divine talisman

Chapter 1311 Yuan Magnetic Light [Part 2]

The disciple who won the No. [-] jade medal was named Wu Fangjun, from Dahuang Academy.

Wu Fangjun's body was slightly bloated, his cheeks were fair and fat, and his eyes were as small as beans. He didn't look amazing, but in the second round of the discussion, he defeated the true law of Buddha in one fell swoop, showing an extraordinary His combat power made no one dare to underestimate him.

But at this moment, when Chen Xi's gaze came into contact with him, Wu Fangjun's fat cheeks couldn't help twitching, as if he was a little apprehensive and even more hesitant.

But in the end he still gritted his teeth, and his plump, ball-like body unexpectedly drew a graceful arc, flashed in mid-air, and came to the ring.

"I'm here to discuss with you!"

When Wu Fangjun opened his mouth, he sacrificed a silver fairy treasure without any hesitation, covering his fat and bloated body tightly.

This celestial treasure is like a bowl, round and clear, with wisps of cold silver halo permeating it, exuding an extremely beautiful brilliance like a dream.

"Essential Magnetic Divine Mask!"

Seeing this treasure, everyone couldn't help shrinking their eyes. The lethality of this treasure is not so powerful, but it is an excellent defensive treasure, which has the title of "everything does not touch".

The reason is that the Yuanmagnetic divine light is an extremely peculiar kind of divine light in the Three Realms, which can "shelter" attacks from various forces without being contaminated by it in the slightest.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, there was a well-known "Sage Immortal of Yuanci" in the fairy world, who cultivated the divine light of Yuanci to a superb level. It was because no attack could land on him, and he escaped unscathed!

This is the power of the Yuan Magnetic Divine Light, which can defuse all kinds of attacks invisible, and nothing can touch it!

At this moment, seeing Wu Fangjun displaying this treasure as soon as he entered the stage, everyone was startled, and they couldn't help but secretly scolded this guy for being shameless, he was as cowardly as a mouse.

But regarding this, Wu Fangjun's expression remained the same. After witnessing Chen Xi's powerful fighting power and incomparably ruthless methods, how could he dare to joke about his own life, for fear of stepping into the trap of Yan Yun, Yu Xiushui, and Wang Xuechong? Following in the footsteps, he was beaten so violently by Chen Xi that he didn't even recognize his parents.

"Essential Magnetic Divine Light..."

Chen Xi was stunned, and couldn't help laughing. This guy is really smart. He flipped through it immediately, and also sacrificed a treasure.

This treasure is a bronze bell, one foot high, densely covered with esoteric patterns on the surface, exuding an obscure and mysterious aura. The Taiwu rank fairy treasure in his hand - the bell of falling souls!

"Bronze Bell Immortal Treasure?"

Wu Fangjun was stunned, a little confused, and immediately raised his vigilance, not daring to be careless, this kid has too many celestial treasures on him, and his methods are also cunning, so he has to guard against it.

Soon, fighting broke out.

Wu Fangjun dodged almost immediately, his chubby body spun around, like a crazily spinning top, flickering around the ring.

The silvery divine light of Yuan Magnetic splashed all over his body, it was so dazzling that it was difficult to catch his traces, only the brilliant divine light of Yuan Magnetic was seen running around on the ring.

This style of play is extremely conservative, with a posture of not seeking merit but seeking no fault.

Regarding this, Chen Xi's method was very simple. The moment his figure flashed, it also began to flicker out of thin air, and a pair of wings of black light flew from behind, and he began to chase after Wu Fangjun's figure.

Xuanmagnetic Wings!

This treasure is refined by the mysterious magic light, and it is said to be able to explode the five elements of the world. Although the grade is low, it cannot be compared with the fairy treasure, but it can be matched with the power of space controlled by Chen Xi. When it comes to speed, it is faster than that of Wu Fangjun. We have to get three points faster.


In the blink of an eye, Chen Xi had already approached Wu Fangjun, and the mysterious divine light swept out, and collided with the Yuan magnetic divine light, producing a strange stagnant force.

It's like two pieces of mud sticking to each other, instead of violently colliding with each other, there is a great suction between each other!

No matter the Yuan Magnetic Divine Light or the Xuan Magnetic Divine Light, they are all one of the Magneto Lights of the Three Realms. They have different mysteries, but they all come from the same source.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xi immediately laughed. He made the right bet. Originally, he had no intention of using the Wings of Xuanmagnetic to deal with this person, but it was only when the shield of Yuanmagnetic God that he dealt with came out that his heart moved. The scene in front of me happened.

"Mysterious magnetic light! Not good!"

Wu Fangjun turned pale with shock, before he could react, he felt his eyes go dark, and a huge bronze bell came to kill him...

Everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and Wu Fangjun was covered under the bronze bell.

too fast!

As soon as the two started fighting, they chased each other on the ring like lightning, their figures flickering, moving and shifting, making it dizzying for the eyes to see.

And before the two of them actually fought each other, Wu Fangjun was immediately shrouded by the bronze bell that Chen Xi sacrificed, and even the so-called "everything is untouchable" Yuanmagnetic divine light shield didn't have the slightest effect!


