divine talisman

Chapter 1269 Seize the day and night [Part 2]

In the air of the elegant room, there is still a hint of clear and mellow fragrance of wine, which is refreshing.

Xuanyuan Yun, Liu Crazy, and Qi Xiaoyu were all at a loss, what happened just now?What about the figure drawn out of thin air?Why is it gone?

"The man is gone."

Seeing this, Chen Xi explained briefly. In fact, he didn't understand exactly what method the woman who called herself Diandian used to isolate Xuanyuan Yun and the others from their perception.


Xuanyuan Yun was startled, and was about to say something, but seeing that Chen Xi was also frowning, he immediately shut up and said nothing. There are some things, it's better not to probe too much.

"Let's go too."

This meal has been tasteless until now, and Chen Xi doesn't want to stay here any longer.

Xuanyuan Yun, Crazy Liu, and Qi Xiaoyu naturally had no objections, and immediately followed Chen Xi to get up and leave the elegant room.

However, just as they walked out of the elegant room, a group of people came in front of them.

The leader is a tall young man in plain clothes and broad robes, with thick long hair and shawls, and a rough face.

And behind this rugged young man, Lin Tong and the others followed closely, all of them with bruised noses and swollen faces, with gloomy expressions, especially when they saw Chen Xi and others walking out of the elegant room, there was a hint of hatred in their eyes.


The rugged young man stopped, and shot his cold gaze at Chen Xi, seeming to recognize his identity, his thick ink-like brows frowned uncontrollably.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Yun was also stunned, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi: "This guy is Meng Qi, the guy who ranked No. They're just looking for a place to come."

It was only then that Chen Xi came to a sudden realization. He sized Meng Qi up and down without a trace in his eyes, and saw that the other party's aura was concentrated, revealing a hint of ferocity and ferocity. It was obvious that he was also an existence that had experienced many battles, and it was extraordinary.

"This disciple from the inner court is really extraordinary, just with such arrogance, there is no one in the outer court who can compare to him." Chen Xi was thoughtful.

But to him, this Meng Qi was not enough to make him afraid, and he planned to leave immediately.

"You still want to leave? Stop for me!"

"Brother Meng Qi, these guys, if they hadn't stopped us, we would have caught that little thief long ago!"

"Damn it, that little thief dared to take a pot of fairy wine that we specially dedicated to Brother Meng Qi. He could have been caught, but now he has been messed up by these guys!"

Seeing that Chen Xi didn't pay attention to himself and the others, and left as soon as he said it, Lin Tong and the others couldn't hold back immediately, rushed out and blocked the passage, and yelled harshly.

A pot of fairy wine was taken away?

Chen Xi was taken aback, and murmured in his heart, the fairy wine that the woman named Diandian took out just now, shouldn't these guys plan to honor it for Meng Qi to enjoy?

"What's the matter, you haven't been beaten enough, your skin is itchy again?"

Xuanyuan Yun sneered, and didn't even bother to glance at Lin Tong and the others, but directly looked at Meng Qi, with a stern look on his face, revealing an undisguised provocation.

Seeing this, Meng Qi frowned, waved his hand to stop the others from talking, and then said calmly: "I didn't expect that it was the two junior brothers who were eating here, so it's rude."

junior?The people around Meng Qi were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions changed. They all realized that the other party was actually a disciple of the Dao Emperor Academy, no wonder they dared to be so arrogant.

"Since you know you're being rude, why don't you move away quickly? Don't tell me you came here aggressively just to apologize?" Xuanyuan Yun was merciless.

Lin Tong and the others all showed angry faces. Although they belonged to the same academy, it was too much for a junior to dare to yell at his senior like this!

However, Meng Qi didn't care. In other words, he directly and calmly ignored Xuanyuan Yun's clamor, shifted his gaze to Chen Xi, looked at him briefly, and said, "I heard that Junior Brother Chen Xi won the first place in the assessment this time. Ranked into the inner court, seeing it now, it is really well-deserved."

Chen Xi said calmly, "Thank you."

Regarding this, Meng Qi was still calm, but he changed the subject and said suddenly: "However, the inner courtyard is different from the outer courtyard. Junior brother has now offended the Zuoqiu clan. As a senior brother, I still have to remind you that those who enter the inner courtyard At this time, Junior Brother Chen Xi should be more careful, the big tree attracts the wind."

After finishing speaking, he took a deep look at Chen Xi, then turned and left.

Lin Tong and the others were stunned, they didn't expect the matter to end like this, which made them extremely unwilling, but when they realized that they were not Chen Xi's opponent, they could only give Chen Xi and the others a resentful look, and hurriedly followed Meng Qi leave behind.

"Brother Meng Qi, is that all?"

"I have been planning for that immortal wine for a long time, and finally purchased it from a master brewer, but now it is being taken away by others. I am really not reconciled."

"Hey, don't talk too much, didn't you see that brother Meng Qi has already made a decision?"

In the distance, the conversations of Lin Tong and others could be faintly heard.

