divine talisman

Chapter 1298 Opponent Qin Ling [Part 1]

<" and sister paper "lyn123456" for the reward~ Yes, I finally realized that lyn's children's shoes are sister paper~~

Biyuan? Wan Jiansheng.

Tie Yuan? Ye Tang.

The meeting of these two sun figures recognized by the fairy world at this moment immediately affected the changes in each other's aura. Although it was silent, it made everyone around feel palpitations inexplicably.

Regarding this change, Chen Xi's expression was as calm as before, because this kind of confrontation between the top powerhouses, to him who has now advanced to the late stage of Da Luo, is like a breeze blowing over a hill, and it has no effect at all. He the slightest.

"Big head? Hehe, everyone, just wait and see, I will definitely not disappoint everyone."

At this moment, Wang Dao Lulang smiled and spoke, his voice contained dao rhyme, shaking all directions, and invisibly, it also dissipated the aura of Ye Tang and Wan Jiansheng's confrontation with each other.

Seeing this, Wan Jiansheng's eyelids drooped, and his eyes narrowed, like a peerless sword sheathed, the chilling, cold, and aggressive aura that permeated his body disappeared, and he was as calm as a lake.

Breath freely, send and receive freely!

Chen Xi couldn't help being surprised, this Wan Jiansheng was indeed one of the six scorching suns in the fairy world, and just by controlling his own aura, one could tell how powerful he was.

At the same time, Ye Tang smiled casually, raised his head to drink a wine gourd, and drank it with his long black hair flying, bold and unruly.

"Since Brother Daolu said so, I'm looking forward to it." The old monster Feng glanced at Chen Xi and the five of them, and then chuckled lightly, with a hint of meaningful color floating on his mighty cheeks.

"I'm looking forward to it too." Wang Daolu smiled.

At this time, teachers and students from other colleges also gathered here.

Wang Daolu was smiling and exchanging greetings with the professors of the other six major colleges, and the disciples of the major colleges were also looking at each other, with a hint of hostility in their eyes.

"Look, Chen Xi, the disciples of these six major academies are indeed the same as the previous ones. They all regard our Daohuang Academy as hostile targets, and they want to write the word 'provocation' in their eyes when they look at us."

On the side, Ji Xuanbing chuckled and sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi nodded. He also noticed this scene, but he was not in the mood to challenge others with his eyes.

At this time, a cold and sharp voice suddenly sounded: "Hmph, this seminar is different from the previous ones. Fellow Daoist Academy, you should be more careful!"

Hearing such provocative words, everyone was slightly taken aback. Following the voice, they saw a man in green robe standing proudly with his hands behind his back in the camp of the Blighted Academy.

His face was narrow and thin, his lips were thin and pale, his eyes were slender, glowing with a cold light like electricity, his whole body was filled with a palpitating violent aura, cold and ruthless.

Seeing the eyes of Daohuang Academy and others looking at him, the young man in green robe smiled sharply, revealing a mouthful of sharp and white teeth, and said slowly in a cold and piercing voice: "This time, I, Xiao Qianshui, want to reverse the previous situation. Defeat you one by one on the territory of your Daohuang Academy, and win the position of leader!"

After every word, there was a permeating cold breath in the calm, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake in the dark, making people feel uncomfortable all over.

This young man in green robe who called himself Xiao Qianshui did not hide his voice, not only the old antiques and disciples on the ring could hear clearly, even everyone below the ring could hear it, and suddenly, everyone There was an uproar.

"Who is this guy? What a big tone!"

"Xiao Qianshui? Hmph, it's just an unknown person, who does he think he is?"

"I'm really impatient to live, and dare to be so provocative on our territory, this guy really deserves a beating."

"Have you ever heard of this guy?"

Discussions erupted and resounded throughout the audience. All the disciples of Daohuang Academy were furious, but very few of them could recognize the identity of that person.

But in the arena, Ye Tang and the others were all taken aback, they didn't get angry, they just felt a little funny, this bastard is really brazen!

"Brother Ji, do you recognize this person?" Chen Xi frowned, but he vaguely sensed something wrong. That Xiao Qianshui's expression was too calm and composed, it didn't look like he was bluffing.

In particular, Chen Xi keenly noticed that for Xiao Qianshui's words, the expressions of all the disciples of the Kuji Academy were as usual, and they didn't seem to feel anything. Even the old antique who led the team from the Kuji Academy just laughed He smiled, but didn't scold or say anything.

These series of details made Chen Xi smell something very different from the usual, and he frowned endlessly.

"I don't know. If you are a famous person in Kuji College, I will definitely recognize you." Ji Xuanbing shook his head, and then seemed to realize something, raised his eyebrows and said, "I also feel a little weird to hear you ask such a question. This is the Seventh Academy. The Dao Discussion will attract the attention of the entire fairy world, and the Kuji Academy will definitely not send an idiot to join the battle..."

Speaking of this, Ji Xuanbing also realized that the appearance of this young man in green robe named Xiao Qianshui was a bit too abrupt.

Chen Xi glanced at Ye Tang, Fozi Zhenlu, and Zhao Mengli, and found that they all seemed to realize that something was wrong, and there was a hint of doubt in their expressions.

