divine talisman

Chapter 1266 Legendary Experience [Part 1]

Thanks for the cool and crazy crazy x children's shoes for rewarding and supporting~!Trench v5~


When they walked out of the VIP room, except for Chen Xi, everyone else looked dazed, as if they were in a daze.

Crazy Liu was smacking his tongue, sucking his teeth from time to time, with a look of sighing and emotion.

Qi Xiaoyu's small face was full of bewilderment, tilting his head from time to time and frowning in thought, as if he was calculating an extremely complicated bill, in a daze.

As for that beautiful waitress, Ziyu, she was also in a trance, walking a little erratically, and she was even inattentive, her body almost collided with Chen Xi.

"what happened?"

Chen Xi frowned, and without a trace, he used a force to help her stabilize.

"No... nothing."

Ziyu was startled, she became a little more conscious, and shook her head hastily.

Chen Xi nodded, and said no more.

Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief, inadvertently recalling the scenes in the VIP room before, and a wave of turmoil inevitably surged in her heart.

In the VIP room before, Chen Xi took out piles and piles of all kinds of rare and rare fairy materials again, filling up the huge VIP room nine times!

And these people were shocked nine times!

Especially when thinking of treasure appraiser Xuan Zhong's changes of expression and crazy eyes, Ziyu couldn't help laughing, even the well-informed treasure appraiser lost his composure, let alone other people?

Immediately, a pair of watery eyes glanced at Chen Xi who was beside him without a trace, and an uncontrollable curiosity suddenly appeared in Ziyu's heart. How could he...how could he collect so many treasures?Could it be that he is also an incomparably powerful person?

"This is the Treasure Hall?"

Chen Xi stopped and looked at the magnificent palace in front of him. In an instant, he couldn't help but be dazzled by the various brilliant lights that filled it.

There are too many treasures, lined up in front of the counters, dazzling, as if there is no end to it, at this time there are many customers browsing among them, there are men and women, all of them are gorgeously dressed, either rich or expensive .

Ziyu also came to her senses at this time, and asked respectfully, "My lord, what treasures do you need?"

Chen Xi glanced at Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu next to him, and pondered, "I need all the immortal treasures and elixir that can be used by every level of the heavenly and profound immortals."

Ziyu's eyes lit up again. This is a big deal. You must know that there are four levels of heavenly immortals, and three levels of mysterious immortals, and each level has special medicines and immortal treasures.

As far as pills are concerned, there are no less than a hundred kinds of medicines that are suitable for swallowing and practicing by the strong at the beginning of the celestial celestial realm!

"I only want high-quality goods." Chen Xi added.

When Ziyu heard this, her eyes became brighter, she is a fine product!That also means that if this deal can be done, even she can get a lot of commission from it!

Hardly thinking about it, Ziyu led Chen Xi and the others into the Treasure Hall, found a middle-aged waiter, and after explaining Chen Xi's needs, the middle-aged waiter's eyes lit up, and he warmly greeted Chen Xi and the others. Welcome to a quiet room.

Then, the quiet room was no longer calm, but became lively.

"Look, son, this bottle of Qingning Yunxin Pill has a market price of [-] fairy stones. Although it is expensive, it is not comparable to ordinary pills. It is refined from [-] kinds of precious fairy medicines. This kind of elixir can not only help the cultivation, but also consolidate the realm and solidify the foundation, it is really a rare treasure for those who are strong in the first stage of heaven!"

The middle-aged waiter was named Lu Cheng, and he was bloated and obese, but his actions were crisp and quick, and he didn't drag his feet. He immediately took out a bottle of elixir and introduced it to Chen Xi.


Chen Xi didn't hesitate, and before Lu Cheng could be overjoyed, he added, "I want two bottles."

Two bottles!That's 16 fairy stones!

Seeing Chen Xi being so forthright, Lu Cheng immediately burst into laughter. The young man in front of him is definitely a man of aristocratic family!He has a strong family background, look at his bearing and handwriting, ordinary people can't learn it at all!

Immediately, he secretly took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. No matter how calm he is, he must not lose his temper in front of these waiting guests. He will give all the discounts that should be given, and must give the discounts that should be given. In short... just can't Let the other party feel cheated!Only in this way, if you are not sure, the other party will become your long-term customer.

"Xuanguang Ziyun shoes, the exquisite items among ordinary fairy treasures, were written by the great master of crafting. Although they are only ordinary fairy treasures, their effects are extraordinary. In addition to increasing the flying speed by about [-]%, they also have the ability to avoid dust. , avoiding water, avoiding wind, avoiding fire, etc...."

"Buy! Two pairs." Chen Xi nodded again.

He was not worried that the other party would dare to blackmail him, and he also examined the quality of the immortal treasure in front of him, and felt that it was indeed worth the price, so naturally he had no objection.

"Nine-Star Bright Light Armor, the best of the Xuanling class, comes with 36 layers of defensive restrictions, and it is difficult for ghosts and gods to shake. In addition, wearing this armor on the body is also very useful for cultivation. Such a treasure only needs 19 fairy stones."

"Buy, two pairs."

