divine talisman

Chapter 1310 A Slap in the Face [Part 1]


An incomparably crisp and loud slap resounded through the arena, even overpowering the roaring sound, and spread out of the arena.

Wang Xuechong was turned over with a thud, half of her cheeks were red and swollen like a pig, bloodshot, her cheekbones were shattered, but she didn't scream, she just covered her cheeks and opened her eyes wide, as if she was in a daze .

Not only him, but everyone present was shocked, their faces were dull, their mouths opened wide, and they watched such a sudden scene in disbelief.

Originally, Wang Xuechong exhibited the aura of a natural born saint, released the vision of the pupil of the blue sky, and with a wave of his hand, set up the ancient fairy array, phantom, and thunder array inherited from the ancient times, which made everyone worry about Chen Xi. They all mentioned their throats, thinking that this would definitely be an extremely dangerous battle.

Who would have thought... the duel had just begun, and Wang Xuechong, who was standing proudly on the Qingyun Avenue, was like the reincarnation of an enlightened sage, was slapped away!

This is too unexpected, how can one dare to believe their eyes?

"you you you……"

Wang Xuechong's head was pumped so hard that he couldn't believe it all, and he stared at Chen Xi dumbfounded, as if he had seen a ghost.


Chen Xi's figure flashed out of nowhere, and the next moment, he slapped Wang Xuechong's cheek again, causing his whole body to roll like a gourd on Qingyun Avenue, with blood spurting from his mouth, teeth splattering, and his entire head was unrecognizable, red and swollen One piece, the pain was so painful that he couldn't help screaming out.

At this moment, Wang Xuechong, how can there be a hint of arrogance, coldness, mighty contempt?

And when everyone saw this, they were shocked again. This Chen Xi was so weird that he was not restrained by the ancient immortal formation. It was as if he had entered a land without people.

"Idiot, with such a formation, you think you can kill all directions? You are also a born saint. I think you are a born idiot."

Chen Xi looked at Wang Xuechong with a look of pity in his ice-cold gaze. This guy is really stupid. What is the difference between him playing talismans in front of him, and a clown who is playing tricks?

He deserves to be unlucky if he meets himself!

Born to be an idiot!

Hearing this comment, Wang Xuechong was so angry that his lungs were about to burst, but at this time he had completely woken up, and realized that he had miscalculated this time. The large formation that was originally intended to trap and kill Chen Xi not only did not have the slightest effect, but was instead suppressed. He took advantage of the situation and rushed in, catching himself by surprise.

"You bastard! You think this is all I have to do?"

He didn't dare to hesitate any longer, stood up abruptly, let out a long cry, the blue divine brilliance bloomed in his eyes, and burst out rows of dense and mysterious runes, wrapping himself up and down, his whole body soaring, and rushed towards Chen Xi on his own initiative !


In his hand, a jade ruler suddenly appeared, the whole body was green, like the avenue of the blue sky, spurting out vast divine power, as if to teach and transform all living beings for the heaven, the divine power was overwhelming.

He raised his hand and slashed at Chen Xi's head!

Regarding this, Chen Xi's expression remained as calm as before, but the look of pity in his eyes became more and more intense, and then all the look of pity turned into a cold and murderous aura.

The next moment, Chen Xi pressed both hands in the void, and with a buzzing sound, the power of the surrounding space suddenly fluctuated, turning into invisible space tides, whistling and sweeping in all directions.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, Wang Xuecong suddenly discovered that his attack was actually restrained, dragged, and disintegrated by a layer upon layer of space power... and finally annihilated. During this process, he had no time to dodge and resist. .

That power was too terrifying and impossible to guard against, making him powerless to parry. The moment he charged in front of Chen Xi, the power of this blow was completely dissipated and collapsed, and the blue sky in his hand was smashed by Chen Xi. The jade ruler snatched it.

From the eyes of the spectators, it seemed that Wang Xuechong was holding a jade ruler, and he took the initiative to send it to Chen Xi like a fool...

Everyone was astonished, their jaws almost dropped to the ground, is this Wang Xuechong going to make a fuss?

Only some old antiques could see that Chen Xi's pressing force just now, which seemed simple and calm, was actually filled with an extremely terrifying spatial force, which turned into a strange and obscure wave force, which was already overwhelming. Wang Xuechong's offensive was completely resolved and wiped out.

This scene also shocked them. They didn't expect that Chen Xi not only mastered the power of space, but also his accomplishments in the avenue of space were obviously extraordinary!


Chen Xi held the jade ruler in his hand, and slammed Wang Xuechong's cheek with his backhand, causing him to groan, his teeth were completely shattered, and he fell to his knees on the ground uncontrollably with a thud. , twitching all over.

This blue sky jade ruler is his favorite fairy treasure, and now it is used by Chen Xi in his hands, with a single blow, it can almost smash mountains and rivers, how can such a feeling be so easy to bear?

