divine talisman

Chapter 1299 The Power of Space [Part 1]

Under the sky, above the [-]-acre arena.

Chen Xi and Qin Ling confronted each other from afar.

At this moment, the audience was silent, and countless eyes fell on the ring, unwilling to miss any details.

Because this is the first duel of the Dao Discussion Association of the Seventh Academy, and the most important thing is that the one who made the move this time is Chen Xi, the disciple of Dao Emperor Academy who is now famous all over the world and is well-known in the entire fairy world!

No one would dare to ignore such a rising star who rose like a comet in the fairy world.

Including the teachers and disciples of the other six academies, because as early as the last time in the assessment on the outer battlefield, Chen Xi beat all the heroes, killed an unknown number of their disciples, and even robbed several ancient fairy treasures from them, how could they Maybe forget about this cruel young man?


On the ring, Chen Xi was sizing up his opponent this time.

This is a young man with a strong body, thick bones, and extremely mighty. His long hair is tied into a ponytail, fluttering behind his head, and he is playing with a delicate ax casually in his hand. momentum.

Especially his whole body aura, thick as a mountain reaching the sky, giving people an unshakable grandeur.

This person is Qin Ling.

According to what Chen Xi knew before, Qin Ling's status among the young generation of Changkong Academy can definitely be ranked among the top three. Although it is not as dazzling as the six suns in the fairy world, it is still extremely not to be underestimated.

Of course, all of this was nothing to Chen Xi, and it couldn't even cause the slightest disturbance in his state of mind.

After all, the current him has been retreating in the world of stars for two full years. Not only has he advanced to the late stage of Daluo, but he has also obtained the original power of the Dao from the fragments of Hetu. His own strength has already undergone a radical change. The past is no longer the same.

While Chen Xi was looking at Qin Ling, the latter was also looking at him.

After a while, the corners of Qin Ling's lips suddenly curled up coldly, and he said in a deep voice, "You shouldn't forget what happened in the foreign battlefield last time, right?"

Chen Xi nodded, and said casually: "Killed some bastards who deserved to be killed, and took away some treasures that should be taken away. What, what's your opinion?"

Qin Ling's face darkened: "Murder! Seize the treasure! Such a cruel and bloody behavior, you are so complacent, it is shameless!"

Chen Xi laughed, and said, "My friend, this time it's the Seventh Court's discussion. If you want to pursue the past, you can come to me in private. Talking about it now is a bit of a disservice."

Seeing what Chen Xi said, all the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy who were watching the battle around the ring burst into laughter, and some even yelled loudly: "Do you still want to fight? If you don't fight, you will admit defeat. Don't waste senior brother Chen Xi's time." !"

"Yes! Everyone's time is so precious, so we're not here to listen to your nonsense!"

Many people also echoed their voices.

Qin Ling frowned, his face was slightly ugly, a pair of eyes filled with cold light, his whole body roared suddenly, and there was a ruthless and murderous aura in his solemnity.

"Chen Xi, don't you feel that this is a chance for me to meet you for the first time in this discussion! This time, I will not only defeat you, but also avenge my lost juniors!"

Qin Ling suddenly yelled loudly, and stomped the sole of his foot on the ground fiercely, releasing a raging divine brilliance all over his body, like a god attacking with anger, he rushed towards Chen Xi violently.


As soon as he moved out, the exquisite small ax in his palm suddenly swelled, and it turned into a length of ten feet in an instant. The surface of the ax was like a waning moon, and hundreds of millions of purple lights flowed out. Wherever it passed, It crushed and exploded the void, the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, everyone who was still laughing at Qin Ling was terrified, their smiles were restrained, and their expressions became serious.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

The aura Qin Ling displayed at this moment was vast, powerful, brave and powerful, exuding a menacing aura like iron and blood. This kind of power, even if it was placed in the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy, was enough to rank among the top two on the Purple Ribbon Gold List It's in the top ten!

"Qin Ling is not bad. Although Chen Xi has a great reputation, he has just entered the inner court of the Dao Emperor Academy after all. If he wants to fight Qin Ling, he lacks background."

On the west side of the arena, above the auspicious clouds, Old Monster Feng smiled and twisted his beard, nodding secretly.

He had also heard of Chen Xi's name, aside from those glorious reputations, this little guy was just a freshman who just entered the Dao Emperor Academy a few years ago, and Qin Ling had cultivated in Changkong Academy for nearly [-] years. millennium!

How can a newcomer compare to the precipitation of thousands of years?

It's a pity that he didn't hear Wang Daolu's words - the length of practice time can't measure the ability of a strong man.


Want revenge?He must have taken himself too seriously...

Regarding this, Chen Xi remained unmoved, his handsome face was completely silent, until Qin Ling's attack was about to approach, and his figure flashed for a moment.


Chen Xi's figure disappeared out of thin air, and the next moment, he appeared beside Qin Ling, with his fingers acting like swords, and suddenly a sword qi slashed out.

