divine talisman

Chapter 1297 Meeting the Scorching Sun [Part 3]

Today's dojo is very lively and noisy.

Although it was early in the morning, the huge performance hall was already full of people, not only the teachers and students of the academy gathered here, but there were also many spectators from the other six courtyards.

Looking around, there are black heads everywhere, and the popularity is overwhelming.

As the most watched Dao discussion feast in the fairy world, the Dao Emperor Academy's Dao Discussion Conference held by the Seven Academy also attracted the attention of the entire fairy world.

Now, even the Dou Xuan Immortal City is full of immortal cultivators from all directions. Although they can't come to the scene in person, they can get the first-hand information about what happened at the Dao Discussion Conference, which can be regarded as being close to the water.

This is a confrontation between the top powerhouses of the younger generation of the Great Luo Realm in the fairy world, and it is another contention and contest among the disciples of the seven major colleges. The influence is naturally extraordinary.

In particular, this time, at the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy, there may be a scorching sun duel. Who would want to miss such an epic battle?


As soon as Chen Xi and Ye Tang arrived at the performance hall, a wave of hustle and bustle rushed towards them, and all kinds of discussions were overwhelming, making it extremely lively.

Chen Xi swept his gaze, and found that today's Dao Academy is quite different from the past. In the middle of the sky, there is actually a huge arena with an area of ​​ten thousand mu.

The arena was pitch-black and filled with an ancient and vicissitudes of life. Obviously, the upcoming Dao Discussion will kick off on this arena.

On the east and west sides of the arena, there are auspicious clouds floating on each side. On the auspicious clouds are filled with tables, chairs, case books, various fine nectars, and fresh fruits of the four seasons.

Above the auspicious clouds on the east side of the arena is the position of the Dao Emperor Academy, that is, the position of the host. When the discussion begins, the disciples participating in the discussion will stand by on it.

On the west side is the location of the six colleges. The teachers of the six colleges and the disciples who participated in the discussion will also be on standby before the discussion.

As for the other guests watching the ceremony, as well as the students and professors in the college, they can only stay under the auspicious clouds and find a place to observe this grand event.

In addition, Chen Xi also noticed that on the south side of the ring in mid-air, there was an ancient bronze bell that was nine feet high, and it was a contending bell!

As early as when Chen Xi entered the Dao Emperor Academy for the first time after going through three rounds of assessments, he had witnessed this clock.

The meaning of this bell is "a hundred schools of thought contend", but it was made by the Emperor of Primordial Artifacts himself for the Dao Emperor Academy using the Chaos Iron.

The function of this bell is also very simple, when the bell rings, it shakes the heaven and earth, not only can be clearly heard in Daohuang Academy, but also can be heard clearly in any corner of the entire Douxuan Immortal City.

Apparently, for the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy, Daohuang Academy also took out this treasure to publicize this grand event to the outside world.

"It seems that the academy is also full of confidence this time."

Seeing the moment when the Dao Bell was contending, Chen Xi couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Next, he told Ling Bai and the others not to run around, and followed Ye Tang to the auspicious clouds on the east side of the ring in mid-air.

"Look! Senior Brother Ye Tang and Chen Xi are here together!"

"Haha, as expected, Chen Xi has left the test. I knew that this guy would not miss such a grand event."

"It's a pity that Senior Sister Ling Qingwu is not here to go out to practice, otherwise, our Daohuang Academy will definitely crush the other six academies in this Dao discussion meeting."

"Yes, I'm actually a little worried. After all, apart from Senior Brother Ye Tang, the other four who represent our academy this time are all newcomers to the inner courtyard. Although they are unparalleled in talent, they are comparable to the veterans of the other six courtyards. , It also lacks some heat."

"Don't worry about it. Since the academy's old antiques have arranged it this way, they must be confident enough. We just need to watch the battle with peace of mind."

When Chen Xi and Ye Tang appeared together and flew towards the auspicious cloud, the already noisy atmosphere at the scene seemed to explode. The students of Daohuang Academy were all excited and cheered for the two. sky.

It can also be seen from this that both Ye Tang and Chen Xi have become the most attention-grabbing figures in the Dao Emperor Academy.

"You two are here."

Above the auspicious clouds, Wang Daolu greeted him with a smile on his beard.

"I met Wang Jiaoxi."

Chen Xi and Ye Tang cupped their hands.

Wang Daolu smiled and said: "There is no need to be too polite. After another incense stick, the discussion will begin. Before that, you should first understand the rules of discussion."

As he said that, with a wave of his sleeve, he handed the two jade slips to Chen Xi and Ye Tang respectively.

Chen Xi was no longer polite, and sat cross-legged behind a desk, carefully examining the jade slips in his hand.

This time, the seminar of the Seventh Academy was divided into three rounds.

In the first round, each of the seven colleges sent five disciples of their own side to draw lots one by one to choose their opponents and compete in the arena. The winner advances and the loser retreats.

Since there are 35 people, in the result of the lottery, there will be a lucky disciple who can directly enter the second round of discussion without participating in the duel.

This is also normal. The so-called luck is also a kind of strength. After all, there is a saying that "you can't become a king without luck" even when you hit the realm of the fairy king.