Fortunately, it was Wang Xuechong's amazing fighting power, and Chen Xi didn't intend to kill him in one fell swoop, that's why this scene happened.


At this moment, Chen Xi didn't say much anymore, he took the jade ruler, and slapped Wang Xuechong with a blow, like a teacher teaching and punishing a stubborn and disobedient disciple.

But Wang Xuechong knelt down on the ground, as if his knees were imprisoned, his whole body was convulsed, blood flowed, his skin was torn, and he howled miserably.

He was so painful that he was about to pass out, but compared with these physical pains, the humiliation in his heart was so stimulating that he was about to explode. When did he, Wang Xuechong, suffer such humiliation?

This is the Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy!With the attention of the entire fairy world, now he was slapped and knelt down. The incomparable sense of shame made Wang Xue wish to wipe his neck and commit suicide.

"Chen Xi, I want to kill you! Kill you—!"

Under the stimulation of such incomparable humiliation, Wang Xuechong couldn't help but screamed angrily, filled with endless resentment and anger, resounding through the audience.

Everyone was already speechless from the shock of the scene in front of them. Hearing Wang Xuechong's roar at this moment, their hearts jumped again and they gasped.

"If it weren't for the rules of the Discussion Association, do you think you can live until now?"

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes, and felt a surge of chills. He suddenly lifted the jade ruler in his hand, and slammed it on his neck with a bang, forcibly knocking the latter unconscious.

Wang Xuechong did faint. His whole body was ripped apart, drenched in blood. He didn't know how many bones had been shattered. He was lying on the ground like a bloody corpse. Only a faint breath from his nose proved that he was still alive.

Seeing this, the audience was shocked!

With Chen Xi's wrist, it was simply too much fun!

A group of teachers and students of the Daohuang Academy thought so. They were still worried that Chen Xi would be caught in the phantom thunder and ancient fairy formation, and facing Wang Xuechong, a natural saint, the situation must be extremely dangerous.

Who would have thought that the development of the situation would be completely different from what they expected, and even this battle would be easier than defeating Yan Yun and Yu Xiushui!

That kind of slap in the face, kneeling, and slapping people with a jade ruler even made many Daohuang Academy disciples shout out loud and excited beyond control.

On the contrary, the faces of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong Academy suddenly changed, some were shocked, some were worried, some were angry, some were in disbelief, some were horrified...the list goes on and on.

Yan Yun failed, and was dying from being smashed by the seal of hate

Yu Xiushui failed, and was burnt black by the Qingdou Palace Lantern, beyond recognition.

Now, Wang Xuechong passed out after being slapped in the face, knelt on the ground, and beaten by him. These three vivid examples, the tragedies unfolded one after another, shocked their hearts. The power displayed by Chen Xi was too mysterious. , It was too terrifying, so that they were completely unexpected.


Same as before, Wang Xuechong, who was like a dead dog, was kicked out of the ring by Chen Xi.

At this point, the second duel of the last round of discussion is over.

But the people around the dojo still couldn't wake up from the shocking and bloody scenes just now.

To those teachers and students of the Dao Emperor Academy, all of these were like unexpected miracles, presented to them by Chen Xi himself, making them excited, excited, shocked, and ecstatic.

And to the three major academies of Kuji, Changkong, and Dahuang, Chen Xi was like a hidden killer, giving them heavy blows time and time again...

But for Chen Xi himself, all of this has only just begun!


At this point in the last round of Dao discussion, Yu Xiushui and Wang Xuechong were eliminated successively. Only Chen Xi from Daohuang Academy, Xiao Qianshui and He Lianqi from Kuji Academy, Wu Fangjun and Yue Yu from Dahuang Academy, and Cai Tuo from Changkong Academy were left. .

In other words, for Chen Xi, the worst situation right now is to face off against five other opponents.

The situation still appears to be dire.

But Chen Xi's previous performance gave the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy a glimmer of hope. Although the hope was very small, it was not as heavy and anxious as before.

The only thing that worries everyone now is whether Chen Xi has been fighting for a long time without resting for a moment, whether his combat power will be affected due to excessive consumption, and whether he will be able to persevere until the end.

Only Zhao Mengli knew that Chen Xi possessed Cangwu seedlings, and his strength would definitely not be exhausted due to frequent battles. The real concern was that Chen Xi's mental strength would be able to persevere to the end.

Of course, the existence of people like Xiao Qianshui is also a threat that cannot be ignored!

No matter what the people around were thinking, Chen Xi was still calm and composed at this moment. He did not leave the ring, and he still looked at Xiao Qianshui and the others in the distance like he did after defeating Yu Xiushui last time.

It seems to be saying silently: "Who is the third one to play? If you want to choose me as your opponent, then hurry up!"

Under such calm gazes, Xiao Qianshui and other disciples who participated in the last round of discussion turned gloomy, and their eyes were cold and stern.


This kid is so arrogant!


ps: 10 o'clock for the second update!Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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