divine talisman

Chapter 1293 7 Schools Discuss Dao [Part 1]

Time passed like water, unsteadily, three months had passed since Chen Xi closed his closed doors and broke through, while in the world of stars, nearly a year and a half had passed.

During this period of time, Chen Xi was like a statue, standing still, constantly using the power of the Cangwu seedling to temper his body, without stopping for a moment at all.

And under this kind of tempering, his essence, qi, spirit, qi machine... and even the whole inner world have reached a peak boiling state.

Later, his body was like the sound of thunder and lightning resounding through the wind, clouds, and thunder, all of which were filled with the grand dao rhyme.

And in every pore of his body, he continuously spewed golden divine brilliance, which was so brilliant and dazzling that when viewed from a distance, his whole body seemed to be bathed in blazing golden brilliance, illuminating the entire starry sky.

This is gaining momentum, because Chen Xi's cultivation foundation is too strong and majestic. If he wants to break through the realm and enter a higher level, the strength he needs is even greater, otherwise it will be difficult to shake the strong barrier of Da Luo's later stage. .

Gathering momentum is to wait for a certain moment, fight for the front, break through that threshold in one fell swoop, and enter a new realm!

And in order to do all of this, Chen Xi had already spent a whole year and a half. If other Da Luo Realm experts witnessed this scene, they would definitely be stunned.

After all, it is extremely rare for such a situation to accumulate momentum for such a long time just to break through the realm. This also proves from the side that Chen Xi's cultivation foundation is so strong and huge, it is far from ordinary and comparable.

The most important thing is that Chen Xi's process of gaining momentum is still going on until now...


During the three months of Chen Xi's retreat, many things happened in Daohuang Academy.

For example, Fozi Zhenlu stepped into the top ten of the Purple Ribbon Gold List in one fell swoop, shocking the academy, and became the most popular disciple in the inner courtyard of the academy for a while.

Another example is that Zhao Mengli and Ji Xuanbing both broke the clearance record of Illusionary Wonderland, the former ranked fifth, the latter ranked sixth, and the No.7 below them was Chen Xi.

In other words, it took less than a year for their freshmen who entered the inner court this year, and three of them broke the customs clearance record between the seventh floor and the 30nd floor of No. 72 in the Magic Luo Wonderland. It caused a great commotion in the academy, making many professors and old antiques gasp in amazement.

Some people also speculated that if Fozi Zhenlu went to break through the level, it might be enough to break a customs clearance record, but from the beginning to the end, Fozi Zhenlu did not set foot in the Imaginary Wonderland. This guess has also become a mystery and cannot be confirmed.

In addition to these things, a piece of news that has only recently spread has become the most concerned topic of the entire academy, and that is the "Seven Academy Discussion Conference".

As the name suggests, it is a grand meeting for discussing Dao among the disciples of the seven great academies in the fairy world.

This is also a tradition that has been passed down. Since the establishment of the Seven Great Academies, it has been held every few years. The Seven Great Academies hold it in turn. Every time the disciples who participate in the discussion are the most outstanding Daluo Realm existences in the academy.

There is only one purpose for holding such a discussion meeting, and that is to test the strength of the younger generation of disciples, so as to encourage them to practice hard.

However, with the holding of each session of the "Seven Academies Discussion Conference", the taste of this tradition has also changed, and it has become an arena where the best disciples of the seven academies compete.

Even, the results of each seminar will affect the reputation of the seven colleges, which are well known by the entire fairy world.

And this time, it was the turn of the Daohuang Academy to hold the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seven Academy.

What is different from the previous ones is that this time, at the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy, there is a very high possibility of a war of scorching suns breaking out!

Because it was rumored that Biyuan Wan Jiansheng, one of the six scorching suns who was born in Changkong Academy, would also participate in the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seven Academy.

Biyuan? Wan Jiankong!

That was the scorching sun that became famous earlier than "Yan Yu? Ling Qingwu", "Tie Yuan? Ye Tang", "Weiyang? Mu Junlin". Among the six scorching suns, when it comes to becoming famous earlier, only "Iris? Zuo "Qiu Kong" and "Nine Songs? Xuanyuan Qingfeng" can stand shoulder to shoulder with it.

What is particularly interesting to talk about is that this Wan Jiankong is still a rare great sword sect, and there are even rumors that his current kendo practice has reached the state of "Sword God"!

Now it is rumored that Wan Jiansheng participated in this seven-academy discussion, and it goes without saying that anyone who can compete with him must be a scorching sun figure.

As we all know, among the seven great academies, only Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang of Daohuang Academy are also hot figures. As for Zuo Qiukong and Mu Junlin, they have never practiced in any of these seven great academies, so they cannot participate in it.

Only Xuanyuan Qingfeng is special. He once passed the examination and entered Daohuang Academy, but he resigned as a student and returned to Xuanyuan Family after only practicing in the academy for less than three years. No one can give an answer to the reason.

