divine talisman

Chapter 1276 Dongfu Sword House [Part 1]

In the depths of the Taoist Palace.

A solitary jade disc stands there, ten feet high, with misty clouds on the surface, and there are sculptures of fairy mountains, each of which is only the size of a thumb, delicate and lifelike.

In front of the jade bi, there was an old man in gray sitting cross-legged on the futon, with his eyes slightly closed, meditating silently.

When Qingye arrived here with Chen Xi, she immediately bowed slightly and saluted that gray-clothed old man.

Then, he pointed at the jade disc and said in a low voice: "Senior brother Chen Xi, on this jade disc are listed [-] caves and blessed places in the inner courtyard. Xiangrui, Yuanshi and other different cultivation caves... we inner court disciples will choose the most suitable cave for cultivation according to our own needs."

"Like Senior Sister Ling Qingwu, she is practicing the [Taiwei Yuanshi Jing], so she chose the blessed land of the cave, which contains the energy of Yuanshi, as her place of cultivation."

"Senior brother Ye Tang is practicing the [Hunyuan Creation Art], and he chose the cave of heaven and earth that contains the aura of good fortune."

Following Qingye's explanation, Chen Xi was surprised to find that Qingye, a handsome young man, knew the exercises practiced by many inner court disciples like the back of his hand, which was not easy.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi, these caves and blessed places are different from those in the outer courtyard. There is not much difference between good and bad, only the one that suits you. If Senior Brother Chen Xi wants to choose, he should choose the one that suits him best."

After Qingye finished explaining, she moved away and let Chen Xi choose by himself.

Chen Xi frowned, a little hesitant.

As early as in the land of exile, due to the destruction of the mixed hole world in his body, he took a slanted sword and reshaped his meridians and acupoints with the way of runes. Since then, he has never chosen any practice method.

The reason is very simple. His meridians, acupuncture points, and even the movement of Qi in his body contain the mysteries of various runes with different attributes, including five elements, yin and yang, stars, devouring... and so on, so they can almost accommodate all kinds of energy. This kind of celestial power made him never think about choosing another qigong method to practice, and he didn't use it at all.

So at this time, for Chen Xi, the eighteen hundred different paradises and blessed places were all suitable for him, and there was no good choice at all.

"Which cave residence did Junior Brother Qingye choose?" Chen Xi asked suddenly with a twitch in his heart.

"Me?" Qingye was startled, then scratched her head, and said shyly, "I am practicing [Chaos Treasure Art], so I chose a cave that contains the energy of chaos."

As he said that, he raised his finger and pointed to a fairy mountain sculpture on the jade bi, with a flash of light, the fairy mountain sculpture opened slowly, revealing three cave dwellings, two of which were impressively marked with the names of Ye Tang and Qingye, and one is empty.

"What is the attribute of this cave?"

Chen Xi pointed to the empty cave and asked.

"That cave?"

Qingye was stunned, and said, "No one has paid attention to this cave for many years, and the reason is that the attributes of the immortal power in the cave are too violent, mixed with immortal power of various attributes, you should also know, Senior Brother Chen Xi, Sometimes it is not good to have too many Xianli attributes, and it will affect the future path of cultivation."

Chen Xi's heart moved, and he said, "I'll just choose it."

Qingye was stunned, and couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother Chen Xi, once the Paradise of Paradise is selected, it cannot be changed, why don't you think about it?"

Qingye did have good intentions, but to Chen Xi, this cave that no one cares about is actually the most suitable for him. The problem of complex and violent celestial power attributes is also beneficial and not harmful to him. The reason for this is naturally because His meridians and acupoints are completely different from others.

"That's it." Chen Xi said.

Seeing this, Qingye just glanced at Chen Xi in bewilderment, and said no more.

"This cave is named Jianlu, and you need to pay 500 million star points a year." At this time, the gray-clothed old man sitting cross-legged on the futon opened his eyes, glanced at Chen Xi indifferently, and said, "If you choose, you can Bring me the Purple Ribbon Star."

Chen Xi handed over the Purple Ribbon Star as he said.


Following a strange buzzing sound, Chen Xi's name appeared on the cave named "Sword Cottage" above the jade wall, which meant that this place had a new owner.

Then, the old man in gray directly returned the Purple Ribbon Star to Chen Xi.

"Junior Brother Qingye, let's go, take me to see my new residence, oh, your cave just happens to be next to my cave, if I encounter any problems in the future, I will appreciate your guidance."

Chen Xi said with a smile.

Qingye nodded embarrassingly and said: "I'm too stupid, I'm afraid I won't be able to point out senior brother."

Chen Xi was dumbfounded, and said no more, and was about to leave with Qingye.

"and many more."

At this moment, the gray-clothed old man sitting cross-legged on the futon suddenly spoke, hesitant to speak.

Chen Xi was startled, turned around and cupped his hands and said, "I don't know if Senior has any advice?"

The old man in gray stared at Chen Xi for a long time, and said, "You really don't know the origin of that cave?"

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"Uh, I remembered, that Jianlu Cave Mansion was the place where Senior Yun Fusheng cultivated, but since he left, no one has chosen that Cave Mansion."

