divine talisman

Chapter 1305 Chen Xi vs Yan Yun [Part 1]

Thanks to brothers "Tomorrow will be more hopeful" "ychenhwang" and sister paper "Lingfei" for their support~


The second round of Dao discussion has gone through eight duels. During this process, the disciples of Yunlan, Fengchuan, and Daoxuan colleges were completely defeated, and none of them entered the final round of Dao discussion.

In other words, what the three major academies have to do now is to watch the competition of other academies' disciples. Naturally, they feel extremely depressed and unwilling, but there is nothing they can do about it.

This is an argument, everything depends on strength to judge victory or defeat, if there is victory, it will naturally fail.

On the side of Daohuang Academy, the situation is also extremely unfavorable, and even the blow suffered is heavier than that of the three major academies of Yunlan, Fengchuan, and Daoxuan.

Because in this second round of duel, Ye Tang, one of the six blazing suns in the fairy world, lost, Zhao Mengli, a descendant of the true phoenix of the Phoenix family, lost, and the young leader of the Buddhist world, Fozi Zhenlu, also lost...

In addition to Ji Xuanbing who was defeated in the first round of Dao Discussion, among the five disciples participating in the Dao Emperor Academy's Dao Discussion this time, only Chen Xi was left!

This was something that had never happened before at the Seventh Academies' Dao Discussion Conference, so it was particularly shocking, and it also dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the Dao Emperor Academy.

Now, there is only the last match left in the second round of discussion. Chen Xi, who represents Daohuang Academy, will fight against Yan Yun, a disciple of Kuji Academy. If this battle fails again, Daohuang Academy will also lose in this discussion. Will be completely eliminated, completely missed the last round of discussion.

In this way, it is natural that he will no longer be able to win the final position of the leader of the discussion.

The situation is really serious!

At this moment, there was deathly silence around the arena, and every teacher and student of Daohuang Academy felt extremely heavy, and some couldn't accept the ensuing blows.

This is the Dao Discussion Meeting of Seven Academies held on its own territory. If it is eliminated by other academies, it will be...undescribable!

Only those in the Great Wilderness, Kuji, and Long Sky Colleges were full of joy and laughter. Whether they were leading the teaching team or those disciples who participated in the discussion, they all looked relaxed, with the pride of the winners on their faces.

This time at the Dao Discussion, they could be said to be elated and complacent, and they almost swept away the disciples of other colleges. Even if the Dao Discussion was not over yet, they were already looking forward to the moment when they would be famous in the Immortal World.

After all, since Yun Fusheng single-handedly swept away their three colleges with a sword, they have never been so proud and proud as they are today.

"Hehe, from now on, I'm afraid that the situation of Daohuang Academy's dominance will be completely changed!"

"At first, I thought that the disciples in the inner courtyard of Daohuang Academy were so powerful, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. Without Ye Tang, they are like toothless tigers."

"I think, even if Yan Yu? Ling Qingwu comes, he will still be eliminated!"

Victory and glory are the easiest to make people inflated. After tasting the sweetness of victory, the disciples of these three major academies, Dahuang, Kuji, and Changkong, all became full of ambition, and there was a hint of pride like pointing to the country.

And the leading teachers of these three colleges just stroked their beards and smiled, and didn't make a sound to stop them. Young people, you must have fun in life to be happy.


At this time, the bell of the competition rang throughout the audience, opening the curtain for the ninth matchup of the second round of discussion.

Similarly, this is also the last duel of the second round of Dao Discourse, Chen Xi will face Yan Yun, a student of the Bitter Silence Academy!


"Chen Xi, don't stress too much."

Above the auspicious clouds, Wang Daolu took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the heavy emotions in his heart, and encouraged Chen Xi with a smile.

"Don't worry, senior."

Chen Xi nodded, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, and his handsome face was filled with tranquility, like an ancient well without any fluctuations in emotion.

"Junior Brother Chen Xi, regardless of success or failure, when the Dao Discussion is over, you and I must have a drink."

Ye Tang said with a smile on the side.

"Senior brother Ye Tang's invitation, how dare I refuse to obey?"

Chen Xi smiled.

"You must not learn from Ji Xuanbing, it's too aggressive."

At this moment, Zhao Mengli couldn't help opening her mouth and reminded her, but when Ji Xuanbing was mentioned, her eyes suddenly dimmed, a little sad.

"That's right, winning or losing is just a moment, and compared to the path of seeking Tao, it's just a drop in the ocean." Buddha's son Zhenlu said seriously.

"Just watch it with peace of mind. Leave the rest to me. This is only the second round of discussion. There will be more wonderful performances in the future. Don't be too surprised."

Chen Xi smiled at the two of them, no longer hesitated, turned around and stepped onto the ring.

"I didn't expect this guy to be able to joke..."

Zhao Mengli was startled, staring at Chen Xi's back standing upright on the ring, thinking of his plain and calm jokes before, the worry and heaviness in her heart for no reason faded a lot.

Not only she felt this way, but Ye Tang, Zhenlu and Wang Daolu were all startled, thoughtful.


the other side.

All the teachers and students of Kuji Academy are also cheering for Yan Yun.

