divine talisman

Chapter 1291 Ye Tang's Way [Part 2]

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xi spread his right palm flat, and a ray of light spread out, holy, brilliant, dazzling, filled with a warming power.

With a movement in his heart, a Xuanling-level fairy sword emerged and was enveloped by a ray of light in his palm.

chi chi~

The next moment, there was a sudden tremor around the Xuanling-rank fairy sword, as if it had been scorched by a raging fire, and there was a faint trace of melting on the surface of the sword.

"Where there is light, heresy does not exist, and its greatest power lies in the word purification!"

Chen Xi thought deeply, purification is a terrifying power unique to light, it exterminates all evils, wipes out obscenity and crimes, and its power is incomparably powerful.

With his palm, a ray of light disappeared and was replaced by a touch of darkness.

Looking from a distance, this darkness seems to be cut from the night, it is a kind of black without any impurities, it seems to be able to swallow the soul of a person, giving people a sense of depth, darkness, and darkness The lifeless feeling of cold heart palpitations.

Gently touch the fairy sword with the palm of your hand, and the power of darkness invaded it. Almost instantly, the fairy sword with the top grade of the Xuanling rank was almost destroyed spiritually, and it was lowered by a rank!

"Invaded by darkness, life is lost, and its greatest power lies in plundering life!"

Chen Xi picked up that fairy sword and inspected it for a long time, and the corners of his lips curved in satisfaction.

During the five months in this star world, besides tempering his cultivation, he has been comprehending the two rare avenues of darkness and light. Now that he has fully mastered them, the power of these two avenues has not disappointed him. .

"Next, let's condense them one by one into the power of the Dao law, and prepare for the condensing of the Tai Chi divine pattern... The only regret is that there is still a long way to go from the late stage of the impact on Da Luo..."

Thinking of his own cultivation level, Chen Xi couldn't help frowning.

Compared with the last time he easily advanced to the middle stage of Da Luo in one fell swoop in the Immortal King's Tomb, this time his progress towards the late stage of Da Luo was significantly slower.

However, Chen Xi is also clear that he only advanced to the Great Luo Realm two years ago, and he is now in the middle stage of the Great Luo Realm. This speed of cultivation is already frightening enough. If he wants to make another breakthrough, unless there is another chance, he will not be able to do so in a short time. I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through and advance.

"I don't know where that little girl got her self-confidence. She is so sure that I will be able to advance to the late stage of Da Luo in a year..."

Inexplicably, Chen Xi thought of the mysterious woman he met in Xianbuyan Restaurant that time, and of course, he also remembered the fragment of the river map in her hand.

"Forget it, no matter what, one year is still too early, but my retreat in the world of stars is worth five years in the outside world, and I still have great hopes of advancing to the late stage of Da Luo."

Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then put all these distracting thoughts behind him, stretched his waist a long time, got up and left the world of stars.

In the past five months in Star World, although his realm has not broken through, his strength has become more and more profound, especially after mastering the two rare avenues of darkness and light, his combat power has also increased, and his combat power has increased by one level. level.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xi planned to go to the Illusory Luo Wonderland again and break through the barrier again, so as to test how much his combat power had improved.

However, just as he left the Jianlu Cave Mansion, he was attracted by a shocking battle sound.


Chen Xi raised his head abruptly, and saw two silhouettes fighting in the sky above Xingxian Mountain that day. Sword intent and saber brilliance crisscrossed, clouds collapsed in all directions, and the battle was extremely fierce, turning the sky into a huge battlefield.

One of them was Shengxue in white clothes, with a handsome and ruthless face, holding a pure black fairy sword, with the movement of his hands and feet, the sword intent pierced the air, flying in all directions, chilling and ruthless.

That person is Lingbai!

"Fantastic, this little guy's cultivation is probably at the late stage of Da Luo, and his control over the Nirvana Sword Dao is becoming more and more terrifying, and he already has the power of the Great Sword Sect."

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and a look of astonishment flashed across his face. He had no idea that after so many years, Ling Bai's strength had risen to such a level.

Lingbai's opponent was a rough young man with thick long hair and shoulders, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a vigorous figure. He was holding a five-foot-long cyan saber, which was sharp and unrestrained.

Especially when this person raises his hands and feet, he always shows a sweeping posture, with his feet stepping on the heaven and earth, with a domineering arrogance that is the world's best, and Chen Xi is also heartbroken by that kind of power. Yi Lin, such a person would definitely not be an unknown person. Compared with him, Meng Qi is not a level existence at all.

Who is this person?

Chen Xi frowned, but he saw many figures standing near the Tianxing Mountain watching the battle, among them was the figure of Qingye.

At the same time, Qingye also saw Chen Xi, and immediately came to Chen Xi's side in a blink of an eye, and said with a restrained wry smile, "Senior Brother Chen Xi, don't worry, that's Senior Brother Ye Tang. Seeing that Lie Xin is happy, I can't bear it." Let's compete with Ling Bai."

During this month, Qing Ye, who was a neighbor with Chen Xi, had already known about the existence of Ling Bai, Bai Kui, and Ah Man, and it was very clear that Chen Xi cared about these three little guys.

"I see."

