divine talisman

Chapter 1287 Intimidating Fame [Part 2]



Everyone wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the old man in brocade clothes.

He frowned and glanced at the confident Ling Bai, and then at Ah Man and Bai Kui who had ignored him and the others from the beginning to the end. For some reason, a bad feeling arose in his heart.

These three eccentric little things are too calm, there must be a demon if something goes wrong, the old man in brocade clothes has to guard against whether the other party has an extraordinary background.

"Say, what's going on?"

The old man in brocade clothes lowered his gaze, and landed on the waiter who was sitting on the ground by Ah Man.

The waiter in the store grinned his teeth in pain, foaming from his lips, and immediately shouted at the top of his voice when he heard the words: "Guan Zhao, they come here to consume without using fairy stones, and I told them to leave, but they did something to me instead, it's simply too rampant... Ah~"

At the end, he suddenly let out another miserable howl, but it was Ah Man who twisted his buttocks, crushing his chest and ribs.

This kind of behavior immediately angered the guards of the nearby Immortal Buyan Restaurant, if not for the old man in brocade clothes to stop them, they would have already devoured the three little beasts alive.

"You... what else do you want to explain?"

The old man in brocade frowned, staring at Ling Bai with a gloomy face, he had made up his mind to pay attention, if this was the case, then he would not be afraid of anything, and directly took action.

At this time, most of the guests dining in the restaurant were attracted by the movement here. If this trouble was not resolved, it would only affect today's business. The consequences were not something he could afford.


Ling Bai directly took out a gray stone, threw it on the desk, and said: "We really don't have a fairy stone, but this treasure is enough to eat and drink with you for three years."

Eat and drink for three years! ?

Everyone was taken aback, almost couldn't believe their ears, what a loud tone!Are they still treating Xianbuyan Restaurant as an ordinary small restaurant?

And when their eyes fell on a stone that Ling Bai took out, they were so angry that they almost laughed out loud, the mother stone of Profound Handle?This thing can be exchanged for 80 yuan of immortal stones, not to mention three years of eating and drinking in Xianbuyan restaurant, but you can't even buy a glass of water!

Taking a piece of Xuangang mother rock from the bad street to make up the number, these three little beasts are obviously looking for faults!

Everyone's expressions became unfriendly, their eyes filled with sullen and hostile, looking at Ling Bai and the others, it was like staring at three dead bodies.

Seeing this, Ling Bai shook his head with disdain, and there was even a trace of pity in his eyes, as if mocking these guys for their blindness.

Seeing this, the brocade-clothed old man frowned, and out of a sense of caution, he took that gray stone in his hand and looked at it carefully.

This stone is only the size of a baby's fist, and its body is dark gray, dull and dull, but it is extremely heavy and heavy. According to the tried and tested eyes of the old man in brocade clothes, this thing is indeed a full-fledged Xuangang Mother rock no doubt.

This judgment made him frown more and more, his face darkened a little bit, and there was a hint of murder in his eyes looking at Ling Bai and the three of them.

And noticing the change in the expression of the old man in brocade clothes, the expressions of the guards became more and more fierce. After waiting for an order for a long time, they would definitely attack without mercy.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Ling Bai raised his sword eyebrows, and glanced at Ah Man, who smiled honestly and nodded in understanding.

"Wait a minute, can I let you see this treasure next time?"

At this moment, a clear and warm voice suddenly resounded, which made the originally tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

The brocade robed old man frowned, but when he saw the person who spoke, his expression was obviously startled, and a respectful smile appeared on his face, and he said: "So it's Mr. Luoxuan, the old man was rude just now."

The young man's face was handsome, his eyes were as bright as the stars, and the jade tree was facing the wind. It was Luo Xuan who was ranked No. 9 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List in the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy and was known as the "Little God of Wealth with Jade Face".

Seeing Luo Xuan, many people present also recognized his identity, and there was a sudden uproar, as if they didn't expect that someone like Luo Xuan would be here.

However, Ling Bai only glanced at the other party, then withdrew his gaze.

Luo Xuan smiled slightly, walked forward directly, took the stone, inspected it briefly, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, turned his head and said to Lingbai: "Little friend, is this the Black Iron Stone of Snow Essence?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked, Xue Jing Xuan Tieshi?That is the magic treasure for refining Taixu rank immortal treasures!It can be encountered but cannot be sought, and it is almost hard to find it in the fairy world.

"How is this possible? This is obviously the Profound Handle Mother Rock!" The brocade robed old man exclaimed in disbelief. It was like seeing a stubborn stone and being suddenly called a peerless treasure.

Luo Xuan smiled slightly, didn't explain anything, just looked at Ling Bai.

But at this time, Ling Bai took a serious look at Luo Xuan, nodded and said: "You still have some vision, much better than those fools."

Lingbai is the only one who dares to make such an evaluation of a famous figure in the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy.

Luo Xuan couldn't help being dumbfounded, feeling that this three-inch tall handsome guy is quite interesting.

As for the brocade-robed old man and the others, when they heard that they were scolded as fools, their faces were extremely ugly, but at this moment, they obviously didn't care about that much, and instead focused on that stone.

