divine talisman

Chapter 1278 Visiting the door to compete [Part 1]

Thank you brother "lyn123456" for your support~


huh~~ huh~~

The heavy and rapid panting gradually became calm and long. Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Chen Xi, who was in a state of extreme exhaustion physically and mentally, had unknowingly fallen into a deep meditation.

Looking from a distance, his whole body seems to have turned into a black hole. The pure, violent, and miscellaneous immortal powers in the cave are constantly being swallowed by his body.

But in his mind, it was another scene, all kinds of kendo perceptions were like a blowout, and then they all merged into the kendo he had mastered.

This is combat experience.

You will never be able to realize it if you just hide in the cave and work behind closed doors.

And this unique battle was also the strongest peak battle that Chen Xi had encountered after he advanced to the Great Luo Realm. Under such tremendous pressure, he finally touched a trace of the "Sword God" realm. secret.

That level of power is definitely enough to benefit Chen Xi endlessly in the future.

Most importantly, in this battle, Chen Xi had already proved to himself that the Yun Fusheng back then was slightly inferior to the current self!

He made him break through a cage of obsession that has been lingering in his heart. Even if someone compares Yun Fusheng with himself in the future, he will only laugh about it, and will not silently remember it in his heart.


I don't know how long it took.

An unspeakable feeling of palpitations quietly surged into Chen Xi's heart, causing him to suddenly wake up from meditation, and when he opened his eyes, he still felt a little terrified and uncomfortable in his heart.

"Did something happen?"

Chen Xi muttered, this feeling of heart palpitations came quietly, it seemed too sudden, as if something happened in the dark, which caused him to have a "whim" like touch.

He took a deep breath, but he couldn't get rid of the throbbing in his heart, and he didn't want to continue to meditate, so he got up, paced in the cave, frowning and meditating endlessly.

When the cultivation level reaches a certain height, one can feel a trace of luck, destiny, and aura in the dark, whether it is related to one's own destiny, or to disaster, or to catastrophe...

All of this can be attributed to the ability of "pinch fingers and calculate, predict the future".

Chen Xi began to examine himself. The source of his palpitations was nothing more than himself.

The first thing that can be ruled out is the catastrophe, because he is only in the middle of the Luo, and he can't meet the catastrophe from the sky at all.

The second thing that can be ruled out is disasters. If the outbreak of the Three Realms can affect his own turmoil, the old antiques in the academy may have already noticed it and issued a reminder.

"It's not a catastrophe, it's not a disaster, and what will it be..."

Chen Xi denied his guesses one by one until after a long time, his whole body froze suddenly, his face changed suddenly, and he lost his mind and exclaimed, "This...how is it possible!"

There was an unacceptable sense of shock in the voice.

"Senior Xie Lian... he actually fell..."

With a clang sound, a blood sword emerged from Chen Xi's palm. The sword was four feet long, like a short halberd, and its whole body was bright red, like a puddle of blood in it.

The shape of this blood sword is extremely gorgeous, the hilt is turned upside down like a lotus flower in full bloom, and the blade is unparalleled in sharpness, with a dazzling and frightening luster.

On the inside of the sword body, there are simple and vigorous lotus flowers imprinted. Within each lotus flower, there are wisps of chaotic aura floating around, turning into an old man in a high crown and ancient clothes, shaking his head and reciting scriptures, You turned into a beautiful young girl, dancing lightly, performing sword tactics, in various poses and with different expressions, with extraordinary spirit.

If you look carefully, you will feel as if you are in a vast, terrifying and bloody battlefield. The gods roar, the holy screams, the sky is pouring blood, and the earth is filled with bones, filled with a tragic and terrifying bloody atmosphere.

If you were an ordinary person, just looking at this sword would shatter your soul in an instant and kill you on the spot!

This sword is the sword of Dao'er, which comes from the 99th floor below the sword cave of the Jiuhua Sword School.

Ever since Chen Xi took this sword away from the Jiuhua Sword Sect, it has been hidden in the Pagoda of the Buddha, and has never been used once. The reason is that this sword is a taboo thing, involving many terrible causes and effects. Once it is discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

But now, when Chen Xi took out the sword again, a blood-colored demon lotus pattern quietly emerged on the sword body, which was so red that it was about to drip, making one's heart palpitate.

"How is this possible...Senior Daolian is still waiting for him below the 99th floor of the Sword Cave, how could he just fall like this..."

But when Chen Xi's gaze fell on the pattern of the monster blood lotus, his expression suddenly became extremely complicated, with grief, bewilderment, astonishment, and disbelief.

"He... how did he fall? Was it Misty Immortal Mountain? Or did the Supreme Master take action?" Chen Xi was momentarily stunned, and he remained silent for a long time, his thoughts racing.

"No, according to Xie Lian's unruly nature, she will never fall silently like this. Maybe you can check to see if there have been any sensational battles in the fairy world recently..."

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Chen Xi's mind, and he caught a solution that was not a solution. Immediately, he couldn't hold back anymore, his figure flashed, and he had already rushed out of the cave.


But at this time, outside of Chen Xi's cave, a figure stood indifferently, with long hair loose and a cold and stern aura, and strong fluctuations of Da Luo's celestial power rippling around his body.

