divine talisman

Chapter 1284 The Power of the Sword God [Part 3]

As early as when the Cangwu seedlings were obtained in the Cangwu Abyss of the Xuanhuan Realm, Chen Xi has never worried about the exhaustion of the power in his body since he practiced all the way.

Because the Cangwu seedling can restore its depleted power in a very short time, this almost heaven-defying effect also makes him invulnerable in every battle.

However, because of the existence of Cangwu seedlings, he has never been clear about the limit of his cultivation and where it is.

That's right, it's cultivation, not combat power.

Cultivation represents the depth of Taoism, and similarly, the realm of cultivation is also a step to climb to the top of the Dao. However, everyone's steps are different in height and hardness.

All of this is reflected in the depth of cultivation.

And in each level of realm, the depth of cultivation is often reflected in the power one possesses, such as true essence, immortal power, witch power, fairy witch power... and so on.

Up until now, Chen Xi's cultivation power he had mastered was only in the concept of being nearly a hundred times deeper than that of his peers. As for how deep it was and where its limit was, they were all vague.

The reason is naturally because of the existence of Cangwu seedlings.

But now, the Cangwu seedlings were borrowed by Zhao Taici, the Patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, and they were only able to be returned to Chen Xi after three months.

So up to this moment, after breaking through the Illusionary Wonderland, it was the first time for Chen Xi to fight without reservation by relying on his own cultivation power after entering the fairyland.

If it were placed on ordinary people, it would inevitably lead to an unbalanced state due to excessive dependence, but Chen Xi had never experienced this before.

Because as early as the beginning of his practice, Ji Yu once told him that on the road of practice, except himself, everything else is outside the body, and the Taoist heart should never be fettered by this!



As soon as that indifferent and emotionless old voice resounded, Chen Xi's whole body had already turned into a flash of light, flickering in the void, moving around.

And in his palm, the Immortal Sword of Lan Xing burst into billions of clear star brilliance, just like the dancing of the galaxy, rolling up the world, vast and brilliant, invincible.

This is the first floor of Illusionary Wonderland No.60, and the opponents are 25 black-clothed men whose cultivation level is comparable to Chen Xi's own, but when faced with Chen Xi's terrifying attack like a flood that burst a dike, they looked so unbearable , even powerless to parry.

Almost in a short moment, each of them was crushed and smashed by the radiant and vast sword energy like paper, and disappeared in a rain of light.

If such a scene was left to the outside world, it would inevitably cause countless uproars.

But to Chen Xi, this is an extremely common thing. Cultivation can affect combat power, but the display of combat power is not as simple as having a cultivation base.

There are also the cooperation of the realm of Taoism, the blessing of the power of immortal treasures, the display of combat experience, the support of fighting will... and so on.

No matter what aspect it was, Chen Xi had already reached an unprecedented height among his peers. When facing these opponents who were only on par with him in terms of cultivation, he naturally showed a look of contempt when he was crushed all the way.

"It's interesting."

After the battle was over, Chen Xi's black eyes became brighter and his frown slightly relaxed.

"No. 60 first floor score, thirteen interest time."

With a buzzing sound, the next moment, Chen Xi was coerced into the second floor of No.60.


"is acceptable."


"not bad."

"very good."

"This is the joy!"

As time went by, Chen Xi made great strides all the way, without stopping for a moment, and as the number of levels increased, the pressure he encountered gradually increased. However, this kind of pressure made his eyebrows stretch even more, and he felt a sense of relief. A hearty feeling of fighting.

It is a pleasure to crush the opponent.

Losing to an opponent is aggrieved.

Only when you meet your opponent can you enjoy yourself!

Obviously, with the increase in the number of checkpoints, Chen Xi has faintly found the refreshing feeling of meeting his opponent, but it is far from enough, because...he has not yet reached the limit of his own cultivation.


On the first floor of Illusionary Wonderland No. 70, Chen Xi let out a long howl, and the sword intent was like a raging sea, spreading in all directions. Wherever it passed, the men in black were crushed, crushed, obliterated, and disappeared into nothingness.

At this moment, he has a flamboyant demeanor, showing his sharpness, and his brows are filled with the supreme spirit of being who we are.

And in his body, the fighting spirit burned like molten lava, every inch of his skin seemed to be trembling and longing, and the pressure, lumps, and irritability accumulated in his heart... also obtained a rare vent.

Chen Xi is not a ruthless person, he also has his own emotions and desires, and he bears many heavy burdens on his shoulders. If he hadn't been tough all the way, his body and Dao heart would have been crushed already.

He also needs to vent!

Fighting alone so far, overcoming obstacles all the way, from the Great Chu to Xuanhuan, from the land of the netherworld, to above the fairy world, who will give me the hardships and bitterness in it?

Today, I don't understand my heart.

Here, I don't know what it means.

He can only vent all of this in battle and release it on his own path.

