divine talisman

Chapter 1283 Dao Heart Only Battle [Part 2]

Thank you x Hao for your great reward and support~


This is impossible!

The last few words were uttered by Meng Qi resolutely, each word was resounding, and there was even a trace of unconcealable resentment, which made Luo Xuan smile wryly again.

Luo Xuan stopped persuading, but just looked at the customs clearance stone tablet on one side, and said in his heart: "Although the Mu Daofu is ranked No. 20 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List, his combat power is outstanding, surpassing the vast majority of the inner court." It is indeed not so easy to squeeze his record down above his juniors."

Luo Xuan and Meng Qi were good friends, they entered the inner court in the same year, and they were inseparable. Therefore, when he heard that Meng Qi had lost his place on the Purple Ribbon Gold List and wanted to vent his anger on Chen Xi, he immediately sat down. Can't stop.

Because he has also heard of Chen Xi, and even has more comprehensive information about Chen Xi than Meng Qi. He is very clear about how great Chen Xi's potential is. It is still more than that.

Not only that, this Chen Xi has just entered the academy for only a few years, and he has already established his own faction Chenmeng, and has even gained the support of the Xuanyuan Clan and many old antiques from the Danzang Academy!

Even Luo Xuan would not want to be an enemy of such a peerless and amazing person. There is no way, the potential of this kind of person is too terrifying. If he is an enemy, he is doomed to sleep and eat in the future.

Of course, Luo Xuan is also clear that Chen Xi's foundation in the academy is not so solid and unbreakable, the most important thing is that he has completely become a hostile existence with the Zuoqiu clan.

And as we all know, among the seven great families of ancient times, the Zuoqiu family has the most powerful influence in the Dao Emperor Academy, and there are great hidden dangers and dangers for Chen Xi to be an enemy.

But no matter what, from Luo Xuan's point of view, it is the most irrational thing for people like Meng Qi and Chen Xi to be enemies. Even the Zuoqiu family has not been able to completely suppress Chen Xi so far, let alone Meng Qi?

"Sigh, I only hope that Chen Xi can break the record and completely get rid of the obsession in Meng Qi's heart. Otherwise, Meng Qi will definitely suffer in the end..."

Luo Xuan sighed softly in his heart, but he was very clear that his hope seemed unlikely to come true.

This is the level between the seventh floor of No. 30 and the second level of No. 70 in Illusory Wonderland. Who can leave a record on the stone tablet for clearing the level, who is not the top existence in the inner courtyard?

Like him, Luo Xuan, who is clearly ranked ninth on the Purple Ribbon Gold List, but in terms of breakthrough performance in this fantasy wonderland, he can't even compare with Mu Daofu, who is ranked No. 20 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List. It can be seen that it is not that simple to put one's name on the customs clearance stone tablet.

"You...are you planning to wait here?" Luo Xuan couldn't help asking.

Meng Qi said without hesitation: "Of course, if I don't watch this guy being abused, I won't be able to swallow this breath in my heart!"

Seeing this, Luo Xuan sighed again in his heart, and stopped persuading him any more. Meng Qi's almost paranoid state made him a little worried. I am afraid that some contradictions and conflicts will inevitably occur.

"Hey, I'll try to persuade you when the time comes, and try to avoid conflicts." Luo Xuan decided secretly.


At this time, the eyes of everyone on the platform were also staring at a jade wall in front of the entrance, on which a golden light representing Chen Xi's name was flickering frequently.

Breakthrough is about to begin!


The seventh floor of Magic Luo Wonderland No.30.

In the vast space, Chen Xi stood alone, his handsome face was filled with tranquility, except for that pair of abyss-like black eyes that was filled with a quietly steaming fighting intent.


Now he only seems to be fighting to break through the barriers in his heart and vent his pressure.

As for the rest, he no longer cares.


The Celestial Lantern Sword came out of its sheath with a clear voice, and was held in Chen Xi's steady and powerful slender right palm. At that moment, a sharp aura surged out from Chen Xi's whole body.

His long black hair fluttered, his waist was straight, and his eyes were cold and electric. Although he stood quietly, he had a breathtaking aura.

Qi refining cultivation, Dao state, fighting skills, fighting experience... At this moment, all of them were transformed into the purest fighting spirit, burning in Chen Xi's heart.

Dao heart, only war!

"After ten breaths, break through and speak." That familiar old and indifferent voice resounded suddenly.


A moment later, the void fluctuated, and a black figure condensed into shape, with a blurry face, but his aura and cultivation level were exactly the same as Chen Xi's. This was the No. 30 seventh-floor gatekeeper, an opponent who was on par with Chen Xi's cultivation level.

In the final analysis, the man in black is actually a manifestation of Chen Xi's self-strength, a projection of his will, cultivation, and strength, and defeating the opponent is actually no different from defeating himself.

Chen Xi was already extremely familiar with all of this. The moment the man in black appeared, his figure suddenly flashed and he used the teleportation technique to disappear out of thin air in an instant.


