divine talisman

Chapter 1301 Dramatic Changes [Part 4]

Some things are destined to be insurmountable in the face of an absolute moat.

Like the duel happening in the arena at this moment, no matter how firm Zhao Taixing's swordsmanship is, he is still a level behind Wan Jiansheng. For him, Wan Jiansheng is an insurmountable natural moat.

"The sword intent is too scattered!"

"The sword is peaceful!"

"The power is too weak!"

On the arena, Wan Jiansheng's indifferent but clear voice sounded from time to time, and every time the voice sounded, it was bound to be defeated by Zhao Taihang's attack.

Then, Zhao Taixing coughed up blood again and again and retreated, his face became paler and paler each time.

Everyone present widened their eyes, inexplicably shocked.

Shocked by Wan Jiansheng's terrifying strength.

Shocked by Zhao Taixing's extraordinary will.


In the end, Zhao Taihang was defeated, no matter how difficult it was to get up, at this time he was covered in blood, his face was pale and transparent, and he was lying on the ring as if he had fallen apart, in an extremely miserable situation.

But when he was lying on the ring, he twitched the corners of his lips and smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Senior Brother Wan, thank you very much."

As he said that, he exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, forced himself to support his body, and walked down the ring step by step with difficulty.

Looking at this figure from the back, the presence was silent, no one laughed, no one pityed, there was only respect, respect for a truly strong man.

Seeing this, Wan Jiansheng didn't seem to be affected in any way, and turned around indifferently.

This battle is over.

Although not necessarily brilliant, it is shocking.

There was only one person present who didn't take it seriously, and that was Xiao Qianshui. He sneered secretly in his heart, and even felt that Wan Jiansheng was too stupid. The battle that could be settled with a single sword, but dragged on for so long, was simply boring.


"This is the will to seek. There are three thousand paths, each of which is different, but this desire to seek is understandable."

Ye Tang raised his head and drank the wine in the pot, stood up casually, brushed off his clothes, carried the four-foot-long blue long knife on his shoulder, and stepped forward to the ring with one step.

In this battle, it's time for him to play!

When Ye Tang's figure appeared on the ring, the originally quiet atmosphere on the scene suddenly became lively again, especially those students from Daohuang Academy, who cheered excitedly, and the sound shook the sky.

Tie Yuan? Ye Tang!

He is also a hot-blooded figure, free and unrestrained, bold and open-minded, with a disposition as free as clouds floating in the sky, not only in Daohuang Academy, but also in the entire fairy world.

And his opponent this time is Qi Wanhou, a disciple of Fengchuan Academy.

This time, Chen Xi didn't pay attention to this battle. Even if the surrounding noises were loud and the scene was extremely lively, it still couldn't arouse his interest.

Because he knew that Senior Brother Ye Tang would definitely win this battle.

More importantly, after witnessing the battle between Zhao Taihang and Wan Jiansheng just now, he was also deeply touched, and he had some understanding inadvertently.

These realizations are not sudden enlightenment, but just a new understanding of one's own swordsmanship, pursuit, will, life, and path.

Sacred and inviolable.

The realm of the sword god is to make Wan Jian submit, and everyone will be suppressed and controlled by him.

This is an extremely high level in the way of swordsmanship. Although Chen Xi has already stood within the threshold of the sword god realm, he never imagined that he could recognize this kind of power so clearly at this moment.

What is Sword God?

It is not ruthless, not supreme, but a kind of will, a kind of great will to stand on the peak, not to look down, but to search for a higher starry sky!

The top of the mountain is not the end.

The starry sky may have the ultimate mystery, and the heart of seeking is a bridge to explore the starry sky.

The pinnacle of the way of the sword is the realm of the Great Sword Sect; the starry sky is the realm of the Sword God, and the spirit of seeking is the only way to the realm of the Sword God!

The starry sky is vast, even if it stands proudly on the top of a mountain, how can it compare with it?

This is the realm of the sword god, making Wan Jian surrender, he can only look up to him, but cannot stand shoulder to shoulder.

These realizations echoed in his mind over and over again, and Chen Xi's heart became pure and translucent at this moment, clear and dust-free, and a unique temperament quietly permeated his calm expression.


Wang Daolu seemed to have noticed something, and shifted his gaze from the arena, and landed on Chen Xi. Immediately, a brilliant light burst out from the depths of his eyes.

In his eyes, the surrounding hustle and bustle, the battle on the ring, and the tumbling clouds in the sky seemed to be far away from Chen Xi, unable to get close to him.

"Has this little guy made another breakthrough?"

At this moment, Wang Daolu couldn't help feeling a little bit of jealousy in his heart, even if he participated in the seminar, he could make a breakthrough, this little guy is really a freak.

Even though he was thinking this way in his heart, Wang Daolu did not move slowly, and calmly cast an invisible force to envelop Chen Xi, preventing him from being disturbed.


As time went by, the discussion was carried out one after another, with different degrees of intensity, and everyone was hooked and fascinated by it.

Ye Tang naturally won without a doubt.

Fozi Zhenlu came on the stage and defeated his opponent.

But when Zhao Mengli played, she narrowly beat the opponent.

