divine talisman

Chapter 1296 Chen Xi, Where Are You Going [Part 2]

Thank you Daoist Benji for your support~


Seeing Xiao Ding so surprised, Chen Xi immediately understood that the original power of the Dao must be extraordinary. Thinking about it, too, how could the power gushing out from the fragments of the river diagram be something ordinary.

Sure enough, Xiao Ding's next words explained this point well.

According to Xiao Ding, the origin of the Dao was born in the chaos, and it is the source of the Dao of the Three Realms.

And the effectiveness of the origin of the Dao is even more astonishing, which can be summed up in a few words-"The sacred roads all come from the source of Dao".

As we all know, there are two kinds of realms of saints, one is congenital saints and the other is acquired saints. Purely relying on one's own cultivation base to advance to the road of saint immortality.

The Xiantian Saint Immortal is the rumored existence that is comparable to the sacredness of the ancient times. It moves mountains and seas, picks stars and moons, preaches the world, has boundless mana, and immeasurable power.

Acquired saints are also known as "false saints". Whether it is the power of control or the way of the future, they cannot be compared with Xiantian saints.

Of course, even acquired Saint Immortals are not something that Da Luo Realm existences can contend with. When these existences are only compared with Xiantian Saint Immortals, there is an irreparable gap.

It can be said that on the road from the Great Luo Realm to the Holy Immortal Realm, two completely different situations have emerged precisely because of whether one has mastered the original power of the Dao.

Because of the rarity and scarcity of the origin of the Dao, in today's fairyland, nearly [-]% of the holy fairyland exists, and they are all acquired saints.

And those who can prove the Tao of innate saints are almost all from the top forces in the Three Realms, such as the seven great families of ancient times, the seven great academies and so on.

Because almost only these top powers have preserved the origin of the Dao, and it is impossible for others to get involved.

Of course, in the Three Realms, there are some chance places where the origin of the Dao exists, but that is a matter of luck, and it belongs to the existence that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

After understanding all this, Chen Xi also clicked his tongue inwardly. He never expected that he had just stepped into the late stage of Da Luo, and by chance, he obtained a piece of the original power of the Great Dao from the fragments of the river map. It was definitely an unexpected joy. up.

In other words, when he hits the Saint Immortal Realm in the future, he doesn't have to spend energy to find the original power of the Dao. In this way, he will naturally save too much unnecessary trouble and time compared to others.

"The benefits must be more than that. It is the origin of the Dao conceived in the fragments of the river map. When it comes to appearance, it must be the most pure and ancient. That bastard boy has hit his luck this time."

Xiao Ding added another sentence, and there was also a flash of envy in his voice.

Being scolded for being a bastard again, Chen Xi couldn't help touching his nose, and said with a helpless smile: "Senior, I am the deity, so if you scold him, isn't it the same as scolding me?"

Xiao Ding was stunned, and immediately stopped talking.

And Chen Xi's second clone turned around and entered the world of stars.

However, what Chen Xi didn't expect was that the moment he just entered, the deity who had been in deep meditation also woke up.

"It seems that he doesn't need your help."

Xiao Ding opened his mouth.

"He was originally me."

Chen Xi said angrily.

"You seem to be dissatisfied with me from your voice. It seems that you still have enough energy. If that's the case, then return to the Nine Cauldron World with me and continue to cultivate the Divine Nine Cauldron Body. Well, it's time to cultivate the second level... ..."

There was a touch of indifference in Xiao Ding's voice.

Chen Xi's second avatar was shocked when he heard the words, and his complexion changed suddenly. He immediately remembered the extremely miserable experience of the past few days, and the almost harsh and perverted requirements that Xiao Ding made in order to sharpen himself...

He opened his mouth and was about to refuse, but he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and was taken away by Xiao Ding directly.


In the world of stars.

Chen Xi himself opened his eyes, as if waking up from a dream, and then the trace of bewilderment that remained in his eyes began to fade away like a tide.

After a while, he completely recovered his sanity.

"I didn't expect that this time, after advancing to the late stage of Da Luo, I can still absorb the original power of the Dao..."

Chen Xi murmured. When he spoke, he flicked his fingers, and with a buzzing sound, a gust of wind broke through the air. At that moment, the surrounding space fluctuated like tidal ripples, and the scene was extremely strange.

Immediately, he flicked his finger again. This time, the surrounding void was like a tidal wave, making a crashing sound, and the invisible power of space rolled in it, ups and downs, turning into a space tide.


Chen Xi casually threw out a Profound Spirit Rank Immortal Artifact, and as soon as it touched the space tide, it was instantly blasted with powder, and the powder was disintegrated by the force of space and turned into invisible!

"Sure enough, after absorbing the original power of the Great Dao, my control over the space god pattern has surpassed the two levels of space vibration and space ripples in one fell swoop, and reached the point of space tides!"

Chen Xi's eyes lit up, and he was very excited.

Before being poured into the body by the power of the source of the great way, his soul was soaked in the source of the great way, and all the profound meanings of the great way that he controlled had also been significantly improved.

The most conspicuous improvement is the space avenue.

