divine talisman

Chapter 1306 Violent Beating 1 [Part 2]

Thanks to brothers "watchwq" and "Ruiye Life" for their support~


Hate Tianyin!

At this moment, most of the people present recognized this ancient fairy treasure, and they were slightly taken aback, while the faces of the teachers and students of the Kuji Academy suddenly darkened.

This damned thing actually used the treasures of my Kuji Academy to deal with the disciples of my Kuji Academy, it is a crime worthy of death!

"Hate the Sky Seal? That's fine, I'll take this opportunity to take this treasure back!"

That Yan Yun also recognized this thing, and the violent color in his eyes surged wildly, and the bloody sword energy filled the sky became stronger and stronger, dyeing the sky dark red, like a bloody purgatory.

At this moment, Chen Xi also moved. His thick black hair was flying, his eyes were like lightning, and the sole of his foot suddenly stepped on the ground, and he smashed the Heavenly Hate Seal hard.

At this moment, Chen Xi's body was filled with golden light, shining like a scorching sun, appearing across the sky, making the world eclipsed, and the sun and the moon dimmed!

The hearts of all the people present were shocked, and they felt in a trance that Chen Xi seemed to have become another person in an instant, possessing the look of being the king of the world and looking down upon him.

That aura was so dazzling and terrifying that it was unbelievable that the him just now was the same person as he is now!

Under the staring gaze of so many horrified gazes, the Hateful Seal glowed and turned into a dark blue torrent, unparalleled in rage, smashing away the monstrous blood light, breaking away the heavy sword aura, and smashing directly at Yan Yun's wide-mouthed blood sword superior.


There was a heaven-shattering loud noise, the storm roared on the ring, the divine splendor flowed, and the endless blood and light sword energy shattered inch by inch, and Yan Yun's burly mountain-like figure was shaken by this blow, and he staggered back and forth.

Ding Ding Deng!

With every step he retreated, a hole was broken through the void, and his face became paler. When he retreated a full ten steps, he just stood still, and his face was already full of shock, what a terrifying power!

With just one blow, Yan Yun was knocked back ten steps!

Seeing this scene, there was a sudden gasp in the field.

And the teachers and students of the Daohuang Academy were shocked and full of energy, as if seeing a glimmer of light from despair, unbelievable, surprised and happy, and a lot of worry, nervousness and uneasiness in their hearts were dispelled.

too strong!

This time, Chen Xi might really be able to turn the tide?


Regarding all of this, Chen Xi didn't seem to realize it. After knocking Yan Yun away with one blow, he didn't hold back his hand at all, and once again flashed out of thin air, smashing it through the air with the Hate Sky Seal.

That kind of feeling is like carrying a hundred thousand mountains on a rampage, no matter in terms of momentum or means, it is many times stronger than that Yan Yun's domineering power.

Moreover, after mastering the divine pattern of space, his speed was extremely fast, and he came to Yan Yun's side in a flash out of thin air, and covered his head with the seal of hatred.

Yan Yun couldn't dodge it, so he could only shake it hard, but he obviously underestimated the horror of Chen Xi's power. He only heard a loud bang, and his entire figure was hit by the Immemorial God Stone. The blood sword was almost blown away, and his body was smashed on the ring, he spat out blood with a loud bang, and his whole body twitched.

Everyone was shocked again and there was an uproar.

This is too overbearing!

From the beginning to the end, Chen Xi didn't use any earth-shattering skills at all, and the excellent tactics were simple and straightforward hard shocks, but they erupted with jaw-dropping terrifying power.

This is just the beginning of the battle!Originally, everyone was worried that Chen Xi would be so suppressed by Yan Yun, who was so strong, fierce, and beast-like, that he couldn't hold his head up. Who would have thought that the person being suppressed would be Yan Yun himself!

It was unexpected and unbelievable.

"How could this kid be so powerful?" Leng Yunsou, the leader of the team at the Kuji Academy, was astonished and couldn't help standing up, still in disbelief.

The group of disciples behind him were also a little surprised.

"Not bad, this kid Chen Xi is very good!"

Wang Daolu nodded endlessly, he was really relieved and felt a burst of relief.

"I have a hunch that junior brother Chen Xi's ability is far more than that..." Ye Tang smiled, and his eyes flashed with a deep light.

Zhao Mengli and Fozi Zhenlu also nodded inwardly. They were also greatly amazed by the fighting power Chen Xi displayed at this moment.


on the ring.

That Yan Yun was actually extremely tenacious, he dodged Chen Xi's attack suddenly, and then his figure flashed, and he moved away from Chen Xi, then roared furiously, "You..."

Before the voice could be uttered, his eyes went dark, and his field of vision was occupied by a large dark blue ancient seal, which made him dare not speak any more, and he had to raise the bloody sword again to block it head-on.


Another deafening roar resounded, and the burly figure of Yan Yun was smashed until his bones cracked and cracked, and the pores all over his body overflowed with traces of dark red blood stains, the veins on his cheeks burst, and the sauce was purple. pain.


