divine talisman

Chapter 1277 Sword Fight [Part 2]


A flash of sword energy that seemed to appear suddenly, wrapped in an invincible aura, rushed towards it, seemingly ignoring the obstacles of the void, and reached Chen Xi's throat in an instant.

This wisp of sword energy is so fast, and as thin as a hair, it is impossible to guard against!

As for this, Chen Xi seemed to have been prepared long ago. As early as when the sword qi shot towards him, he swiped his finger, and the surrounding void trembled. With a buzzing sound, the sword qi trembled, and the speed also increased. Get up slowly.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi reached out and grabbed this wisp of sword energy, and it turned into light rain and dissipated.

"Sure enough, it is a lingering brand of swordsmanship for a long time. The sword is pure and has a faint sense of sacredness. Yun Fusheng back then seems to have surpassed the level of the Great Sword Sect and touched the realm of the 'Sword God' threshold..."

"It's no wonder that for so many years, none of the inner court disciples has been able to live and practice here. Just this brand of swordsmanship is beyond the reach of ordinary Da Luo Jinxian."

Feeling the aura permeating the shattered sword energy, Chen Xi analyzed the power of this sword energy in his mind in an instant, and his heart also trembled secretly.

One must know that his current mastery of the way of the sword has reached beyond the scope of the Great Sword Sect, and he is faintly about to touch the threshold of the "Sword God".

If not, it would be impossible to block the blow just now so easily.

chi chi!chi chi!

Before Chen Xi could stop for a while, within the dense immortal energy that was tumbling like a raging sea, there were streams of sword energy pouring out again, like a violent storm, majestic and majestic. .

This sword energy is indeed terrifying, even if it stays in this cave for a long time, it is still extremely sharp. The attacks contained in each sword energy all possess terrifying power beyond the scope of the Great Sword Sect.

If it were other disciples of the inner court who saw this horrifying scene, they would have sacrificed all kinds of immortal treasures and tried their best to defend and resist.

But Chen Xi didn't, he just took a deep breath, his figure flickered frequently, and his slender and fair fingers quickly tapped out like a dream, every blow hit a wisp of sword energy with incomparable precision.

bang bang bang...

So at the next moment, the sound of sword qi bursting and shattering resounded in the entire cave, and every time it shattered, there must be a trace of the brand of swordsmanship left by Yun Fusheng that year.

"Ever since I entered the academy, I have been compared with you. It seems that no matter what achievements I make, I can only be tied with you forever, and cannot surpass you back then..."

"But this time, I don't plan to be side by side with you again!"

While defusing the terrifying sword energy flying from all directions, at this moment, Chen Xi also felt a sense of meeting his opponent, and the blood in his chest was rushing with pride.

He has never been interested in rankings, but ever since he entered the academy, he has been compared with Yun Fusheng from back then. After a long time, Chen Xi often wanted to give it a try. The current self is great.

It's a pity that Yun Fusheng has been away from Daohuang Academy for too long and has disappeared without a trace. So far, there has been no news of him in the Three Realms.

Taking a step back, even if there is news about Yun Fusheng now, after so many years, he may have already reached a terrifying height, and the huge gap in cultivation would not allow Chen Xi to have a fair chance to fight him. .

But at this moment, it is an opportunity to compete!

These marks of swordsmanship in the cave were left by Yun Fusheng back then. At that time, he was just a Da Luo Jinxian, a disciple of the inner court, and he was roughly on the same level as Chen Xi in terms of cultivation level and status.

Even the strength of these long-lasting kendo imprints is roughly on par with the level of kendo mastered by Chen Xi today.

So at this moment, Chen Xi has really met a formidable "opponent" who is evenly matched!

Therefore, Chen Xi wanted to take advantage of this golden opportunity to compete with Yun Fusheng from back then!


Bang bang bang!

In the cave mansion, the sword energy swirled freely, the cold light flowed, and the unparalleled sharpness swept across the surroundings, and Chen Xi's figure flickered and moved in the dense sword energy, and with the movement of his hands and feet, he dissolved the terrifying sword energy one after another.

The battle was fierce. Fortunately, it was in this blessed land with many ancient restrictions. If it was left outside, it would definitely be a peak duel that attracted everyone's attention.

It was a contest between an amazing swordsman of today's younger generation and an influential figure who left many brilliant deeds in the academy.

Across the boundaries of time and space, confront each other in another way at this moment!


Suddenly, Chen Xi's eyelids twitched, and he was keenly aware that there were no less than a thousand sword qi surging around his body at the same time!

These sword qi pierced his throat, top of head, chest, abdomen, wrists, knees, hamstrings... all the vital points of his body were almost wiped out.