Chen Xi nodded, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, looked up into the air, and said, "So that's Senior Brother Ye Tang, he's really powerful, and he's worthy of being one of the six blazing suns in the fairy world. "

Tie Yuan? Ye Tang!

He didn't know how many times he had heard this name, and even now, this name was still ranked No.2 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List, with a great reputation and a reputation that shook the heavens.

Among the [-] Da Luojin Fairyland disciples in the inner courtyard, he is definitely one of the most influential figures.

Qingye also said with emotion: "That's right, a character like Senior Brother Ye Tang has already reached the peak of the Great Luo Realm, and his name is so resounding that everyone in the entire fairy world knows it."

Speaking of this, he changed the subject and said, "However, Ling Bai is also extremely good. He was able to compete with Senior Brother Ye Tang. This is not something ordinary people can do."

There was already a touch of surprise in the voice, obviously, he did not expect that this little guy who was only three inches tall, once he entered the fighting state, would burst out with such terrifying combat power.

Chen Xi smiled slightly. Seeing Ling Bai's powerful fighting power, why didn't he do the same?

"Hmph, stop hitting, you guys keep keeping your hands, it's really unpleasant to hit."

Above the nine heavens, Ling Bai suddenly let out a cold snort, and left the battle in a flash out of thin air.

"Hahaha, I'm really to blame this time, but after all, this is a place of subterfuge, not a place of battle. If we find a chance, we can find a battlefield and fight again. We will definitely not be so restrained then."

Ye Tang casually carried his five-foot-long knife on his shoulder, looked up to the sky and laughed, his thick long hair flying, bold and hearty, with a free and easy demeanor.

While speaking, the figures of the two had landed on Tianxing Xianshan.

"My sword cuts life and death, and destroys enemies. It's not for sparring. I don't bother to talk to you."

Ling Bai glared at the other party angrily, and then seeing Chen Xi, his figure flashed in a flash, and he regained his three-inch height. He jumped onto Chen Xi's shoulder and said, "Chen Xi, quickly stop this lunatic, whether you know him or not. If you know each other, you will fight, and you can't hide, it's really unreasonable..."

Hearing this, many disciples from the inner courtyard who were watching the battle gasped, and this little guy was too loud, how dare he call Senior Brother Ye Tang a lunatic?Still... unreasonable?

Regarding this, Ye Tang laughed again, looking bold and unrestrained, he sized up Chen Xi, smiled slightly, showing a mouthful of white and neat teeth, and said, "You are Junior Brother Chen Xi, I have heard of your name .”

"I met Senior Brother Ye Tang."

Chen Xi cupped his hands, and he could feel that the other party's temperament was generous and bold, eclectic, like a knight-errant in a storybook novel, with a rather charming personality.

"The little guy next to you is good, it makes me feel like raising a fairy pet, hahaha."

Ye Tang narrowly blinked at Ling Bai, and seeing the latter's disgusted look, he laughed again, obviously he liked Ling Bai quite a lot.

Chen Xi was stunned, shrugged and said, "This is my companion Ling Bai, not a fairy pet."

Ye Tang was startled, looked at Chen Xi thoughtfully, and immediately said with a smile, "That's right, that's right, when Junior Brother Chen Xi advances to the late stage of Da Luo, we'll also have a match, let's say goodbye first, after Junior Brother Chen Xi If you need anything, just call me."

After all, he has already turned around and left, and his heroic laughter can still be heard from a distance——

"Born only to compare with the sky,

The long front is not rusty and the battle is not old.

If he climbs to the Qingming Peak in his age,

Sorrow, joy, honor and shame..."

The voice is rough, floating between heaven and earth.

"Senior brother Ye Tang has such a disposition, he is really open-minded, open-minded, happy and unrestrained, he is really a strange man in the world." Although Chen Xi only met Ye Tang a little, he immediately fell in love with Ye Tang's unrestrained and unrestrained temperament.

"That's right, Senior Brother Ye Tang once said that people don't have to live forever, they don't have to pursue Tao, but their hearts can't be free." Qing Ye also deeply agreed, and there was a hint of admiration for Ye Tang in his expression.

Chen Xi was thoughtful, everyone has their own way to go, and Ye Tang's way may be the way of freedom, the way of unfettered.

Next, Chen Xi bid farewell to Qingye, then turned around and walked towards the Imaginary Wonderland.

"Chen Xi, I'm not as good as that Ye Tang."

On the way, Ling Bai suddenly said, with a serious look on his face, "When I was fighting against him, I tried my best, but the other party still had reservations. It's amazing."

Chen Xi nodded and said, "This is also normal. Senior Brother Ye Tang is one of the six blazing suns in the fairy world, and he is one of the top disciples in the Da Luo Realm in the inner courtyard."

"What about you, can you defeat the opponent?" Ling Bai asked, changing the subject.

Chen Xi was silent for a long time this time, and said, "Maybe it's a little worse now, but it won't be necessarily the case in the future..." At the end of the speech, an indescribable look of contempt and self-confidence gushed out from his handsome face.

Life should not be conceited.

But, don’t underestimate yourself!


ps: The third update is after midnight, I can’t wait for the children’s shoes to wash and sleep, and I’ll watch it tomorrow.

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