divine talisman

Chapter 1300 Sword Fight [Part 3]

I want to thank Mr. Doudian for your support~


Chen Xi won!

Still defeated the opponent with bare hands!

Seeing such a scene, the disciples of Daohuang Academy who were watching the battle around the ring cheered loudly, and even some teachers smiled and praised.

In fact, this battle can't be said to be very exciting, especially in the beginning, Chen Xi kept using evasive tactics, like dancing on the tip of a knife, which really made people sweat for him.

What was truly wonderful was Chen Xi's blatant blow at the last moment of the battle. It seemed to be an understatement, but in fact it contained devastating power, and the victory was determined with one blow.

Especially at the last moment, the scene where Chen Xi tore through the void and captured Qin Ling was simply extremely domineering, extremely powerful, and his demeanor is destined to become an unforgettable memory for many people.

Compared with the cheers here, on the west side of the arena, the face of the old and ancient monsters of the Changkong Academy was a bit gloomy. He also felt a little embarrassed because of his bad start in the first round.

But this is also a helpless thing, even before he started the battle, he underestimated Chen Xi's ability, let alone that Qin Ling?

"Hmph! Your body skills are pretty good, but if you meet me, you're doomed to lose ugly!"

Hearing the heaven-shattering cheers all around, Xiao Qianshui from the Kuji Academy sneered, and looked at Chen Xi with a faint sense of violence.


The Daoist bell rang resoundingly, vibrating for nine days. Suddenly, it spread out of the entire Daohuang Academy and spread into Douxuan Immortal City—"In the first discussion, Chen Xi of Daohuang Academy won, and Qin Ling of Changkong Academy lost!"

"The second discussion, Lengxi of Daoxuan Academy, faced Lin Miaoxin of Fengchuan Academy."

After Chen Xi and Qin Ling retreated, a man and a woman once again stepped onto the central ring, and started a fierce competition.


"You performed well in this battle, hurry up and recover your strength, and prepare for the second round of discussion."

Seeing Chen Xi return, Wang Daolu smiled and asked him to calm down and adjust his breath.

Chen Xi nodded, and sat cross-legged in front of the desk beside the auspicious clouds. In fact, he didn't lose much in this battle, and he didn't even use his full strength. It didn't matter whether he rested or not.

"Do you want to have a bite?"

Ye Tang next to him turned his head and handed over a wine gourd with a smile.

Chen Xi was not too polite, took a few sips of it, then smacked his lips, and praised: "This fairy wine is spicy and mellow, and it tastes smooth. It really is a good wine."

Ye Tang laughed out loud, feeling more and more that the temperament of this junior brother Chen Xi in front of him was quite to his liking.

"Junior Brother Chen Xi, I see that you didn't use all your strength in the battle just now?"

Ye Tang asked casually, for people like him, the battle taking place in the arena before him had nothing to be concerned about, so he started chatting with Chen Xi.


Chen Xi nodded, but he didn't hide anything, and said with a smile, "Senior Brother Ye Tang, what advice do you have?"

Ye Tang dumbfounded, shook his head and said: "Junior Brother, even I can't see through your current strength. How about any advice? Even if you let me fight with you now, there is no certainty of winning."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Xuanbing, Zhao Mengli, and Zhenlu who were beside them were slightly surprised, but they never expected that Ye Tang would speak so highly of Chen Xi.

But thinking about it, Chen Xi has only been in the academy for a few years now, and his cultivation has stepped from the Profound Immortal Realm to the late stage of Da Luo in one fell swoop. This level of promotion speed is enough to be described as shocking.

Since it wasn't their turn to compete, taking advantage of the rare free time, the brothers and sisters also chatted, and the content of the conversation was nothing more than some experience in cultivation.

Even Chen Xi felt that this small chat had benefited a lot.

Everyone has their own way of practice, although they cannot be copied completely, they can learn from each other.

And some of Chen Xi's unique insights also amazed Ye Tang and the others. They all seemed to have gained something, and they felt that Chen Xi was hiding something deep, and it was not a fluke that he was able to achieve today's achievement, and they all secretly admired it in their hearts.

They are peerless figures like the pride of heaven, and it is not easy for them to feel admiration among their peers.

Now that Chen Xi has achieved it, it can be regarded as something to be quite proud of.

"Wan Jiansheng has appeared!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of sound around the arena, and there was a lot of restlessness.

This scene also attracted Chen Xi's attention, so they all turned their gazes to the ring in the distance.

Wan Jiansheng!

This is one of the six scorching suns in the fairy world, a peerless figure on the path of sword immortality!

At this moment, seeing that he is about to appear on the stage to start a duel, no one can ignore it.

on the ring.

Wan Jiansheng, who was dressed in a tailored black suit, folded his arms around his chest, and carried a sheathed fairy sword on his straight waist.

He just stood there, but when everyone looked at him, it was like seeing a peerless sword, about to reveal its sharpest light!

Wan Jiansheng's opponent was a disciple from Yunlan Academy, named Zhao Taihang, who was also a well-known top expert in Yunlan Academy, but when facing such a stern figure like Wan Jiansheng, he seemed to be invincible. Somewhat dimmed.

