divine talisman

Chapter 1308 Golden Sea of ​​Fire [Part 1]

Thank you Lemon Boy for the 100000 reward and promotion to the golden leader, and also thank you Li Meimei and Daoist Benji for your support, thank you~



This bastard is simply too arrogant!

When they saw Chen Xi throwing out the black and yellow gourd that originally belonged to their Sky Academy, all the teachers and students of Sky Academy were so angry that their eyes were tearing apart, and they wanted to kill Chen Xi with their eyes.

As for this, Yu Xiushui was slightly taken aback, but there was a flash of strangeness in her eyes, and she did not show too many emotional fluctuations.

"Hmph, shameless, could it be that your Daohuang Academy doesn't have any treasures, so you have to rely on my Changkong Academy's black and yellow gourd to fight against the enemy?"

Yu Xiushui said coldly.

However, Chen Xi smiled, flipped his palms over, and under the gaze of all the stunned eyes, he actually put away the black and yellow gourd!

However, before everyone could react, a bronze palace lantern reappeared in Chen Xi's palm, two feet high, with intricate and mysterious ancient patterns engraved on the surface, and wisps of dazzling golden divine fire permeated the air.

That impressively inherited treasure of the Great Wilderness Academy, the Qingdou Palace Lantern!

"This time, how about using the treasures of Dahuang Academy instead of the treasures of your Sky Academy to defeat you?" Chen Xi casually said while playing with the Qingdou Palace Lantern.

Yu Xiushui's face darkened, she pursed her lips and remained silent.

Everyone was amused and clicked their tongues. This was the last round of discussion, so Chen Xi wasn't worried at all?

On the other side of Dahuang Academy, when they saw the Qingdou Palace Lantern of their own academy, their faces became gloomy. This bastard is really disgusting!



The bell rang and the battle broke out suddenly.

That Yu Xiushui's figure flashed, and the light blue celestial glow around her was faint, and her whole body seemed to turn into a wisp of green smoke, flickering on the ring, moving around with a mysterious pace, and in an instant, she came in front of Chen Xi, with the mysterious light in her hand. The golden jade fan opened with a snap, as if a blade had torn out, sweeping across Chen Xi's neck.


The void was torn apart, and the power of laws flowed away. Yu Xiushui's Xuanjinyu Fan was obviously also a powerful fairy treasure. intimidating.

"Xuanjin breaks prison!"

Seeing this, all the teachers and students of Changkong Academy were amazed in their hearts. This is Yu Xiushui's lore secret technique. When used to the extreme, it can be transformed into double combat power. Xiushui is attacking Chen Xi!

Obviously, Yu Xiushui did this because after witnessing the duel between Chen Xi and Yan Yun, he realized that Chen Xi was by no means easy to deal with, and even extremely difficult to deal with, so as soon as he made a move, he sacrificed his absolute strength. Kill the secret technique.


With a tremor in the void, Chen Xi's figure disappeared from Xiushui's field of vision without even being able to capture and lock on his aura.

Yu Xiushui's complexion changed slightly, and before her moves were used up, she stepped on a gangster, turned around suddenly, like a dragon swaying its tail, opened and closed the black gold and jade fan in her hand, like a pair of scissors tearing the sky, cutting the surrounding The void tore all the powder into pieces, turned into invisible power and spread loudly to the surroundings.

But this blow failed to force out Chen Xi's trace.

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed to have disappeared into the void, not only Yu Xiushui, but even most of the disciples present could not find his trace.

Only the faces of some half-step fairy king level old antiques suddenly changed slightly, the power of space!This kid actually mastered the mystery of the law of space?

For existences at their level, the three supreme laws of time, space, and life and death must be comprehended. Although they cannot be completely controlled like the strong ones in the Immortal King Realm, they can more or less comprehend some of them. Therein lies the mystery.

At this moment, when they saw Chen Xi on the ring, his figure flashed, he shuttled and hid in the void, and his body was covered by an invisible force of space, which made them immediately understand that Chen Xi had already grasped the great way of space A trace of truth!

Thinking of this, all the old antiques in Daohuang Academy were shocked and amazed, while the leading teachers from the three major colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong became surprised and a little ugly.

Time is king, space is respect!

That is the power of the Great Dao that can only be controlled at the Immortal King Realm level.

Now, the power of space has appeared on a young man in the Great Luo Realm. How can this not surprise those half-step Immortal King level old antiques?

In an instant, they all even thought of Yun Fusheng at the same time. At that time, Yun Fusheng also controlled the power of time, "The Flowing Shadow of Time", and he was comparable to Chen Xi in front of him.

Could this Chen Xi be the second Yun Fusheng?

But they didn't know that the current Chen Xi had already surpassed Yun Fusheng's glory back then, and was even better than that Yun Fusheng!


The atmosphere in the arena was stunned and shocked, and on the ring, Yu Xiushui's heart couldn't help but tense up.

"Chen Xi, come out for me!"

