divine talisman

Chapter 1302 Supreme Cultist [Part 1]

Thanks to brothers "Dancing" "ychenhwang" and sister paper "lyn123456" for their support~


At this moment, because of Ji Xuanbing's defeat, the audience was silent. All the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy were stunned and couldn't believe it, and many students even showed indignation and unwillingness.

Just at this time, Xiao Qianshui sneered, his words were sharp and cold, and he was full of sarcasm, which immediately ignited the anger of all the teachers and students in the audience.

"Bastard! What did you say?"

"Damn, my mouth is so twitchy!"

"Damn! It's really hateful!"

The crowd was furious and shouted and cursed everywhere.

"Hmph, defeat is defeat. Could it be that the Daoist Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy only allows you Daohuang Academy disciples to win? Absurd! Look at your demeanor, and you are the children of the No. [-] Academy in the Immortal World. You are not too shameful to show yourself!"

Regarding this, Xiao Qianshui still sneered and was aggressive. He sat lazily on top of the auspicious clouds, crossed his legs, and looked arrogant.

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of all the teachers of Daohuang Academy in the room sank. This little thing from the Kuji Academy is a bit too much!

In front of them, scolding the students of their academy is simply lawless!

At this moment, the situation is faintly showing signs of getting out of control. If it is not stopped, a riot may even break out.


At this moment, Wang Daolu suddenly uttered a voice, which resounded throughout the world, "Discussing the Tao is discussing the Tao. How can there be such a noise?"

He had a stern look on his face, and his brows were full of coercive power. With just a few words, it was like a holy voice from heaven, calming down all the noise present.

Everyone didn't dare to say any more, but the anger in their hearts was still lingering.

In fact, in the final analysis, all of this was related to Ji Xuanbing's defeat, which made them unacceptable. After all, nothing like this had ever happened in previous seminars.

Many people even complained in their hearts that the reason why Ji Xuanbing was unfavorable in the battle was because of his lack of foundation. If he sent Senior Sister Ling Qingwu, how could such a thing happen?

Even if Senior Sister Ling Qingwu is not in the academy now, she can still send out other veteran masters from the inner courtyard. Which of the top ten existences on the Purple Ribbon Gold List is not an extremely tyrannical existence?

And this Ji Xuanbing, even though he is the descendant of the ancient royal family, has just stepped into the inner court after all, so he doesn't have enough background...

Of course, this is only the thoughts of some students. Now that Ji Xuanbing has failed, they will not complain that their family members are not capable enough.

In short, this is the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy, no matter how angry they are, they have to act according to the rules, otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to the reputation of their Daohuang Academy if it spreads to the outside world.

"Qianshui, don't say a few words." On the other side, seeing Wang Daolu appearing, the leader of the Kuji Academy scolded Xiao Qianshui.

The leader of the team has black hair and three wisps of willow beard under his chin. He is very elegant. His name is Leng Yunsou.

Xiao Qianshui snorted, and curled his lips: "Alright, when I come out later, I will tell them with my actions that some failures are already doomed."


After the commotion subsides, the discussion will continue.

Ji Xuanbing was taken away by an instructor to treat her injuries. Zhao Mengli was trying to recover her strength. She had gone through a fierce battle just now, and she was very exhausted. People worried whether she would be able to fully recover in the second round of Daoism.

Ye Tang was drinking one sip at a time, the usual free and easy smile on his cheek was gone, only a trace of calm and lonely was left.

Sitting solemnly in the true law of the Buddha, he is also adjusting the state of Qi.

Only Chen Xi was quietly observing the battles in the arena. His dark eyes were deep, and his handsome face was filled with calm and indifference. No one knew what was going on in his heart.

After the change of Ji Xuanbing's defeat just now, the next arena duel appeared to be calm, no longer as noisy and lively as before.

An hour later.

The first round of discussion ended, and seventeen disciples advanced smoothly.

It is worth mentioning that in this round of discussion, the most disastrous disciples eliminated were the three colleges of Yunlan, Fengchuan, and Daoxuan, with a total of thirteen disciples eliminated.

On the other hand, the three major academies of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong had only eliminated one disciple each. Similarly, Daohuang Academy had also eliminated a disciple.

Regarding this result, the professors and students of Yunlan, Fengchuan, and Daoxuan colleges all looked extremely ugly, they didn't say a word, and their expressions were gloomy.

On the other hand, at Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong College, the teachers and students had a good time, chatting and laughing happily with each other, and were full of ambitions, forming a stark contrast.

"Senior, I think that at the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy, the shadow of the Supreme Master may be standing behind the Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong Academy."

Suddenly, Chen Xi spoke, his voice was calm with a hint of coldness.

Wang Daolu nodded, with a solemn look on his brows: "Before, when I was discussing with Dean Chi about the candidates for this discussion, I only paid attention to Xiao Qianshui, but I didn't expect that other than this son, this The other disciples of the three major academies also have such unexpected fighting power."

After a pause, he continued: "This time, we were a little negligent." At the end, he couldn't help but sigh.

It was indeed negligence.