This is not the point, the point is that these sword qi are shot out from different directions at the same time!

This is terrible!

It felt as if thousands of Yun Fusheng were attacking Chen Xi from all directions at the same time.

The law of time - the shadow of time!

At this one-thousandth of an instant, a word "eye" appeared in Chen Xi's mind, and his eyes also shrank suddenly at this moment, becoming dignified.

Manipulating time, transforming into flowing shadows, and superimposing many sword qi at the same time, this kind of attack is a bit unimaginable and appalling.

This was also the first time Chen Xi encountered such a terrifying attack since his cultivation, and an indescribably great pressure suddenly rose in his heart.


Under this incomparable pressure, Chen Xi's eyes suddenly burst out with a monstrous fighting intent, burning like fire, as if about to incinerate the sky, and around his body, the void suddenly produced a strange trembling and buzzing sound.

Like a swarm of bees fluttering their wings, every inch of space is vibrating with a unique vibration, which can be clearly seen with the naked eye, strands of space power are trembling, vibrating, and resonating with each other!

Law of Space - Space Oscillation!

This is a kind of god-given divine pattern that Chen Xi obtained when he advanced to the Great Luojin Wonderland. It is a complete space divine pattern. The only difference is that with Chen Xi's current ability, he can only master the first space divine pattern. Space oscillation, the force of gravity, and others such as space tide, space delay, space superposition... due to the limitation of cultivation, have not been mastered by him yet.

But even so, with the power of "space oscillation" alone, its power is far beyond the ordinary Da Luo's law.

The so-called time is king, space is respected.

Whether it is the stream of time or the vibration of space, they are both one of the branches of the two supreme avenues of time and space. There is no distinction between good and bad, and it depends on who uses it.

clang clang clang!

The moment Chen Xi cast the spatial oscillation, those sword qis that contained the power of the tide of time trembled suddenly as if they were being sifted, and made an extremely dense collision sound.

That is the power of space oscillations showing its power, like a millstone, trying to shatter, crush, and obliterate those sword qi.However, the latter is the sword energy that contains the power of time, and it can almost avoid this frequency-intensive "polishing" almost all the time.

That feeling is very weird, the power of time and space attacks each other, but it is like two straight lines that can never intersect, and cannot be touched by the other party at all.

Based on Chen Xi's current understanding of "time" and "emptiness", it is still difficult to understand the deep meanings contained in them, but he is very clear that the key to breaking this balance is not those two laws. The contest is more about who has the better control of the sword between him at this time and Yun Fusheng back then!


It is a method of skill for the imperial use of power, and it is also recognized as the most lethal and supreme way in the world!

On this avenue, Chen Xi has already passed through the realm of the sword's heart being enlightened, the realm of breaking all laws with one sword, and the realm of the sword's heart being self-centered, and is about to touch the threshold of the "Sword God" realm.

The so-called sword god is inviolable!

As soon as the sword is released, that kind of momentum alone is enough to make Wan Jian surrender, and he can't even think of resisting, so naturally he can't violate and blaspheme.

At this moment, all kinds of understandings gained from practicing kendo over the past few years flooded into my heart in an instant.

At this moment, Chen Xi's expression was unprecedentedly serious, his whole body seemed to be on fire, and his whole body was like a peerless sword from the abyss, releasing an immeasurably blazing sword light.

But in just an instant, all the aura on Chen Xi's body was suppressed, and all the sword light was contained inside, leaving behind only an extreme peace, the bustle was gone, all the lead was washed away, and it all returned to a kind of original peace.

Then, he turned his fingers together as a sword, and came out with one point.

An ordinary swipe of sword qi swept across the sky, but wherever it passed, the air currents, immortal power, dust, halos, sounds... everything in the void was silently obliterated by this swipe of sword qi.

Bang!Bang!Bang! ...

In this calm, the sound of space oscillations was swallowed up, and fell into silence, and the many sword qis that contained the power of the shadow of time, all burst into pieces at this moment, and the light and rain flew away, disappearing no trace.

With a sword out, you can hear the thunder in the silent place!

Up to this point, the many imprints of swordsmanship that Yun Fusheng left in this cave were all wiped out and cracked by Chen Xi's extremely calm sword, and turned into invisible!

However, it was also this last sword that instantly emptied all the strength in Chen Xi's body. When it was over, his face was pale, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and he fell to the ground, gasping for breath. endlessly.

Even the power of Dao Xin, which had reached the state of "heart and soul", was exhausted in a short moment, which made him feel extremely tired all over his body.

At this moment, only his pair of black eyes, as deep as the starry sky, were extremely bright.

Because he finally touched a trace of the mystery of the realm of the sword god!Although it was only a trace, the terrifying power made his heart tremble.


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