divine talisman

Chapter 1268 Secret Treasure as Remuneration [Part 1]

The sound is like the sound of nature, crisp, soft and touching, drunk to the bone, the lavender light rain drifts, and gradually outlines a figure, graceful and elegant, pure and beautiful.

Even Chen Xi, who had long been accustomed to all kinds of beauties, was in a daze at this moment. This woman was really too beautiful, and he had only seen it in his life.

Immediately, he raised his brows, and found that no matter Xuanyuan Yun, Crazy Liu, or Qi Xiaoyu, they all seemed to be out of their bodies, standing there in a daze, no different from falling asleep.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Xi's heart trembled suddenly, and there was a ray of Dao rhyme in his voice, which vibrated, trying to make Xuanyuan Yun and the others wake up, but it was of no avail.

"Don't worry, they just can't hear you and me temporarily."

The beautiful woman who floated out from the corner of the elegant room smiled lightly, sat casually on the other side of the desk, sniffed the delicate jug, frowned, and said, "This fairy wine is just a piece of cake." Ordinary, tasteless."


Chen Xi stared at her with a calm expression, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart. This woman appeared here without making a sound. If he hadn't cultivated the Eye of Divine Truth, he would almost not have noticed it.

And after she appeared, she was able to isolate Xuanyuan Yun and the others without a sound. This kind of method is even more terrifying. Obviously, this woman is very powerful!

This woman has a beautiful face, graceful and elegant, a graceful and slim figure, a head of jet-black hair flying in the air, a plump white and smooth forehead, shining with wisdom, black eyebrows like willows, and black eyes that are agile, with a kind of beauty that is beyond the dust.

"Taste the fairy wine I brought."

The woman pursed her cherry lips lightly, drawing a smile, flipped her bare hands, and took out a white jade jug of suet. The mouth of the jug was tilted, and a blue-colored amber-like wine spilled out, pouring it into the wine bottle in front of Chen Xi.

In an instant, an intoxicating fragrance permeated the air, as if it could penetrate deep into the bone marrow.

Chen Xi took a sip, and keenly felt that the power contained in this immortal brew was extremely mellow, and with just one breath, his whole body became lively, no worse than a peerless immortal medicine.

"You can drink the wine later. I'm just curious. With your means, girl, it shouldn't be difficult to avoid those people's pursuit. Why did you come to this room?"

Chen Xi looked at the woman in the lavender dress with a calm expression, and her eyes were as deep as an ancient well.This woman is indeed very special, her temperament is holy and agile, and she has a kind of beauty that is born in this world, but her every move, every frown and smile, has a trace of natural extreme charm, like a combination of a fairy and a witch, very unique.

Most importantly, he felt that the woman in front of him was very dangerous, and he hadn't seen through her strength until now, which made him quite vigilant.

"Hey, none of you Shenyan Mountain disciples is as timid as you."

The woman suddenly smiled sweetly, her white teeth were shining brightly, she was beautiful and charming, and there was even a trace of teasing, "Could it be that you are still worried that I will eat you?"

Chen Xi's heart shuddered, this was the first time he was called out of identity since he practiced!

"Could this woman be from Nuwa Daoist Palace, or a descendant of the Supreme Sect?" Chen Xi's mind was flashing with thoughts, but he said calmly, "Whether you are timid or not, you can give it a try."

At the same time, he became more and more sure that this woman seemed to have come here specially for him!

"Well, how can I test your courage?" The woman was curious, her rosy cherry lips parted slightly, and her breath was like blue, exuding a strange and seductive style.

Seeing this, Chen Xi didn't say anything. After a long silence, he stretched out his arm suddenly, spread his five fingers, and locked them directly at the opponent's throat like lightning.


This attack was done by surprise. At the moment of the explosion, the Five Elements Divine Runes accumulated and released a blazing and powerful crushing force. At such a close distance, Chen Xi was confident that the opponent would definitely be difficult to avoid.

However, that woman smiled sweetly, and did not move from the beginning to the end, but there was an invisible and vast force permeating her body, making Chen Xi's palm reach an inch in front of the other party's snow-white throat, and he could no longer move. Go ahead, stand still there.

Chen Xi was terrified, but before he could stop, the woman suddenly flipped her wrist, and her plain hand suddenly grabbed Chen Xi's palm.

The woman's hands were slender, white, and as beautiful as creamy white jade. The moment she grasped Chen Xi's palm, a sense of coolness and warmth came through.

Then she moved her fingertips and gently scratched Chen Xi's palm. A wave of electric shock surged all over her body. Chen Xi immediately withdrew his arm, with a slightly sullen expression on his face. He gritted his teeth and said, "Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?" ?”

"Are you kidding me, are you angry?"

The woman giggled, her bumpy figure trembled slightly, her snow-white body glowed with a holy and seductive luster, like a snow lotus flower gently swaying in the wind, her beauty was breathtakingly beautiful.

Chen Xi remained silent, and stared at the opponent with his lips pursed. He was extremely vigilant, and he knew very well in his heart that the strength of the opponent should be far superior to his own, otherwise his attack would not have been neutralized by the opponent so lightly.

