divine talisman

Chapter 1292 The Road to Breakthrough [Part 3]

Magic Luo Wonderland.

This was the third time Chen Xi came here, and he was already familiar with it. Ignoring the surprised gazes from around him, Chen Xi directly entered it.

"Chen Xi is actually here again?"

"I remember that it's only been a month since he broke through the barrier last time, right? Why did he come here this time? Shouldn't he want to break a new record?"

"Impossible. I clearly noticed just now that his cultivation is still in the middle stage of Da Luo. What's more, it's only been a month. How can his combat power improve so quickly?"

"That's right. From my point of view, maybe Chen Xi took the Illusory Luo Wonderland as a place of trial, just to challenge his limits, to hone and improve his own strength."

On the platform, a group of disciples discussed and wondered.

After all, every time he enters the Illusionary Wonderland, he needs to pay 180 million star points. Chen Xi's move is simply too generous, and it is too puzzling. Could it be that his star points are too much to spend?

Three quarters later.


Chen Xi's figure flashed out of that illusory wonderland, and disappeared without a trace at all.


Everyone was startled, and they all turned their eyes to the customs clearance stone tablet, and then their eyes widened suddenly, and their jaws almost fell to the ground in shock.


Clearance results, three quarters of an hour and five breaths!

Compared with the last pass result, Chen Xi was not only nineteen breaths ahead, but his ranking on the pass stone tablet was also raised by one, jumping from No.10 to No.9!

What does No.9 mean?

It means that Chen Xi will be rewarded with 500 million star points every month, a full 10 ​​million star points more than when he was ranked No.200!

Someone made a calculation, if Chen Xi came to break through everything every month, and his ranking increased by one, then throwing away the 180 million star points he paid every time he broke through the level, the star points he got every month would still be able to Most of the remaining.

"This guy, don't you think breaking through in the Imaginary Wonderland is a way to earn star points?" Someone said in surprise.

"That can only be done with strength. Do you think it is so easy to catch up with the ranking on the customs clearance stone?" Some people disagree.

"No matter what, this fellow Chen Xi's fighting power is becoming more and more perverted. Now I have some doubts about how long it will take him to break into the top three and compete with Senior Sister Ling Qingwu and Senior Brother Ye Tang."

Some people were amazed, and many people echoed and agreed.

That's right, it's only been a month, and Chen Xi has broken another record. If he was given more time, wouldn't he be able to keep breaking records step by step?


After returning from the Illusionary Wonderland, Chen Xi entered the retreat again.

A month later.

He reappeared, entered the Imaginary Wonderland, broke another record without any surprise, ranked No.7, and could get 700 million star points every month.

The increase in combat power this time has nothing to do with cultivation, but that he has successfully condensed the four rare ways of annihilation, devouring, immortality, and good fortune into laws and controlled them for his own use.

So far, the mysteries of the Dao under his control, except for the other shore, sinking, darkness, and light, all the other Dao's have been condensed into the power of law.

Naturally, the more laws, the better, because every time you control one, it means that you have a deeper understanding of the immortal world. In this way, your control over power will also be improved, which will greatly improve your combat effectiveness. Great help.

Compared to other Da Luo Jinxians of the same generation, Chen Xi mastered so many laws that are absolutely rare in this world, and many of the Dao laws are first-class and rare powerful laws in this world.

For example, Immortality, Creation, Annihilation, Devouring... For other Da Luo Jinxians, mastering one of them is enough to enjoy endlessly for a lifetime.

But Chen Xi has mastered more than ten kinds!

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if his fighting power did not improve any more.


third month.

"It's coming again! Chen Xi is coming again!"

"God, does he have to check the records every month? This is simply too exciting, and it makes people die, woo woo woo..."

"This pervert, compared to him, I suddenly feel that this genius recognized by the family is simply weak!"

On the platform of the Illusory Wonderland, when they saw the familiar figure of Chen Xi reappearing, everyone's expressions suddenly became extremely complicated, with admiration, shock, wry smiles, helplessness... and so on.

And Chen Xi also lived up to everyone's expectations. This time he broke through the level again and set a new record, raising his ranking on the level stone tablet to No.7.

This also means that he can get 800 million star rewards every month!

And the record-breaking incidents that happened consecutively in the past three months also completely caused a sensation in the entire inner court. Not only those students, but also many instructors and some old antiques paid attention to this matter. Topics not mentioned.

There is no way, this series of events is too shocking, it can be called unprecedented, Chen Xi broke the record again and again, and people also refreshed their understanding of Chen Xi time and time again.

However, when everyone was expecting Chen Xi to achieve another success in the fourth month, they found that Chen Xi did not appear, which made many people quite disappointed.

After all, many people in the academy had never personally witnessed Chen Xi’s record-breaking action. Originally, they were full of hope and wanted to witness it, but in the end, Chen Xi did not show up, which is naturally regrettable.