Chen Xi nodded without hesitation again, although both Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu were far from the Profound Immortal Realm, they could be used in the future.

"Chi Zhen Ba Miao San..."


"Shoulders of Shimmer Yuchen..."






Until Chen Xi and the others left with all kinds of celestial treasures and elixir, Lu Cheng's spirit was still in a trance with excitement. Today's experience was simply like a dream!

The magic weapons and pills he recommended were almost swept away by Chen Xi. He had seen a master who was willing to spend money, but he had never seen a master who was so willing to spend money on others!

"Damn it! I actually forgot to ask the name of that distinguished guest!"

After a long time, when Lu Cheng woke up, he immediately slapped himself on the forehead, moaning in pain, feeling that he had made an unforgivable mistake today.

But at this time, in front of the gate of the Liujin Immortal Pavilion, Ziyu, a beautiful maid, looked at the back of Chen Xi and the others as they left, her expression was also in a daze, unable to calm down for a long time.

"I exchanged more than [-] pieces of top-grade fairy marrow for the items I sold. I didn't expect that it would take seven or seven eighty-eight dollars in the blink of an eye. I don't know what the relationship between the old and the young is with that young master, and he can get such a gift from him." Zhao Fu, you don’t have to worry about it anymore on your way to practice in the future..."

Ziyu was envious in her heart, if Chen Xi asked her to act as his maid at this time, she would definitely not hesitate at all!

This is the charm of wealth, which can conquer too many unexpected people or things invisibly.


Douxuan Immortal City, Immortals Bu Tire Restaurant.

There is an open and bright private room on the highest floor. From this angle, you can overlook most of Douxuan Immortal City.

At this moment, there were only Chen Xi, Crazy Liu, and Ziyu in the elegant room, and in front of them was a table of various delicious dishes.

Stir-fried Dan venison, stewed Jiuzhen, Longyin Bixiao, Linglong Mountains and Rivers, stewed Dragon Turtle Soup... A total of 81 [-] delicacies, all of which are masterpieces from master chefs.

Of course, the value of this table of wine and food is enough to discourage most immortals.

But Chen Xi didn't care, as long as he could make Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu happy, what was this little effort?


Crazy Liu sighed suddenly, looking at Chen Xi with complicated eyes, but he didn't know what to say for a moment, it was a feeling of hesitation.

"Master, I offer you a toast."

Seeing this, Chen Xi felt emotional ups and downs. He immediately got up, raised his wine glass, and saluted earnestly, "Without you, this disciple would not be able to enter the Xuanhuan Realm, nor would he be able to practice in the Jiuhua Sword Sect. This is such a great favor, disciple. I dare not forget it in this lifetime.”

After all, he drank the wine in his glass.

Crazy Liu was stunned for a long time, his eyes suddenly became moist, and he said in a hoarse voice, "I, Crazy Liu, He Dehe Neng... He De He Neng!"

He raised his head to drink the wine in the glass, and suddenly couldn't stop crying.

An old guy who has lived for an unknown number of years, but now he loses control of his emotions and tears, if it were any other time, he would be ridiculed and stared at countless times.

But Chen Xi didn't. On the contrary, his heart was also complicated. He was very clear about how much Crazy Liu had suffered and suffered in the soul refining mining area.

"Xiao Yu, I offer you a toast. You are Master's adopted daughter, and naturally you are also my sister, Chen Xi. Without your voice transmission this time, I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Chen Xi turned around and looked at Qi Xiaoyu who was on the side. The girl was comforting Crazy Liu, and when she heard this, she was startled, her fair and delicate cheeks flushed, and she was a little at a loss.

She grew up in the Soul Refining Mining Area since she was a child, and she has almost no communication with the outside world.

"Haha, you girl, quickly pick up your wine glass." Crazy Liu also laughed out loud when he saw this, and patted Qi Xiaoyu on the shoulder to express his comfort.


Qi Xiaoyu got up quickly, picked up a wine glass in a hurry, and drank it in one gulp, but because she drank too fast, she choked and coughed again and again, her little face was as red as a fire, cute and distressing.

Chen Xi smiled, and hastily poured a glass of fairy dew for the other party to clear his mouth, and then drank the wine in the glass.

Next, they chatted while drinking, and Crazy Liu asked Chen Xi about his experiences over the past few years, and Chen Xi didn't hide anything, and told them one by one.

Although what he said was light and simple, but in the ears of Crazy Liu, he was amazed again and again, and he couldn't believe that his apprentice's experience in these years would be so tortuous.

As for Qi Xiaoyu, she was already stunned, holding her snow-white chin in both hands, her eyes gleaming, she didn't even eat the food, and concentrated on listening to Chen Xi's experience of these years, like listening to a legend with ups and downs.

Some people's life is destined to be extraordinary, full of variables, countless dangers, and many encounters. For others, all this is like a legendary story.

As far as I am concerned, it is a series of footprints on the road of practice, recording the past, accumulating experiences, and making myself walk more firmly and calmly.

Undoubtedly, Chen Xi's experience has already predestined that his future path... will not be ordinary.

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