"Junior Brother Yanyun is so lucky to have met this Chen Xi. This bastard has a very high reputation in the fairy world. If you defeat him, I believe it won't take long before he will become famous all over the world!"

"Hmph! It's just a guy with a false name, Junior Brother Yanyun, this time you have to teach this kid a lesson in front of all the teachers and students of the Dao Emperor Academy."

"This bastard snatched the Heavenly Hate Seal from my Kuji College back then. It's really hateful. If I don't teach him a lesson this time, he thought he could be lawless!"

The words of these people were not deliberately concealed, so that many teachers and students of Daohuang Academy heard it clearly, and immediately they were all sullen and resentful, and they shouted loudly.

Seeing this, Xiao Qianshui smiled coldly, and suddenly raised his voice: "Hmph, when this second duel is over, I'll see if you can still yell!"

As soon as these words came out, many voices in the audience became dumb and fell into silence. They remembered the scenes that happened before. Even Senior Brother Ye Tang and the others were eliminated. Can Chen Xi...will he make it to the end?

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't seem to be aware of it, and stood quietly on the ring with his back straight and his blue shirt fluttering. Only those deep black eyes were filled with an extremely cold chill.


At this time, Yan Yun had come through the sky and landed on the ring. His figure was extremely burly, as strong as a towering mountain, his face was rough, and his brows were full of violence and coldness.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a ferocious beast from the wilderness, with a ferocious aura permeating its body, as if it wants to choose people and devour them.

"Chen Xi, I've heard about your reputation, I hope you don't lose too badly today."

That Yan Yun smiled grimly, his eyes were full of fierce light.

With a clang, he took out a wide-mouthed sword in his hand, which was about ten feet long and one foot wide. Palpitating sheen.

With a burly figure like a mountain, a fierce and violent aura, and a bloody sword as wide as a door, this Yan Yun has a strong visual impact as soon as he appears on the stage.

In particular, the moment he held the blood sword, his whole body exuded a rushing aura, like a savage dragon waking up, shattering and disintegrating the clouds in the sky. All slightly discolored.

"The momentum displayed by this guy is even worse than that of Wu Fangjun who defeated Buddha's true law, and He Lianqi who defeated Zhao Mengli. Senior brother Chen Xi...can he compete?"

Someone's heart tightened, and they murmured endlessly.

"It's a bit tricky."

Above the auspicious clouds, Wang Daolu also frowned, realizing that Yan Yun's aura was too violent and ferocious, he had never heard of such a fierce student in the Kuji Academy before.

Obviously, this Yan Yun, like Xiao Qianshui, Song Yunsong, Wang Xuechong, Wu Fangjun, and He Lianqi, are all unknown people, but now they exploded with power beyond imagination in this seminar.

And behind this, there must be the shadow of the Supreme Master!

"Junior Brother Yanyun, quickly deal with this kid, don't delay everyone's final round of assessment."

In the distance, Xiao Qianshui's sharp and cold voice sounded again, making the faces of the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy present a little ugly again.

But at this time, no one paid any attention to Xiao Qianshui, all eyes were on Chen Xi, and there was a hint of nervousness and worry in his expression.

Because of Ye Tang's failure, they also lacked confidence in Chen Xi's fight at this moment, and they inevitably felt a little nervous and nervous.

"Hahaha, Brother Xiao, don't worry, it won't take too long!"

That Yan Yun looked up to the sky and burst out laughing, but the smile on his face was icy cold and menacing, and the gaze he looked at Chen Xi was like staring at a dead person, full of indifference and fierceness.

"It really won't be too long."

Chen Xi shrugged and said calmly.


A bell rang through the sky and the earth, and the discussion began.


Before the bell rang, Yan Yun suddenly stepped on the ground, and his whole body rose up like a towering mountain. His burly figure shattered the void into pieces.

"Blood Wheel Killing, Breaking Heaven and Devouring Soul!"

Suddenly, he shouted violently, startling the Nine Heavens. Under the horrified eyes of Yan Yun, the blood-colored great sword in his hand was like a plow that split the sky, raising thousands of blood shadows, crushing the void, and rumbling towards Chen Xi who was facing him. go.

The shadow of the sword is like a sea of ​​blood, violent, chilling, and oppressive, as if it wants to sweep the world into a bloody purgatory, and the entire arena is flooded by the monstrous blood light!

This attack was terrifying and tyrannical, causing many disciples present to turn pale and exclaim.

Even the eyelids of some college veterans twitched, as if they hadn't expected that the disciples of this miserable college would display such a powerful killing move as soon as the battle started.

Facing such a scene, Chen Xi's lips curled up with a hint of indifference, and he stood quietly until the monstrous bloody sword aura rushed towards his face, and then he casually flipped over, and a square ancient seal appeared in the palm of his hand. .

The whole body of this seal is filled with dark blue divine brilliance, and a layer of obscure and mysterious Dao patterns are engraved on the surface, but the aura that permeates is extremely violent, and it seems to be able to break the sky and crack the earth, smashing a hole in the Dao!

It is the heavy treasure hate the sky seal of the town courtyard of Kuji College!


ps: The second update is around 10:[-], the last few hours at the end of the month. Children’s shoes who have not voted for the monthly ticket should vote quickly. It will be cleared after midnight...

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