"Hey, you did it first, so it stands to reason that I'm the one who was angry." The woman curled her bright red mouth, and played with a strand of blue silk wrapped around her plain white fingers.

Seeing that Chen Xi was still silent and staring at her vigilantly, she shrugged helplessly and said, "You should see that I have no ill intentions towards you."

Chen Xi recognized this point, so after thinking for a while, he took the wine bottle and drank it all in one gulp. After tasting it, he said seriously, "Good wine."

It is indeed good wine, sweet and delicious in the mouth, and there is an unspeakable fragrance in the clearness. As soon as it enters the throat, it turns into a trickle of hot water and rushes all over the body, so that his cultivation is further stabilized in this instant. Amazing power.

Seeing this, the woman showed a sweet smile: "Aren't you afraid?"

Chen Xi didn't look at her, but just stared at the wine bottle in his hand, and said, "Anyway, I can't beat you, and it's useless to be on guard."

"Okay, let's talk about business at this time."

Seeing this, the woman put away her smile uncharacteristically, her expression was ethereal and holy, with a hint of spiritual brilliance lingering between her brows, her eyes were as clear as water, she stared at Chen Xi, and said, "A year from now, I hope you can advance to the late stage of the Great Luo Realm, and then follow me Go somewhere."

This is a very odd condition!

A thought flickered in Chen Xi's mind for an instant, but he said, "One year? I'm afraid I won't be able to help you."

It's a joke, the last time he was promoted to the middle stage of Daluo, it was because of many opportunities in the tomb of the fairy king that he made an unexpected breakthrough in one fell swoop, but now he has broken through the late stage of Daluo within a year, even he himself feels that hope is too slim.

"you can."

The woman's eyes were shining, bright and clear. She took out a jade box and gently opened it, "As a reward, when you come back from that place, this treasure will be yours."

Chen Xi wanted to reject it outright, but when his eyes fell on the jade box, he was stunned for a moment. Fragment of the river map?

It was indeed a piece of incomplete tortoise shell, less than the size of a palm, swarthy, and filled with a simple and mysterious atmosphere. Now that Chen Xi had obtained five fragments of the river map, how could he fail to recognize this object.

"Who is this woman? Not only does she know that she is from Shenyan Mountain, but she also seems to know that she has been searching for fragments of the river map!"

Chen Xi's heart suddenly became turbulent, and he felt more and more that this woman had an extraordinary background.

"Where to go?"

Chen Xi was silent for a long time, and finally looked away from the jade box, and his expression returned to calm. The other party must have a very serious plan if they can offer such treasures as a price, and this also means that the risk is extremely high, so he must ask clearly.

"You'll know then."

The woman put away the jade box and stood up, grasping it with a full waist, looking very soft, with a smile on her ethereal and delicate face, showing an extraordinary beauty.

"Don't worry, you will definitely not be in any danger when the time comes, otherwise... you Shenyan Mountain probably won't let me go, that would be a more headache than killing me."

Speaking of this, her clear eyes moved, her spiritual wisdom flickered, and her tranquil smile cast an indescribably stalwart aura on her whole body.

With a thought in Chen Xi's mind, the other party was also afraid of Shenyan Mountain, so that would be easy, at least if the other party really had murderous intentions towards him, at least he had to consider the consequences of offending Shenyan Mountain first.

"Hee hee, I have to go. This spirit body clone consumes too much. If I don't go back, my real body will be in danger. Remember, I will come to see you again in a year. Of course, if you advance If you advance, you can also come to Weiyang Xianzhou to find me."

The woman lazily stretched her graceful waist, outlining a shocking curve, then smiled at Chen Xi, and it turned into a lavender light rain, and she was about to leave.

Spirit body clone?

This is actually just a clone condensed by supreme mana?

Chen Xi's heart shook violently, and he was finally horrified, guessing that the opponent's strength was probably even higher than that of the Holy Immortal Realm!

"Wait, you still haven't told me who you really are?"

Seeing that the lavender light rain was about to disappear completely, Chen Xi asked loudly without thinking about other things.

"Well, tell me some, anyway, the people in Shenyan Mountain know about it, but don't tell others..."

In the ethereal and clear voice, the lavender light rain has disappeared, disappearing out of thin air.

"A little bit? This is obviously not her real name..."

Chen Xi stared at the place where the light and rain had dissipated, and fell into deep thought, "This woman's appearance is too strange, and I don't know what kind of big event she is planning, and she wants me to cooperate. Could it be that she has set her sights on some kind of secret treasure in me? Or do you want to take advantage of my status as a disciple of Shenyan Mountain?"

"Weiyang Immortal Continent? Isn't she the mysterious Weiyang Immortal King?"

Thinking of this, Chen Xi shook his head immediately, and came to his senses. The existence of the Immortal King Realm is so sublime. Even if he wanted to go to a certain place, how could he find himself, a Da Luo Jinxian, to cooperate with him?

At this time, Xuanyuan Yun, Liu Crazy, and Qi Xiaoyu also came to their senses, and they all looked bewildered, obviously not knowing what happened just now.

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