"These bastards didn't even enter Daohuang Academy. If it weren't for Meng Qi, if any of them could step out of here today, I wouldn't be Xuanyuan!"

They were not reconciled, and Xuanyuan Yun was not reconciled either, he snorted coldly, although he spoke harshly, it could be seen that he was not without scruples towards Meng Qi.

Watching Meng Qi and the others leave, Chen Xi smiled and said disapprovingly, "Let's go too."

Xuanyuan Yun nodded, then couldn't help frowning and said, "Why do I feel that what Meng Qi said before leaving was not kind to the visitor."

"The inner court, the competition will naturally be more cruel than the outer court, but if they want to bully me, then they are the only ones who should be careful."

Chen Xi spoke calmly, his voice didn't have any impassioned or sonorous force, but it naturally showed a wave of absolute self-confidence.

On the same day, Chen Xi and Xuanyuan Yun sent Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu to the Xuanyuan Clan's camp in Douxuan Immortal City, and saw that the other party had indeed arranged an excellent paradise for the two of Crazy Liu, and the surroundings were heavily guarded. , quite safe, Chen Xi was completely relieved, turned and left.


Daohuang Academy, in the imperial cave residence of Yunmiao Fairy Mountain.

As soon as Chen Xi returned, he couldn't help but let out a long breath of foul air, and sat down.

Too many things happened today. As soon as he returned from the battlefield outside the territory, he received the jade letter of communication, and went to Misty Immortal Continent together with Xuanyuan Yun to save Qi Xiaoyu, ran into the soul refining mine area, until he rescued his master, Crazy Liu, again In Douxuan Immortal City, he was provoked by the disciples of the Zuoqiu clan...

Just when he thought he could finally spend time with Crazy Liu and Qi Xiaoyu, he ran into a companion of the inner court disciple Meng Qi who was causing trouble. The woman named Diandian not only found out her identity as a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, but also wanted to cooperate with her in a year's time with a fragment of the River Map as reward...

In short, what happened today was so dizzying that Chen Xi felt a little tired, his thoughts were in a mess, and he couldn't help but let out another long breath.

"Fortunately, in a few days, I will officially step into the inner courtyard, and I have fulfilled a wish."

Chen Xi began to think about his future path.

Three years later, with his No. 1 result in the inner court assessment, it is enough to easily enter the Dao Emperor's ancient land and search for the Dao Emperor's inheritance.

But before that, it is natural to earn enough star points. In this way, as long as you get the Dao Emperor's inheritance, you can exchange it for a piece of River Map Fragment from the academy in one fell swoop.

Of course, all of this is based on whether he can obtain the Dao Emperor's inheritance.

In addition to this matter, he still has to work hard to practice. If he can break through again within a year and advance to the late stage of Da Luo, then he can also choose to cooperate with the mysterious woman a little bit, so as to obtain another fragment of the river map from her.

However, regarding this matter, Chen Xi still remained extremely calm and vigilant. Even if he was able to cooperate with the other party a year later, he would make thorough preparations in advance to avoid any accidents.

"Well, I still have to pay a visit to Zuoqiu Taiwu and inquire about Zuoqiu's affairs when I have time, but this matter is not urgent. When I enter the inner courtyard, I can visit him at any time when I have time. Identity, you shouldn’t refuse my visit.”

The more he thought about it, Chen Xi suddenly discovered that there were a lot of things in his body, and his time seemed to be becoming more and more urgent.

"1 years is too long, just seize the day."

Chen Xi smiled wryly and shrugged his shoulders, but he was very clear in his heart that as the pressure increased, it indirectly proved that he was getting closer to his goal.

Such as rescuing his mother Zuoqiu Xue, such as exploring the grievances between Jiuhua Sword Sect and Misty Immortal Mountain...

In the past, he just persisted, but his hope was very slim, but now it is different, he has gained a foothold in the fairy world, has a strong strength, and those vague hopes are becoming clearer and closer.

As the saying goes, only by persevering, hope will come to your door.

"Unfortunately, the strength is far from enough, and we need to hurry up and practice!"

Immediately, Chen Xi had a look of determination. When the goal is getting closer, when the hope is getting bigger and bigger, and when all kinds of pressure are coming, the only thing to do at this time is to continue to work hard and be steadfast. go your own way.

Because this road is too dangerous, there is no room for any mistakes, and no room for slack and weakness!

"Huh~ finally succeeded." At this moment, Xiao Ding suddenly spoke, with a trace of lighthearted joy in his voice.

"What succeeded?" Chen Xi was startled, his thoughts interrupted.

"Naturally, it is to sacrifice the Nine Cauldrons of Shenzhou. Let me show you~ Although you don't need this treasure at this stage, it is an indispensable treasure for cultivating the Nine Cauldrons of God."

While speaking, the small cauldron was filled with divine radiance, and the next moment, a strange sound of the tripod wafted and spread in the cave, and one could vaguely see nine ancient bronze cauldrons emerging out of thin air in the gorgeous divine radiance...

ps: The third is later, after midnight.

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