He didn't dare to hesitate, and frequently used various methods, splashing billions of light blue divine brilliance, covering and crushing the entire arena, but in the end, he still failed to force Chen Xi's figure out.

This made Yu Xiushui's face even more gloomy, and she couldn't help feeling a little bit of horror in her heart. Could it be that this guy has mastered the power of space?

Being able to reach the final round of the duel at the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy, Yu Xiushui was certainly not a dull person, and she judged in an instant that Chen Xi had either mastered the power of space, or sacrificed a piece containing the power of space The fairy treasure!

"Mice! Can you only hide and hide?"

"Are you still fighting or not?"

"Get me out!"


On the arena, Yu Xiushui's furious roar resounded continuously, accompanied by his uninterrupted attack, because he didn't dare to stop, for fear that Chen Xi would take advantage of it and sneak in.

Seeing this, everyone around the scene was stunned and became more and more bewildered. It felt like they were watching Yu Xiushui performing stupidly by herself. From the beginning to the end, Chen Xi's figure never appeared again.

"Haha, I already knew that Senior Brother Chen Xi was hiding something, but seeing it now, it really opened my eyes!"

"Senior brother Chen Xi is already in a sure-win situation in this battle."

"Tell me, does Senior Brother Chen Xi have mastered the secrets of space? Otherwise, why would his figure disappear out of thin air? I feel a little pity for that guy. Like a monkey being teased, he barks his teeth and claws, but it's in vain. It's ridiculous!"

As time passed, Yu Xiushui's expression became extremely ugly, her eyes were bloodshot, showing endless anger and bewilderment, and even an indescribable panic rising.

Especially when he heard the sarcasm and sarcasm coming from all around, his cheeks were flushed and twisted, and he was about to go crazy.

"Yu Xiushui has already lost this battle, let him admit defeat, so as not to embarrass himself again." In the distance, Xiao Qianshui frowned and said coldly.

He is a student of Kuji Academy, but he ordered Yu Xiushui from Changkong Academy to admit defeat, which made that old monster Feng's expression suddenly unhappy.

But Old Freak Feng also knew in his heart that this was true, it was just a little hard to accept this situation. He just hid in the space and made his disciples helpless. It was indeed too embarrassing.

Old Monster Feng took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress all the emotions in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Xiu Shui, admit defeat, that is the power of space, you are not his opponent!"

These words were uttered by a half-step Immortal King, and immediately shocked all the disciples in the audience. As expected, Chen Xi really grasped the mysteries of space!

This is so amazing that no one can believe it, especially that Yu Xiushui, who almost couldn't believe his ears, an old antique from his own academy, actually let himself admit defeat?

But the fact happened right in front of his eyes, and he had to accept it, because he knew very well that he really had no way to deal with this damned Chen Xi who didn't know where he was hiding.

However, he wanted to make him admit defeat, but he was extremely unwilling. He didn't have a formal fight with the opponent, so he just surrendered?If this spreads, how will the entire fairy world view itself?


Just as Yu Xiushui was struggling and hesitating, an astonishing wave of power suddenly appeared in the void of the arena, covering the entire arena suddenly.

Then, dazzling golden flowers floated out, bloomed in the void, and turned into a sea of ​​golden flowers, filling the entire void.

Those scenes are extremely spectacular, like flowers falling from the sky, golden lotuses springing up from the ground, extremely dazzling and blazing, dyeing the sky and the earth into a golden color, shining brightly.

That is the power of the Qingdou Palace Lantern, and the golden divine flames are terrifyingly powerful, burning and incinerating the entire void!

Yu Xiushui didn't notice for a while, and was rubbed by a golden flame, and his clothes were burned instantly, and his hair was burned, so shocked that he couldn't help but open his mouth and want to scream.

But at the next moment, Yu Xiushui was horrified to find that she was unable to make any sound, as if there was a restraining force that imprisoned all the forces around her, naturally including the sound!

"Could it be... like that Yan Yun?"

Yu Xiushui was horrified, and inexplicably remembered what happened to Yan Yun just now in her mind, her face suddenly changed wildly, her heart was filled with chills, and her soul was like falling into an ice cave!

Stimulated by this fear, he frantically dodged in the arena, even tried to make a sound, and gave up early, but all of this was doomed to be in vain.

Soon, under the surprised and shocking eyes of everyone, Yu Xiushui's whole body was burned by the golden divine flame, like a burning man, his eyebrows, hair, clothes, and boots were all burned, causing his facial features to twist in pain. group, howling ferociously, but could not make a sound.

He just ran around in the ring, jumping up and down, looking very funny, but no one could laugh out loud.

Because this scene was so chilling and almost ruthless, even the teachers and students of the Dao Emperor Academy couldn't help but show a trace of pity, why bother?

"The means are so cruel and vicious, is this still the Seventh Academy's Discussion Conference? Could it be that your Taoist Academy is planning to kill people?!"

But that old monster Feng couldn't hold back any longer and stood up abruptly, roaring sharply towards Wang Daolu in the distance, his expression ashen and gloomy to the extreme.

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