divine talisman

Chapter 1272 Squatting on the ground and drawing circles [Part 2]

Zuoqiu Jun opened his mouth abruptly, which also attracted the attention of others, especially when he heard the content of the words clearly, everyone had different expressions, some were gloating, and some were frowning.

However, no one dared to speak, lest they get into trouble and be caught by Chi Cangsheng to "sharpen".

Chi Cangsheng rolled his eyes strangely, glanced at the respectful Zuoqiu Jun, then looked at Chen Xi, his shriveled lips curled up in an undisguised and mysterious arc.

Everyone was stunned, is this old guy going to start "classes"?

Zuo Qiujun seemed to be bowing his head, but there was a gloomy look on his cheeks. Even though Chen Xi's life could not be killed by doing so, it might be very good to watch him suffer.

Chen Xi also secretly took a deep breath at this moment, and told himself that no matter what tricks this old guy was playing, he just had to do it himself, and he must never be offended.

"The previous students of the inner courtyard all know that when I speak, what I dislike the most is being interrupted."

Unexpectedly, Chi Cangsheng's eyes fell on Zuo Qiujun the next moment, his skinny cheeks were full of surly expressions, "And you, obviously didn't understand my nature very well, and made a big and small mistake." mistake."

The voice was so sinister that it made one's heart shudder, and everyone was stunned for a moment. They didn't expect Zuoqiu Jun to play with fire and trap himself in it.

Chen Xi also sneered in his heart, and suddenly realized that the dean of the inner courtyard seemed to be irritable and surly, and he seemed to be a very nice person...

As for Zuo Qiujun, the coldness on his cheeks suddenly froze, and he immediately raised his respectfully bowed head, as if he couldn't believe it, he still bowed again, and hurriedly said: "My disciple is ignorant, please ask Chi." Dean forgive me!"

The words are sincere and fearful, and the attitude is very correct.

What a joke, he Zuoqiu Jun is not a fool, how dare he talk back to Chi Cangsheng, an old man with a weird temper.

"Well, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it."

Chi Cangsheng nodded, and then smiled slowly, "However, you have to show sincerity when you admit your mistakes. Well, you go over there first, squat on the ground and draw circles. It depends on my mood when I tell you to stop."

Draw circles?

Everyone gasped, this is too disgusting, how can a great Luo Jinxian squat on the ground and draw circles?If it gets out, it will be laughed at by the whole world!

Zuo Qiujun's whole body trembled, his face changed thousands of times in an instant, from blue to white, his mouth opened wide, and he looked panic-stricken.

"Dean Chi, this... this... this can't... I..." Zuo Qiujun stuttered at this moment, looking as if he was mourning his concubine.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but be happy in their hearts, this is a typical example of harming others instead of themselves.

"Go as soon as I tell you, do you really think that the dean of me is just a display?" Chi Cangsheng gave him a strange look, without any hesitation at all, he kicked over.

It looked like a simple kick, but Zuoqiu Jun couldn't dodge at all. He was hugged hard on his body, let out a scream, and flew backwards, falling like a dog eating shit.

"Start drawing circles now, if the drawing is not round, I will slap you!"

Chi Cangsheng spat hard, and spat on the ground, forcibly gouging out a bottomless hole.

Seeing this, everyone's heart was shocked, and they gasped. If they said they would do it, they would do it, and if they said it, they would hit them.

As for Zuo Qiujun, he got up trembling with resentment on his face, then squatted on the ground obediently with his head sullen, his fingers trembling and turning on the ground, every time he drew a circle, the color of shame and indignation on his cheeks increased by one point.

Seeing this, Chen Xi was also overjoyed. This Chi Cangsheng's method of manipulating people was really unimaginable, and it was beyond people's imagination.

But before Chen Xi could be too happy, the next moment, Chi Cangsheng's gaze fell on him, obviously quite unkind.

With a thump in his heart, Chen Xi immediately became vigilant.

"Just now I asked who performed the best in the inner court assessment, why didn't you stand up?"

With his hands behind his back, Chi Cangsheng paced in front of Chen Xi. His figure was thin and short, barely reaching Chen Xi's shoulders, but it was such a thin and thin figure that brought Chen Xi great pressure.

Seeing this, everyone looked at Chen Xi in unison, and sighed in their hearts. Sure enough, in this old guy's "first class", no one was spared.

"I don't think I'm good, so I didn't stand up."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, looked at his nose, nose and heart, and replied calmly.


Chi Cangsheng raised his eyelids, and a cold light appeared in his eyes. He sized Chen Xi up and down until he saw Chen Xi was a little creepy, and then he said slowly, "No.1 in the inner court assessment is not excellent, what is it? Excellent? You are not excellent, so what are those bastards next to you? Scumbags?"

Speaking of this, Chi Cangsheng suddenly raised his voice, pointed at the tip of Chen Xi's nose, and roared, "According to you, the assessment in the inner court of my Daohuang Academy is nothing, is it?"