Aoba on the side patted his forehead, looking belated.


Sword Cottage!

Hearing the name of this familiar legendary figure, Chen Xi also narrowed his eyes, but he never expected that no matter where he went, he seemed to be able to hear something about Yun Fusheng.

"You're right."

The gray-clothed old man spoke, with a hint of worry in his expression, and told a story of the past.

It turned out that since Yun Fusheng left the academy, no one chose the cave named Jianlu as their place of practice.

One is because the attributes of its inner immortal power are mixed and violent, and the other is because when Yun Fusheng practiced here back then, he left too many imprints of the sword way, which have not dissipated so far. If you practice in it, you must always be careful of these swords Shock attack.

"Of course, some disciples who don't believe in evil have always chosen the sword house in recent years, hoping to learn some mysteries from the traces of swordsmanship branded in the cave, but unfortunately, in the end, they couldn't bear it and returned home. Some even suffered a lot from their hearts. The damage has caused irreparable trauma to the practice."

The old man in gray sighed.

After Chen Xi heard all of this, he was also a little surprised and uncertain. He never thought that the cave he had chosen at random would actually have such a past.

"Master Lu, why... why didn't you say it earlier, if you knew this, you wouldn't let senior brother Chen Xi choose this cave." Qingye's delicate face was full of sorrow and guilt, as if he felt that he had harmed Chen Xi.

The gray-clothed old man helplessly spread his hands: "I just remembered too."

Qingye couldn't help but want to say something, but was stopped by Chen Xi, smiled and cupped her hands at the gray-clothed old man, "Thank you for your guidance, senior."

After finishing speaking, he and Aoba turned around and left the school.

"I swear to God, I really didn't intentionally harm this little guy... But this is really a coincidence, could it be God's will?" The gray-robed old man couldn't help but secretly sighed as he watched Chen Xi and the two leave.


Tianxing Xianshan.


The void fluctuated, and the figures of Chen Xi and Qingye appeared.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi, look, this is your cave." Qing Ye pointed at the Tianxing Immortal Mountain in the distance, and said with a smile.

The mountain stands high above the sky, the fairy mist is transpiring, and it is filled with rolling divine rays. The ancient trees in the mountain are towering, green, and fairy birds can be seen everywhere, showing extraordinary beauty.

In the middle of the mountain, there is a verdant cliff flat, and a cave mansion is opened behind the cliff flat, with green bamboos whirling beside it and ancient vines coiled, full of quiet and unremarkable taste.

On the top of the cave, there are two ancient characters of "Sword Cottage" engraved impressively.

Chen Xi sized it up and was quite satisfied. This place is slightly better than the imperial-level cave he lived in in the outer courtyard by three points. Not only is it filled with primordial aura of chaos, but there are also many immortals such as Good Fortune, Yuan Shi, Xiangrui, etc. The aura.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi, if there is nothing else, then I will take my leave first." Qingye cupped her hands and said.

Chen Xi also cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Junior Brother Qingye."

He is also clear that the cultivation of the disciples in the inner courtyard depends entirely on personal wishes. There are different courses listed in the Purple Ribbon Star every day. If you want to attend the lectures, you can attend the lectures. If you don’t want to go, you can also practice in your own cave. .

"In a few days, Senior Brother Ye Tang may be able to return from the outside world. At that time, I will introduce you to him. After all, only the three of us live here on Tianxingxian Mountain. In the future, we can often Let’s discuss and exchange ideas.”

Aoba said something with a smile, then turned and left.

Ye Tang?

Chen Xi was startled, thoughtful, this is one of the famous six blazing suns in the fairy world, if he can get acquainted with it, it will be beneficial and harmless.

While thinking about it, Chen Xi flew onto the cliff and came to the Sword Cottage Cave Mansion.

"Finally became a disciple of the inner court..."

He took a deep breath, took out the Star with Purple Ribbon and waved it towards the gate of the cave.

With a buzzing sound, an invisible restraining force rolled over, and the gate of Jianlu Cave Mansion, which had been closed for an unknown number of years, finally opened slowly at this moment, making a roaring sound.

Without any hesitation, Chen Xi stepped into it.

Inside the cave, with a radius of a hundred feet, there are futons, Taoist altars, beds, bookcases, case books, and other things of practice, which are simple and clean.

wow~ wow~

As soon as Chen Xi's figure appeared in it, a voice like a wave rolled out. It was a mist composed of various attributes of immortal power, including obscure and chaotic energy, gray primordial energy, clear good fortune energy, The jade-colored primordial qi...wait a minute, gathered and fused together, roaring in the air like surging waves, appearing extremely violent.

"Sure enough, as Junior Brother Qingye said, the celestial power in this cave is extremely mixed and violent. An ordinary person here might not be able to withstand the oppression of this kind of celestial power, let alone practice here... But for For me, it has become the most suitable place for cultivation."

Chen Xi surveyed the surrounding environment, but he became more and more satisfied with the cave he chose.


At this moment, suddenly, a wisp of sword energy shot out from the billowing berserk celestial power, like a flash of cold light, tearing out a trace of astonishment, and came to assassinate Chen Xi.

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