divine talisman

Chapter 1307 Overbearing and Unscrupulous [Part 3]

The discussion between Chen Xi and Yan Yun actually took less than a cup of tea time from the beginning to the end, but the repercussions it brought about were undoubtedly the most sensational in the second round of discussions.

The reason is that the combat power Chen Xi displayed was too heaven-defying and powerful, almost like crushing all the way, he defeated Yan Yun and almost died.

That hearty fighting style and powerful and domineering fighting methods made all the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy feel extremely excited and excited.

In the previous duel on Dao, they suppressed it for too long and suffered too many blows. The disappointment, unwillingness, anger, anxiety, worry... and other emotions accumulated in their hearts were fully vented at this moment. Feeling, naturally, is also extremely happy.

On the other hand, on the side of the Kuji Academy, no matter the teachers or the disciples, they all looked gloomy and angry. Chen Xi's strikes were too ruthless, and almost completely abolished Yan Yun. Even so, every year and a half , and it will certainly be difficult to heal.

What a cruel little thing!

This is also the evaluation of Chen Xi by teachers and students of Dahuang and Changkong Academy.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that after you advanced to the late stage of Da Luo this time, your combat power has changed to such a degree." Wang Daolu was amazed, and he did not hide his appreciation.

Ye Tang, Zhao Mengli and the others also stared at Chen Xi as if they were monsters. His performance in the ring just now was not only strong, but also ruthless!

Regarding this, Chen Xi just smiled and said, "I said it before, don't be too surprised."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

In this noisy atmosphere, Xiao Qianshui's sharp and cold voice sounded again: "Hmph, don't be too complacent, the Seven Academy Discussion Meeting is not over yet, are you planning to celebrate in advance at Daohuang Academy? !"

As soon as these words came out, a lot of noisy voices were suppressed immediately, especially when thinking about the third round of discussion later, the excited expressions on the faces of many disciples faded a lot, and were soon replaced by a dignified expression .

Although Xiao Qianshui's voice was full of sarcasm, what he said was the truth after all. This was only the second round of discussion, and the final round of confrontation was about to follow!

For a while, the atmosphere in the field became a little dull.

The reason is very simple. Even if Chen Xi has won now, the situation is still extremely unfavorable to their Dao Emperor Academy, because in the third round of Dao discussion later, Chen Xi is alone, and the three major academies of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong In addition to Wan Jiansheng who voluntarily abstained and left, there were seven people in total!

In addition, the rules of the third round of discussion are free discussion, and anyone can choose an opponent to compete in the duel. In this way, the situation becomes more and more unfavorable for Chen Xi.

Imagine if those seven disciples pointed the finger at Chen Xi together, would it be okay?


"They, shouldn't they be so shameless?"

Some disciples frowned, worried.

"Shameless? In order to be the final leader, they will definitely choose to challenge Senior Brother Chen Xi together first. As long as they defeat Senior Brother Chen Xi, the leader position will become something they will compete for among the three major academies."

Some people sighed, but they felt that such a scene was very likely to happen in the third round of discussion.

All of a sudden, the people around the arena couldn't help feeling worried again. Although Chen Xi had successfully advanced to the final round of Dao discussion, but... how would he resist the challenges from the students from the three major academies?

Among those seven disciples, there is such a tyrannical person as Xiao Qianshui who is not inferior to Wan Jiansheng!


"Chen Xi."

Wang Daolu frowned and pondered for a long time, then hesitantly asked, "Do you...how sure are you?"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Tang and the others also looked at Chen Xi, and they knew very well that there was Xiao Qianshui in the third round, who was the most troublesome.

Even if Chen Xi can defeat the other party, there are still six other people who are eyeing him, and none of those guys are weak!

The most important thing is that according to the rules of the third round of discussions, no time for rest and recovery is allowed in the middle. In other words, if Chen Xi is challenged, he can only continue fighting endlessly.

In this way, Chen Xi's situation will only become more and more unfavorable.

Regarding all of this, Chen Xi just shrugged his shoulders, and said with a relaxed smile: "You will only know after the fight, but like I said before, you can watch with peace of mind, there are many wonderful things that have yet to be staged."

The words were plain and calm, slightly joking, but it made Wang Daolu and the others calm down a lot, and they were no longer as worried as before.


The number of people who can participate in the final round of discussion has been released.

They are Chen Xi from Daohuang Academy, Xiao Qianshui, He Lianqi, and Wang Xuechong from Kuji Academy, Wu Fangjun and Yue Yu from Dahuang Academy, and Yu Xiushui and Cai Tuo from Changkong Academy.

A total of seven people.

The most eye-catching one is naturally Xiao Qianshui. It is rumored that he has a fighting power not weaker than Wan Jiansheng. Except for Xiao Qianshui, the other six are also extremely tyrannical existences. It can be seen in the third round of discussion.

However, whether it is this Xiao Qianshui or the other six people, their reputation in the fairy world was not outstanding before, and even according to the information obtained by Daohuang Academy, these seven people are not the top in their respective academies. The presence.

However, they broke out with unimaginable combat effectiveness in this seminar. There is no doubt that all of this must have a lot to do with the Supreme Sect.

