divine talisman

Chapter 1267 Frequent Accidents [Part 2]

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

At this time, Chen Xi also finished talking about his experiences over the past few years, and immediately asked about Misty Immortal Mountain.

Speaking of this topic, Crazy Liu's expression suddenly became a lot more serious, revealing a hint of unconcealable hatred.

"They are for the sword of Dao."

Without concealment, Crazy Liu said in a deep voice, "As early as in the Jiuhua Sword Sect in the human world, I have heard about this sword. It is rumored that when my ancestor of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, Chaos God Lotus, once broke through the extreme realm of Dao, It is a pity that he was framed by many opponents before he succeeded, and his success was on the brink of failure."

"And when the patriarch fell, he sealed the original power of the heavenly secret in the sword and hid it under the 99th floor of the sword cave."

"The force behind the Misty Mountain is the birthplace of a powerful opponent who framed our Patriarch back then. Perhaps it is knowing this secret that they have persecuted our Jiuhua Sword Sect so much."

Mentioning this grievance, Crazy Liu's expression was also gloomy and chilling, but more of a loss. After all, the current Jiuhua Sword Sect's influence in the fairy world has long been uprooted and no longer exists.

"They...why would they choose to do it at this time?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

In his opinion, the Chaos Divine Lotus fell in the ancient times, and the time interval was too long, but the Misty Immortal Mountain didn't take action sooner or later, but chose to act in recent years, which is a bit weird.

"The reason lies in the sword of Dao. It is rumored that during the chaos of the Three Realms, the secrets of the heavens and the earth will collapse, and the order of the heavens and the earth will fall into chaos. Standing invincible in this chaos, you can even gain a lot of benefits."

Crazy Liu frowned and pondered, "However, this is a rumor after all, and very few people know about it. Even I am not sure whether the Dao E sword exists."

Hearing this, Chen Xi finally understood in his heart, and secretly said: "The force behind Misty Mountain must be the Supreme Master, and naturally it is one of the enemies who set up a killing scheme to plot the Chaos God Lotus back then. As for Dao E The Sword of Swords naturally exists, but unfortunately, I have already promised Senior Daolian not to disclose this matter to others..."

"And why they chose to do it at this time, I don't know." Crazy Liu frowned and pondered for a long time, but in the end he couldn't think of a reason.

"It doesn't matter, all this will always be investigated."

Chen Xi said softly, his brows were firm, and immediately he said to Crazy Liu seriously, "Master, from now on, you and Xiao Yu will be able to cultivate in Douxuan Immortal City with peace of mind, and leave other matters to me. Only in this way can I be completely relieved .”

Crazy Liu sighed, with a bit of bitterness in his mouth, but he finally agreed to Chen Xi, because he knew that he couldn't help him at all at this time, and would instead cause Chen Xi a lot of trouble.

Perhaps only agreeing to Chen Xi is the most correct decision.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the private room: "Brother Chen, I'm here."

Chen Xi got up and opened the door to see that it was Xuanyuan Yun. He immediately greeted him with a smile and bought another pair of bowls and chopsticks.

It's just that during this process, his gaze casually glanced towards the side of the elegant room, and then retracted without a trace.

"Things have been settled, and the commander and the others can live there at night."

Xuanyuan Yun drank a glass of wine and smiled, "I just didn't expect that your face is bigger than mine. When those old antiques in my house heard that it was your business, they immediately divided them into a beautiful cave. , and told me that if I don’t handle this matter beautifully, I won’t be allowed to step into the clan again.”

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, cupped his hands and said, "No matter what, I have to thank Brother Xuanyuan for your trouble this time."

"If you really want to thank me, you can have a good meal with me at the bar. We haven't had time to drink since we knew each other." Xuanyuan Yun laughed.

Boom boom boom!

But before Xuanyuan Yun's voice fell, there was a hasty and rough knock on the door, which was no different from smashing the door, which seemed extremely rude.

At the same time, there was also a rough voice: "Friends inside, please open the door quickly. We are arresting a thief. Go in and search and then leave."

Xuanyuan Yun raised his eyebrows, but his complexion sank. He was just about to seize this rare opportunity to have a drink with Chen Xi and increase their friendship, but he was disturbed at this critical moment. How could he not be annoyed.

"What nonsense to catch a thief, this kind of place, is a place where a thief can come in? I'd like to see who this arrogant guy is."

As said and done, Xuanyuan Yun was about to stand up suddenly, but was stopped by Chen Xi in time, and shook his head with a smile: "Forget it, it's just a word."

He just felt that too many things happened today, and he didn't want Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu to worry about him anymore. Some troubles can be avoided by taking a step back, so it's best to avoid them.

Xuanyuan Yun smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Oh, what you do will only fuel their arrogance."

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the suppressed gate, which was densely covered with restrictions, boomed, and it was kicked open with a kick!