Perhaps one day, when he is able to set foot on the peak of the Great Dao, when he suddenly looks back, all the hardships and bitterness, all the pressure and catharsis, have become the most precious brand in his life...


"It's almost a quarter of an hour, and Chen Xi has finally stepped into the second floor of No.70!"

On the platform, everyone's eyes were fixed on the jade bi, without blinking, for fear of missing any details.

Since Chen Xi broke through the level, he finally set foot on the second floor of No.70, which made the hearts of those who had been paying attention to all of this tense at this moment.

If Chen Xi can successfully break through the barrier within thirty quarters of an hour and fifty breaths, Chen Xi will be able to break the record kept by the Wooden Daoist. However, now there are only about fifty breaths left, so... can he do it?

At this moment, even Meng Qi's heart was clenched, and there was a trace of indescribable tension in his gloomy expression, as well as a touch of resentment and loathing.

He did not believe that Chen Xi could do it!

Do not believe!

But at this time, Luo Xuan who was on the side noticed this scene, but he sighed again in his heart. He knew that there was no need to watch it anymore. Regardless of whether Chen Xi could set a record, his previous performance was enough to prove that even in a head-to-head battle, Meng Qi would not be able to. Impossible to be its opponent.

"This guy, why is he so stubborn, why does he want to compete with Chen Xi?"

Luo Xuan frowned, thinking about what to do when Chen Xi broke through and returned later, so as to prevent Meng Qi and Chen Xi from having a conflict.

Because he knew very well that even if Chen Xi broke the record, Meng Qi probably wouldn't let it go, because this guy is the kind of stubborn donkey who doesn't hit the wall and doesn't look back. As Meng Qi's close friend, Luo Xuan Nature is well aware of this.

At this time, on the second floor of No. 70 in the Magic Luo Wonderland.

Thirty-six men in black formed a battle formation, trapping Chen Xi from all directions. This battle formation was like a whole, covering and locking the four fields and eight poles, and there was no way out.

However, Chen Xi did not intend to back away.

Not only that, at this moment, his eyes are as bright as two burning suns, his whole body is full of fighting spirit, releasing immeasurable golden light, the momentum is unparalleled.


Rumbling, 36 men in black pierced through the air, crisscrossing and criss-crossing, disrupting the void. They seemed to be chaotic, but they formed an incomparably tight and trapped formation. With a destructive posture, they pressed towards Chen Xi in the center.

It felt like there were many sacred mountains moving sideways at the same time in all directions, and Chen Xi, who was about to seal off the escape route in the central position, was crushed in one fell swoop.

The momentum is extremely terrifying!

The pressure has also increased many times, which is completely different from the previous level. The man in black in the No.70 second floor level has obviously mastered the battle formation. Although he has no combat experience, he can use the battle formation to kill the enemy, but he is perfect. make up for this shortcoming.

Regarding this, Chen Xi stood quietly, his whole body seemed to be on fire, distorting the surrounding void into one piece, making his figure seem both real and illusory, all illusory.


The moment those 36 black-clothed men were about to kill them in front of them, the Immortal Sword in Chen Xi's hand vibrated violently, and the hundreds of millions of clear star brilliance permeating the sword seemed to burn in an instant.

The next moment, a thick and dazzling sword energy swept out!

This sword has a magnificent momentum, as if it came through the ancient times, a simple single sword, but it makes the world eclipse, and makes the void undulate.


At this moment, the swords in the hands of the 36 black-clothed men all trembled, as if they were about to break free from the restraints, and they let out bursts of wailing, as if they were surrendering to Chen Xi.

This is the power of the "Sword God" realm, although it is only a trace, but when used in the sword energy, that level of power is enough to smash the sun and the moon, and cut through the ages!

puff!puff!puff!puff! ...

There was a muffled sound, as the sword edge passed, bodies were cut horizontally, no one could dodge, no one could survive, and in the blink of an eye, all 36 men in black turned into light rain, flying across the world.

The light rain was too gorgeous, flying and drifting. Although it was not real blood, it exuded a bloody and deadly breath of chilling and sorrow.

And at this moment, Chen Xi's handsome face instantly became pale, almost transparent, but his eyes were as bright as before, like the brightest stars in the night sky.

"No.70 second pass score, 24 interest."

That indifferent and emotionless old voice suddenly resounded through the hall and echoed in Chen Xi's ears.


At the same time, on the platform outside the 37th floor, the name of Chen Xi that appeared on the jade disc also disappeared at this moment.


Everyone was stunned for a moment, and all looked at the customs clearance stone tablet on the other side. Then, their faces froze and they gasped.

Because the tenth place on the customs clearance stone tablet originally belonged to Mu Daofu, but now it was replaced by Chen Xi. Behind his name, there were a few glaring golden letters——

Breakthrough results, 24 breaths in three quarters of an hour!


ps: This chapter makes up for yesterday.I will stay up all night for the 4th update later~ It’s the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass~~··~~~

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