Her opponent was a young man from Dahuang College named Song Yunsong, who was not the top disciple in Dahuang College, but in the duel with Zhao Mengli, he broke out with astonishing fighting power, which caused a burst of excitement in the audience. There was another uproar.

You know, Zhao Mengli relied on Chen Xi's Cangwu seedling to break through the late stage of Da Luo in one fell swoop, and even mastered a certain supreme secret method of the Phoenix Clan. His strength has already ranked among the top ranks in the inner court of Dao Emperor Academy, but he almost fell behind in this battle. Defeat is naturally extremely moving.

Even Wang Daolu frowned when he witnessed this scene, a little unexpected, feeling vaguely in his heart that the information he had before seemed not so accurate.

Like this Song Yunsong, according to the information he has, he is not even qualified to fight against the top [-] powerhouses on the Purple Ribbon Gold List in the inner court, but the fighting power that has erupted today is more than a fraction stronger than expected.

All this made Wang Daolu feel a bad premonition inexplicably.

And when Ji Xuanbing's duel began, Wang Daolu's face suddenly darkened, and he felt more and more that this time, the discussion meeting of the Seven Courts seemed to be faintly out of the various situations he expected.

The reason is very simple. Ji Xuanbing's opponent is a student from Kuji Academy named Wang Xuechong, who is also a character similar to that of Song Yunsong.

However, it was such a character that forced Ji Xuanbing to be suppressed everywhere!

How can this be?

Not only Wang Daolu did not expect, even many teachers and students of Daohuang Academy present never expected such a scene to happen.

The atmosphere became dull and weird for a while, and it was no longer noisy before.

On the other hand, at the Kuji Academy, both the teacher who led the team, Old Antique, and the disciples all looked relaxed, as if they had already expected this scene.

Could this be a long-planned action?

Wang Daolu's eyes swept over Wang Xuechong, Song Yunqiao, Xiao Qianshui, Wan Jiansheng and other students from the academy one by one, and he immediately noticed a phenomenon.

Xiao Qianshui, like Wang Xuechong, came from the Kuji Academy.

Song Yunqiao is from Dahuang College.

Wan Jiansheng is from Changkong Academy.

Xiao Qianshui has not appeared yet, but there is no doubt that he is a ruthless character that is not inferior to Wan Jiansheng.

And Wan Jiansheng, who appeared before, had never fought against the disciples of their Dao Emperor Academy, but he would definitely meet them in the next discussion.

Even though Song Yunqiao was narrowly defeated by Zhao Mengli when he appeared on the field, he broke out with unexpected fighting power, and Wang Xuechong is the same now, even forcing Ji Xuanbing to be suppressed everywhere.

This is so abnormal!

"Xiao Qianshui, Song Yunqiao, and Wang Xuechong are all characters who were not well-known before, and they come from the three major colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong. It would be strange to say that there is no one behind them."

At this moment, Chen Xi, who had been meditating quietly all this time, suddenly spoke, his eyes were deep and cold, "I even wonder if the Supreme Master is behind them."

Hearing this, Wang Daolu's heart trembled, but before he could say anything, the sudden change in the arena——

Ji Xuanbing was blown out of the ring by Wang Xuechong's sword!

Seeing such a scene, there was an uproar of exclamation, and many disciples and students of Daohuang Academy stood up in unbelief.

In the first round of Dao discussion, Ji Xuanbing, the descendant of the ancient royal family, was actually defeated by a disciple of the Kuji Academy?This was put on the previous seminars, but such a thing has never happened!

Because in the past, none of the disciples of Daohuang Academy who participated in the discussion were eliminated in the first round of assessment, never!


With a flash of Wang Daolu's figure, he caught Ji Xuanbing and returned to the auspicious cloud. When he saw the injuries on his body, his face was as gloomy as water.

The injury is serious!

Ji Xuanbing's whole body was sluggish, his face was as pale as paper, his breastbone had been broken countless times, and he was covered in blood.

All of a sudden, even Chen Xi, Ye Tang, Zhao Mengli, and Zhenlu's complexions became gloomy, and a coldness surged in their eyes, what a ruthless method!

"I... have... tried my best, never thought that... the other party... is much stronger than expected, I... have burdened everyone..."

Ji Xuanbing spoke intermittently, his voice hoarse.

Chen Xi held the opponent's palm, took a deep breath, and said word by word: "It's not your fault, trust me, I'll let them give you an explanation!"

Ji Xuanbing smiled miserably, and opened his mouth to say something, but Chen Xi cast a secret technique and fell into a deep sleep. He was injured too badly and had to heal in time.

"Haha, I have already said that the Daoist Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy is destined to reverse the previous situation and make your Daohuang Academy suffer a complete defeat! And this is just the beginning." From a distance, Xiao Qianshui came A sharp, cold laugh.

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples and teachers of Daohuang Academy present were furious.


ps: The fourth update is over!Today, the last 2 are more updates for x trench. Well, we still owe x trench 3 additions. In addition, we added 4 new additions today... Don’t worry, everyone, goldfish will remember and will add updates one by one!Finally, call the monthly pass again in the middle of the night~~

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