divine talisman

Chapter 1294 Too Forgetful [Part 2]

Chen Xi?

Chi Cangsheng frowned, and said displeasedly: "The six academies called upon Chen Xi to participate, so we have to follow suit? They also take themselves too seriously."

Wang Daolu smiled wryly again, and said helplessly: "But this time you send a few new disciples to participate in the discussion, after all, it is not appropriate. If you fail in the discussion, it will affect the reputation of our academy."

Chi Cangsheng cast a sideways glance at the other party, a look of contempt flashed across his skinny cheeks, and said with a sneer, "I'll just let their six colleges take a look, even if we send out newcomers, it's still enough to crush them!"

Wang Daolu was slightly taken aback, and then he took a deep breath. He never expected that this old monster would have such a plan. If it is successful, it will indeed severely blow the arrogance of the six colleges.


This is still too risky after all!

In case of failure, it will also have a big impact on the reputation of Daohuang Academy. At that time, the outside world will not care whether you send newcomers or veterans.

"No matter what, Chen Xi must fight."

Suddenly, the silent Zuoqiu Taiwu raised his eyelids and spoke slowly.

Seeing Zuoqiu Taiwu speak, Chi Cangsheng narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Old Zuoqiu, aren't you joking?"

Obviously, he also attached great importance to Zuoqiu Taiwu's opinion.

Zuoqiu Taiwu didn't answer directly, but talked about another thing: "This time the six colleges came prepared, and I heard that some of them are powerful characters, not inferior to Wan Jiansheng from Changkong College."

As he said that, he took out a jade slip and handed it over, "Look at it, the last time Misty Mountain was destroyed, the Supreme Sect dispatched a strong Immortal King Realm. Afterwards, I asked some friends to investigate and found The figure of the Supreme Master doesn’t just appear in that misty fairy mountain.”

That jade slip was exactly what Chen Xi had witnessed by chance, and it recorded the destruction of Misty Immortal Mountain and the killing of Xie Lian.

"You mean, the shadow of the Supreme Master is still behind the six academies coming this time?" After reading the jade slips, Chi Cangsheng's eyes suddenly flashed a frightening light.

Wang Daolu's expression also became serious. The mention of the Supreme Master reminded him of some bloody rumors in the past years. It can be summed up in one sentence - "The Supreme Being is ruthless and ruthless"!

This orthodoxy may be extremely mysterious and supreme to the beings of the Three Realms, but to old antiques such as Wang Daolu, it is very clear that the Supreme Sect has brought so much to the Three Realms during the countless years since its establishment in the beginning of Hongmeng. disaster.

The Taishangjiao pursues the "ruthless" way, and believes that the way of heaven is ruthless. If you want to prove the top of the way, you should cut off the seven emotions, cut off the six desires, and not be moved by emotions or disturbed by emotions. Only in this way can you control the way of heaven for your own use.

It is precisely because of the ruthlessness that they are unscrupulous and unscrupulous. In order to control the way of heaven and rule the three realms, the Supreme Master has caused countless bloody storms in these boundless years. Behind many catastrophes in history, one can almost find the Supreme Teach the trail.

But until now, the Taishang Sect still stands in the Three Realms, and its status is lofty, and it can compete with the two major Taoisms of Shenyan Mountain and Nuwa Taoist Palace. , It is not something that ordinary forces can contend with and eradicate.

However, since the catastrophe of gods and demons broke out a million years ago, the Supreme Sect has restrained a lot for some reason, and has not reappeared for a long time, but as long as some old antiques with experience know that the Supreme Sect still exists and has always been It is growing silently!

Now, the Misty Immortal Mountain has been destroyed, and a powerful Immortal King from the Supreme Sect appears in the fairy world. All this is like a sign, and it seems that the Supreme Sect who has been hidden for a long time will return to the Three Realms.

This is definitely not good news!

At this moment, Wang Daolu even suspected that when the turmoil in the Three Realms was approaching, would the Supreme Master come out to stir up trouble again?

"Not sure, but it should be."

Zuoqiu Taiwu answered very calmly, and there were not many emotional fluctuations in his old voice.

"According to the information I got, in the Kuji College, there was a student who was expelled from the college hundreds of years ago with a surly temperament, but just a few days ago, this boy suddenly appeared and became the current disciple of the Kuji College. This is the key person who will be dispatched to participate in the seminar of the Seventh Academy."

"If there is no accident, there must be a shadow of the Supreme Master behind this son. The only thing that is uncertain is whether the Bone Silence Academy has also... joined the Supreme Master's camp."

At the end, Zuoqiu Taiwu also had a dignified expression between his brows.

Hearing this, Chi Cangsheng's expression also became a little dignified, and he said: "It's really hard to say, the Supreme Sect is best at infiltrating and controlling, and its power and eyes and ears are all over the three realms. If it is said that Kuji Academy is recruited by it, It's not a strange thing."

"In this way, the Daoist Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academies this time is not easy. Could it be that the Supreme Master wants to use this to help the six academies suppress the reputation of my Daohuang Academy, so as to achieve some kind of indescribable the goal of?"

Wang Daolu frowned and sighed lightly.