Qin Ling snorted coldly, turned the huge ax in his hand, and swept away, tearing a terrible crack, and the divine splendor roared and galloped.

With a loud bang, the ax collided with the sword energy, bursting out billions of divine brilliance, spreading across the entire arena.

"Do you still want to fight me with bare hands? It's simply too arrogant!" Qin Ling didn't wait for his moves to be used up, and held a purple giant axe, and came to attack Chen Xi again, with unparalleled power and power. There is a forceful momentum of smashing thousands of troops and sweeping across the wilderness.


With a casual slap, Chen Xi easily disintegrated the opponent's attack, and then his figure disappeared once again out of thin air, making Qin Ling's round of back moves all in vain.

For him who has mastered the divine pattern of space, using the method of teleportation is like a fish swimming in water without stagnation, and can use the power of space for his own use all the time. If it is left outside, Qin Ling will even touch it. Can't touch his sleeves.

After all, although the arena has a range of a thousand acres, it is still somewhat limited for powerhouses of their level.


In the eyes of everyone watching the battle, Chen Xi was like a wisp of illusory smoke, flickering frequently on the ring, coming and going suddenly, making it unpredictable.

And under such circumstances, although Qin Ling's offensive was open and closed, Chen Xi dodged it every time without any risk, like dancing on the tip of a knife. cold sweat.

"Chen Xi's style of play is somewhat risky."

On the auspicious clouds on the east side of the arena, Ji Xuanbing's eyes were fixed on the battlefield, and he couldn't understand why Chen Xi didn't take the initiative to attack, but had to adopt this evasive tactic.

"He is testing Qin Ling's strength, and at the same time he is looking for an opportunity to defeat the enemy with one blow."

Ye Tang chuckled, took a few sips of the wine gourd, smacked his lips and said, "Of course, this is also to preserve strength, after all, this is the first round of Dao discussion, perhaps in the eyes of Junior Brother Chen Xi, the last round of Dao discussion That's when he shines."

In just a few words, he analyzed the battle situation clearly, which made Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Zhenlu all secretly admire him, and invisibly dispelled a lot of worries about Chen Xi in their hearts.

"Didn't you realize that Chen Xi has advanced to the late stage of Da Luo?" Suddenly, Wang Daolu spoke, with a trace of unconcealable shock in his expression.

At this time, he finally vaguely understood that the reason why the dean personally ordered Chen Xi to fight, perhaps he had already expected such a scene, right?


Hearing this, apart from Ye Tang who was still smiling and silent, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Zhenlu were all shocked. This guy has only been promoted to the middle stage of Daluo for less than a year, and he...has been promoted again?

For a moment, even they couldn't help feeling jealous towards Chen Xi, this promotion speed was simply too abnormal!

Suddenly, Chen Xi's voice sounded from the arena, attracting everyone's attention - "So what with bare hands, defeating you is easy!"

As soon as the voice sounded, Chen Xi's figure suddenly flashed out of the void above the ring, came to Qin Ling, and slapped his palm away, shaking the giant purple ax in his hand away, and then turned his palm into a grab, Suddenly locked Qin Ling's throat!

This scene happened so quickly that most of the people present had no time to react, and subconsciously let out an exclamation.


At this moment, Qin Ling's complexion also changed suddenly. However, he has experienced many battles and is experienced. At such a critical juncture, he shrank his body suddenly, hit his waist hard, and disappeared out of thin air. The method of avoiding this dangerous and dangerous attack.

Seeing this, some felt sorry for Chen Xi, while others breathed a sigh of relief for Qin Ling.

However, the scene that happened next made their expressions all freeze - I saw that Chen Xi's grasped right palm was torn lightly, and it went directly into the void, and with a light tug, a sturdy figure emerged Come.

That was Qin Ling who had just teleported away!

It's just that at this moment, his throat was grabbed by Chen Xi, his cheeks were flushed, and he couldn't exert any strength at all, let alone struggle.

In particular, Chen Xi's right hand tightly gripped his throat, and a little force could kill him, so he didn't dare to struggle violently, for fear that Chen Xi would have murderous intentions towards him.

Seeing such a scene, the audience was shocked and speechless.

Even the old antiques who were watching the battle couldn't help smacking their lips, a little surprised at the destructive and terrifying power that Chen Xi displayed at this moment.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't react much. He used this method to kill more than one person. Every time someone tried to dodge from under his nose, but unfortunately, no one was able to succeed.

In the past, it was because he possessed the Eye of Divine Truth, which was able to penetrate the void and emptiness, but now it is even more powerful. He has mastered the power of the space divine pattern, which makes him understand the void far beyond his peers.

Under such circumstances, how could Qin Ling dodge Chen Xi's attack?


Chen Xi casually threw Qin Ling on the ring, clapped his hands, and said with a smile, "Sorry, I didn't let you avenge your juniors. If you don't accept it, you can come find me in private."


ps: The third update is around 12:[-] in the morning.

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