Immediately, a group of people rushed in angrily, and the leader, a young man in a purple and gold brocade robe, waved his hand unceremoniously: "Search for me! The ban on this Immortal Buyan Restaurant has been opened, and it is difficult for that little thief to fly! "

After saying all this, he just lifted his chin, and swept away Chen Xi and the others with a smirk: "Everyone, I'm sorry for interrupting your meal. This meal will be on my account, Meng Tong."

His words were neither salty nor weak, and his expression was arrogant, without any apology at all.

Seeing this scene, the veins on Xuanyuan Yun's forehead were throbbing, especially when he saw those people began to rummaging through the tables and cabinets in the elegant room without putting himself and others in their eyes, he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart any longer, and stood up body, smiled grimly, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and said: "Little brat, do you owe me money for a meal?"

Before the voice fell, he slapped him hard, the power of his palm screaming, enveloping the divine brilliance, it was very fierce.

The young man in the purple gold brocade robe who called himself Meng Tong raised his hand and blocked the palm, but he was so shaken that he stepped back three steps.

"Grandpa beat you, how dare your grandson hide?"

Xuanyuan Yun stared, and rushed forward, opened his palms, and instantly slapped thousands of turbulent winds, like stormy waves, fierce, cruel, and domineering!

It can also be seen from the side that Xuanyuan Yun, as an existence that can rank among the top ten in the freshman assessment of Daohuang Academy, is also extremely strong.


That Meng Tongwan didn't expect that Xuanyuan Yun would be so decisive and ruthless in his attack, he was caught off guard, and was shocked by the terrifying palm force in an instant, almost unable to resist.

"Brother Meng Tong!"

"court death!"

"Go together!"

Seeing this scene, those subordinates didn't bother to search the room, and all rushed over roaring.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Yun was about to be besieged, Chen Xi sighed inwardly, and immediately stopped hesitating, and decided to make a move, but the moment he made the move, he inadvertently glanced at the corner of the elegant room again.


With a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, a terrifying force spread out in the elegant room.

The next moment, there was a muffled thump, thump, and howling. Everyone, including Meng Tong, was suppressed to the ground and screamed.

This scene can be said to be annihilated in the flick of one's sleeves!

Xuanyuan Yun was stunned, and glanced at Chen Xi with a wry smile, then his face darkened, and he raised his foot to kick Meng Tong fiercely: "I will pay for the food myself, but if you want, you can also beat me up Count it on Grandpa's account!"

Meng Tong screamed, his bones were about to break, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Seeing this, Chen Xi felt a little annoyed, it was too noisy, and the appearance of these people also ruined their interest in getting together.

"Get out, grandpa!"

Xuanyuan Yun was keenly aware of the change in Chen Xi's mood, and he grabbed hold of both hands, throwing Meng Tong and the others out of the elegant room.

"You bastards, just wait for me, you'll ruin our big brother Meng Qi's good deed, and you're all finished!"

Outside the elegant room, Meng Tong's spiteful cry came.

For this, with a wave of Chen Xi's sleeve robe, a restriction was condensed, sealing the door of the elegant room, and completely isolating all sounds from the outside.

"Meng Qi? Why is it him?"

Xuanyuan Yun frowned, as if thinking of something.

"What's the matter, this Meng Qi has a big background?"

Chen Xi sat down again, and glanced at Xuanyuan Yun in surprise.

"Meng Qi's background is not worth mentioning, but this kid is now a quite famous guy in the inner courtyard of our college. He ranks No. 30 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List and has won the attention and attention of many top powers. win over."

Xuanyuan Yun briefly introduced Meng Qi's identity, and then sneered, "But we don't have to be afraid of him, Meng Qi is not the only master in the inner courtyard."

Chen Xi nodded, but he didn't take this matter to heart. He just frowned, pondered for a long time, and finally set his eyes on the corner of the private room, and said, "Girl, you took advantage of my friend to enter the private room just now. He came uninvited at that moment, and now we help you ward off another disaster, if you don't show up again, it will be unreasonable."

As soon as these words came out, Xuanyuan Yun, Liu Crazy, and Qi Xiaoyu shuddered in their hearts. They all glanced over there, but found that there was nothing there, and they couldn't even search for any existence with immortal consciousness!

Especially Xuanyuan Yun didn't expect that when he entered this elegant room just now, someone would take the opportunity to follow him in. If this is true, it would be horrifying.

"Why, are you really going to ask me to take you out?"

Chen Xi frowned, biting the word please very hard.

"I can't tell. Why are you so fierce? When you treat girls, shouldn't you be more polite?"

Accompanied by a crisp and soft voice, a lavender divine radiance suddenly appeared in the corner of the originally empty elegant room, and a graceful, graceful and graceful figure was outlined in the radiance.


ps: I sent a drunk fool to the train station tonight, the situation happened frequently, I will add more tomorrow, I am really exhausted~

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