divine talisman

Chapter 1271 The 1st Lesson [Part 1]

This day, early in the morning.

With a buzzing sound, there was a wave of vibration outside the cave, which made Chen Xi wake up from his meditation.

"Chen Xi, are you ready?"

Chen Xi casually opened the cave's restraint, and Ji Xuanbing's clear voice came out.

This made him slightly startled, then he patted his forehead, and finally remembered that today was the day to enter the inner courtyard.

"Brother Ji, wait a moment, I'll be right here."

Chen Xi put away the natal bone of the Yin-Yang Fish King, got up and left the cave, and a trace of regret slipped through his heart, and he immediately regained his composure.

In just a few days, he only had a preliminary understanding of the dark and light profound meanings of the Dao, and he has not realized it, let alone mastered it, and regrets are inevitable.

When Chen Xi came outside the cave, he saw Ji Xuanbing, who was wearing a light golden feather coat, standing with his hands behind his back. When he saw him appear, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Let's go, all of our disciples who passed the inner court assessment today will participate in a unique ceremony, you have to be mentally prepared."

Ji Xuanbing smiled and exchanged greetings with Chen Xi, then headed straight into the distance.

"Brother Ji, is it important to enter the inner courtyard this time?"

Chen Xi followed and asked curiously.

"It's nothing special, it's just that the head of the inner court has a weird temper. Every time a new student enters the inner court, he will use various methods to ravage him... Well, it's a tempering session. It's called the first class in the inner court. class."

Ji Xuanbing took a deep breath, then smiled wryly and shrugged, "No matter who it is, they can't escape."

Chen Xi was stunned, the first class?Sharpen it?This seems to be the legendary shaming power...


Among the five campuses of Daohuang Academy, the inner courtyard is undoubtedly the place most yearned for by all the students of the outer courtyard.

The inner courtyard is located in the core area of ​​the college, built in a vast expanse of fairy mountain basin, surrounded by green hills and arches, clouds are transpiring, and ancient buildings are scattered in it, like a country standing in the basin.

Different from ordinary kingdoms, the layout of the inner courtyard blends with the surrounding fairy mountains, creating nature.

I saw the auspicious light swaying in the sky, clustered with auspicious clouds of five colors, and on the ground, cranes fluttering, divine steeds and white deer looming, skinny vines wrapping around old trees, strange flowers spewing green clouds, golden lions and jade elephants lingering lazily, black apes and green pheasants running together. Leaping, Lanzhi is planted in many valleys, fairy medicine grows everywhere on cliffs, ancient palaces and jade halls are full of stars, and rice paddies are lined up like shuttles.

This situation and this scene, ingeniously seized the good fortune, like a piece of immortal treasure land.

When Chen Xi and Ji Xuanbing arrived, seeing such a picturesque scene, they were also amazed in their hearts.

"This kind of blessed land can't be found even in my home." Ji Xuanbing said with emotion.

He was born in an ancient imperial family, but he expressed such emotion, it can be seen how beautiful the layout of the inner courtyard is.

Chen Xi also took a deep breath, feeling that there is not only a rich and mellow fairy spirit in this world, but also chaos, primordial, good fortune, primordial... and so on. He can even feel the power of auspicious luck !

This is terrifying!

Perhaps only Daohuang Academy would have such a great effort to open up such a blessed land for the disciples of the inner courtyard to practice.

Just when the two were feeling emotional, a rough and thick roar resounded like a thunderclap—"The two bastards over there, what's so interesting about some dilapidated landscapes, hurry up and gather!"

In a word, it immediately destroyed the peaceful mood of this fairy mountain and blessed land.


This was not over yet, with that shocking and thorough roar, two ten thousand mountains suddenly appeared out of thin air, wrapped in a violent force, and ruthlessly smashed towards Chen Xi and Ji Xuanbing.

That power was so violent that it crushed the void until there was a loud rumbling noise. Caught off guard, Chen Xi and Ji Xuanbing could only rely on their reactions to resist.


The mountain exploded, gravel flew, and smoke and dust filled the air. Although Chen Xi and Ji Xuanbing didn't suffer any injuries, they were disgraced and extremely embarrassed.

Chen Xi's face immediately sank, his expression was not good.

"Don't get angry, it's Dean Chi Cangsheng!" Seeing this, Ji Xuanbing quickly reminded him via voice transmission.

Chen Xi frowned, and sure enough, he saw that in that extremely far place, there was a vast platform with an area of ​​a thousand acres. On that platform, there were already many figures standing, and in front of those figures, stood a skinny low old man.

He has gray beard and disheveled hair, wears a patchwork cloak and Lu Song belt around his waist, with dry cheeks and ordinary appearance, a pair of abyss-like eyes are full of violence, contempt, rebellion, and surly aura. Trembling, as if facing a monstrous beast from the wild years.

This person is Chi Cangsheng, the dean of the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy!

An old school antique known for his surly temper, violent arrogance, has been in the inner courtyard for an unknown number of years, and his strength is also unfathomable.

