divine talisman

Chapter 1281 Huangqi Cangwu

Kill without pardon!

Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat, but his expression was as calm as before, he pursed his lips and remained silent, but secretly guessed in his heart, what was the purpose of this ancestor of the Phoenix clan saying those words?

It's a pity that after Zhao Taici said these words, he didn't say any more, and led Chen Xi all the way to a tree that was hundreds of feet thick and extremely ancient.

This ancient tree holds the sky, its canopy is like a cover, it covers the sky, and casts a thick shade. Its branches and leaves are green and glittering, emitting wisps of auspicious light, and the light and rain are flying, which is very spectacular.

Standing in front of it, people are like ants, living insignificantly.

This is the place where Zhao Taici lives in seclusion, a Cangwu sacred tree that has stood here for an unknown number of years!

Seeing this Cangwu sacred tree, Chen Xi felt a burst of suspicion again. He keenly sensed that the Cangwu seedlings in his body actually had a tinge of desire at this moment, as if wishing to take this ancient tree in front of him as his own.

wow~ wow~

But at this time, the ancient Cangwu tree standing quietly in front of him suddenly swayed, its branches and leaves swayed, as if waking up from a deep sleep, and hundreds of millions of green rays of auspicious light floated out, covering Chen Xi's entire body.

In just a split second, Chen Xi clearly felt that the Cangwu seedling in his body was absorbing the original power of the Cangwu sacred tree in front of him!

Chen Xi was startled in his heart, and quickly activated his Qi machine to suppress the breath of the Cangwu seedlings, which interrupted all of this, but when he glanced at Zhao Taici and Zhao Mengli, they didn't seem very surprised.


Zhao Taici glanced at Zhao Mengli.

"It turns out that's the case."

Zhao Mengli nodded, and her gaze towards Chen Xi became much brighter.

Chen Xi was stunned, did they already know that they had Cangwu seedlings?

"You should know that in the ancient times, the Cangwu sacred tree that was born in Hongmeng and penetrated between the fairy world and the human world suffered a change that affected the world and fell into the abyss of Cangwu. Since then, the monks in the world If you want to enter the fairy world, you must go through three disasters and nine calamities before you can ascend to the sky."

Zhao Taici looked up at the Cangwu Sacred Tree standing in front of him, with a clear and melodious voice, and said slowly, "But I'm afraid you don't know that the Cangwu Sacred Tree... is the place where the ancestor of my Phoenix Clan passed his enlightenment."

Chen Xi was startled, he really did not expect that the Cangwu Divine Tree had such a connection with the Phoenix Clan.

The ancestor of the Phoenix clan was naturally the legendary Chaos True Phoenix, a terrifying existence that was born in the primordial chaos before ancient times!

"So in my Phoenix Clan, I have always regarded the Cangwu Divine Tree as the ancestral land of Daoyuan. Unfortunately, after the catastrophe happened, all the beings of my Phoenix Clan have no chance to see the ancestral land of Daoyuan."

Zhao Taici sighed softly, snow-white silver hair was fluttering in the wind, but there was a touch of vicissitudes and sadness on the girlish and incomparably beautiful face.

Chen Xi didn't feel much emotion about this. He could understand some things, but he couldn't empathize with them, just like now.

In particular, the ancestral land of Daoyuan mentioned by Zhao Taici is also faintly related to the Cangwu seedlings in his body, which makes him unable to feel too much emotion, but a little worry arises in his heart.

"I came to you this time, one is to express your kindness to Meng Li, and the other is to borrow the Cangwu seedlings in your hands."

Zhao Taici turned his head, stared at Chen Xi with his deep eyes glowing with golden flames, and said calmly.

Chen Xi sighed in his heart, it really is so!

"Of course, as a reward, I will not only give you a pair of phoenix wings, but also give you a great opportunity!"

Zhao Taici's deep eyes flashed with dazzling light, as if he could see through Chen Xi's thoughts, and the corners of her lips could not help but contemptuously. She put her hands behind her back, and said calmly, "Look at the Cangwu sacred tree in front of you, it was made by me. It has been planted and has stood for no less than 10 years, and the celestial power it has absorbed is enough to allow a big world to absorb it for tens of thousands of years. When I return your Cangwu seedlings, I will also want to give you this tree as a gift. "

Chen Xi's heart shook violently, but he never expected that Zhao Taici would pay such a high price in order to borrow his own Cangwu seedlings.

Of course he knew that with Zhao Taici's status and identity, there was no need to talk so much to him, and the reason why she did this also showed that she had no intention of possessing Cangwu Miaomiao.

"Seniors love you dearly, but juniors are more respectful than obedience."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, opened his lips immediately, and spewed out a misty green glow. Amidst the rays of light, a green seedling with strong branches emerged, it was the Cangwu seedling.

Then, holding the Cangwu seedlings in both hands, he handed them to Zhao Taici.

Seeing that Chen Xi was so happy that he agreed almost without hesitation, Zhao Taici was also slightly surprised.

But immediately, her eyes fell on the Cangwu seedling, and the calm, graceful, and noble expression was also faintly complicated at this moment.

Not only her, but also Zhao Mengli on one side, her eyes were blurred, staring at the Cangwu seedling, excited and silent.

Huang Qi Cang Wu!

According to ancient legend, the first ancestor of the Huang Clan to prove the Three Realms came from the help of the Cangwu Sacred Tree. Since then, all the living beings of the Huang Clan have regarded the Cangwu Sacred Tree as the ancestral land of the Dao, implying that the practice of the Phoenix Clan has all kinds of methods, and its source is all From Cangwu Shenmu.

Now, after a long time, Zhao Taici and Zhao Mengli couldn't help feeling turbulent when they were able to see the seedlings left behind by the Cangwu Shenshu with their own eyes.

"If there is nothing else, the junior will leave."

Chen Xi calmly cupped his hands.

"After three months, remember to come here, and I will prepare everything you deserve."

Zhao Taici nodded.

At that moment, Chen Xi turned to leave, but he muttered in his heart: "In three months, you can exchange for a pair of Phoenix wings and an ancient Cangwu tree that has stood for 10 years. What a great deal..."

"This little guy is full of courage, no wonder that old bastard Chi Cangsheng can't do anything about him." Watching Chen Xi disappear into the Cangwu Forest, Zhao Taici suddenly chuckled and let out a sigh of emotion.

"Old Ancestor, he... saved me last time, and this time he lent me Cangwu Seedlings. Why do I feel that I owe him so much?" Zhao Mengli frowned like Mo Dai, and a trace of bewilderment flashed in her clear eyes.

"What do you owe? Don't you think that the phoenix wings of our Phoenix Clan and the ancient Cangwu tree I planted with my own hands are worthless? If it wasn't for helping you cultivate, I wouldn't spend such a large amount of money."

Zhao Taici cursed with a smile.

Immediately, the smile on her face faded little by little, her eyes were dim, and she said softly, "Speaking of which, this kid is the one who has taken advantage of it. After all, it is the seedling of the Cangwu Divine Tree. For our Huang Clan, , the meaning trumps everything... Tell me, if this kid fights the Zuoqiu clan in the future, will you stay out of it?"

Zhao Mengli was startled, bit her rosy lips lightly, frowned and pondered for a long time before saying, "Probably not."

Zhao Taici glanced at her, didn't know what he remembered, fell into silence, and said for a long time: "Then practice hard, you have to remember, that kid can have Cangwu seedlings, but others... can't!"


ps: Let’s make an update tonight, I have to go back to my hometown if there is something urgent, and I will make it up tomorrow.

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