divine talisman

Chapter 1279 Confidential Information [Part 2]

Looking at Meng Qi who blocked him from coming up again, Chen Xi's black eyes suddenly flashed a cold light.


In an instant, a thick and vast sword energy split from Chen Xi's fingertips.

This sword was picked up casually without using the true essence of the "Sword God Realm", but the fierce and stern killing momentum was equally terrifying.

Meng Qi shrank his eyes and was taken aback. He didn't expect Chen Xi to do it as soon as he said he would, without even saying hello. Coupled with the power of this sword energy, he also felt unspeakable. Under the pressure, almost subconsciously, he dodged to one side, not daring to touch his edge.

Of course, under such a sudden dodge, his posture was inevitably a little embarrassed, so when he stood still, Meng Qi's eyes turned red immediately when he thought that there were many senior brothers around him watching.

I was in the middle of an invitation to fight, but was interrupted by this bastard running out of nowhere.

I tried my best to maintain the demeanor of a senior brother, but this guy turned a blind eye and ignored me directly.

And at that moment just now, this guy went too far, he just provoked him a bit, but he didn't even say hello, and he slashed at him with a sword...

Facing this kind of continuous humiliation, who can stand this shit?

Meng Qi was completely enraged, he raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, his long hair fluttered, and his demeanor was very mighty and disdainful, like a raging lion after being repeatedly provoked.

But the next moment, his howling stopped abruptly, and his expression was dull.

Because Chen Xi took advantage of this split second to cast the teleportation technique out of thin air and disappeared from the field.

"Damn it! Chen Xi, you... you... you bastard, you are simply deceiving people too much!"

Meng Qi's lungs were about to explode, his eyes were about to split open, and his lips were trembling. He suddenly felt that his actions today were like a farce.

I was so serious, so solemn, and treated this sparring so seriously, but that bastard was so arrogant, so arrogant, and so despicably ignored everything I had done!

He even took the opportunity to sneak attack himself!


Meng Qi was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, and his face turned red. He glanced around, and many inner court disciples in the vicinity avoided his gaze one after another, not daring to look at him.

But Meng Qi seemed to hear a series of silent ridicules ringing in his ears, like thousands of swords piercing his heart, which made his cheeks look hideous.

"Chen Xi, I'm not done with you about today's matter! There's no end—!"

Meng Qi couldn't hold back anymore and roared up to the sky. His angry voice echoed in the sky above Tianxing Fairy Mountain, causing the clouds in all directions to collapse and echoed endlessly for a long time.


Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't know at all, nor did he want to know.

He is currently on his way to the "Xianji Pavilion".

Xianji Pavilion is known as the most well-informed place in Daohuang Academy. Every day, many latest news from the Three Realms gather there.

Among these news, there are changes in the structure of the fairy world, a summary of the wars in the three realms, new wonders and visions, new dazzling figures... and so on. It can be said to cover everything from astronomy to geography.

For cultivators, sometimes a piece of news may be able to exchange for a great opportunity, save a crisis, reverse the situation in a certain area, and obtain a magic weapon that they have always dreamed of...

Therefore, in Daohuang Academy, this "Xianji Pavilion" was also specially set up, and special teachers and forces were sent to collect important news from the Three Realms that happened all the time.

Of course, if you want to consult and obtain a certain news, you also need to pay a certain star value fee.


There was a wave in the void, and Chen Xi's figure appeared in front of an ancient and magnificent hall.

"Is this the Xianji Pavilion? As long as you can find information about Xie Lian from it, no matter how many star points you pay, you will not hesitate..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, let himself calm down, and then walked towards the main entrance of the ancient hall.

"Huh, Chen Xi? You're actually here. What a coincidence. I was just looking for you."

As soon as Chen Xi approached the ancient hall, an extremely beautiful woman came out from inside. She was wearing a fiery red dress, her jet-black hair was like a waterfall, and her skin was as white as creamy fat. The dignity and pride of man.

This woman is Zhao Mengli, the true phoenix descendant of the phoenix clan. When she saw Chen Xi, she was slightly taken aback by her beautiful beauty, as if a little surprised, and a smile appeared on her ruddy lips.

"Oh? Ms. Zhao, am I in a hurry?"

Chen Xi took a deep breath and asked.


Zhao Mengli was stunned, and stared at Chen Xi, noticing that there was a faint look of anxiety between his brows, and immediately understood that he was only here to deal with some urgent business in Xianji Pavilion.

"It's nothing. It's just that I was able to escape from the fairy king's tomb thanks to your help last time when I was on the battlefield outside the territory. After my ancestors knew about it, they wanted to meet you and express their gratitude in person."

Immediately, without procrastinating, Zhao Mengli quickly talked about her affairs.

"It turned out to be for this matter."

Chen Xi smiled, then shook his head and said, "It's fine for me to visit her old man's house when I have time. As for thanking you, there's no need, it's just a matter of little effort."