At the same time, the four profound mysteries of the Dao of the other side, sinking, darkness, and light under his control are all condensed into the law of the Dao.

So far, the mysteries of the Dao under Chen Xi's control have all reached a height above the law, and all of these are the benefits brought by the original power of the Dao!

"It's no wonder even Xiao Ding lost his composure when he learned about this. The original power of the Dao is really not ordinary. If it wasn't for the fragments of the river map, I'm afraid I wouldn't have gotten such a chance..."

Chen Xi took a deep breath, feeling the brand-new changes in his whole body, and judged in an instant that the power he was controlling now, compared to before, was completely different from the sky and the earth, and it couldn't be compared in the same day.

That's exactly what happened.

In terms of cultivation, he jumped to the late stage of Da Luo, and his strength skyrocketed unprecedentedly.

In the realm of Taoism, after he obtained the original power of the Dao from the fragments of the river map, he also improved significantly. Under such circumstances, it would be strange if his strength did not increase significantly.

"The law of darkness and light can be combined with the law of yin and yang to condense into a Tai Chi pattern, but the two laws of the other side and sinking can no longer be cultivated..."

Chen Xi is very clear that the two great laws of the other side and sinking are the key to the law of reincarnation, but now there is still a lack of a profound meaning of ending, so if you try to condense it at this time, you will not be able to condense the real law of reincarnation at all.

Of course, the most important thing is that the law of reincarnation is a taboo force, which is not tolerated by the gods and Buddhas of the Three Realms. Once it is discovered by people, it will definitely cause endless troubles.

Thinking about how powerful the third Emperor Youming was, he was eventually hunted down to death by many big figures in the Three Realms. It was also for this reason that Chen Xi did not dare to think about such taboo-like powers of laws for the time being.

"The Discussion Conference of the Seven Academies... I would also like to see who the six academies have sent. However, if you want to get back treasures such as the black and yellow gourd from me, it will not work without showing enough 'sincerity'..."

After sitting silently for a few more days, and feeling that his cultivation had been completely stabilized, Chen Xi stretched his waist a long way, then stood up, turned around and left the world of stars in the air.


This morning.

The blue sky is blue, the fairy clouds are graceful, the morning breeze is gently blowing, the pines are bursting, and the green bamboos are swaying and whirling.

Today is the day when the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academies kicks off, and the Dao Discussion among the top disciples of the younger generation of the Da Luo Realm from the Seven Great Academies will also compete today.

Liveliness is inevitable, even before dawn, a burst of noise can be heard from a distance, echoing throughout the academy.

"Chen Xi, where are you going?"

The moment Chen Xi walked out of the Sword Cottage Cave Mansion, Ling Bai, Ah Man, Bai Kui, and Xiao Xing who had already been waiting there said in unison, their eyes were shining, and they all looked at him with anticipation.

Of course, Bai Kui and Xiao Xing used roars.

Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders, and said unhappily, "Ask the question knowingly, let's come together."

Then, Bai Kui and Ling Bai jumped on Xiaoxing's body together, and Ah Man accompanied Xiaoxing, left and right accompanied Chen Xi and set off happily.

For these four little guys, the reason why they eagerly followed Chen Xi to participate in the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy today was very simple - to watch the fun.

"Junior Brother Chen Xi, it's so early, let's go together, um, Xiao Lingbai is here too, should we have a sparring first? Hahaha..."

On the way, Ye Tang's figure appeared out of thin air, greeted Chen Xi, then laughed and winked at Ling Bai, with a narrow look on his face.

Today's Ye Tang has thick black long hair and a loose gray robe. The four-foot-long cyan saber is casually carried on his shoulders, paired with those deep eyes and unique smile. , snow-white and neat teeth, and the whole person showed a free and unrestrained taste in every gesture.

This is Tie Yuan Ye Tang, the hot sun character in the fairy world. He is unrestrained and carefree, like a wild crane in the clouds, but has a unique wild charm.

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Ling Bai rolled his eyes, causing Ye Tang to burst into another hearty laugh.

"Senior Brother Ye Tang, I heard that your opponent this time is Biyuan? Wan Jiansheng?" Chen Xi asked with a smile after greeting Ye Tang.

"Whatever, as long as the opponent's strength can satisfy me."

Ye Tang smiled indifferently, then frowned and thought for a while, then smiled and patted Chen Xi on the shoulder, and said, "Junior Brother Chen Xi, I heard that your swordsmanship is good, if you are facing that fellow Ten Thousand Swordsmen, you must not stay behind." Hand, give him a hard beat."

Chen Xi touched his nose, and said with a wry smile, "Senior Brother Ye Tang seems to be very confident in me, doesn't he?"

Ye Tang slapped Chen Xi on the shoulder, and said with a big smile, "Of course, you are Ye Tang's junior, so I naturally like you!"

Chen Xi was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Ye Tang to give such a reason, but...Ye Tang's words made him feel very comfortable. This is what he called a senior brother, just like his own family.

During the conversation, the Dao Academy was right in front of our eyes, and this time the seminar of the Seventh Academy will be held in the Dao Academy!


ps: There will be an update in the early morning, brothers and sisters who can’t wait to watch it tomorrow~

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