This person is none other than Meng Qi, a disciple of the inner courtyard.

He was ranked No.30 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List before, but it is a pity that just the day before yesterday, his ranking had been erased by Chen Xi, and he would have to wait half a year later if he wanted to hit the list again.

It is true that ranking No. 30 can get a reward of 100 million star points every month, but for Meng Qi, compared with these star points, reputation is what he values ​​most.

And what Chen Xi did was definitely a great challenge to his combat power and reputation!

A disciple who had just stepped into the inner court actually erased his name, and now the matter has spread throughout the inner court, making Meng Qi a joke, and I don't know how many guys will laugh at it in the future he.

It's a shame!

Meng Qi held back for a long time, but in the end he couldn't bear it any longer, and decided to come to Chen Xi for a "discussion", using this battle to wash away the shame he was carrying.

"When I was in Xianbuyan Restaurant that day, I thought that you were a senior brother in the same college. I had tolerated you enough. I didn't expect you to go further and further, which made me ridiculed by many senior brothers in the inner courtyard. I want to see this time, what exactly do you have?" You dare to be so arrogant as soon as you step into the inner courtyard!"

Standing in front of Chen Xi's cave, Meng Qi's heart was full of anger, wishing he could smash open Chen Xi's cave right now and beat him up severely.

But in the end, he didn't.

Because he was not confused, Chen Xi was able to become the No.1 freshman this year, and to enter the inner court as the No.1 in the inner court assessment, his own strength must not be underestimated.

Meng Qi didn't want to fall into Chen Xi's hands again because of his negligence. It would be embarrassing enough to have his ranking on the Purple Ribbon Gold List erased. , is simply discredited.

"Why hasn't Senior Brother Meng Qi invited to fight yet?"

"I feel that Senior Brother Meng Qi's mentality is good, he has not been affected by anger, and he knows that the new Chen Xi is not easy to deal with, so he is so calm and peaceful. During the invitation to fight, Senior Brother Meng Qi will defeat the opponent with the strongest means."

"Well, that's right, just wait a little longer. Ever since I found out the day before yesterday that this Chen Xi had entered No. 30 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List, I have been very curious about him, and now I can take this opportunity to see his true combat power. "

In the vicinity of Tianxing Fairy Mountain, there were still quite a few figures standing around, all of them were some disciples from the inner courtyard. Seeing Meng Qi standing alone in front of Chen Xi's cave, and still being so calm, they all murmured in low voices.

Meng Qi turned a deaf ear to all this. He took a deep breath, feeling the aura in his body adjusted to the peak state, and a feeling of self-confidence and disdain spontaneously emerged.

Let's get started!

Today, I want to wash away the shame on my body in front of all my seniors!

Between the opening and closing of Meng Qi's eyes, a cold current flowed. He put his hands behind his back and considered his words in his mind. Then he cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "Junior Brother Chen Xi..."


Before he could finish speaking, the restriction of the cave was suddenly opened, and a tall and handsome figure also flashed out of the cave.

Meng Qi was taken aback by the interruption of the well-planned words, and his expression froze slightly. Did this guy already know that he was coming?

However, since he already knew he was coming, why didn't he interrupt rudely after he finished speaking?Could this guy be too lazy to listen to himself?It's really insane!

Meng Qi's face suddenly darkened.

Seeing Chen Xi's sudden appearance, all the disciples of the inner courtyard present who had the idea of ​​watching the battle were startled, but they never expected that before Meng Qi invited to fight, Chen Xi would actually come to his door on his own initiative.


Seeing the scene outside the cave mansion, Chen Xi was also slightly taken aback, and immediately shook his head, turned around and was about to leave. He was thinking about the news of the evil lotus' fall, so he didn't even have the time to care about it.

"Junior Brother Chen Xi, I am here this time..."

Seeing that Chen Xi turned a blind eye to him, Meng Qi's expression became a little ugly, but he still tried his best to maintain the demeanor that a senior should have, smiled freely, and spoke.

"Sorry, I have something to do."

Before he could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Chen Xi, who was about to dodge and teleport away out of thin air.

"Why, is junior brother afraid to fight me?"

Meng Qi's face darkened, and his figure flickered, blocking Chen Xi's way.

"I said, I don't have time, please get out of the way!"

Seeing this guy being so obsessive, Chen Xi, who was already in a rather depressed mood, suddenly became a little displeased. He frowned and glanced at Meng Qi. Finally, he forced himself to endure his temper, turned around and walked away from the side.

He didn't want to waste time on Meng Qi.

"It's really arrogant! If you are afraid, just admit that you are not as good as me in front of all the brothers and sisters, and I will get out of the way. If not, you will only make me look down on you if you keep avoiding!"

With a flash of his figure, Meng Qi stopped him again, sneering again and again, thinking that Chen Xi was just afraid of him and avoiding his own challenge, but his tone was so tough, obviously he was bluffing.


ps: After the group number was announced yesterday, there are many brothers and sisters joining the group. There are only some vacancies left in the ordinary group. There are a lot of vacancies in the VIP group. Only Zongheng genuine users can enter. The group number is at the end of the last chapter. Welcome everyone to join, Goldfish Sweep the bed and wait~

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