When he said this, he also remembered that he was short of a phoenix wing, which would be able to sacrifice the "Five Fire and Seven Spirit Fans", which was famous in ancient times. That "Old Phoenix" Zhao Taici's.

"Okay then, I'll go and reply to my ancestor right now, so I won't bother you with your business." Zhao Mengli seemed to want to say something more, but after glancing at Chen Xi, she immediately suppressed it, just nodded, and said Turning around, it turned into a fiery red rainbow, rushing into the sky.

"Before she left, she seemed to have something to say?"

Chen Xi frowned, then shook his head immediately, and walked into the main hall of the Immortal Pavilion. At this moment, he only wanted to find out everything about the fall of the evil lotus, and he didn't want to pay attention to anything else.

The space in the Xianji Pavilion is huge, and there are rows of light curtains hanging down in it. On each light curtain, different news are listed. Looking around, it is like entering an ocean of various news. , is spectacular.

At this time, there were already many figures wandering around, most of them were college disciples, and there were also figures who could see the teacher, which was quite lively.

The fact is exactly the same. The most lively area of ​​Daohuang Academy is three places. One is the mission fairy mountain, which is the place to receive various missions, and the other is the star value hall, which is the place to exchange various fairy treasures.

The last one is the Immortal Pavilion, where you can check the latest news that happened in the four thousand nine hundred continents of the Immortal World, covering everything.

After Chen Xi arrived, he looked around for a while, then walked straight along the hallway to the depths, and finally came in front of a light curtain after turning and turning.

On this light curtain, all kinds of news that happened in Misty Immortal Continent emerged.

"Huh! Senior Brother Chen Xi, it's actually you!"

On one side of the light curtain, there was also a plan. Behind the case was a young man in yellow. When he saw Chen Xi approaching him, he immediately got up and was surprised.

Chen Xi was startled, vaguely remembering that the other party seemed to be a freshman who entered the academy with him.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi, whose next name is Xue Zhen, had wanted to join the Chen League several times, but unfortunately he was unable to do so due to his lack of strength. Now he is working in this Immortal Pavilion to earn some star points for himself." The young man was also calm and generous, and introduced himself with a smile.

"So it's Junior Brother Xue Zhen." Chen Xi smiled and nodded.

"Senior brother, are you here to find out some news?" Xue Zhen excitedly said, looking at Chen Xi with a look of admiration, as if he wanted to be on the saddle for Chen Xi.

"Well, I want to know the news about Misty Mountain." Chen Xi immediately explained the purpose of his visit.

"Please wait."

That Xue Zhen took out an antique token, pinched the magic formula and swiped at the light curtain, the light curtain suddenly surged violently, and soon displayed a series of news about Misty Immortal Mountain.

And behind each message, the number of star points that need to be exchanged is marked.

However, when Chen Xi glanced over, he was a little disappointed, because almost none of the topic of the news had anything to do with "battle", so he was naturally not interested in spending star points to investigate.

"Could it be that Senior Xie Lian directly killed the Supreme Master?" Chen Xi frowned. If so, it would be even more difficult to find out the news.

"Senior brother Chen Xi, what's the matter, isn't there something you need among them?" Xue Zhen asked hastily.

Chen Xi nodded, somewhat dispirited, and said, "I'm bothering my junior, I'll go to another place to look."

Xue Zhen was startled, hesitant to speak, but immediately his eyes were attracted by a red color that suddenly appeared on the light curtain. It was a piece of news, but it was displayed in red color, which represented that this news was extremely important and confidential. , is a secret that only some old antiques in the academy are eligible to consult!

"The Misty Immortal Mountain was destroyed..."

Xue Zhen looked at the headline of the news, took a deep breath, and quickly raised his head. Seeing that Chen Xi hadn't gone far, he immediately rushed up.

"Senior brother Chen Xi, wait."

Chen Xi turned his head, and heard Xue Zhenfei quickly say: "There was a piece of confidential news just now, the title indicated that Misty Mountain was destroyed..."


Chen Xi's heart was shocked, he didn't listen to Xue Zhen's words at all, he directly returned to the front of the light curtain, stared at it, and sure enough, he saw the red-colored message.

Misty Immortal Mountain was destroyed... Could it be related to Senior Xie Lian?

Chen Xi's heart trembled. Just as he was about to receive that piece of news to check it out, he discovered that he did not have the authority to check it.

"Senior brother Chen Xi, this news is for the old antiques of the academy to read, not only the disciples in the academy, even ordinary teachers are not qualified to look it up."

Xue Zhen on the side quickly explained.

Chen Xi's pair of sword-shaped eyebrows immediately twisted together, thinking quickly in his mind, unexpectedly only some old antiques in the academy can be consulted?It seems that there may be some shocking secret hidden in this news...


In any case, I have to check it out!


ps: The third update is after midnight, friends who can’t wait to watch it tomorrow~

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