divine talisman

Chapter 1286 Restaurant Disturbance [Part 1]

The three little guys are naturally Ling Bai, the yellow-haired bear Aman and the brave cub Bai Kui.

The fairyland is said to be full of thousands of races and countless creatures, and in this city of Douxuan, there are naturally many different creatures and races from all over the fairyland.

Like the mighty Sea Clan from the Kunlun Sea, the Mayfly Zerg Clan, Vine Tree Clan, Fire Song Spirit Clan, Moon Dance Fungus Clan from the Land of All Spirits...etc.

This also made the immortal cultivators in Douxuan City have long seen all kinds of strange creatures, but when they saw the combination of Ling Bai and the others, they still inevitably attracted a lot of attention.

The reason is that these three little guys are so spiritual, and they are so rare that many immortal cultivators can't even recognize their origins.

This naturally makes people curious, which fairy beasts are these three guys raised by?

For all these curious eyes, Ling Bai didn't care, Ah Man didn't care, and Bai Kui naturally didn't care, walking on the street swaggeringly.

Ah Man ate half of the watermelon, licked his mouth eagerly, stretched out his fat palm and scratched his head, a little bit reluctant, but finally handed the other half of the watermelon to his shoulder.

Bai Kui couldn't bear to wait, so he chewed the watermelon with the skin in his mouth with a groan, and the juice splashed all over Aman's shoulders, and Aman grinned honestly, disapprovingly.

Ling Bai folded his arms across his chest, still handsome and cold, but his drooping eyelids couldn't help jumping, and he cursed inwardly that the two are foodies, they haven't eaten enough all the way, under the watchful eyes of everyone, they have lost all of themselves face.

"Lingbai, they look at me very embarrassed."

There was no more watermelon to eat, Ah Man's attention was immediately attracted by the passers-by on the road, and seeing that everyone was looking at him curiously, Ah Man immediately lowered his head, and underestimated a sentence in a somewhat embarrassing and naive voice.

Hearing this, Lingbai's face was expressionless, but the corners of his sharp-edged lips could not help twitching, and said indifferently: "Don't be nervous, they are looking at me, you are a green leaf, I use it for decoration, no one cares about you .”

Speaking of this, Ling Bai puffed out his chest without any trace, and his expression became more and more cold and proud.

"Oh, so it is."

Ah Man nodded honestly, stroked his shriveled stomach, smacked his lips and said, "But, I seem to be hungry again. There is too much watermelon water to satisfy my hunger."

Bai Kui, who swallowed half a watermelon with its skin on, also nodded fiercely when he heard the words, wailing endlessly, as if to say that Ah Man was right!

Seeing this, Ling Bai didn't know what tragic experience came to his mind, his handsome face sank, and he could no longer maintain his demeanor, he gritted his teeth and scolded in a low voice: "Eat, eat, eat, you have to eat since you left the dark holy abyss, it was given by brother Tatian Immortal watermelon, I only ate three, and let you two eat the rest! Isn’t that enough!?”

Ah Man shrugged and shut up.

Bai Kui glanced at Ling Bai aggrievedly, and lay down on Ah Man's shoulder weakly.

Ling Bai took a deep breath, spread his hands, and said with a broken heart: "Are you two going to take care of me in the future? I've been hungry for days!"

When it came to the end, Ling Bai also felt a bit of resentment in his heart. In order to take care of these two foodies along the way, he couldn't have endured it any harder!

Ah Man became more and more embarrassed, shaking his head.

Bai Kui rolled his eyes, looking too lazy to argue with you.

Seeing this, Ling Bai couldn't help sighing again, and murmured: "Hurry up, when you find this guy Chen Xi, do you still have to worry about eating delicious food? That guy is a master chef... Well, think Thinking about it, I was a little excited."

Ah Man and Bai Kui seemed to recall the years when they were by Chen Xi's side, and swallowed their saliva together.

Eat goods!

Hearing the unpleasant swallowing sound, Lingbai's face darkened, and he felt that these two guys were simply too embarrassing in this crowded street.


"Well, what does it smell like!"

The next moment, the eyes of Ling Bai, Bai Kui, and Ah Man lit up at the same time, and they looked at a nearby restaurant in unison, swallowing their saliva at the same time.

It smells so good!

That restaurant towered into the sky, with a resounding signboard—Xianbutan. It was noon at this moment, and wisps of seductive fragrance wafted out of it, making people mouth watering.

"Ling Bai, maybe we should go in and have a hearty meal before meeting Chen Xi."


"I feel……"

Ling Bai frowned and pondered for a long time, then nodded and said, "That's a good suggestion!"


Ah Man seemed to be listening to an imperial decree. Before the sound fell, his chubby body exploded with jaw-dropping speed, drew an astonishing afterimage, and rushed directly into the restaurant.

"Slow down! I said... you should be more reserved! Hey... it's scary to be crazy about foodies!"

Accompanied by Ling Bai's scolding voice full of hatred, they entered the Xianbuyan restaurant, and sat in front of a desk one by one under the astonished gaze of a waiter.

"Excuse me...what do you need, young master?"