Obviously, the roar just now came from Chi Cangsheng's mouth, and the Wanren Mountain that suddenly fell on Chen Xi and Ji Xuanbing was also naturally written by Chi Cangsheng.

"This old guy is really as surly and irritable as Ji Xuanbing said."

Chen Xi gritted his teeth secretly in his heart, and finally had a preliminary insight into the temperament and methods of Chi Cangsheng, the head of the inner courtyard.

"Let's hurry over. This first class... will not end so easily. You must be careful and be patient. In the eyes of this old guy, it doesn't matter who you are or what your status is, and it doesn't matter whether you are wrong or not. When you talk about beating someone, you will never frown."

Ji Xuanbing was in a heavy heart, and together with Chen Xi, he quickly fled towards the distant platform.


When Chen Xi and Ji Xuanbing arrived on the platform, quite a few figures had already gathered, including Zhao Mengli and Fozi Zhenlu.

However, no one in the room dared to whisper to each other. They all stood there quietly, keeping their mouths shut. Many people also had a heavy look on their brows.

Apparently, when facing Chi Cangsheng, the dean of the inner courtyard who is known for being surly and violent, they were also under great pressure in their hearts. Even Ao Zhanbei, who was extremely arrogant in the Dragon Realm, restrained his temper and could not be bored. Stand there without saying a word.

Seeing this, Chen Xi and Ji Xuanbing exchanged glances, and they also obediently stood on the side of the crowd, remaining silent.

"I don't know what kind of tricks this old guy is going to make in his first class. Shouldn't he clean up these new students in the inner courtyard one by one?"

Chen Xi murmured to himself, but he noticed in his field of vision that on one side of this vast and flat platform stood an ancient stone tablet that was a hundred feet high. The names of the students in the inner courtyard.

In an instant, Chen Xi understood that this must be another list in the academy—the Purple Ribbon Gold List!The names that can rank among them are all the top existences among the inner court disciples.

Of course, there are two types of disciples in the inner court. One is the disciples of the Great Luo Realm, with about 300 disciples, and the other is the disciples of the Holy Immortal Realm, with about [-] disciples. Submerged cultivation, but basically non-interference with each other.

The reason for the small number of disciples in the inner courtyard is that every year some disciples step out of the academy, either to return to their original clan to serve, or to serve in the Immortal Court, or to travel directly around the world in search of their own avenue.

And the college also has regulations. When the strength of the inner court children reaches the Holy Fairyland and passes the college test, there are only two options. Either leave and go to the world by yourself, or serve as a teacher in the college. Of course, if you want to be a teacher Additional assessment is required.

Chen Xi moved his gaze upwards, and in an instant he saw that the number one ranked was Yan Yu? Ling Qingwu!

No.2 is Tie Yuan? Ye Tang.

The names of these two people were all shrouded in a shimmering purple-gold halo, releasing a majestic, awe-inspiring aura like the scorching sun.

The names below are all covered by a layer of golden light, without the trace of purple light full of majesty.

A round of scorching sun is out, and the purple energy is coming from the east!

Obviously, whether it is Ling Qingwu or Ye Tang, they are now recognized as one of the six scorching suns in the fairy world, and they seem to be different from each other.

However, what made Chen Xi curious was, what method would he use to evaluate if he wanted to be among the scorching sun?Could it be that the purple halo covering the names of Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang has something to do with being scorching sun's children?

Not long after, all the 47 disciples who passed the inner court assessment arrived.

Seeing this, Chi Cangsheng, who had been standing in the distance with his hands behind his back, glanced at Chen Xi and his disciples one by one with his surly and deep eyes, and suddenly laughed strangely, hoarse and ugly like a night owl.

Seeing this, everyone's heart trembled, their expressions were solemn, as if they were facing an enemy, and they knew very well that this "first lesson" was about to begin!

"Well, I heard that some of you little fellows performed very well during training in the foreign battlefield. Who is it, stand up and let me have a look first?"

When Chi Cangsheng spoke, his voice was like a broken gong, and a pair of strange eyes also coldly glanced at Chen Xi and the others.

Everyone was startled, how could they ask such a question, everyone felt that they performed very well, should they all stand up?

Chen Xi originally planned to stand up, but seeing everyone's reaction like this, he immediately dismissed this idea, and it was better to just watch the situation with a cold eye.

"Is there no one? Hehe, each of you is more humble than the other. It's rare, it's really rare." Chi Cangsheng sneered again, his withered and skinny cheeks were full of disdain.

"Reporting to Dean Chi, Chen Xi is the one who performed the best in the extraterritorial battlefield this time. He beat the other six academies by far. He is the well-deserved No.1 in this assessment."

Just as Chi Cangsheng's voice fell, suddenly, Zuo Qiujun in the crowd bowed and saluted, and spoke loudly, with a respectful and sincere expression.

"This bastard is deliberately trying to harm Chen Xi!"

Ji Xuanbing frowned, and glanced out of the corner of her eye, and she saw that Chen Xi's eyes turned cold at this moment. Obviously, Chen Xi also realized Zuoqiu Jun's ulterior motives.

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