If this is really Snow Essence Black Iron Stone, then its value is immeasurable, even eating and drinking at Xianbuyan Restaurant for three years is more than enough.

The point is, this treasure is extremely rare, almost extinct, and it cannot be found at all. This is its most precious place.

"Master Luoxuan, is this really the Snow Essence Black Iron Stone?"

The brocade robed old man frowned, still in disbelief.

Luo Xuan nodded, and suddenly said to Lingbai: "This treasure is priced at [-] top-grade immortal marrow in the Liujin Immortal Pavilion. I would like to pay [-] immortal marrow to buy it. I wonder if I can give up my love?"

He needs to refine a Taiwu rank treasure. If he can use the snow essence black iron stone as the main material, the power can at least be raised to a higher level.

Thirty-five thousand immortal marrows!

Hearing this astonishing price, everyone present couldn't help exclaiming, how many Zhouguang-rank immortal treasures can be purchased at this price!

But the complexions of the brocade robed old man and the others suddenly collapsed, extremely embarrassing, they all wished to kill the waiter in the shop, Luo Xuan is a descendant of the owner of the Liujin Immortal Pavilion, so he will not tell lies, this thing It must be the Xuejing Xuantieshi, but if you can take out a magic treasure, how can those three little guys not be able to pay for the meal?

But unexpectedly, Ling Bai refused without even thinking about it: "I also have great use for this thing, so I won't sell it to others."

Seeing Ling Bai's resolute attitude, Luo Xuan was taken aback, sighed with some regret, and finally returned the object, shook his head and turned to leave.

"Little friend, since you don't plan to sell it, why do you spend it in my Xianbuyan restaurant?" The old man in brocade clothes couldn't help asking, his expression and tone became much more relaxed, not as gloomy as before cold.

"I eat and drink here, and since someone comes back to pay the bill, I need to take a piece of black iron stone to pay off the debt? Don't you think I'm an idiot?"

Ling Bai frowned and glanced at the other party.

The brocade-clothed old man's expression was dull for a moment, but finally he couldn't help but said: "The rule of our Xianbuyan restaurant is to pay the bill first and then serve the food."

Ling Bai sneered and said: "Of course it is possible, but it is not enough to insult us without taking the fairy stone, and even drive us away? Is this how your Xianbuyan Restaurant treats guests?"

The old man in brocade clothes frowned, glared at the waiter on the ground viciously, and immediately said: "This time it is indeed my Xianbuyan Restaurant that made a mistake first, I hope you will forgive me."

"Excuse me?"

Ling Bai was so unreasonable, "If I hadn't taken out a piece of Snow Essence black iron stone, you would still plan to attack us?"

The old man in brocade clothes was a little speechless when he was questioned, and he secretly had a headache. Where did this little thing come from, why is it so difficult...

"Forget it, I invited you to this meal, and I hope you can calm down. This Xianbuyan restaurant has always had a good reputation, but some of the servants are a bit mixed."

Luo Xuan in the distance opened his mouth to help smooth things over.

"Yes! We have invited you to Xianbuyan Restaurant for this meal, and please accept it with a smile."

The old man in brocade clothes secretly breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said.

Ling Bai snorted: "Do you think we are like the kind of masters who can't afford to eat and drink for free? Since you want to apologize, then go to the Imperial Academy and help me pass a word to Chen Xi, a disciple in the inner court, just say that I am spiritual. Bai Wanli came all the way to look for him, but now he can't even get food!"

Chen Xi!

When they heard this name, everyone in the room was shocked, and their faces showed shock. They seemed to have never thought that the little guy in front of him had a relationship with the legendary figure who is now famous all over the world.

"Chen Xi..."

A gleam flashed in Luo Xuan's eyes, and he sighed secretly in his heart, this time Xianbuyan Restaurant really hit the iron plate, if Chen Xi knew what happened here, he might have to demolish this place.

"Chen Xi?"

The expressions of the brocade-robed old man and the guards around them suddenly froze, their eyes widened, and their hearts felt cold. These three little fellows actually recognized Chen Xi?And judging from his tone, the relationship seems to be quite close?

At this moment, they felt as if someone had knocked on their heads with a sap, buzzing.

In today's Douxuan Immortal City, who doesn't know Chen Xi, a legendary figure who is at the top of the sky in Daohuang Academy?All the amazing deeds about him have now become the hottest topic in the streets and alleys of Douxuan Immortal City.

But now...they actually offended Chen Xi's friends!

Thinking of this, the old man in brocade robe and the others wanted to cry without tears.

Chen Xi is a peerless figure of the younger generation. When it comes to strength, it is not enough to make the Xianbuyan Restaurant, which has been rooted in Douxuan Immortal City for nearly ten thousand years, fearful. But what is really terrifying is not his strength, but his background!

Once something happens to these characters, can those old antiques in Daohuang Academy still sit still?

To put it simply, in this Immortal Dou City, if anyone dares to offend a disciple like Chen Xi, he will definitely be tired of life, and he doesn't even know how to die!

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