The man in black also reacted very quickly, he drew his sword suddenly and stabbed in the air, forcibly blocked the stabbing sword that came out of nowhere, the two swords collided, and hundreds of millions of sword energy erupted, sweeping across all directions.

And the whole body of the man in black was shaken and flew backwards with a bang, like a leaf of duckweed in a hurricane, every inch of skin on his body collapsed inch by inch in the hurricane, and disappeared in an instant.

"It's too weak, but its strength is enough, and its skills are too rough!"

Chen Xi's figure appeared out of thin air. Seeing this, he frowned and shook his head. His expression was indifferent, with a trace of dissatisfaction. It was the disappointment that the fighting spirit could not be vented.

"No.30 seven levels, one breath."

That indifferent and emotionless voice resounded, and along with the voice, a cloud of blueness silently enveloped Chen Xi's figure, bringing him to a higher level.


The eighth floor of Magic Luo Wonderland No.30.


Chen Xi's figure was like a sharp cone, tearing a long crack in the void, and in an instant, he was already ten thousand feet away.

And when Chen Xi stood still for three breaths, two muffled sounds resounded in the hall, and before the torn void crack, the throats of the two black-clothed men were all cut off, and their heads fell to the ground. It suddenly turned into light and rain and disappeared without a trace.

"It's still too weak, not enough combat power!" Chen Xi frowned again,

"No. 30 eight levels, one breath."


No.30 nine floors.

"The combat power is not enough!"

No.40 layer.

"not enough!"

No.40 first floor.

"not enough!"


As the number of layers increased, the number of enemies Chen Xi encountered also gradually increased, and as he successfully broke through the level, his slightly dissatisfied voice resounded again and again, echoing endlessly.

But beyond the 37th floor, on the platform in front of the entrance, there was already an uproar.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the jade disc that reflected the achievements of breaking through the barrier at that time, and as the golden light representing Chen Xi's name rose again and again, a look of amazement quietly appeared on the brows of everyone, and they became more and more excited. many.

"too fast!"

"It's only been 72 breaths since the start of breaking through the level, and this guy Chen Xi has already entered the No.37 floor from the 60th floor!"

"That is to say...he almost breaks through a checkpoint every three breaths!"

"This guy is really as perverted as the rumors say. I remember that when Senior Sister Ling Qingwu broke through the test, her grades were no more than that. Could it be that he wants to set a new record this time?"

People were amazed and discussed endlessly.

"No, you see, since he entered the 55th floor, his speed of breaking through the level has been significantly slower than before. Perhaps as time goes by, his speed of breaking through the level will only become slower and slower."

Someone frowned and analyzed carefully, "When Senior Sister Ling Qingwu broke through the barrier back then, she didn't slow down a bit until she rushed to the fifth floor of No.60."

"That's right, Senior Brother Ye Tang was also on the No. 60th floor, and the speed of breaking through the level slowed down."

"But no matter what, Chen Xi's performance is already astonishing enough. Perhaps this time, his name may really appear on the customs clearance stone tablet."

Among those present, only Meng Qi's expression was still gloomy and cold. Chen Xi's eye-catching performance did not make him feel any setbacks.

On the contrary, when he saw that Chen Xi's speed slowed down a bit after breaking through to the fifth floor, he immediately felt relieved, because he clearly remembered that the same situation as Chen Xi's happened at seven o'clock when Wooden Daofu broke through the level. .

Even Mu Daofu can only be ranked No. 10 in the customs clearance stele. How could Chen Xi break Mu Daofu's record?

"This arrogant kid, really thinks he can create a miracle every time?" Meng Qi sneered in his heart.

Luo Xuan on the side seemed to see what Meng Qi was thinking, couldn't help frowning, and sighed in a low voice: "Don't forget, even if his grades don't make it to the stone tablet, compared to what you and I say... "

He didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was revealed, that is, even if Chen Xi couldn't compare to those top ten record-setting players, he was still stronger than the two of them!

Sure enough, when he heard this, Meng Qi's face darkened immediately, his brows became cold, and he glanced at Luo Xuan in displeasure, and said, "How do I feel, your butt is crooked to Chen Xi's side?"

Luo Xuan was startled, and shrugged with a wry smile: "I just don't want you to be enemies with Chen Xi."

Meng Qi snorted coldly: "I'm just watching him break through the barrier. Who is against him?"

Luo Xuan pursed his lips and said, "I hope it's as you said." Obviously, he didn't believe what Meng Qi said at all.

"You..." Meng Qi glared at him, turned around bitterly, and said nothing with a gloomy face.

Luo Xuan opened his mouth, wanting to say something else, seeing him like this, immediately shut up and stopped trying to persuade him.

And at this time, in the first floor of Illusionary Wonderland No. 60, Chen Xi finally felt a bit of pressure after breaking through the level, because his opponents had already numbered 25!

"So what if I don't have the help of the Cangwu seedlings? I'll take this opportunity to see where my limit is!"

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and his clothes were loose. On his indifferent and calm face, the flames of war in his starry eyes burned like molten lava, boiling all over.


ps: After the early morning of the third update.

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