But in short, when Xuanyuan Qingfeng became one of the six scorching suns, it was nearly a hundred years after he left the academy, and it was also impossible for him to participate.

To put it simply, if Wan Jiansheng participated in the discussion meeting of the Seventh Academy this time, then his opponent would definitely be one of Ling Qingwu and Ye Tang.

This was a duel between hot-blooded figures, and it naturally added an extremely eye-catching gimmick to this session of the Seventh Academy Discussion Conference.

Besides, when the six colleges came to Daohuang Academy this time, there was another thing to do, and that was to get back the treasure that originally belonged to their college from Chen Xi, a disciple of Daohuang Academy's inner courtyard.

Like the Xuanhuang Gourd of the Sky Academy, the Hate Sky Seal of the Kuji Academy, and the Qingdou Palace Lantern of the Dahuang Academy...

This incident also aroused heated discussions among the teachers and students of the Dao Emperor Academy. Only then did they know that during the last assessment in the inner court of the outer battlefield, this guy Chen Xi actually did such a brutal thing, robbing Having bought three important treasures from the town house, it is so overbearing that it makes people stagger.

In short, the upcoming "Seven Academies Discussion Meeting" held at Daohuang Academy is different from the previous ones, and there are too many things to look forward to.

Even before this grand event started, the news about it flew to every corner of the fairyland as if it had grown wings, and became a topic that all living beings talked about.

Of course, it also attracted many immortal cultivators from all directions to rush towards Douxuan Immortal City, hoping to get news about this grand event as soon as possible.

After all, this is a grand meeting of the seven academies, representing the highest level of competition in the realm of the younger generation, and no one can ignore it.


Daohuang Academy, inner courtyard.

A thatched hut, a clear spring, and a green pine.

This is the place where Chi Cangsheng, the dean of the inner courtyard, practiced latently. It was built on a low and unusual hill, and the ordinary one was somewhat shabby.

But Chi Cangsheng was content with himself, and from the moment he became the dean of the inner courtyard, this place has always been his residence and has never been changed.

No one can guess what this grumpy old antique is doing. He himself never said what the reason for doing this is. , people are used to it.

At this time, Chi Cangsheng was sitting on the ground in front of that thatched hut, and next to him, there were actually two people sitting on the ground casually regardless of their appearance, they were the chief instructors of the inner courtyard, Wang Daolu and Zuoqiu Taiwu.

"This time, it is already certain that the old monster Feng from Changkong Academy will definitely bring Wan Jiansheng with him."

Wang Daolu pondered for a moment, and then said, "Although the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy is a grand meeting for young people to learn from each other, but the taste of Ten Thousand Swords is a bit different."

Chi Cangsheng sneered coldly and said: "It's not obvious, Mr. Feng and those old immortals have always been dissatisfied with our Daohuang Academy, and this time he brought out such a little guy to make our Daohuang Academy look good. "

Wang Daolu sighed: "That's what I said, but Wan Jiansheng is indeed a remarkable young man. Now Ling Qingwu from our academy has gone away and has not returned. I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with this grand event. Ye Tang is the only one who can contend against the sword."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and still said: "Comparatively speaking, I feel that Ye Tang is still slightly inferior to Wan Jiansheng. After all, when the latter became famous, Ye Tang had just advanced to the realm of Daluo. Now After so many years, although Ye Tang already has the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, his background is not as good after all."

After Chi Cangsheng listened, he glanced at Wang Daolu displeasedly, and said, "I think Ye Tang is better than that guy."

Wang Daolu smiled wryly, knowing that the old guy had a surly temper, and the quarrel was meaningless, so he changed the subject and said, "According to the rules, at the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seven Schools, each college will send five disciples to participate in the discussion. Brother Chi thinks, which five disciples should we send this time?"

This time, Chi Cangsheng frowned and pondered for a long time before waving his hands and saying, "Ye Tang, Qingye, Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, there are only five of them."

Hearing this, Wang Daolu was stunned immediately, Ye Tang had no doubts that he would fight, but the other four were beyond his expectation, Qingye was reserved and shy, with a peaceful disposition to the point of shyness, since entering the inner courtyard, He has never participated in any battles, but now he is going to be sent out?

Although this Qingye is your Chi Cangsheng's closed disciple, his personality is not suitable for discussing Dao at all, is he?

Besides, the three of Zhenlv are all freshmen who have just stepped into the inner court. Although they are shining brilliantly in the inner court now, compared to many old students in the inner court, their background is still somewhat insufficient.

Now, sending people like them to represent Daohuang Academy to participate in the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy is a bit of a joke.

The most important thing is that Wang Daolu didn't say it before, but now he didn't care so much, and said directly: "Brother Chi, the six colleges are calling names directly, and want Chen Xi to participate in the discussion."

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