"It seems that this Xiao Qianshui is very likely to be a trump card prepared by the Kuji Academy? However, the seminar has not yet started, and this guy directly provokes him. It is too impatient..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful, but he quickly shook his head and stopped paying any more attention to the other party.

At the same time, Wang Daolu glanced at the young man in green robe, remembering some secrets that Zuoqiu Taiwu said that day, his brow furrowed imperceptibly.

"You have to be careful about this Xiao Qianshui, according to the information I got, his strength should not be much worse than that of Wan Jiansheng."

The next moment, Chen Xi, Ye Tang and the five of them heard Wang Daolu's voice transmission at the same time, "There may be a shadow of the Supreme Master behind this matter, so be careful."

Hearing this, Chen Xi and the others all shuddered in their hearts. This is absolutely shocking news. A little-known student of the Kuji Academy possesses a strength comparable to Wan Jiansheng. This is indeed enough to move anyone.

If so, it would not have surprised Chen Xi too much. What really moved Chen Xi was that the Grand Master was actually involved behind this matter!

You must know that the downfall of the founder of the Jiuhua Sword Sect, the Chaos God Lotus, and the death of the Xie Lian have a lot to do with the Supreme Sect. For this supreme orthodoxy of the Three Realms, Chen Xi has a feeling of loathing and hatred from the bottom of his heart. .

But Chen Xi still didn't expect that there would be the power of the Supreme Master at the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy!

"It seems that this Xiao Qianshui may be a pawn placed by the Supreme Master in the Kuji Academy? No wonder he dared to speak so boldly... This time, compared to that Wan Jiansheng, I would rather become an opponent with this guy! "

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of cold current surging in the depths of his eyes.

"Now, let's start drawing lots."

Just as Chen Xi was deep in thought, Wang Daolu also opened his mouth loudly, immediately lifting the spirits of everyone present.

The Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy is finally about to begin!

Next, with a wave of Wang Daolu's sleeve robe, a brass rotating drum appeared. There were 35 jade sticks in the rotating drum. Except for one of the jade sticks which was blank, the surface of the other 34 jade sticks were engraved with words from one to the other. to 34 these numbers.

When the lottery will be drawn later, the number on the drawn jade lottery will be the opponent if the number on the jade lottery is opposite.

For example, the opponent who draws jade lottery No. 34 is the disciple who draws jade lottery No. 33, and jade lottery No. [-] corresponds to jade lottery No. [-], and they are listed in turn.

At the same time, the numbers on the jade lottery also represent the order of appearance. From No. 17 to No. [-], there will be [-] discussion sessions.

And if you draw the only blank jade lottery, you can advance directly without participating in the first round of discussion.

It is worth mentioning that the brass revolving drum is quite magical. When drawing lots, the disciples of their respective colleges will not draw their own college students as their opponents.

In other words, the opponents chosen by the disciples of each college can only be disciples of other colleges.


Wang Daolu tossed it casually, and the brass rotating cylinder floated up, humming endlessly in mid-air, and the 35 jade sticks rattled endlessly, covered by an invisible force, which could completely isolate any investigation.

"I'll come first!"

Xiao Qianshui strode forward, grabbed a jade stick out of it with a casual move, and after a little inspection, couldn't help frowning, "Why is it a blank jade stick..."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was stunned. This guy's luck is really good, right?

What is especially speechless is that this guy has obviously drawn a blank jade lottery, but he actually looks extremely reluctant, he really deserves a beating!

"I can't help it, I'm so lucky, I can only spare you once this round." Xiao Qianshui took the jade lottery, smiled grimly at Chen Xi and the others, then turned around and walked away with his hands behind his back.

"Hmph! Don't let me meet you!" Ji Xuanbing frowned, feeling extremely disgusted with this person.

Ye Tang laughed, and patted Ji Xuanbing on the shoulder: "Be safe and don't be impatient."

After Xiao Qianshui finished drawing lots, other disciples stepped forward one after another and began to draw jade lottery, but no one competed for it, because the result of drawing lots was the same sooner or later, and there was no advantage to take advantage of.

Soon, the lottery is over.

What surprised Chen Xi slightly was that he had actually drawn the jade lottery No. 34, which meant that the first sparring session of the first round of discussion would take place between him and the disciple who had drawn jade lottery No. [-].

And that disciple's name is Qin Ling, from Changkong Academy!

Thinking of the Sky Academy, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing. This was his old opponent. He had killed many scoundrel disciples of the Sky Academy during the assessment in the outer battlefield.

And Ye Tang, Fozi Zhenlu, Zhao Mengli, and Ji Xuanbing were also quite lucky. Although the order of drawing lots was different, they did not meet Biyuan Wan Jiansheng.

In other words, if Ye Tang wanted to fight Wan Jiansheng, he would at least wait until the next two rounds of discussion.


A bell rang throughout the nine heavens, announcing that the Discussion Session of the Seventh Academy had begun at this moment!

On the arena, everyone had already retreated and left. Except for Chen Xi and Qin Ling, there was no one else. The two confronted each other at a distance, and immediately attracted the attention of all the audience.


ps: The second update is around 10:4, today's monthly pass is very powerful, and staying up late will get the [-]th update!Thank you everyone~

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