As for the Supreme Master... Chen Xi hated and hated it to the extreme!


Before the third round of assessment, there will be another round of lottery.

It's not for arranging opponents, it's just for assigning a priority, for example, the one who draws the number one jade lottery is the first person to initiate the challenge, and can choose opponents from the other six disciples at will.

on the ring.

At this time, seven people including Chen Xi and Xiao Qianshui stood on it, waiting for the lottery.

"Chen Xi, I didn't expect you to be so powerful that I couldn't help but have a little desire to fight against you. You have to persevere and don't be eliminated in advance by others!"

Xiao Qianshui looked at Chen Xi on the opposite side, a cold smile appeared on his cold and narrow cheeks, and at the end, he couldn't help sticking out his scarlet tongue and licking his lips, giving people an extremely chilling feeling. a feeling of.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not disappoint you." Chen Xi smiled, and spoke softly, with clear words, and a touch of extreme coldness flashed through his slightly squinted black eyes.

Xiao Qianshui took a deep breath, a sickly flushed and distorted color appeared on his cheeks, and murmured: "That's good, that's good, I can feel it now, the blood all over my body is burning, boiling, This feeling...is so good..."


Seeing this scene, many people around the arena cursed secretly. From the beginning to the end, Xiao Qianshui displayed a distorted, sharp, crazy, and perverted temperament, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

"Hmph, shameless!"

"Stop talking nonsense with him, no matter who it is this time, it will not be able to change the fate of Dao Emperor Academy's inevitable defeat, and neither will you, Chen Xi!"

"This year's Dao Discussion Conference, we are determined to win the position of leader!"

Wang Xuechong and the other six people also cast their gazes coldly at Chen Xi, with a proud look on their faces, as if confident that they were determined to win.

"It seems that these guys have indeed united together..."

Chen Xi was not moved by it at all, but glanced at them thoughtfully.

Soon, the draw will begin.

I don't know if it was lucky or not, but Chen Xi got the No. [-] jade lottery. With this result, he was doomed to be challenged by other people.

Seeing this, Xiao Qianshui and the others couldn't help but sneer, and looked at Chen Xi full of pity, and even a hint of murder.

How could this be?

Knowing the result of the lottery, all the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy present were stunned, and their hearts couldn't help but tugged.

"These guys are so ignorant, how could Chen Xi lose?" In the corner of the crowd, Ling Bai rode on Xiao Xing's soft and snow-white back, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and muttered. One sentence.

Then, he lowered his head, chewed the fairy fruit in his hand carefully, and looked at Ah Man, Bai Kui and the others, they were all focused on the delicious food in their hands, and they didn't bother to pay attention to what happened in the ring, they seemed very heartless.

Qingye who was standing next to him couldn't help being amused and speechless when he saw such a scene, and the worry about Chen Xi in his heart was quite diluted.



The familiar bell rang again, opening the curtain of the last round of discussion.

The one who got the No. [-] jade lottery was Yu Xiushui from Changkong Academy. This person had a handsome face and a suave figure, and he held a black gold jade fan.

When he heard the bell ringing, he pointed the jade fan at Chen Xi without any hesitation, and proudly raised his eyebrows, "Chen Xi, I'm here to discuss the Dao with you!"

Even though it was already clear that this would be the result, when seeing it with his own eyes, it still made people feel a little uproar, and the worry in their hearts increased a lot again.

Regarding this, Chen Xi just shook his head, and said, "Since you are so anxious to be eliminated, then you will have your wish."

Yu Xiushui sneered when she heard this, "What a big tone!"

Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders and said no more.

At that moment, the others left the ring, only Chen Xi and Yu Xiushui were left behind.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere was tense and chilling. All eyes on the scene fell on the ring at this moment, and there was no sound.

"let's start!"

That Yu Xiushui opened her mouth proudly, and suddenly a light blue celestial glow filled her body, covering her whole body, like a dream, but it released a terrifying wave that made one's heart palpitate.

Seeing this, Chen Xi casually flipped over, and a simple yellow gourd appeared in his palm. The sun, moon, stars, flowers, birds, insects and fishes were engraved on the surface.

One of the ancient immortal treasures of Changkong Academy, Xuanhuang Gourd!

Before, Chen Xi used the Heaven-hating Seal of Kuji Academy to smash the head of Yan Yun, a student of Kuji Academy, and was dying. Now facing Yu Xiushui of Changkong Academy, he even took out the black and yellow gourd of Changkong Academy to deal with it enemy!

Seeing this scene, many people twitched the corners of their lips. At such a time, Senior Brother Chen Xi is still so domineering and unscrupulous that they couldn't help but almost laughed out loud. The tension and worry in their hearts Also for one of the loose, dispel a lot.

On the other side of the Sky Academy, Old Freak Feng's expression suddenly darkened...


ps: This chapter is naturally added for xhao. Let’s make three updates today. In addition, there are more rewards and updates in the past few days. I will sort out a list tomorrow and add them one by one as soon as possible. To be honest, A lot of pressure, but also very happy, goldfish will only work harder~

In addition, on the first day of the month, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~~ Don’t let the ranking of the monthly pass drop too low... Thank you everyone in advance

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