divine talisman

Chapter 1285 Swaggering through the market [Part 4]

Everyone clearly remembered that it had already taken Chen Xi two quarters of an hour to enter the second floor of No.70, so under such circumstances, almost most people believed that this time he wanted to break a record and put himself His name was left hanging on the customs clearance stone tablet.

After all, the No. 10 Mudofu also used thirty-quarter hours and fifty breaths back then, and under such circumstances, naturally no one would believe that Chen Xi could kill the man in this short fifty breaths. There are 70 opponents on the second floor of Light No.36.

But now, Chen Xi's name appeared on the customs clearance stone tablet, and his record was only 24 breaths in three quarters of an hour. In other words, when Chen Xi broke through the most difficult second floor of No. It only took 70 interest time!

This is too appalling.

Back then, when Yan Yu? Ling Qingwu broke through the second floor of No.70, she was not as fast as Chen Xi!

It was also because of this that when they saw this scene, everyone was so shocked that they almost couldn't believe their eyes.

"24 breaths in three quarters of an hour, only twelve breaths longer than No.9 Ao Ling... You are simply a pervert. If I remember correctly, Chen Xi is only at the middle stage of Da Luo right now?"

"That's right, this is another new record, and have you noticed that Chen Xi's current ranking on the Purple Ribbon Gold List is only [-]th, which also proves from the side that his fighting power is not as strong as others. Cultivation is that simple."

"It's really powerful, it's amazing."

"Now that Chen Xi has set a new record for breaking the barrier, ranking No. 10, he can get an extra reward of 300 million star points every month. It's really enviable."

Everyone was discussing and amazed.

Only Meng Qi was stiff all over, his face was as gloomy as water, his eyes filled with resentment were filled with deep resentment, and he remained silent for a long time.

Luo Xuan on the side couldn't help but looked at him worriedly, opened his mouth, but didn't know how to persuade him.

Some obsessions, once they occupy the Dao heart, are enough to turn an extremely intelligent person into a paranoid and unreasonable idiot in an instant, just like Meng Qi in front of him.


At this moment, there was a wave of fluctuations at the entrance to the seventh floor of No.30, revealing Chen Xi's tall and handsome figure.

At this moment, Chen Xi's waist was still as straight as a spear, but his eyes had returned to calmness, like a deep starry sky, pure and clear.

Only his handsome face was pale and almost transparent, which revealed that he had exhausted himself too much in this pass, and was in a state of exhaustion and sleepiness at the moment.

When they saw Chen Xi appearing, there was another commotion on the platform, and the gazes of most of them were filled with awe and respect uncontrollably.

Obviously, it was Chen Xi's performance in the Imaginary Wonderland that had already convinced many of them.

Only when Luo Xuan saw that Chen Xi's state seemed to be in a bad state, his eyelids couldn't help twitching, and he screamed inwardly. If Meng Qi fought against Chen Xi desperately at this time, although it was very possible to win, the result would definitely be a disaster. .

Thinking of this, he hastily blocked Meng Qi without any trace, and made all preparations. As long as Meng Qi dared to make a move, he would definitely stop him without hesitation!

"What are you doing?"

Meng Qi frowned, with a bad tone.

Luo Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said in a low voice: "Enough! At this time, I will never allow you to go on messing around like this!"

Meng Qi frowned and stared at the other party, and said impatiently: "Get out of the way quickly, are you still my good brother Meng Qi? Your ass is crooked like this!"

The dispute between the two also attracted the attention of other people nearby, and many eyes glanced in this direction.

At this moment, Chen Xi also saw Meng Qi and Luo Xuan, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. His mood was quite calm, but he felt that this guy was really troublesome. If he was pestering him like this every day, it would be a headache.

He had practiced in the Imaginary Wonderland before, and all the grievances in his chest were vented, and his Dao heart became more pure and firm, but it was no longer as gloomy as before.

At this moment, he didn't bother to argue with Meng Qi, so he turned around and was about to leave.

"Chen Xi!"

Suddenly, Meng Qi's voice came from behind. Chen Xi frowned, stopped immediately, secretly sensed his own aura, found that he still had the strength to fight, and completely calmed down.

But at this time, Luo Xuan's expression changed slightly, and he quickly grabbed Meng Qi's skirt, and then said to Chen Xi: "Junior Brother Chen Xi has just gone through a great battle, so he should hurry back to the cave to rest, don't be exhausted."

Chen Xi was startled, but turned his gaze to Meng Qi.

"Get out of the way! Did I say I was going to fight?"

Meng Qi let out a low growl in annoyance, threw Luo Xuan's hand away abruptly, and then took a deep breath, his face turned serious.

And then, under the eyes of everyone, Meng Qi suddenly bowed and cupped his fists: "I was wrong before, through the scene just now, let me think that I am not as good as you, Junior Brother Chen Xi, and I hope Junior Brother Chen Xi will not mind my previous offense Act of."

As he said that, he bowed to Chen Xi again, with a calm demeanor and sincere words, without any pretentious yin and yang.

