divine talisman

Chapter 1304 Cut Arms and Go [Part 3]

On the arena, sword qi crisscrossed, sword glows crisscrossed, and two figures flickered above the arena, launching a peak duel at an incredible speed.

The spectators held their breaths and stared intently, but there were various emotions emerging in their expressions.

Some people are mesmerized.

Others were shocked.

Someone applauds.

There are also people who are so nervous that they almost forget to breathe.


This battle is too dazzling, the scorching sun is fighting for the front, it is the highest level of peak competition in the Da Luo Realm, it can be called an unrivaled battle, and it is rare to see it in thousands of years.

Even those old antiques whose cultivation had already reached half-step Immortal King Realm and above, when they witnessed such a duel, they admired it again and again, sighing that they were not as tyrannical as these two young people back then.

Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to all of this.

He just stared at this battle quietly, with a clear mind and no waves in the ancient well.

In the first round of discussion, after witnessing the duel between Zhao Taihang and Wan Jiansheng, his mind was touched, and his understanding of the realm of "Sword God" became more and more profound.

Now, his gaze is different from before. Witnessing the confrontation between Ye Tang and Wan Jiansheng again, he has been able to look at it with a normal mind.

The so-called layman watches the excitement, and the insider watches the way. At this moment, Chen Xi is comparing his own combat power through this battle. It is not to mention learning from each other, but just a means of indirect self-awareness.

Ye Tang's Dao of the sword is wanton, agile, and free. With every gesture, he is like a king of swords who is free and unrestrained in the wind.

However, Wan Jiansheng's kendo is clean and simple, but it has a kind of fierce power that reaches people's hearts. The understatement of the sword often contains a powerful aura that can kill the world and cut through the world.

There is no advantage or disadvantage between the two, the realm of Taoism and even one's own combat experience are all evenly matched, which makes this battle extremely long-lasting and wonderful.


No matter how exciting the battle is, it will eventually end.

Two hours later.

Chen Xi's eyes narrowed suddenly, and a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows were locked into a Sichuan character, and he murmured: "After all, the background is still a bit off..."

Almost at the same time, the corners of Wang Daolu's lips twitched, his face darkened slightly.

"Hahaha, in the realm of Da Luo, this battle can be called a once-in-a-lifetime peak duel, but at this time, the winner has already been decided!" On the other side, the old monster Feng of Changkong Academy looked up to the sky and laughed.

This voice was so abrupt that everyone present was stunned.


However, before everyone could recover, the divine splendor exploded on the ring, and after a thunderous collision, Ye Tang's figure froze, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, then the figure kicked back three steps in mid-air , his cheeks paled instantly.

On the other hand, Wan Jiansheng only breathed heavily, but he was unscathed.

Seeing such a scene, the audience was in an uproar. They couldn't believe that Ye Tang would be slightly inferior in the originally equal confrontation!

"After all, it's still a little bit worse..."

Ye Tang shook his head, took out the wine gourd, drank a few swigs with blood stains on his lips, and then smiled casually, "There's no need to fight anymore, I'm not as good as you."

After all, he turned around and left the arena. From the beginning to the end, there was no sadness, loss, or entanglement of indignation, only free and easy and calm.

But for the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy, this situation was unacceptable.

How could this be?

How could Ye Tang fail?

Everyone was stunned, lost and bewildered.

In the first round of Dao Discussion, Ji Xuanbing was seriously injured and lost. Now, even Ye Tang also lost by a small margin. This is undoubtedly another heavy blow to the momentum of the entire Dao Emperor Academy.

How could such a thing happen in the past seminars?

Could it be that this session of the Dao Discussion Conference is really going to change the previous pattern and be overwhelmed by those six colleges?

The audience was silent, and some couldn't face the result.

"Sorry, I failed to help the academy win the final honor." Ye Tang returned to the auspicious cloud, bowed to Wang Daolu, Chen Xi and the others one by one, apologizing endlessly.

"You've done your best."

Wang Daolu patted the other party's shoulder to show comfort, but he sighed deeply in his heart, the current situation has completely turned against Daohuang Academy.

Without Ye Tang, in the next duel, who among Chen Xi, Zhenlu, and Zhao Mengli would be the opponent of Wan Jiansheng and Xiao Qianshui?

"Senior Brother Ye Tang rests for the time being, the final result has not yet been determined, so don't blame yourself so much."

Chen Xi smiled, and handed Ye Tang a wine gourd.

Ye Tang took it, but he didn't drink it. Instead, he looked at Chen Xi thoughtfully, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Chen Xi said so, I'm really looking forward to the final result."

Chen Xi smiled again, but this time he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Wang Daolu couldn't help but want to say something, but his brows were raised, and his eyes were instantly attracted by the scene that happened on the ring.

Not only him, but many people were also surprised at this moment and looked over.

On the ring, Wan Jiansheng, dressed in black and with a lonely and stern expression, did not leave, but stood there quietly for a long time, and suddenly drew his sword again.


The Immortal Soul Oath Sword came out of its sheath, and let out a quiet sword chant. Hearing the sword chant soaring into the sky, Wan Jiansheng seemed to have made some decision, and a flash of determination flashed between his brows.

He suddenly turned around, swept his eyes in the direction of Changkong Academy, and landed on that old monster Feng.