For cultivators, luck is naturally a part of their own strength, just like talent, roots, and cultivation.

In the first round of Dao discussion, seventeen disciples will be eliminated, and the remaining eighteen disciples will conduct the second round of Dao discussion.In this round of discussion, a lottery will also be used to face off, and nine disciples will be eliminated.

The third round of Dao discussion is the highlight. The remaining nine disciples will discuss Dao freely among themselves. No matter who they are, they can challenge others. leader!

That's right, the Seventh Academy Discussion Association does not rank, and only selects the final winner.

After witnessing the rules, Chen Xi couldn't help thinking about it. According to his experience, the most difficult part was naturally the last round of discussion.

The nine disciples discussed the Dao freely, but if they wanted to stand out, it would be extremely difficult to persevere until the end.

At this time, Fozi Zhenlu, Ji Xuanbing, and Zhao Mengli also came here one after another, and each received a jade slip from Wang Daolu, and learned about the rules of the discussion meeting.

"The rules are very simple, but you have to remember that after the first two rounds of discussion, you must hurry up to recover your strength, because once this discussion starts, no one will be given enough time to recover."

Seeing that Chen Xi and the others understood the rules of the Dao Discussion Association, Wang Daolu gave a serious instruction.

When Chen Xi and the others heard the words, they all nodded secretly.

"But you don't need to be nervous. In the previous Dao Discussion Conference, my disciples from Daohuang Academy could not crush the other six colleges. Their disciples, no matter how long they practice, are far from being your opponents. After all , time cannot measure a disciple's ability."

Wang Daolu smiled slightly, his words were extremely confident.

Of course, these words were spoken by the voice transmission to Chen Xi and the others. After all, in such a large audience, if they were heard by the other six academies, it would appear that Daohuang Academy was too arrogant.


A burst of clear and melodious bells resounded through the audience, and suddenly, the hustle and bustle in the dojo was suppressed, and the audience became quiet and completely silent.

"Let's go, go get acquainted with the disciples of the six colleges, and then start drawing lots to discuss."

Seeing this, Wang Daolu waved his sleeves, and led Chen Xi and the five of them away from the auspicious clouds and landed on the central ring.

At the same time, in another direction, there were also tall figures flying into the sky, arriving on the ring almost at the same time as Wang Daolu.

These figures are naturally the teachers and students of the six academies of Yunlan, Fengchuan, Daoxuan, Dahuang, Kuji, and Changkong.

"Hahaha, Brother Daolu, I don't know what kind of prizes your Daohuang Academy has prepared this time, why don't you tell me first so that I can open my eyes later?"

As soon as Chen Xi took a foothold in Chen Xi, he heard a burst of hoarse laughter, and then, an old man with a cold face, tall and stalwart, snow-white hair, and wearing a blue Taoist robe came striding forward.

Behind him, there were five disciples following.

"This is Old Monster Feng, a chief instructor of Changkong Academy, with a very high seniority and a rather domineering temperament. He is an existence of the same generation as Chi Cangsheng, the dean of our inner courtyard."

In Chen Xi's ears, Ji Xuanbing's voice transmission came, which made him suddenly realize that this group of people are all from Changkong Academy.

Immediately, Chen Xi noticed that a menacing gaze that was as sharp as electricity swept over him suddenly, brushed past him coldly, and finally landed on Ye Tang.

The sharpness of that gaze suddenly appeared, like a sharp sword ready to strike. It was cold, aggressive, and extremely powerful. This made Chen Xi slightly frown, and looked up.

The owner of that gaze was a tall and thin young man, wearing a well-tailored black suit, his black hair combed meticulously, revealing a fair and stern face.

He is carrying a fairy sword with a sheath on his back, the blood-red sword tassels are flying, his arms are wrapped around his chest, and the whole person stands up at will, like a sharp sword that soars into the sky, releasing a terrifying sword intent, looking stern and cold extreme.

Biyuan? Wan Jiansheng!

Without Ji Xuanbing's introduction, Chen Xi immediately judged that the opponent must be Wan Jiansheng, one of the six scorching suns in the fairy world.

Because the aura on his body is far beyond ordinary, chilling, cold and aggressive, the whole person is like a sword that has been tempered thousands of times, although it doesn't move, it has a sense of oppressive chill.

Although this kind of aura is different from Ye Tang's, each is good at winning, obviously they are at the same level.

On the other hand, the other four Changkong Academy disciples next to Wan Jiansheng were slightly inferior to Wan Jiansheng in terms of momentum.

At the same time, Chen Xi also noticed that Ye Tang's pair of deep eyes suddenly became bright, and they looked at Wan Jiansheng's eyes, and an unruly, free and easy smile appeared on the corner of his lips inadvertently, which was incomparably brilliant.

At this moment, an unspeakable aura gathered between the two of them, like a dragon and a tiger meeting, or a scorching sun meeting. Although they had never made a move, their mutual auras were now rubbing against each other!


ps: This chapter is a little bit of children's shoes, there are only three days left before the end of the month, I strongly call for a monthly pass~~ I will work hard tomorrow and strive for 4 more~

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