But at this point, many people still breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling that this is normal, otherwise, if Chen Xi would do this every month, they would doubt that they would be able to withstand the blows every time.

Especially for those disciples who are ranked in the top [-] on the Purple Ribbon Gold List, and whose ranking on the customs clearance stone tablet is higher than Chen Xi, Chen Xi's crazy action of breaking the record made them bear a lot of pressure, I was afraid that I would be squeezed out by this guy inadvertently.


The outside world was full of turmoil, and the city was full of wind and rain, but Chen Xi knew nothing about it. As early as the third month after he passed the test, he began to retreat to prepare for the impact on Da Luo's later stage.

The reason is very simple. To the outside world, although only three months have passed, he has been cultivating in the world of stars for more than a year.

During this period of time, he has condensed all the mysteries of the Dao that he has mastered into the power of various laws. If he wants to improve again, he needs to integrate various laws and condense them into different Da Luo Shenwen.

Condensing the Great Luo Divine Pattern is not as easy as condensing the Dao Law, it is difficult and takes too long, and there is no effect in a short period of time.

Even if Chen Xi's comprehension is against the heavens, he still has to take it step by step when facing this question, there is no shortcut to choose from.

And this time he is going to retreat to attack Da Luo's later stage, and he is also prepared.

Because when he just returned from the Imaginary Wonderland in the third month, he met Zhao Mengli, the phoenix wings she sent and the Cangwu seedlings that belonged to him.

At that time, the moment Chen Xi saw Zhao Mengli, he could clearly feel the other party's cultivation level, and he had leapt to the late stage of Da Luo, and the aura around him was extremely strong, like an abyss like a prison, like three months ago. people.

And according to Zhao Mengli, the reason why she was able to advance to the next level and mastered a certain supreme secret law inheritance of the Huang Clan is inseparable from the Cangwu seedlings, and it can even be called the greatest contribution.

This made Chen Xi couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Originally, he thought that his combat power had improved fast enough, but he never wanted to compare with Zhao Mengli, but it was nothing.

Not only that, Chen Xi even doubted that the cultivation progress of Buddha Master Zhenlu and Ji Xuanbing would certainly not be any worse than that of Zhao Mengli.

It was also from that day that Chen Xi began to retreat to prepare for his impact on Da Luo's late stage.

All of this is also inseparable from the Cangwu seedlings, because the current Cangwu seedlings are no longer comparable to those in the past. The essence of the 10-year-old Cangwu sacred tree planted by Zhao Taici, the patriarch of the Huang clan, They have all been absorbed by the Cangwu seedlings.

Although the current Cangwu seedlings are still small in size, they are like a mature Cangwu sacred tree, with a green crown and curly roots. In every leaf, there are mysterious and complete Dao patterns, which are filled with green Divinity radiance.

Putting it in the body, one can clearly feel that the fairy power exhaled by the Cangwu seedlings also carries wisps of divine aura, which greatly benefits Chen Xi's aura all over his body at all times.

In addition, in the past three months, he has devoted himself to tempering his cultivation and condensing the law in the world of stars, which has already made his own cultivation stable and solid. All of this has become an opportunity for him to attack Da Luo's later stage .

In this way, it is impossible for Chen Xi to go to the Illusory Luo Wonderland to pass the level again in the fourth month. Perhaps, when he enters the late stage of Da Luo, if he goes to the level again, it will not only be as simple as setting a new record at a time.


In the world of stars, Chen Xi closed his eyes and looked calm. He sat cross-legged, and his whole body exuded a sense of tranquility and tranquility, like a god sitting under the starry sky.

And inside his body, the verdant Cangwu seedlings spit out continuously, filled with divine brilliance, and the mighty and pure fairy power rushed out, and then turned into a torrent and washed over his body, resounding like thunder. The oscillating sound continuously drives the change and circulation of its own qi mechanism.

In the later period of Daluo, it was also known as the Realm of Brahma.

Reaching this realm means that Daluo is complete, golden light is boundless, and the world of oneself is complete and complete, echoing with the world of Zhoutian, as if they are one, and no longer separate from each other.

This level is what the Buddhists say, "the sky is me, the earth is me, and I am the sky and the earth."

One step further, is the realm of immortals and saints, beyond the scope of "I", and start to explore the way of "sacredness", that is, the realm of saints and immortals.

But at this time, Chen Xi, who was standing outside the threshold of the Great Brahma Realm, had already started to take steps after making complete preparations, intending to cross this threshold and break into the realm!


ps: This chapter is an update for "yaunbaotu" children's shoes. In addition, please ask for the monthly pass. It is the last few days at the end of the month. Brothers and sisters, please take a look at the account. A new monthly pass should be refreshed~~~

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