The waiter's gaze lingered on San Xiao for a long time, and finally landed on Ling Bai. Although this little guy was only three inches tall, at least he looked no different from a human being...

Ling Bai coughed dryly, his expression returned to his cold and proud look, he took the menu, pointed to it and said, "All the signature dishes from above are the same."

"No, it's three things." Ah Man raised his head and said naively.

The corners of Ling Bai's lips twitched imperceptibly, nodded and said: "Just do as he said."


The waiter put away the menu, and immediately said, "Young master, these dishes total 130 seven dishes. If there are three servings, you will need to pay 37 fairy stones in total, which is equivalent to 37 yuan for the best fairy marrow."

Ling Bai was startled: "Didn't you only pay after eating?"

The waiter explained in a low voice: "Pay first, then serve. This is the rule of our Xianbuyan restaurant, which has lasted for tens of thousands of years."

When he spoke, there was a hint of indifference in his expression, and he guessed based on these words that these three strange little things must be the first time they came to Douxuan Immortal City.

He even had some doubts, do these outsiders know how expensive the Xianbuyan Restaurant is, and have they prepared enough immortal stones?

One must know that even ordinary immortal cultivators in Douxuan Immortal City would not dare to consume like this in Xianbuyan Restaurant. There is no way, although the dishes here gather the freshness of the Three Realms, but the price is not affordable by everyone.


Ling Bai was taken aback again, he never wore these things on him.

And when the waiter in the shop saw this, he became more and more sure that these three weird little things were like country bumpkins, without any knowledge at all.

Thinking about it this way, the original respectful look on his face was replaced by a look of disdain and disgust, and he said impatiently: "You don't even have a fairy stone, so you dare to come to Xianbuyi restaurant? Really, I wasted it for nothing Time, walk around, our Xianbuyan restaurant doesn't give out beggars!"

Hearing such unkind words, Ling Bai raised his sword eyebrows sharply, his eyes were filled with chills, and he nodded slightly towards Ah Man who was beside him.

Ah Man grinned honestly, got up straight away, and slapped the waiter in the shop, causing the latter to let out a scream, and lay down on the ground with a thud, coughing up blood and howling incessantly.

"Come on, someone is looking for fault—!"

The waiter in the store screamed, but Ah Man swayed and sat on his body, his facial features were clenched in pain, and he was foaming wildly at the mouth, unable to even make a sound.

"Ah Man, don't kill him. This is Douxuan Immortal City. There are many masters. If something should be provoked, we can only run away hungry today."

Ling Bai inadvertently gave a command, saying that he was running away, but he didn't care.

Ah Man scratched his head, wondering: "Forget it, in order to fill my stomach, I will be careful not to let him die."

Bai Kui on the side nodded, admiring Ah Man's contribution to the delicious food.

The commotion here has already attracted the attention of the surrounding area, and many diners looked over one after another, with a little surprise in their eyes, as if they did not expect that someone would dare to make trouble in Xianbuyan Restaurant, especially the trouble There are still three weird-looking little guys, it's hard not to attract attention.

"Who dares to cause trouble in my Xianbuyan restaurant?"

"Hmph! It's courting death!"

"Don't make any noise, don't let some inconspicuous things affect other guests' dining."

With a clatter, one after another menacing figures came, all of them were guards of Xianbuyan Restaurant, their strength was not weak, and the last one had the realm of Xuanxian.

And the old man in brocade at the head has the cultivation base of Daluojin Fairyland, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with awe-inspiring power and awe-inspiring power.

When they saw that the troublemakers were three strange-looking little things, their faces all darkened, and they were extremely sullen. These are the fairy beasts raised by someone, and they dared to run wild in their Xianbuyan Restaurant ?

"How is this going?"

The leader, the old man in brocade clothes, opened his mouth, his eyes were as cold as knives, and he scanned Ling Bai, Ah Man and Bai Kui.

Regarding this, Ah Man scratched his head, and smiled honestly: "Ling Bai said that he looks down on people with a dog's eyes. Although I am not a human being, I am also very angry."

"Naughty beast! How dare you laugh at this time, it's simply too rampant!" A guard yelled, wishing he could kill the yellow bear with a single blow.

"If you dare to curse again, I will kill you."

Ling Bai glanced at the other party coldly, sharpness suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the stabbing party trembled all over, his hair stood on end, and he was too frightened to say another word.

Seeing this, the brocade-clothed old man narrowed his eyes suddenly, looked at Ling Bai carefully, and snorted coldly: "Hugh is crazy, if you don't give an explanation today, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Didn't you hear that this bastard looks down on people?"

Ling Bai didn't give in at all, even aggressively, staring at the brocade-clothed old man coldly, "Old guy, I want to ask you, how do you discipline such a jerk shop boy with such a bad attitude?!"

Seeing Ling Bai's arrogant attitude, everyone was furious. They wanted to do something, captured him, and repaired him severely, but in the end, they were stopped by the old man in brocade clothes.


ps: Some things have been delayed, this chapter is a bit late to update, sorry everyone, the second update is around 12 o'clock.

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