divine talisman

Chapter 1282 Heart Has A Block [Part 1]

Thanks to the beauty "Li" from the other side of the ocean for the reward and support~


After leaving the Cangwu Forest, Chen Xi was not in a hurry to return to the cave, but just walked aimlessly in the academy.

He was in a rather restless state of mind now, as if a stone had been stuffed into his chest, and he felt an indescribably oppressive feeling.

All of this stems from the news of Xie Lian's death.

The Misty Immortal Mountain was destroyed, but the evil lotus was also sniped and killed by an existence from the Immortal King Realm from the Supreme Sect. This made Chen Xi even more convinced that the fall of the Chaos Divine Lotus must have something to do with the Supreme Sect!

"If senior Daolian knew about this matter, I don't know how he would feel in his heart..."

Chen Xi let out a long breath of turbid air, but his thoughts were vague. He thought of Dao Lian who was currently sitting under the 99th floor of the Jiuhua Sword School's sword cave.

Xie Lian and Dao Lian are twin brothers, representing the two extreme temperaments of Chaos God Lotus. The sun is bright and shines all over the world.

But no matter how sentimental they are, they have been silently guarding the Jiuhua Sword Sect and the orthodoxy left by the Chaos God Lotus. The Jiuhua Sword Sect has been able to stand in the Three Realms until now, and they have contributed a lot.

But now, the evil lotus has fallen...

Unknowingly, Chen Xi quietly clenched his fists, a hint of hostility flashed in the depths of Ruyuan's black eyes, and the oppressive feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

Too good to teach!

He knew that the reason why his state of mind was so restless came from this orthodox system. It was too powerful, and it had stood proudly on the top of the Three Realms for an unknown number of years. Among the entire Three Realms, only Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Dao Palace could compete with it. shoulder to shoulder.

This can be seen from the red jade slip that recorded the news of the destruction of Misty Immortal Mountain. Even Daohuang Academy regards this matter as a top secret, and only a few old antiques are allowed to consult this piece of news. When it comes to the matter of the Supreme Master, no one in the Three Realms dare not take it seriously, including Daohuang Academy.

And whether it is revenge for the evil lotus, or to settle the grievances of the year for the chaos god lotus, the existence of the Supreme Master cannot be ignored.

For the current Chen Xi, it is conceivable that when faced with all this, the pressure is enormous.

Even if he is a disciple of Shenyan Mountain, when he wants to overthrow a supreme orthodoxy that can rival Shenyan Mountain, it still seems extremely slim, even impossible.

Even, this is many times more difficult than destroying the Zuoqiu clan!

"Huh, isn't that Senior Brother Chen Xi?"

"Didn't he just enter the inner courtyard? Why did he come to the Imaginary Wonderland again? Could it be...he wants to break through again?"

"It's also possible that Senior Brother Chen Xi broke through in the Illusionary Wonderland to achieve enlightenment long before the Inner Court assessment. He broke through the Great Luo level in one fell swoop, and even created an unprecedented record, becoming the number one on the top 36 floors of the Great Luo Wonderland. The record creator, even the senior Yun Fu was squeezed out of No.2."

"Hey, so this time, senior brother Chen Xi is here, is he going to hit a higher level of record?"

A burst of uproar sounded, waking up Chen Xi who was in deep thought. He raised his eyes, only to realize that he had unknowingly come to the entrance platform of Illusionary Wonderland.

At this time, there were quite a few disciples from the Mysterious Immortal Realm of the Outer Court looking at him on that platform, with more or less admiration and fanaticism on their expressions.

Chen Xi was startled, then shook his head, intending to turn around and leave, but immediately, he frowned, and stopped suddenly.

"Right now, there is a blockage in my heart, and my heart is hard to calm down. If it continues like this, it will affect my morality instead. Why don't I take this opportunity to enter the 36th floor of the Illusory Wonderland, break through and sharpen it, and vent it..."

Chen Xi turned around, looked at the entrance of the Great Luo Secret Realm, remained silent for a long time, and finally took a deep breath, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed into it.

"Sure enough, it went in!"

"You say, can Senior Brother Chen Xi set a new record this time?"

"No need to guess, we can't see the situation above the 37th floor and below the 72nd floor of the Great Luo Wonderland, unless we can enter the Daluo Realm and enter the platform in front of the 37th floor of the Magic Luo Wonderland, maybe Only then can we get a glimpse of the clues.”

Seeing Chen Xi enter the Illusory Luo Wonderland, everyone on the platform was arguing for a while.


On the platform in front of 36 Qi in the Illusionary Wonderland, with a buzzing sound of void fluctuations, Chen Xi's tall and handsome figure emerged out of it.

On this platform, there are also many college students gathered at this time, but the cultivation bases are all in the Da Luo realm. Most of them are disciples from the inner court, and there are also students from the outer court.

When Chen Xi appeared, he was recognized immediately, causing a burst of whispering, surprise, vigilance, astonishment... and so on.

This is also a very normal thing. The current Chen Xi is like a leader in Daohuang Academy, flourishing in the sky, regardless of students, teachers, inner courtyard or outer courtyard, it is difficult to know him or not.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi seemed to be unaware of it, and his eyes immediately locked on the customs clearance stone tablet standing on the side of the platform.