The Lost Soul Clock trembled frequently, resounding through strange chimes one after another, shaking the heaven and the earth, taking the soul away, as if it could shatter a person's soul and fly away.

Obviously, it was Wu Fangjun struggling in the Lost Soul Bell, trying to get out of trouble by brute force.

But how could Chen Xi let him do what he wished, with a tap of his toes, he stood on top of the Falling Soul Bell out of thin air, and with the power of his feet, it completely shook the Falling Soul Bell, and it stopped shaking.

Only the strange roaring bells resounded endlessly.

"Wu Fangjun...it's over!"

On the side of Dahuang Academy, the expressions of the teachers and students changed, and their hearts were extremely heavy. Even a disciple like Wu Fangjun, who was so cautious and extremely vigilant, was suppressed by a single act of carelessness. This was beyond their expectation, and they became more and more aware , Chen Xi has so many means that he seems to be omnipotent.

Whether it's Wang Xuechong's formation or Wu Fangjun's magnetic shield at this time, it seems that they can't help him at all, and they are even eaten to death by him!

Where did this bastard come from with so many secret methods?

They broke their heads and couldn't figure it out.

On the other side of the Dao Emperor Academy, everyone burst into cheers and cheered for Chen Xi. Chen Xi was like a god, and he could determine the universe with a single clock. How could they not be excited?


After a while.

The Falling Soul Clock was silent, and there was no more movement inside.

Only then did Chen Xi's figure flash, and he put away the Soul Falling Bell, revealing Wu Fangjun inside.

At this moment, Wu Fangjun's chubby body was slumped on the ground, his eyes were crooked and his nose was slanted, and he was foaming at the mouth.

This is also very normal, the Falling Soul Bell has a terrible lethality to the soul, Wu Fangjun fell into it, and has been tortured alive until now, it is considered lucky that he has not lost his soul.

However, when this scene fell into the eyes of everyone present, it caused them to smack their tongues in shock. It seemed that they did not expect that in this battle, Chen Xi's way of winning would still be so straightforward, domineering, and direct, and nothing happened. Bo Lan completely defeated the opponent in one fell swoop!


Looking back on Chen Xi's every battle from the time he defeated Yan Yun to the present, there was almost no situation where there was a fierce fighting between two teams.

His opponent was either smashed, burned, slapped in the face and knelt down, or as he was now, he was directly stunned by the falling soul bell. The style he displayed from beginning to end was just two words - crushing!

Destroy the dry and pull the rotten, like a broken bamboo!

This also proved from the side that Chen Xi was stronger than every opponent he faced, and more than a little stronger, otherwise it would be absolutely difficult to achieve this step with only two or three immortal treasures.

The teachers and students of the three colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong, after witnessing this battle, finally fully understood this point.

They underestimated Chen Xi!

Before, they only thought that Ye Tang was the only one worthy of attention in Dao Emperor Academy, but now they suddenly realized that this Chen Xi was three points more terrifying than Ye Tang!

His combat power is terrifying, his methods are ruthless, and he is unscrupulous. He is like a ruthless little devil. The disciples who are defeated by him are almost all seriously injured and dying, and they are about to die.

This kind of cognition made them dare not underestimate Chen Xi, especially those disciples who participated in the last round of Dao discussion, they all looked solemn as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

And all of this, in the eyes of the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy, Chen Xi gave them the feeling of astonishment, incomparably astonishment, like a dazzling star, releasing immortal brilliance!


In any case, the discussion will continue after all.

Soon, the fourth challenger came on stage, He Lianqi from the Blight Academy, and without exception, he also chose Chen Xi as the object of the Dao discussion.

He Lianqi is a tall, thin and stern young man who defeated Zhao Mengli in the second round of the discussion, demonstrating his extraordinary combat effectiveness.

But all of this was not enough for Chen Xi. After a cup of tea, He Lianqi was violently beaten into a mess, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he fell into a coma. He was kicked out of the ring by Chen Xi.

All of this is equally astounding, so there is no need to go into too much detail, but what makes people curious is, how tyrannical is Chen Xi's current combat power?Where is his limit?

Nobody knows.


The fifth player to play is Cai Tuo from Changkong Academy.


The sixth was originally supposed to be Xiao Qianshui, but for some reason, he gave up this opportunity and let Yue Yu from the Great Wilderness Academy take the lead.

The result was also as expected, Cai Tuo was beaten, his legs were broken, and he knelt on the ground and screamed to admit defeat.

And that Yue Yu was even more miserable. Chen Xi snatched the fairy whip from her hand, and his face was disfigured, his skin was torn to pieces. He screamed desperately for a long time, and finally gave up in tears.

You know, this Yue Yu is a beautiful female disciple, yet Chen Xi is still so unceremonious and ruthless, making the disciples of the Daohuang Academy feel that Chen Xi is too ignorant of pity and pity, and he is obviously trying to destroy flowers.

Regarding this, the attitudes of those female disciples were surprisingly unanimous. Qiqi supported Chen Xi, and scolded those male disciples for being "hypocritical and rotten", thinking that Chen Xi was a real man!


ps: There will definitely be an update tonight, and there will be another update around the wee hours of the morning. Please ask for a monthly pass.

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