divine talisman

Chapter 1270 Race Against Time [Part 3]

The nine tripods soar into the sky, and the ancient tripod bodies are engraved with patterns such as mountains, rivers, sun and moon, the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth. Each tripod body is different, but they complement each other, as if they are one.

"This is an artifact that sits in the world. In the period of the Primordial Meng, the Three Realms were not yet opened, and there was only one piece of heaven and earth. These nine ancient cauldrons were forged to suppress the luck of the Primordial World."

Xiao Ding pointed out: "It's a pity that during the Primordial Age, gods contended for hegemony, sages contended, gods and demons contended for the top, and many orthodox confrontations made this world no longer a peaceful place. Then, the division of the three realms brought the endless disputes to an end. "

Chen Xi listened to the little cauldron explaining the secrets of primordial meng, while looking at the nine ancient great cauldrons floating in the mid-air, his heart was filled with emotion.

He traveled all the way, and he had heard countless times about the legends about the Primordial Primordial Age, but every time he heard it, he still couldn't hide the surging blood in his heart.

For the entire Three Realms, it was a barren and ancient time, with frequent wars, raging flames, and the collapse of the world, all living beings could only struggle to survive in the cracks.

But for practitioners, it was the most splendid and most desirable period in the history of cultivation. There were chaotic gods and demons roaring in the world, ancient gods conquered the world, and powerful sages opened forums... It was also at that time that an unknown number of big figures and giants full of legends were born.

Like the Cangwu Divine Tree, the Supreme Ant, the Chaos Divine Lotus, the Immemorial Five Emperors, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches... Although their figures can no longer be traced back, their influence has continued to this day and has a far-reaching impact.

"Do you still remember the inheritance I inherited?" Xiao Ding said suddenly, interrupting Chen Xi's thoughts.

"Of course I remember, it's the body of the Divine Nine Cauldrons." Speaking of this, Chen Xi was suddenly taken aback, and said in surprise, "Shouldn't this exercise be related to the Divine Nine Cauldrons?"

Xiao Ding didn't deny it, but said slowly: "Emperor Yu cast the Nine Dings back then, not to suppress Hongmeng Kyushu, but to temper the body of Nine Dings, but when he reached the peak of Dao, he no longer needed this treasure. So the suppression of Kyushu saved all living beings from many natural and man-made disasters."

"It wasn't until the division of the Three Realms that Emperor Yu took back the Nine Cauldrons, and took the treasure to the battlefield outside the territory to fight against the powerful aliens, and finally..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ding's voice stopped, as if he didn't want to mention this past event.

However, Chen Xi already understood all of this. He just didn't expect that the Divine Nine Cauldrons were actually forged specifically for cultivating the Divine Nine Cauldron Body.

"It's no wonder that my second avatar has been stuck in the first stage of practicing this skill. Although the method is correct, it lacks a kind of external help. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to practice."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, but his heart was also very hot, and he said, "Senior, since that's the case, can my second clone use this treasure to cultivate?"

"This is natural. From now on, let your second clone practice by my side."

When Xiao Ding said this, there was already a hint of accusation in his voice, "If you ruin this second clone like you again, it will be a waste of money."

Chen Xi was ashamed. Indeed, since he had a second clone, he had been making him retreat in the star world, either to cultivate, or to help him deal with some complicated and trivial things, such as refining spiritual materials, receiving star value tasks, and so on.

Of course, this is also because he thinks that the deity is enough to solve all kinds of troubles, and he regards the second avatar as a secret trump card. If he encounters a life-and-death danger, even if the deity falls, at least he still has the second avatar as a way out .

"Cultivate hard. The Divine Nine Cauldrons are superior to the Taixu Rank Immortal Treasure, an artifact that even the Immortal King covets. It's a pity that your cultivation base is not enough, so you can't sacrifice it at all. And I am limited to cultivation bases that have not been repaired, so I can only Use it to help your second avatar cultivate the Divine Nine Cauldron Body..."

At the end, Xiao Ding seemed to feel a little sorry for Shenzhou Jiuding.

Chen Xi's heart was trembling again and again, the existence of an immortal treasure that surpassed the Taixu rank?An artifact that even fairy kings covet?If he advances to the Immortal King Realm, this tripod alone will be enough to sweep away all the masters of the Zuoqiu Clan, right?

"Don't think about it, now you are trying to seize the time to practice, otherwise people will know that the Divine Nine Cauldrons are on you, hum..."

Xiao Ding unceremoniously hit Chen Xi, making him recognize the reality.

Chen Xi smiled wryly, spread his hands out, but he could not stop sighing in his heart, not only the Nine Cauldrons of Shenzhou, but also the Sword of Evil, the Sword of Sacred Saints, the fragments of the river map, and even the meaning of the other side and the way of sinking that he had grasped. Can't even see the light!

Thinking of this, Chen Xi was actually a little depressed. He even remembered that the Xie Xie Pen and Nether Record kept in the Nether Realm were also taboo items and could not be exposed.

All this is because the power he possesses is far from enough!

"It's coming soon, I have only been in the Immortal Realm for a few years, and I have already advanced to the Realm of Daluo. I believe that it will not take long before I can advance to a higher level and control more powerful power!"

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi's mind completely calmed down, and his brows were filled with determination.