The stone tablet is one foot high, and it is black all over, but the surface is filled with a faint golden light. It is the name of each customs clearance record holder, a total of ten.

No.10, Mu Daofu, a disciple of the inner court, passed the level, [-] minutes and [-] breaths.

No.9, inner court disciple Ao Ling, three quarters of an hour, twelve breaths.

No.8, Inner Court disciple Xuanyuan Che, 93 minutes, [-] breaths.


No.3, Yunfusheng.A quarter of an hour, 26 breaths.

No.2, inner court disciple Ye Tang, [-] minutes, [-] breaths.

And the one ranked first is Yan Yu? Ling Qingwu, who passed the score of [-] minutes and [-] breaths.

When he saw the name of the No. 10 Mu Daofu, Chen Xi couldn't help being slightly startled. If he hadn't guessed, this person was a disciple of the Mu Clan from the Seven Great Aristocratic Families in ancient times, and he was ranked No. 20 and [-] on the Purple Ribbon Gold List in the Inner Court.

This ranking is enough to eclipse many juniors in the inner courtyard, but it is a bit abrupt when it is placed on the customs clearance stone tablet of this fantasy wonderland.

Three No. 20 disciples on the Purple Ribbon Gold List can keep the No. 10 customs clearance record on the stone tablet. However, many of the top 23 disciples on the Purple Ribbon Gold List failed to make it to the top, which naturally seems a bit strange.

"It seems that the Purple Ribbon Gold List only represents a level of strength and cultivation. When it comes to combat effectiveness, perhaps the record on the customs clearance stone tablet is more real..."

Immediately, Chen Xi vaguely understood.

The strength of cultivation and strength does not represent the level of combat power. After all, some people have strong cultivation bases, but they have never had the experience of fighting against others, so the combat power they can display is naturally limited.

Like Chen Xi's brothers from the Jiuhua Sword Sect and Xihua Peak, like the Mu Linglong he met when he first entered the fairy world, their cultivation bases are all extremely outstanding among their peers, but none of them are good at fighting, because They have rarely fought against people at all.

And obviously, Mu Daofu, the holder of the No.10 record on the customs clearance stone tablet, is not only a powerful existence, but also an existence with outstanding combat effectiveness.

And when he saw that Yun Fusheng's passing record was No. 3, Chen Xi was startled again, and thought to himself, "These Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang are indeed the ones who can be ranked among the six hottest figures..."

Staring silently at the clearance stone tablet for a moment, Chen Xi turned his eyes away, and looked up at your entrance leading to the seventh floor of No. 30 of Illusionary Wonderland.

"Last time, by chance and coincidence, I broke through the realm of Da Luo in one fell swoop in the No. 30 seventh floor. This time, in order to break through the barriers of the state of mind, I will be brave and diligent. I don't want anything else, but a quick battle! "

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi's figure suddenly rushed into the entrance leading to the seventh floor of No.30, and as his figure disappeared, the star value in the Purple Ribbon Star was also deducted by one hundred. One hundred thousand.

No way, Illusory Wonderland is not something you can enter casually, every time you enter, you also have to pay a star value...


"Senior Luo Xuan, don't stop me. In order to avoid a fight with me, this guy actually came to the Imaginary Wonderland. I want to see what kind of tricks he wants to play. Don't worry, Senior Brother Luo Xuan, I won't be so impulsive. Fight him here."

As soon as Chen Xi's figure disappeared, on the platform, the celestial light flowed, and the void fluctuated, and two figures appeared one after another, one with long hair and a gloomy expression. Meng Qi.

The other is a handsome young man wearing a robe of Fenghuo Dao, a crown of snow-silver feathers on his head, a jade belt with fish patterns around his waist, and pine-patterned cloud boots.

His complexion is fair, his eyes are shining like stars, his nose bridge is straight, his face is unmatchedly handsome, his full lips are lightly pursed, outlining a sharp arc, standing casually, he has a natural and suave temperament like a jade tree facing the wind.

"Senior Luo Xuan! Senior Meng Qi!"

When they saw the two of them appear, there was a sudden commotion on the platform, especially when they saw Luo Xuan, many female disciples showed eager admiration in their eyes.

Luo Xuan, one of the most influential disciples in the inner courtyard, is ranked No.9 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List.

In the inner courtyard, this Luo Xuan even had the nickname of "Little God of Wealth with Jade Face", which meant self-evidently, he was handsome, rich, and powerful, how could he not attract attention.

What is rare and valuable is that this Luo Xuan has a gentle disposition and an open mind, so he is very popular with the disciples and teachers of the academy.

At this moment, when Luo Xuan saw everyone greeting him, he smiled and nodded again and again. After doing all this, he pulled Meng Qi aside, smiled wryly and said in a low voice, "Why bother? It's just a ranking."

Meng Qi gritted his teeth and said, "It's not as simple as ranking!"

As he said that, he looked up at the entrance leading to the seventh floor of No.30, and said coldly, "This guy must have already entered the barrier, I want to see how far he can go, if his My name can appear on the customs clearance stone tablet, without further ado, I immediately apologized to him and admitted that I am not as good as him... But obviously, this is impossible!"

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