A Xiao Qianshui is considered an anomaly, but now there are so many tyrannical characters. Unfortunately, these characters were not well-known before, but now they exploded with unexpected and terrifying combat power at the seminar. It would be strange to say that no one is calculating behind all this.

"It doesn't matter if he plots against us, since he dares to plot against us, if he doesn't pay a price, it won't make sense..." Chen Xi said calmly.


The second round of discussion will start soon.

It was still a lottery, but this time there was an extra Xiao Qianshui among the opponents in the discussion.

Chen Xi drew the jade lottery No. 10, and his opponent was Yan Yun, who was drawn the jade lottery No. [-], a student from the Bitter Silence Academy.

Judging from the order of appearance, Chen Xi will have a duel in the last round of the second round of discussion.

"Yan Yun, Kuji Academy..."

Chen Xi put away the jade stick, a chill surged deep in his eyes.

But soon, he didn't care about these things, because the first duel of the second round of Dao Discussion was about to kick off, and the two sides in the battle were Ye Tang from Dao Emperor Academy and Wan Jiansheng from Changkong Academy!

The confrontation between the two scorching suns!

And when they learned of this result, the audience was in an uproar. No one expected that this scorching sun duel, which attracted the attention of the entire fairy world, would come so quickly, and it would be staged in the first round of the second round of discussion.

Doesn't this mean that one of them must be unable to enter the third round of discussion?

The third round of Dao discussion is the last battle of the Seventh Academy's Dao Discussion Association. At that time, the final result will be competed, and you will become the leader of this Seventh Academy's Dao Discussion Association!

Now, the battle between the two scorching suns was staged in advance in the second round of discussion, which meant that neither Ye Tang nor Wan Jiansheng were destined to miss the position of leader in advance.

Regarding the result of the lottery, Wang Daolu frowned more and more, which also made him worry that if Ye Tang failed, this time the seven academies will discuss Daoism, and their Daohuang Academy will be in danger!

Because among the six colleges, besides Wan Jiansheng, there is also Xiao Qianshui. Once Ye Tang fails, who can compete with these two?

The true law of the Buddha?

Zhao Mengli?

Chen Xi?

Wang Daolu couldn't be sure, and it was because of this that he was worried.

But no matter what, the current situation is the way it is now, and there is no room for him to think too much about it.


"The second round of discussion, the first round, Ye Tang of Dao Emperor Academy vs. Wan Jiansheng of Changkong Academy!"

This news spread out of Daohuang Academy in the first time, causing a sensation in the entire Douxuan Immortal City, and it was boiling.

At the same time, in an elegant room in Xianbuyan Restaurant, a middle-aged man in gray clothes was holding a glass of wine, leaning against the window, staring quietly into the distance, his eyes glowed with purple awns, as if they could penetrate the void, The hole penetrates nine heavens and ten earths.

"Hehe, time and luck, this operation is only one step away from success!"

All of a sudden, the young man in the gray clothes laughed out loud. He looked ordinary and wore ordinary clothes, but when a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, his whole demeanor suddenly changed, becoming graceful and arrogant, with a kind of overlooking the world, grasping The supreme spirit of Qiankun.

"Uncle Mo Sang..."

At this time, a young man hurried into the quiet room, wanting to report something, but was interrupted by the gray-clothed middle-aged man waving his hand: "I know everything, don't need to say more."

Saying that, the middle-aged man in gray turned around, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, smacked his lips, and said in a deep thought: "At this time, the Imperial Academy must have noticed some clues, that's all, let's leave now, if we don't Let's go, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave when the discussion will end..."

"Uncle Mo Sang, don't wait any longer?" the young man said in a daze.His clothes are clean and tidy, his face is delicate, his eyes are opened and closed, with strands of illusory luster transpiring, and his demeanor is very calm and calm.

"Are you waiting to be approached by those old things from Daohuang Academy?"

The gray-clothed middle-aged man named Mo Sang glanced at the other party. It was just a look, but the latter's heart was pounding and he kept silent. He quickly bowed and said, "Disciple knows his mistake."

Mo Sang sighed, and suddenly asked: "Shi Tian, ​​have you been with me for a while?"

"This disciple entered the sect four years ago, and was fortunate to become a disciple serving under the master's knee. In the second year, he was arranged by the master to serve beside the uncle. It has been three years now."

The young man replied respectfully.

"That's right, then you should also be clear that we are too religious to act, no matter whether we succeed or not, we must first ensure our own lives... not to be threatened."

Mo Sang patted the other party's shoulder, and said slowly, "After all, in this world, there is never anything more important than your own life."

After all, he was about to teleport away out of thin air. At this moment, an invisible force suddenly appeared in the quiet room and shrouded Mo Sang.

"Not good! This is the breath of a strong person in the Immortal King Realm. Shi Tian, ​​leave quickly and tell your master, if I, Mo Sang, die, it must be the work of Daohuang Academy!"

In an instant, Mosang's expression changed suddenly, he grabbed the young man beside him, and threw him out of the quiet room with his hands.


ps: The second update is around 10:[-].

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