For the next few days, Chen Xi stayed in the cave all the time, not in a hurry to practice, but was sorting out and planning the next step of the cultivation plan, sharpening the knife and chopping firewood.

As for the second avatar, it was brought into the interior of the Shenzhou Jiuding by Xiaoding. The body of the tripod is a universe of its own, and it is nine interlocking worlds. Great help.

If it wasn't for the limited time, Chen Xi would also like to enter the Divine Nine Cauldrons to have a look, so what's so wonderful about it, of course, he just wanted to think about it.

After all, the relationship between his real body and the second avatar is like a left hand and a right hand. If he wants to know everything that the second avatar has experienced, it is just a whim.

But he doesn't have the heart to pay attention to these at the moment.


A piece of incomparably rare high-grade fairy material was listed, and then selected and picked by Chen Xi one by one, and finally they were collected into the Buddha Pagoda by category.

These fairy materials were also obtained from battlefields outside the territory, but they were rarer and more precious than the fairy cities that Chen Xi sold in Liujin Immortal Pavilion, and he was reluctant to sell them all.

"I heard that in the star value hall, various rare items can be exchanged for star value. I want to take a look at it some time. It's a pity that these fairy materials are sold, but they can be exchanged for star value."

According to Chen Xi's estimate, if these rare immortal materials that are almost extinct in the Three Realms are used to exchange star points, it should be an astonishing sum.

Now, the star value in his Purple Ribbon Star has almost exceeded tens of millions. The reason is that after he became the No.1 reward in the inner court assessment, he won a reward of 800 million star points in one fell swoop!

Coupled with the star points accumulated before, it is more than 8000 million. Of course, there is still a big gap between the goal of exchanging [-] million river map fragments.

It is far from enough to exchange Chaos original fragments equivalent to 6000 million stars.

"Now the second avatar follows Xiao Ding to practice the Nine Cauldrons of God and Nine Cauldrons, and the way to receive talisman missions to earn star points can only be suspended, and all of this has to be done by oneself..."

"However, this matter is not in a hurry. Let's go to the inner courtyard first. By then, there should be more missions with more lucrative star value rewards."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, put this matter on hold for the time being, and then started to deal with other things, he didn't dare to stop or slack off even for a moment.

Time was tight, but Chen Xi enjoyed this feeling very much, as if he had returned to the years when he was a talisman making apprentice when he was young. Life was hard, but it was extremely fulfilling.

And the meaning of cultivation to Chen Xi is nothing more than three words: Don't waste your time!

Perhaps it was also the tempering of the difficult years in his youth that brought Chen Xi all the way to where he is today, and he has never been complacent.

"The five fire and seven spirit fans are only short of one phoenix wing. Take some time to visit Zhao Mengli and see what price you have to pay to get this treasure from that old phoenix in the academy."

"Now that I have the seven methods of Yunji, I don't have to worry about the sacrifice and repair of the Buddha Pagoda and the Shi'e Green Lantern. I don't need it for the time being. When I am free, it will not be too late to go to the sacrifice."

"The most urgent thing is to comprehend the natal bone of the Yin-Yang Fish King. If you can grasp the two meanings of darkness and light, you will naturally be able to condense the law of Tai Chi. This is the power of the rare Da Luo Shenwen. My combat power will definitely be greatly improved..."


Just like peeling off the cocoon layer by layer, he sorted out the things he had to do one by one, and separated the front and rear order, which took Chen Xi a lot of time.

As for other miscellaneous and insignificant things, he was too lazy to bother.

On the road of practice, it is impossible to be perfect everywhere, and there are some shortcomings, which may be the most in line with the original intention of heaven.


In the cave, which is four feet long, half of the body is as dark as night, and the other half is as white as day, the natal bone of the Yin-Yang Fish King floats in the air, and the dense dark golden bone patterns imprinted on it glow, interweaving into one after another mysterious bone patterns Light and shadow, like ancient patterns, are reflected in mid-air, permeating wisps of avenue power from light and darkness.

The dark ones are born in the shadows.

Those who are bright germinate in the sun.

Yin and Yang complement each other, dragon and tiger help each other as one, and darkness and light blend together to form Tai Chi.

This is the true meaning of the Dao, which comes from the natal bone of the Yin-Yang Fish King. This kind of ancient alien species was born in the Taikoo Dao. If it were not in the tomb left by the ancient Emperor Yu, it would be difficult to find it.

The value of this bone is so great that it is even slightly better than the Kunpeng's bone, which contains the will of devouring dao, and the bone of phoenix, which contains the will of immortality.

The reason is that this Dao of Tai Chi contains the four profound meanings of the Dao of Yin and Yang, darkness and light, and it is an extremely powerful and rare Law of Daluo.

Chen Xi held his breath and focused his attention, his mind was immersed in it, and he calmed down to comprehend, his expression remained calm, and he had already fallen into the state of comprehension.


ps: This chapter adds more to Happy Doudian Children's Shoes ~ Thank you for joining us!In addition, this book has entered the later stage of burying the pit, there are two main lines and one hidden line, and there are a lot of other clues, which are intricate and complicated. One or two, let me write slowly and calmly.

As for the unfinished eunuch, it is impossible, unless... something irresistible happens, it will involve my safety, it is not auspicious, and I will not say much, in short, I am doing my best to write , please feel at ease and read the book.

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