dreamy, and all kinds of auspicious clouds were transpired.

Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu were both stunned, dazzled by all kinds of fairy materials piled up in the room.

The beautiful maid Ziyu standing on one side opened her eyes and quickly covered her red lips with her hands. Her plump breasts rose and fell slightly, and she seemed quite agitated and unable to calm down.

There are too many treasures, with different auras, which can be roughly distinguished with her knowledge, and most of the fairy materials piled up in the room are extraordinary and comparable.

The appraiser Xuan Zhong was also very moved. He picked up an item, looked it over, nodded and said: "This is the beak of a vicious bird of the virtual spirit outside the territory. It can only be found in the battlefield, and it is very valuable."

After finishing speaking, he picked up another item: "Hey, this is the Ice Silk Dream Grass from the Misty Sea Realm outside the Territory. It can't be found in the Three Realms. It has wonderful effects and is a rare and rare fairy treasure."

"How is it possible? Prajna Golden Pattern Fruit! This elixir has long since disappeared from the Three Realms, and it is extremely difficult to obtain it. Only the secret method of the Jinming people outside the territory can pick it up."

"Hiss! Yunluo Miaoxiang Stone! It's actually this treasure!"

"and this……"


As more and more rare items were identified, the appraiser Xuan Zhong could no longer keep calm, his eyes glowed, and he muttered to himself, sometimes exclaiming, sometimes frowning, sometimes sighing with emotion...it was no longer the same as before. Grace and intellectual bearing.

Chen Xixin did not intend to ridicule this, but secretly admired it in his heart.

Among these items, he didn't recognize most of them, and only judged their quality based on the strength of the aura emitted by the immortal materials. As for the specific uses, he was far less familiar with treasure appraiser Xuan Zhong.

"Since these treasures are so precious, why...why did you sell them?"

Crazy Liu couldn't help but send a voice transmission to Chen Xi. Although he didn't know the value of those treasures, he could tell some clues just by looking at the crazy appearance of the treasure appraiser Xuan Zhong.

"I still have better ones, I don't need most of them anymore." Chen Xi smiled and transmitted voice.

Hearing Crazy Liu's eyes stare again, the corners of his lips twitched, he couldn't help feeling secretly in his heart, this kid's world, even as a master, he can't understand it now...

After a full cup of tea time.

Treasure appraiser Xuan Zhong raised his head from the pile of treasures, exhaled a long breath, and looked at Chen Xi again with a different gaze.

"My lord, these treasures are indeed rare in the Three Realms, and most of them are specialties from other worlds. Although the grade is not too high, they are expensive because they are rare, and the price is naturally high."

After contemplating his words, Xuan Zhong seemed a little unsure, so he couldn't help asking again, and said, "My lord, are you planning to sell all of these?"

Chen Xi said casually, "That's natural."

Xuan Zhong was stunned, then took a deep breath, and said: "These treasures are too many, if they are exchanged for ordinary immortal stones, the amount is too large, but if they are exchanged for top-grade immortal essence, the old man can judge an approximate amount."

"How much?" Chen Xi asked.

"Eight thousand."

Xuan Zhong opened his mouth and explained, "This amount is absolutely fair. If you don't believe me, you can ask around."

Chen Xi smiled casually, and said, "I'm more confident than Liu Jinxian Pavilion's signboard, but..."

"It's nothing, my lord, but it doesn't matter, everything is negotiable." Xuan Zhong suddenly became nervous.

Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile, "It's a bit early to talk about the price now, I didn't say I'd just sell this little item this time."

As soon as these words came out, Xuan Zhong was stunned, this little item?This room full of rare immortal materials that are hard to find in the Three Realms is actually just... a little bit of the other party's many treasures?


ps: I just took a look at the reward record and found that there is still a gap between the addition of "Happy Doudian" and "watchywq" two children's shoes, and I will continue to make up tomorrow[email protected]@~

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