Chen Xi frowned, his eardrums were about to be shattered, but in the end he held it back, and kept his mouth shut. This old fellow was obviously irrational and messing around.

"Since you know you're wrong, then go draw circles too."

Seeing Chen Xi's appearance of swearing, Chi Cangsheng narrowed his eyes, and finally waved his hand, saying impatiently.

Drawing circles again...

Everyone was stunned, and asked Chen Xi, the No.1 freshman in this class and also the No.1 in the inner court assessment, to draw a circle. If this spread, it might affect the reputation of Daohuang Academy, right?

And when Zuoqiu Jun, who was squatting on the ground drawing circles, saw this, the expression of shame and indignation on his face eased a lot, as if he felt that if he could draw circles with Chen Xi and spread the word, more people would pay attention Chen Xi, not Zuoqiu Jun.

"I reject."

However, what was even more frightening was that Chen Xi refused without hesitation!

"Refused? Very good! I just like a tough little guy like you."

Chi Cangsheng suddenly laughed loudly, "However, do you know the price you need to pay for refusing?"

When this question was mentioned, many other disciples were slightly taken aback, and some past events emerged in their minds. In the history of Daohuang Academy, there were also many disciples like Chen Xi who rejected Chi Cangsheng's unreasonable requests.

As for Chi Cangsheng, he would also put forward three extremely harsh and perverted conditions. As long as he fulfilled any one of them, he would be considered as a successful refusal, and he could pass his "first class" smoothly.

"Also ask the seniors to give pointers."

Chen Xi's expression was calm, like an undercurrent of rock, standing still.

Seeing this, Chi Cangsheng squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Xi again. After a long time, he sneered and said, "Very well, I find that I appreciate you little guy more and more, but the premise is that you have to be prepared. If it fails to satisfy me, the end will be worse than drawing a circle."

As for this, Chen Xi didn't say a word, and put on a calm look of going all out.

"This guy is too stubborn. I'm afraid it won't be good if the old guy can handle it this time." Ji Xuanbing murmured in her heart, feeling both worried and admiring towards Chen Xi.

"The old guy shouldn't go too far. I heard from the ancestor that Chi Cangsheng has deep meaning in every action he takes against his disciples. Perhaps, all of this has already been planned by him." Zhao Mengli's clear eyes were full of spiritual wisdom. , thoughtfully.

As for the other children, some expressed sympathy and pity for Chen Xi, some gloated at his misfortune, and some worried about the "hardening" that they might face in the future...

"Have you seen the stone tablet that records the Purple Ribbon Gold List? Go forward and test your strength. If you can rank among the top [-], you will be fine."

Chi Cangsheng no longer hesitated, turned around and pointed at the hundred-foot stone tablet far away from the platform, and said coldly.


Ranked among the top [-] on the Daluo Gold List?

Everyone was shocked. This requirement was too harsh. The inner court had 800 disciples from the Great Luo Realm, and all of them were selected from the outer court through various tests. They were far from comparable to those from the outer court.

And the name that can be listed on the Purple Ribbon Gold List is the top existence among the disciples of the inner court. Now, to let a disciple who has just stepped into the inner court rank among the top [-] on the Purple Ribbon Gold List, this requirement is not only harsh, it is simply abnormal !

For an instant, everyone felt that Chi Cangsheng obviously did not intend to let go of the opportunity to "sharpen" Chen Xi so easily.

Only Zuoqiu Jun, who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles, had a bright expression, and he was somewhat looking forward to the consequences that Chen Xi was about to face. Was it worse than drawing circles?What kind of "hardening" should that be?

"If you dare to be distracted, let's draw here for three days and three nights." Chi Cangsheng frowned, and glanced at Zuo Qiujun, which made the corner of Zuo Qiujun's mouth tremble in fright. Dare to be distracted.

While drawing circles viciously, he viciously cursed Chen Xi in his heart...

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi just frowned, and stepped straight out, to the hundred-foot stone tablet. After looking at the stone tablet filled with misty golden brilliance, he took a deep breath, and slowly clenched his hands.

With a bang, waves of unrivaled immortal power rippled out of Chen Xi's body like stormy waves, causing the surrounding air to violently boil and fluctuate.

At this moment, Chen Xi had already pushed his own cultivation to the extreme, and hundreds of millions of golden divine brilliance were transpiring all over his body, as if he was bathed in brilliant divine fire.

He... actually intends to hit the Purple Ribbon Gold List!

Seeing this, everyone's eyes froze. After being shocked, they all stared at the past.

Chi Cangsheng narrowed his eyes, and there was an intriguing curve on the corners of his lips. He always heard people say how amazing this kid is, but I have seen it today, whether he is as powerful as the rumors say, and if he can't meet the requirements... Hmph, I can only blame this kid for not being worthy of his name!


But at this time, Chen Xi's fist was filled with five-color divine brilliance, blazing like a substance, and then wrapped in unparalleled strength, he ruthlessly smashed on the hundred-foot stone tablet, making a deafening roar.


ps: It’s gone tonight, good night everyone~ I’ll add an update tomorrow.

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