However, this is just an outsider's opinion. When Zhao Taixing faced Wan Jiansheng at this moment, he did not show any trace of fear and fear, but showed a very strong will of the Dao Heart.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

But in that arena, an atmosphere of tense swords was quietly permeating.


Zhao Taihang took the lead in making the move, and he also practiced swordsmanship. He sacrificed a fairy sword, the whole body was silvery white, glowing with bright and dazzling light. There was a sharp sound of tearing eardrums in the void.

Seeing this scene, everyone around looked forward to it even more, opened their eyes wide, and refused to miss any details. This is a confrontation between top sword immortals, which is rare in thousands of years!

However, to everyone's surprise, facing Zhao Taihang's momentum, Wan Jiansheng remained indifferent, still carrying his sheathed fairy sword on his back, and did not act in a hurry.

He just stared at Zhao Taihang for a moment, then said indifferently: "Do you know the fate of using a sword in front of me?"

Zhao Taihang's eyes narrowed, and he was silent for a moment before he said: "I know, either I will die, or my confidence will be defeated, leaving an indelible shadow in my heart, and it will be difficult to climb to the top of swordsmanship in my life."

Wan Jiansheng said: "Then you still choose to use a sword?"

Zhao Taixing raised his head, and his expression suddenly became firm: "This is a Dao discussion meeting, and what I want to discuss with you, Senior Brother Wan, is the way of swordsmanship. I don't care about winning or losing, I just want to fight!"

As soon as these words came out, all the people present were inexplicably aroused with complex emotions, as if they were touched by his outstanding and firm swordsmanship spirit, and they more or less admired this person.

"This person is not bad. If there is a chance, I would like to treat him to a meal."

Ye Tang said with a serious expression, a rare moment of seriousness.

Chen Xi also nodded secretly. Although this Zhao Taihang's reputation was not comparable to that of Wan Jiansheng, and was even a bit eclipsed, but the firm will of the sword in his body was extremely rare and precious.

A character like this may not soar into the sky in a short period of time, but he can go on step by step. As long as he does not die, he is destined to forge his own glory.

This is the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy. Among the characters who appeared on the stage, they were all the top children of the young generation in the fairy world. It is not difficult to find a common characteristic in them, that is, they all have their own persistence and... pride!

Perhaps, there are various gaps between them, but it is undeniable that the disciples who can participate in this discussion are enough to look down on the vast majority of their peers in any part of the fairy world.

"Get out the sword."

Wan Jiansheng remained indifferent, softly uttering three words from his lips as thin as a blade.


Zhao Taixing didn't say any more, started to move, his figure flashed, and the snow-white sword blade pierced the air. In an instant, the sky seemed to be covered with heavy snow. Every snowflake was a sharp and extremely sharp sword energy!

The sword curtain is like snow, crushing the sky!

At this moment, even many disciples who were fighting on the outside of the arena clearly felt a bone-piercing chill attacking them, and they couldn't help shivering all over their bodies.

But soon, with the activation of the prohibition around the arena, the bone-piercing cold air disappeared without a trace, and this sword can actually inspire the prohibition of the ring to defend, and it can be seen how extraordinary the power of Zhao Taihang's swordsmanship is. up.

"That's right, it's the realm of the Great Sword Sect."

Chen Xi could judge the opponent's swordsmanship at a glance. It wasn't that his eyesight was so vicious, but that he had also gone through this stage, and now he was standing within the threshold of the "Sword God" realm, so he could easily judge it. The opponent's kendo is strong or weak.


On the arena, Wan Jiansheng frowned in the face of this blizzard-filled sword, and with his fingers turned into a sword, he swiped casually, like a landscape painting with splashed ink.

A clean, pure, sharp sword energy pierced through the air.

In an instant, cut off the wind and snow!

Seeing such a crisp and neat scene without any trace of fireworks, everyone present was shocked and almost couldn't believe their eyes.

With just one blow, he possesses such power, this Wan Jiansheng is indeed a powerful figure among the six scorching suns!

"The Realm of the Sword God!"

Almost at the same time, Chen Xi and Ye Tang recognized the true power contained in this sword, and both narrowed their eyes slightly.

The so-called sacred and inviolable, reaching the realm of the sword god, Wan Jian surrendered, if he couldn't compete with Wan Jiansheng in the realm, he was destined to be in a state of being suppressed!

And that random blow just now fully demonstrated the horror of the Sword God Realm.


At this time, Zhao Taixing's figure on the ring retreated three steps uncontrollably, a streak of blood spilled from the corner of his lips, but his eyes became extremely bright in an instant.

The Realm of the Sword God!

Isn't it what he has worked so hard to pursue all these years?

"Come again!"

Zhao Taihang wiped off the blood stains on the corners of his lips, his long hair flew up, his expression was firm and fearless, and he held his sword again!


ps: Don’t wait for the fourth one, it’s destined to be after 3:[-] in the morning, everyone will watch it tomorrow morning, I’ll continue to stay up all night and struggle!

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