He couldn't help screaming anymore, his voice was full of pain and resentment, and when he heard it in the ears of those students from the Blessing Academy, they all trembled and their expressions changed suddenly.

This Chen Xi... is too powerful, right?

You know, among the five disciples participating in the Dao discussion of the Kuji Academy this time, this Yan Yun is also extremely powerful, but since the start of the battle, he has been powerless against Chen Xi as an opponent. !

Seeing this, the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy couldn't help being excited, and many disciples even shouted loudly to cheer for Chen Xi.


On the arena, there was an incomparably sharp explosion sound in the void, and Chen Xi came to suppress and kill again with the Hate Sky Seal in his hand. His actions were not sloppy, and he looked like he was going to chase after him fiercely and kill them all.

Deceiving too much!

Seeing this, Yan Yun's eyes were about to burst, and his chest was about to explode with anger, but the ferocious aura in his bones was stimulated instead, and he roared again suddenly, his whole body was steaming with blood, and his aura suddenly rose abruptly One step up.

Obviously, he used some kind of secret method to stimulate potential.

"You bastard, let me die!!"

Yan Yun's eyes were bloodshot, holding the blood-colored sword in both hands, he rushed up, like a blood-colored beam of light soaring into the sky, and hundreds of millions of blood lights burst out from the sword, rolling up.

This attack can be regarded as extremely terrifying and frightening. The blood is so fierce that it seems to dye the sky, and the breath that pervades seems to be able to swallow the soul.

The fact is exactly the same, because this is Yan Yun's trump card, which he originally planned to use in the last round of discussion, but he never thought that he would be forced to such a situation by Chen Xi at this moment.

At this moment, he couldn't care less, he only had one thought in his mind, to beat the damn guy in front of him fiercely!


It's a pity that Yan Yun's trump card, which he considers to be the strongest, has absolutely no deterrent effect in Chen Xi's eyes, and just like before, Chen Xi still held the seal of hate, and smashed it down domineeringly, after this blow. In a moment, the opponent's right wrist was shattered, and the bloody sword flew out of his hand.

Not only that, because the impact force received was too violent, that Yan Yun opened his mouth suddenly, blood sprayed three feet, and his whole body was directly slapped on the ground, his whole body twitched violently as if he had gone epileptic.

That appearance is simply horrible.

The crowd was once again in an uproar and erupted. Chen Xi's incomparably powerful performance completely ignited the enthusiasm of all the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy, and they were extremely excited.


At this moment, Yan Yun was completely stunned, his face was full of fear, trembling, he opened his mouth to admit defeat.


But at this moment, the space around his lips fluctuated, and a big confinement technique sealed his mouth tightly. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't make a single sound.

This made Yan Yun even more terrified, and when he looked at Chen Xi who was walking step by step, there was already endless amazement and fear in his eyes, and even... there was a hint of pleading.

"Stop! The victory and defeat have been decided, there is no need to continue the fight. This battle, I, the Kuji Academy, admit defeat!" The old man Leng Yun of the Kuji Academy, seeing this, dared not hesitate, and snapped sharply.

It's a pity that Chen Xi didn't seem to hear it at all. He walked forward with an indifferent and calm expression. The Heavenly Hate Seal in his right hand swung and hit Yan Yun's body time and time again, until his bones were broken and his blood splashed onto the ground. Crouching and twisting in pain.

Seeing such a bloody and ruthless scene, many people gasped. This fellow Chen Xi is ruthless enough!This is the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy. Does he still want to smash the opponent's college's treasure to death?

"It's just...it's too deceiving!"

That old man Leng Yun was trembling with anger, his old face was filled with sternness, and he wished he could kill Chen Xi with his eyes, because in a duel in the arena, if one side didn't take the initiative to admit defeat, no one would be able to delay the match.

"Don't be upset, Teacher Leng, I will avenge Junior Brother Yanyun. If he dares to do this, I will repay him tenfold!" Xiao Qianshui on the side watched this scene, narrowing his narrow eyes slightly, overflowing with tears. A luster of bloodthirsty cruelty.

Leng Yunsou was stunned, frowned, and then whispered: "Don't kill anyone, it's best to destroy the other party."

Xiao Qianshui smiled sinisterly, noncommittal.



Swinging the Hate Sky Seal down for the last time, seeing that the opponent was dying and on the verge of running out of oil, Chen Xi stopped, stood up, and then kicked the opponent out of the ring.

"Brother Ji, this is what I promised you, but... it's not enough..." Chen Xi took a deep breath, muttered to himself, shook his head, and turned to leave the ring.

But at this moment, the venue was full of turmoil, hustle and bustle everywhere, some were amazed, some cheered, some clapped their hands and laughed, and of course, there were also many people who were angry and furious, such as the teachers and students of the Bitter Silence Academy .

Chen Xi returned to above the auspicious clouds amidst the din, his expression was calm and composed, indifferent, as if he had done something that couldn't be more casual just now.

But the eyes of everyone looking at him have become completely different from before!

The final duel of the second round of Dao Discussion came under Chen Xi's domineering crush, and this time the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seven Houses did not end...

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