divine talisman

Chapter 1289 The Remains of Hongmeng [Part 2]

While speaking, Chen Xi had already brought Ling Bai and the others to the front of the Sword Cottage Cave Mansion.

This is a cliff flat, with pines and cypresses, green bamboos whirling, and fairy mist transpiring. On one side, there is a clear spring and stream meandering, making gurgling and ding-dong sounds.

Chen Xi did not enter the cave, but stood in front of a rock in front of the cliff flat, flipped through it casually, and took out a pile of various cooking utensils and bottles and cans of ingredients.

Then he took out five or six tailed fish, which were Yin-Yang fish salvaged from the river of fire in the tomb of the Immortal King. At that time, Chen Xi had purposely kept a few fish, but now they came in handy.

In addition, Chen Xi also prepared some rare exotic animal meat and various delicious fairy vegetables and fruits.

After finishing all of these, Chen Xi, the master chef who hadn't displayed his cooking skills for a long time, began to cook his first delicious meal after entering Daohuang Academy.

Ling Bai, Ah Man, and Bai Kui were surprisingly quiet at this moment, they all stood eagerly beside Chen Xi, looking like they were waiting for the delicious food to be served.

"Go on, where is the dark abyss?"

Chen Xi casually asked Ling Bai while processing various ingredients.

"The Remains of Hongmeng."

Ling Bai replied quickly.

According to Ling Bai, long before the ancient times, the Primordial World broke apart and evolved into today's Human World, Nether World, and Immortal World.

These Three Realms contain many big worlds and countless small worlds, and no matter whether it is a big world or a small world, they are all derived from the fragments of the primordial world.

To put it simply, the primordial world is like an egg, but one day it will be broken and divided into three large fragments: the world of the human world, the world of the underworld, and the world of immortals, as well as countless small fragments like the world of Xuanhuan and the world of talismans.

And this Hongmeng remnant is also transformed from the fragments of the Hongmeng world, but it is different from the Three Realms in that only the Hongmeng remnant retains the original power of the world from the Hongmeng period!

As we all know, the fairyland has [-] continents, and in addition to this known territory, there are also many mysterious areas, dangerous spaces, and unknown fragmented world belts distributed in the boundless time and space of the fairyland.

The relics of Hongmeng stand and persist in the boundless time and space.

And the dark holy abyss Ling Bai mentioned is in the remains of Hongmeng, similar to a small world.

Since the original power of the world of Hongmeng Remains is different from that of the Three Realms, it seems that Hongmeng Remains is within the range of the Immortal Realm, but no matter whether it is entering the Immortal Realm from the Hongmeng Remains, or entering the Hongmeng Remains from the Immortal Realm, the prerequisite is to first break the Primordial A barrier condensed by the power of the leftover world!

Knowing this, Chen Xi couldn't help being surprised and said, "You mean, the Great Sage Stepping on the Sky broke through that barrier and sent you to the fairy world?"

At this time, he was grilling yin-yang fish, and the mouth-watering fragrance filled the air.

Lingbai stared fixedly at the roasted golden yellow and oily Yin-Yang fish, swallowed with difficulty, then nodded and said: "That's right, only half-step Immortal King level existences can break through that barrier, of course , Brother Tatian is three points stronger than ordinary half-step fairy kings."

Half-step Immortal King!

Chen Xi's heart was shocked, and he wondered to himself that it was no wonder that the Great Sage Stepping on Heaven dared to despise Bing Shitian so much and regarded him as an ant in the ancient battlefield.

And if it is speculated like this, is he and Zhen Liuqing's master Daoxuan Daoxuan really a fairy king?


The fairy world is known to the world today as the masters of the Four Great Immortal Continents, Xingwu, Weiyang, Daoxuan, and Bingqiong, but these are only known to the world. As for how many fairy kings exist in the fairy world, No one can give an exact answer.

In the past, Chen Xi also suspected that in the seven ancient aristocratic families, the Dao Emperor Academy, and even the other six academies, there must also be Immortal Kings sitting in command, but this was just speculation, and he didn't dare to confirm it.

After all, the existence of such a level is too far away from the world, even with Chen Xi’s current status, he cannot touch news of this level.

For example, the news about Xie Lian's death in the hands of an Immortal King Realm existence of the Supreme Sect last time was only known to Chen Xi through the hands of Zhao Taici, the Patriarch of the Phoenix Clan.

Of course, there is no doubt that among the three supreme orthodoxy, there must be an Immortal King Realm, and there must be more than one.

It was just that what Chen Xi did not expect was that in the remaining land of Hongmeng, the master of Zhen Liuqing and the Great Sage Tatian might actually exist in the Immortal King Realm. This was somewhat unexpected.

"Where exactly is the Primordial Remains?" Chen Xi couldn't help asking.

Ling Bai pointed to the grilled fish on the fire grill, swallowed and said, "It's almost burnt, let me eat some first, and then I'll tell you."

"I want to eat too." Ah Man patted his belly and shouted naively, drooling all over the floor.

Aww~ Bai Kui is not to be outdone, staring at the grill, determined to win.

Chen Xi glared at them angrily, then patiently applied some seasoning, and then took down the five or six cooked Yin-Yang fish...


In an instant, light and shadow flickered, and Chen Xi's hands were empty.

And Lingbai, Ahman, and Baikui, the three little guys, have already started to chew, and the mouth is full of rays of light, and they are very happy.

Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders helplessly, raised his hand and forcibly pulled back a grilled fish from Ah Man's fat palm. There was no way, this idiot snatched three at once, it was too much.

He called Xiao Xing out, and gave the grilled fish in his hand to the other party.

Xiaoxing glanced at Ling Bai and the others suspiciously, and was immediately attracted by the delicious food in his mouth, and immediately started to gnaw wildly without thinking about other things.

Seeing this, Chen Xi smiled slightly, and went to prepare other dishes.

"Well, who is this?"

After Ling Bai finished eating the grilled fish, he wiped his mouth, and then turned his eyes to Xiao Xing who was at the side, quite surprised. Obviously, he was only focused on eating just now, and didn't notice the existence of Xiao Xing at all!

Ah Man and Bai Kui also had the same bewildered expressions, exactly the same as Ling Bai.

This is a foodie. When enjoying delicious food, he always concentrates and has no other distractions...

"This is Little Star."

Chen Xi casually introduced them to them.

However, his introduction is obviously redundant, because the simple and honest Ah Man has already leaned forward, stretched out his fat palm and stroked Xiao Xing's head, and Xiao Xing just raised his eyes and glanced at Ah Man, then continued to gnaw on the fish bones .

Seeing this, Ah Man became more and more happy, grinning non-stop, and shouted: "I am Ah Man, nice to meet you."

Bai Kui also swished, flew onto Xiaoxing's back, curiously tugged at the snow-white down on Xiaoxing's neck, and then put himself in a comfortable posture, lazily resting himself in Xiaoxing's thick and soft down .

Seeing this, Ling Bai couldn't help rolling his eyes, and muttered: "There is a new couple who forgets the old love, a pair of heartless foodies."

Having said that, Ling Bai swaggered onto Xiao Xing's back and sat cross-legged. It felt more comfortable than riding on Bai Kui's back, and he couldn't help but praise him.

For all of this, Xiao Xing never reacted aggressively, and even happily ran on the cliff with four strong hooves, with a cool look like I will take you for a ride, which caused Ling Bai and Bai Kui to burst into laughter Hu Xiaoming, Ah Man also wandered back and forth behind Xiao Xing's buttocks, laughing foolishly, having a great time playing.

Chen Xi couldn't help being a little surprised. As far as he knew, Xiaoxing had a very domineering temper. If he hadn't mastered the devouring will, Xiaoxing wouldn't let him get close.

But now, it is the first time it meets Ling Bai and the others, but it can play together very quickly, which is not like Xiaoxing's temperament.

But if he couldn't figure it out, Chen Xi was very happy to see such a scene.

Very quickly, Chen Xi completed delicious cooking one after another, a total of 36 dishes, steamed, braised, stir-fried, deep-fried, fire-baked... There are all kinds of flavors, and they are full of color, fragrance and taste.

The incomparably alluring fragrance even attracted many fairy birds and spirit beasts around the mountainside to covet and covet it, coveting it endlessly.

And then……

A few foodies launched a vigorous mopping up operation, eating and drinking wildly, the wind swept away, and even Chen Xi couldn't get his chopsticks into it, which shows how terrifying the foodie's power is.

After the cup of tea, all the dishes were swept away, and Ling Bai and the others let out a comfortable belch.

Chen Xi helped them prepare some fruit and vegetable snacks after dinner, and then continued to ask Ling Bai's previous topic.

Ling Bai ate and drank enough, was in a happy mood, and answered very happily.

According to him, the ancient customs of the Hongmeng world are preserved in the remains of Hongmeng, and there are many orthodoxy left over from the Hongmeng period.

These orthodoxy are also called Hongmeng orthodoxy.

In fact, it is said that it is a Taoist system, but it is no different from casual cultivators, because in those Hongmeng Taoist systems, there are too few disciples, some have only one or two, and there are no more than ten or so, and some Taoist systems have only one person.

The orthodoxy of Zhen Liuqing and Tatian Dasheng belonged to one of Hongmeng's orthodoxy, named "Yuanzong". It was also a well-known ancient immortal sect in the Hongmeng period, but now there are only their masters and apprentices in the sect three people.

However, the number of people in this Hongmeng Taoist lineage is small or small, but each of them is extremely tyrannical, and there are many immortal kings. They devote themselves to cultivation and ignore foreign affairs, and they are also called "ancient immortals".

In the final analysis, in fact, this Hongmeng Taoism is the same as Shenyan Mountain, Nuwa Taoist Palace, and Taishangjiao. It was a well-known Daotong during the Hongmeng period. The orthodoxy with the four characters of "famous" is the overlord of the Hongmeng world.

However, with the establishment of the Three Realms, the changes over the years, and several catastrophes that have affected the Three Realms in history, up to now, those primordial Taoisms are far less powerful than these three supreme Taoisms.

Knowing all of this, Chen Xi had a great feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the fog, and he felt suddenly enlightened, and it also gave him a more comprehensive understanding of the entire structure of the Three Realms.

"We came here this time because we actually have something to tell you."

Ling Bai suddenly looked serious, and said, "Not long before we left the Dark Abyss, Brother Tatian once said that he occasionally heard news about your father Chen Lingjun in that Primordial Holy Land."

Chen Xi's heart shook violently, and he lost his voice, "What?"


ps: The structure and forces of the Three Realms are here. Except for Xianting, the introduction is basically completed. In addition, we still owe the addition of yaunbaotu children's shoes and Diandian children's shoes, and about 5 additions of x trench. It will be completed before the end of the month, see you tomorrow.

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