divine talisman

Chapter 1290 The Beginning of Chaos [Part 1]

Chen Lingjun!

Perhaps it was only this name that made Chen Xi lose his composure, because this was his father, a man he had never met since growing up.

As early as in Xuanhuanyu, Chen Xi only learned from Wen Huating, the head teacher of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, that his father, Chen Lingjun, used the power of the Ascension Holy Land to sneak into the Immortal Realm at great risk.

But since then, he has never heard from his father, Chen Lingjun, until now.

During these years, he often thought about where his father Chen Lingjun was in the fairy world, and why hadn't he heard any news about him since he came to the fairy world?

He was also often worried, worried that his father Chen Lingjun would desperately try to save his mother Zuo Qiuxue, and would fall into the hands of the Zuoqiu family...

But now, Lingbai told him that his father, Chen Lingjun, had actually appeared in the mysterious remains of the primordial realm. To Chen Xi, it was like a thunderclap resounding in his ears, shaking his mind off guard. Unexpected, excited, and bewildered, the emotions were extremely complicated.

Yes, even he didn't expect that his father Chen Lingjun not only entered the fairy world, but also entered the mysterious Hongmeng Relics!

Father, what on earth is he going to do?

When he realized this problem, Chen Xi suddenly became sober. He vaguely felt that his father, Chen Lingjun, might be plotting something, and the purpose of doing all this must have something to do with rescuing his mother, Zuo Qiuxue.

However, Chen Lingjun's strategy was no different from "saving the country with curves". When he knew that he could not fight against and overthrow the Zuoqiu Clan by himself, he chose another way, going to the remains of Hongmeng to strengthen himself!

The reason for this speculation is very simple, because Chen Xi himself is doing the same thing now. The only difference from his father Chen Lingjun is that he chose Daohuang Academy as a place to grow his foothold, while his father Chen Lingjun set his sights on In the remains of Hongmeng.

Next, Chen Xi took a deep breath, let himself completely regain his composure, and then asked Ling Bai another crucial question——

"Since you want to enter the remains of Hongmeng, you must break through the world barrier that can only be broken at the level of a half-step fairy king, so how did father Chen Lingjun enter it? Could it be that his cultivation has reached the level of a half-step fairy king?" gone?"

Regarding this, Ling Bai frowned and pondered for a long time, but did not give an answer, because he only got this news from the Great Sage Tatian, but he didn't know the specific reason.

This made Chen Xi feel a little disappointed, but he also knew that unless he personally met his father Chen Lingjun, even the Great Sage Stepping on the Sky would not be able to give him an answer.

The reason is very simple. The Great Sage Tatian only occasionally heard about his father Chen Lingjun. If he knew the specific reason, he would definitely not hide Lingbai, and Lingbai would not not tell himself.

"The Three Realms are going to be in chaos, and there are already signs of turmoil in the remains of Hongmeng."

Next, Ling Bai spoke another shocking word, revealing a shocking secret news.

This made Chen Xi startled again, and asked the reason in detail.

"I heard from Master Tatian that the beginning of the Great Chaos in the Three Realms must be the land of the Hongmeng. Now, in many areas of the land of the Hongmeng, disasters occur frequently, and the original power of the world inside it also begins to show signs of collapse... ...At least a hundred years, as many as a thousand years, the entire Hongmeng Relic Land will collapse, disappear between the heaven and the earth, and completely cease to exist..."

According to Ling Bai, many orthodox traditions in Hongmeng's remnants are already restless, and began to look for ways to save themselves, and set their sights on the fairy world.

In other words, because of the great changes that are taking place in the remains of Hongmeng, in the days to come, those who are called "ancient immortals" will flood into the fairy world one after another, affecting the entire structure of the fairy world Variety.

After all, although the descendants of the Hongmeng Taoism are rare, they are all extremely powerful, and there is no shortage of terrifying existences in the Immortal King Realm. Such an influx of forces into the Immortal Realm is bound to bring many changes to the entire Immortal Realm.

Like today's Immortal World, there are only four well-known Immortal King Realm existences, and in the Daoist Daoist Tradition, there is more than one Immortal King Realm.

Chaos in the Three Realms!

Hongmeng Remains collapsed!

Hongmeng Taoism seeks to save itself, and chooses the target in the fairy world!

In just a split second, Chen Xi was shocked by this news.

You must know that the relics of Hongmeng have been able to survive in the boundless years until now, and have gone through countless catastrophes in the world, but now, in the face of the turmoil that is about to erupt and sweep across the Three Realms, this relics is no longer difficult to preserve. It is not difficult to see that the destructive power of the turmoil in the Three Realms this time is absolutely unprecedented, unprecedented!

"It seems that the time left for myself to practice in the future will only become more and more urgent... Before the chaos, the sacred was like a mustard, and the immortals and demons were like ants. No one can escape, but the stronger the strength, the more you may be able to find a trace of it." vitality."