Old Freak Feng's expression froze, as if he vaguely understood something, he yelled loudly: "Jiansheng! This matter is over, why stick to the original oath?"

The audience was stunned and confused, unable to figure out what happened.

Wan Jiansheng seemed unaware of this, with a calm and indifferent expression, and slowly said: "Back then, I made an oath that my swordsmanship would not yield to coercion, cause and effect, or benevolence. , do not encourage evil spirits, if there is any violation, you should use my blood to wash away the filth of the sword. Now... I have violated it after all..."

As soon as these words came out, many people present vaguely understood something.

And that Old Monster Feng's face sank again, turning a little livid.


Under the horrified gazes of everyone, Wan Jiansheng raised his hand, swung his sword, and cut off his left arm!

The blood spurts, the whole severed arm flies into the air, and every inch of it shatters into blood foam, the scene is so poignant and shocking.

Everyone opened their mouths wide open. They couldn't believe that at this moment, Wan Jiansheng, who was clearly victorious, would do such a thing of self-mutilation. He actually destroyed his own left arm!


With the fairy sword sheathed, Wan Jiansheng silently sealed the wound on his left arm, then turned and left the ring.

He didn't return to the Sky Academy, but left directly!

That is to say, now that he has won the second round of discussion, it seems that he is going to abstain from voting and no longer participate in the final round of discussion!

"From now on, I, Wan Jiansheng, will never owe Changkong Academy any more!"

An indifferent and stern voice floated in the field, but Wan Jiansheng was no longer there.

This stern, arrogant, unruly and powerful peerless sword fairy chopped off his left arm, as if he had broken a fetter, repaid a karma, and finally drifted away.

At this moment, the audience was silent again, completely silent.

No one expected that such a scene would happen at the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy, and everyone felt an unspeakable shock in their hearts.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of giving everything to the way of the sword that Wan Jiansheng has achieved what he is today?

Many people even speculated that Wan Jiansheng was coerced by the Changkong Academy to participate in the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seven Academy this time?

After all, he just said that this battle violated his original oath, and analyzing his oath, the spearhead was vaguely pointed at Changkong Academy.

All of a sudden, a lot of suspicious eyes fell on the side of the Sky Academy, and Old Freak Feng's expression became gloomy again.

"It seems that this matter is not only coercion, but also cause and effect, and kindness...Maybe, Wan Jiansheng also noticed that there is a shadow of the Supreme Master behind the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy?"

Chen Xi was thoughtful, but in his heart he admired Wan Jiansheng quite a bit. How many sword immortals could be as pure as Wan Jiansheng in this world?

In this battle, Ye Tang's defeat and Wan Jiansheng's death caused a great shock among the crowd, and after the news was conveyed through the Zhengming Dao Bell, the entire Douxuan City fell into a commotion.

Yes, no one believed that such a twists and turns and shocking things would happen at the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy.


No matter what, the Dao Discussion will go on after all.

The subsequent battles did not meet Chen Xi's expectations. The disciples of the three major colleges, Yunlan, Fengchuan, and Daoxuan, almost showed a one-sided trend, and they fought and lost repeatedly.

On the other hand, the disciples of the three major colleges, Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong, were as imposing as a rainbow. They won all the way, which aroused widespread attention in the audience, and they were all surprised. The tonic is average, and the performance is exceptionally dazzling.

Especially that Xiao Qianshui, as soon as he appeared on the stage, he easily eliminated an opponent from Yunlan Academy, simply and neatly, ruthlessly and directly.

To the heavy heart of the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy, Zhao Mengli and Fozi Zhenlu, who took the lead in the second round of discussion, also failed again and again and returned home in failure.

Their opponents, one is Wu Fangjun from Dahuang College, and the other is He Lianqi from Kuji College. Like Song Yunsong and Wang Xuechong before that, they were not well-known in the past, but now in this seminar, they are Unexpected fighting power broke out.

You know, Buddha's True Law is currently ranked among the top ten on the Purple Ribbon Gold List in the Inner Court, but now he is even defeated by a little-known disciple from the Great Wilderness Academy. This is beyond everyone's expectations.

It was also because of the defeat of Buddha's son Zhenlu and Zhao Mengli that the morale of the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy suddenly plummeted and became sluggish. Everyone's face was full of astonishment, bewilderment, loss, and unwillingness.

Only Wang Daolu had anticipated this, but when he saw such a scene happening in front of his eyes, he still felt extremely uncomfortable.

This time, their Daohuang Academy was tricked by the Supreme Master. If they can't recover from the decline in the next discussion, then it will really be a crushing defeat!

Thinking of this, Wang Daolu couldn't help but look at Chen Xi.

Now, Chen Xi is the only one who has not yet appeared. Can he... be able to turn the tide?


ps: This chapter is naturally an addition to mending x trenches.In addition, this time the Seventh Academy Discussion Conference, unnecessary narration, details, battles... I have deleted all that can be deleted, in order to make it clean, concise and compact, so the update will inevitably stumble, sometimes for several hours I can't figure out a chapter, which makes the update very late. Please understand, I'm doing my best to make the post-Fu Queen more exciting.

Finally, I still ask for a monthly pass~~ On the last day of the month, I will definitely not lose the chain, and there will definitely be more than 2 updates!So, friends who have saved their monthly tickets and haven't voted, hurry up and vote~

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