This abnormal behavior not only made Chen Xi startled, but even Luo Xuan's eyes widened in shock, as if he was meeting this friend who had known him for many years for the first time.

As for the other people on the platform, they were all at a loss and didn't know the ins and outs of it, but this did not prevent them from judging that Meng Qi, a veteran figure in the inner courtyard, took the initiative to ask the freshman who had just stepped into the inner courtyard at this moment. Xi admits defeat!

This is a rare event!

Chen Xi was originally not someone who would take revenge, and he didn't have any deep-rooted hatred for Meng Qi. Seeing his apology and sincerity, he would not pursue it any further, so he immediately clasped his fists together and said, "Senior brother Meng Qi is open-minded. Glad to see that."

After all, he turned and left.

Forgiveness is forgiveness, he will not get along with the other party all at once.

It wasn't until Chen Xi left and disappeared that Luo Xuan heaved a long sigh of relief, and immediately gave Meng Qi a slightly surprised look, and said, "I didn't expect that you have become enlightened today."

Meng Qi said angrily, "Am I such a stupid person?"

He actually felt a little bit bitter in his heart, what enlightenment, he just saw that Chen Xi broke the record and squeezed out the three Mudaofu who were No. 20 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List from the customs clearance stone tablet, so he just realized the gap between him and Chen Xi .

If he didn't even have this knowledge, how could he enter the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy and be ranked No. 30 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List, although... that is all in the past.

"That's good. I'm really worried that you will fight Chen Xi desperately."

Luo Xuan patted the other party's shoulder and sighed, "After all, you've seen it too, our new junior brother can't be measured by common sense at all, it's only been a few short years, and he has grown to such a degree , pay it back in the future?"

This sentence not only made Meng Qi unable to refute, but also made everyone on the nearby platform deeply agree with it, and they were deeply moved.

That's right, a character like Chen Xi is too dazzling, destined to be extraordinary.


In this silent comparison, a dispute was quietly resolved invisibly.

In the final analysis, all of this is still a contest of strength, but it is reflected on the customs clearance stone tablet in the Imaginary Wonderland.


It is already a height enough for most inner court disciples to look up to.

In particular, Chen Xi had just stepped into the inner courtyard, and his cultivation was only at the middle stage of Da Luo.


Tianxing Xianshan, in the residence of Jianlu Cave.

After Chen Xi returned, he immediately sat cross-legged in it, meditating silently.

Breaking through the Illusionary Wonderland before cost him a lot of energy, especially on the second floor of No. 70. The sword he used contained a trace of the power of the "Sword God" realm, which almost exhausted his entire body. The strength up and down, coupled with the lack of Cangwu seedlings to supplement the immortal power, made him feel a little tired.

But all the tempering was worth it. First of all, he broke through the barriers in his state of mind, and no longer disturbed his mind about the matter of the Supreme Master, and his thoughts were clear.

Secondly, this time he broke through the level and set a record. Although he was only ranked No. 10 in the level stone tablet, as long as his ranking did not change, he would be able to get 300 million star rewards every month in the future.

In addition, he maintained the record of No. 36 in the first 1 floors of Daluo Wonderland, and he can also get 100 million star rewards every month.

With these two items alone, he can get a full 400 million star points every month without doing anything.

If you add the 30 million star points obtained every month on No. 100 of the Purple Ribbon Gold List, you can get an additional 500 million star points every month!

"The Cangwu seedlings are not here now, but for me, it is a good thing. I can take advantage of these three months to practice with all my strength and continue to use the Imaginary Wonderland to temper and break through the limits of my cultivation. It will definitely be of great help.”

"In addition, if you can continue to break through the records on the customs clearance stone tablet and improve your ranking, the number of star points you get every month will also skyrocket. It can be said to be a double win."

Chen Xi was meditating while meditating in his mind.

The only thing that makes him feel a little frown is that every time he enters the fantasy secret realm, he needs to pay a star value fee of 180 million, which is a lot of money.

"It seems that it's not too late to go through the level when the cultivation base has improved significantly, otherwise it will only waste too many unnecessary star points..."

Thinking of this, Chen Xi finally smoothed out his next plan, felt relaxed for a while, discarded distracting thoughts in his mind, and completely fell into a deep meditation.

At the same time, on the bustling streets of Douxuan Immortal City, three weird little guys came today, attracting countless eyeballs along the way.

It was a naive little yellow-haired bear, carelessly holding a big watermelon while walking and gnawing on it.

On the yellow-haired bear's shoulders lay a little animal with snow-white fluff and soft fur, looking eagerly at the watermelon in the hands of the yellow-haired little bear, drooling.

And on the back of the little snow-white beast, rides a three-inch villain, dressed in white as snow, with a handsome face, arms folded, eyes slightly drooping, as if sleeping but not sleeping, exuding a coldness all over his body The smell of pride.

Such three little guys, combined together, swaggering through the bustling streets, naturally attracted the attention of many people.


ps: This chapter is for the beauty "Li" to add updates~ well, the rest is to add updates that owe x trench... Please encourage the monthly ticket~~

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