Chen Xi had also heard of many catastrophes in the world that had erupted in history, like the catastrophe experienced by the Cangwu Sacred Tree and the Supreme Ant, like the catastrophe of gods and demons that happened millions of years ago...

In the face of this kind of catastrophe that affects the three realms, no one can be spared, everyone will be catastrophe, and only the stronger the strength, the better the chance to survive.

As for those who are not strong enough, they have long been submerged in the long river of history and no longer exist.

"Since the relics of Hongmeng were robbed and disasters happened frequently, why didn't Miss Zhen and the others come to the fairy world with you?" Chen Xi suddenly realized a problem, and asked with a frown.

Ling Bai smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, it will take time to completely destroy the relics of Hongmeng, not to mention, there are many opportunities to be born in this chaos, not only those Hongmeng Taoism, but even Some big figures in the fairy world have already put their minds on the opportunity in the leftover land of the primordial realm."


"That's right, Hongmeng Relics is the oldest world preserved up to now. There are countless Hongmeng Dao Lineages. Although some Dao Lineages have been destroyed long ago, they have left behind many places of opportunity, many of which are even tempting for the existence of the Immortal King Realm." Endless."

"I see."

It was only then that Chen Xi realized that, as the saying goes, misfortune depends on blessings. For some people, the outbreak of chaos is a disaster, but for some people, it means all kinds of luck!


Generally speaking, to be able to reunite with the three little guys Ling Bai, Ah Man, and Bai Kui today is undoubtedly a happy thing for Chen Xi.

In particular, he also knew some news about his father Chen Lingjun.

As for the chaos in Hongmeng's remains, it was too far away from Chen Xi, and with his current level of cultivation, he couldn't change anything at all, and it was useless to think about it.

From that day on, Chen Xi's life returned to being calm, yet incomparably fulfilling in the calm. Apart from cultivation, it was cultivation, and he didn't dare to waste any time at all.

The last time he broke through in the Imaginary Wonderland, not only broke his heart and vented his emotional pressure, but also made him realize that at least in the inner courtyard, with his mid-stage Da Luo cultivation alone, There is still a gap with many disciples.

For example, the existence of the record of breaking through the level ranks among the top nine on the stone tablet of level clearance.

If compared with Yan Yu? Ling Qingwu, Tie Yuan? Ye Tang, the gap would probably be even bigger, but Chen Xi was not worried about anything, he had just stepped into the inner courtyard, and his cultivation base was only Da Luo is only in the middle stage, as long as he is given time, it is not out of reach to catch up with other disciples.

Even, Chen Xi was confident that the moment he set foot in the late stage of Da Luo, among his peers, the only one who might be able to compete with him was the one who had the title of the Six Great Suns of the Immortal World.

Of course, even in the middle stage of Da Luo, his potential has not been fully tapped. Like his current practice, most of the time is spent on tempering his cultivation, and the rest of the time is on condensing and comprehending the law of Taoism.

Like the Dao law he has condensed now, there are ten kinds of five elements, yin and yang, wind and thunder, and stars. As for the other profound meanings of the Dao, such as the other side, sinking, immortality, good fortune, annihilation, swallowing... etc., none of them have been condensed into laws.

Among the Daluo divine patterns he has mastered, apart from the five elements divine pattern bestowed by heaven, the comprehension of the spatial divine pattern has only reached the first level of "space vibration" stage.

Taking a step back, like the two rare mysteries of darkness and light contained in the natal bone of the Yin-Yang Fish King, as well as the Da Luo Tai Chi Divine Pattern, it also takes him time to comprehend.

Dao, law, Da Luo law... every step, Chen Xi still needs to spend a lot of time to comprehend, condense, and then be able to control it for himself.

In short, during this period of time, if there were no urgent matters, Chen Xi would spend almost all of his time on cultivation.

As for Lingbai, Ahman, Baikui, and Xiaoxing, besides practicing, they are not lonely even if they are playing up and down Tianxingxian Mountain.

Before he knew it, it had been a month since the last time he broke through in the Illusionary Wonderland, and five months had passed in the Star World.



On this day, there was a sudden fluctuation in the world of stars, spreading around like ripples.

Sitting cross-legged with a straight back and a solemn expression, Chen Xi suddenly opened his eyes, and between the opening and closing, cold electricity flickered, as if cosmic stars were revolving in the depths of his eyes, presenting a grand and vast atmosphere.

And around his body, there is an extremely shocking picture.

Half of it is like the day, which illuminates the whole world.

Half of it is like eternal night, deep and boundless.

The two do not invade each other, quietly pervading, releasing a grand, brilliant, deep, and icy aura, rendering this star world into black and white.

In darkness, there is no light.

There is no darkness without light.

These two profound truths of the Great Dao complement each other, just like lighting the earth, there will inevitably be shadows, and like the flickering of a candle, besides the halo, there are also shadows.

But now, Chen Xi finally comprehends these two kinds of rare profound truths from the natal bone of the Yin-Yang Fish King, and completely grasps them for his own use!

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