"There is no need to speculate too much. Now that the Hongmeng Relics are in chaos, in my opinion, the Grand Master's thoughts will only be placed on the Primordial Remains, and will not focus on this trivial matter."

Zuoqiu Taiwu said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Daolu and Chi Cangsheng thought about it for a while, and they both deeply agreed.

"What's the name of that kid you just mentioned?" Chi Cangsheng asked with a frown.

"Xiao Qianshui."


"It shouldn't be any worse than Wan Jiansheng."

"If you say that, even if you send Chen Xi, it doesn't seem to be of much use."

Chi Cangsheng never expected that a bastard boy named Xiao Qianshui would appear out of nowhere, and his strength would not be much different from Wan Jiansheng.

"However, Chen Xi must fight."

Zuoqiu Taiwu looked calm, and gave Chi Cangsheng a powerful reason that he couldn't refuse, "Because this is the arrangement of the principal."

Chi Cangsheng was only the dean of the inner courtyard, but that dean was the dean of the entire Daohuang Academy, so he couldn't refuse this arrangement at all.


Chi Cangsheng couldn't help asking.

"Then why did you not let Chen Xi go into battle?"

This time it was Wang Daolu who spoke.

Chi Cangsheng was startled, scratched his messy long gray hair and said with a sneer, "I just feel that Chen Xi's reputation is already big enough now, if he doesn't let the other disciples show his face and show off, he has to Depression can't."

Hearing such a weird reason, even with Wang Daolu's unfazed disposition, he almost couldn't help rolling his eyes, this old thing is too nonsense.

"I don't know the reason, but since it is the dean's arrangement, there must be deep meaning."

After Zuoqiu Taiwu finished speaking, he stood up tremblingly with his hunched body, turned around and left, "In another month, the Seventh Academy Discussion Conference will start. The scene is too noisy, so I won't participate."

After all, his figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air, never giving Chi Cangsheng and Wang Daolu a chance to react.

"This old thing is the one who hides the deepest in the entire inner courtyard." Chi Cangsheng groaned, very dissatisfied with Zuoqiu Taiwu's way of leaving as soon as he said it.

"Brother Chi, since the headmaster hand-picked Chen Xi to participate, among the five spots, who should be replaced?" Wang Daolu asked.

"Just replace the green leaf." Chi Cangsheng thought for a while, and finally sighed, "Actually, you don't even know, but my apprentice is not bad at all."

"Ahem, brother Chi, if there is nothing else..."

Seeing this, Wang Daolu coughed loudly and wanted to get out of the way, but was interrupted by Chi Cangsheng directly and arrogantly, "You can leave if you want, but I will inform you that you will be the host of the Seventh Academy Discussion in a month's time!"

Wang Daolu's expression froze, and he smiled wryly, "Why me?"

Chi Cangsheng rolled his eyes strangely, and said angrily, "You still don't know my character? When I saw the old fellows from the six colleges, I couldn't help but want to beat them up. What if they fight?"

Wang Daolu was dumb, touched his nose, and could only admit that he was unlucky.

"Then... you said about Xiao Qianshui, do you want to tell Ye Tang and his five disciples?" Wang Daolu pondered.

"Just remind me when the time comes."

Chi Cangsheng waved his hand carelessly, and said, "Okay, let's go now, I'll leave this matter to you, as long as I don't fight with those old things from the six colleges, don't bother me with other things."

"Oh, you guys..."

Wang Daolu couldn't help but shook his head, turned around and left.


As time went by, more and more immortal cultivators poured in from all directions of the immortal world towards Douxuan Immortal City, their popularity was overwhelming and it was extremely lively.

And in Daohuang Academy, the topic of the Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy has also become a topic on the lips of all the disciples and teachers.

Especially now, they all know that the academy will send five people, Ye Tang, Chen Xi, Ji Xuanbing, Zhenlu, and Zhao Mengli, to participate in the discussion of the Seven Academy, so the discussion about Ye Tang and the five of them has become more and more intense. Became the five most watched disciples in the academy.

"Except for Senior Brother Ye Tang, why are the other four disciples who have just entered the inner court? Let them participate in the discussion of the Seventh Court, what if they fail?"

Of course, some people have expressed doubts about this arrangement.

"Hmph, don't worry about it. Since the old antiques of the college have arranged it this way, they must be very sure that Senior Brother Ye Tang and the others will not lose in the discussion."

Some people refuted it.

"I'm looking forward to the duel between Senior Brother Ye Tang and Wan Jiansheng. It will be a battle between the scorching suns, and it will definitely be an epic battle!"

More people are looking forward to this discussion.

In short, because the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy is about to be held, all kinds of discussions are overwhelmingly happening in every corner of Daohuang Academy. Everyone is looking forward to what kind of wonderful battle will be staged this time.

At the same time, Chen Xi didn't know anything about all this, and he was still retreating in the star world, trying hard to gain momentum, and fell into the state-breaking breakthrough...


ps: "Taishang Wangqing" is a sentence in "Tao Te Ching", the original meaning is not what I said, don't take it seriously.In addition, the plot is seriously stuck today, and the thinking is erratic and messy. Let's do 2 updates today. I want to sort out the next plot, and I will continue to add updates tomorrow.

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