divine talisman

Chapter 1312 Phaseless Disaster [Part 3]

By this time, out of the eight disciples who participated in the last round of discussion, six of them had already been eliminated, and all of them were defeated by Chen Xi alone.

These achievements alone have already made Chen Xi the most dazzling figure in the audience. I believe that when this session of the Seventh Academy Discussion Conference ends, Chen Xi's name will spread throughout the entire fairy world as if it has grown wings.

But now, the seminar is not over yet.

Because there is another Xiao Qianshui in the field!

Xiao Qianshui had drawn the No. [-] jade lottery before, and he was supposed to appear on the sixth stage, but he gave up the right to challenge and gave it to Yue Yu from the Great Wilderness Academy.

No one knew why he did it.

But until now, when they saw only him and Chen Xi left in the field, everyone vaguely understood something, and couldn't help but sneer in their hearts. This perverted guy really doesn't want to lose in every way!

Because everyone has seen that the reason why Xiao Qianshui did this was because he was unwilling to take the initiative to challenge Chen Xi, but wanted Chen Xi to take the initiative to challenge him.

It seems to be the relationship between challenge and being challenged, but if you carefully taste it, the meaning is indeed somewhat different.


"Come on, since you want me to challenge you so desperately, what are you doing?"

On the arena, Chen Xi raised his head, his eyes fixed on Xiao Qianshui in the distance as coldly as lightning, his calm expression revealed endless chill.

After going through the six duels just now, Chen Xi didn't feel any sense of accomplishment, because his goal was never set on those people.

Although fighting will consume real energy and physical strength, for Chen Xi who has Cangwu seedlings and whose Dao Xin cultivation has reached the heart and soul level, all of this is no longer a problem.

On the contrary, Chen Xi was even a little dissatisfied with this level of confrontation, because since he was promoted to the late stage of Da Luo, he found that his combat power had skyrocketed too much, even if he didn't use the Cangwu seedlings, he was confident Persist until the end of this seminar.

All of this stems from his hard work these days.

"Hahaha, finally waited for you to take the initiative to challenge, then you will get what you want!"

Suddenly, Xiao Qianshui in the distance looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his green robe rolled, and in an instant, he appeared on the ring out of thin air, confronting Chen Xi from afar.

His face was narrow and long, his expression was gloomy and cold, and his whole body was filled with a cold and surly aura. Standing on the ring at random, it was like an evil god descending, exuding a palpitating aura.

"I have watched every match you have played before. To be honest, your strength is beyond my imagination, but the more you are like this, the happier I am."

Xiao Qianshui's voice was cold and sharp, and he slowly conveyed in the arena, "If you are just rubbish, then even if I defeat you and win the leader of the Seven Academy Discussion Conference, I don't feel any pride , fortunately, you are not."

This time, there was a taste of bossing around and pointing the country, and it was also a kind of recognition of Chen Xi's strength.

But falling into Chen Xi's ears, it made him startled slightly, and immediately smiled: "But what you don't know is that in my eyes, you are indeed not trash, because...you are not even as good as trash."

As soon as these words came out, the entire audience was in an uproar. They never expected that Chen Xi would dare to act so domineering when facing Xiao Qianshui, who was comparable to Wan Jiansheng, and his words were not polite. It's jaw-dropping.

This bastard really doesn't know how to live or die, let's see how long you can be arrogant!

On the side of the three major academies of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong, their expressions darkened and they sneered endlessly. They all had full confidence in Xiao Qianshui, and they thought that Chen Xi's behavior like this is simply courting death for himself!

Hearing this, Xiao Qianshui was also stunned, and immediately stretched out his scarlet tongue to lick his mouth, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahaha, the more arrogant you are, the more I like you. I hope your fighting power is as arrogant as this."

Speaking of this, his smile became as cold as a knife in an instant, and he said every word: "Otherwise, I will torture you so much that you can't get out of the ring!"

The voice was sharp, revealing a palpitating vicious taste.

Many people's expressions changed slightly, and they clearly realized that if Chen Xi loses this battle, Xiao Qianshui, a pervert, will definitely torture him to the point of making his life worse than death!

Regarding this, Chen Xi just smiled faintly: "Then I will have to wait and see."

At this point in the conversation, the atmosphere has become extremely tense, swords are on the verge of breaking out, and there seems to be an invisible undercurrent surging in the ring, making the air seem to freeze.

The audience was silent and silent. No matter who it was, all their eyes were fixed on the ring at this moment, and their hearts were extremely nervous, lest they miss any details.

Because everyone knows very well that this battle is destined to be the most intense battle of the Seven Academy Discussion Association so far. It is related to the final battle for the top position, and it is even more related to the honor of the Dao Emperor Academy.

There is another point that no one knows, that is, this battle is a kind of collision between the power of Shenyan Mountain and the Supreme Sect!



In this incomparably quiet atmosphere, the bell rang resoundingly, opening the curtain for the final peak duel of this seminar.


At the moment when the bell rang, Xiao Qianshui suddenly took out an extremely slender narrow sword in his hand. The blade was as thin as a finger, three feet and six inches long, the whole body was pitch black, and it was as sharp as a black streamer.

"This sword is called Stinging God, and it's not a waste of treasure if it's used against you."

Xiao Qianshui smiled sinisterly, and along with his voice, an indescribably terrifying aura suddenly spread from his body, disturbing all directions!

Looking from afar, he looks like an ancient evil god coming to the world, with lightning flashing from his long and narrow eyes, causing the surrounding space to buzz and tremble.

This aura was terrifying, and it was exactly the same as Ye Tang and Wan Jiansheng before. What was even more frightening was that there was a panic-stricken aura of disaster in his aura.

It seems that his whole body is a catastrophe. If it comes, it will be accompanied by bloody wind and endless killings!

"Wuxiang disaster! Sure enough, it is the inheritance of the Supreme Sect... This son must have a lot to do with the Supreme Sect!" At this moment, Wang Daolu's face darkened, his eyes opened and closed, and strands of intimidating light burst out.

Sensing the ubiquitous aura of disaster in the void, Chen Xi couldn't help squinting his eyes, as if stimulated, the energy all over his body roared silently and automatically.


After grasping the Immortal Sword of the Stars, in an instant, Chen Xi also seemed to be another person, with loose clothes, long black hair flying, and an indifferent and serene expression on his handsome face.

Especially in his pair of black eyes, surged a terrifying murderous intent that was as vast as a starry sky, as chilling as a sword's edge, and as boiling as magma.

This is the first time he has used the Star-Lying Immortal Sword since he participated in the Dao Discussion. Similarly, it also shows that at this moment, Chen Xi is really going to fight without reservation!


All the void in all directions was shattered by a murderous and fierce aura, and the swords on many disciples around the ring hummed and wailed at this moment, as if they were bowing down to the king.

This made many people's faces change, and they all looked at Chen Xi in surprise.

"The Realm of the Sword God!"

Ye Tang, who was lying on his back on the auspicious clouds, suddenly sat up, with his back straight, and his eyes burst into light as he looked at Chen Xi, without concealing his amazement and admiration, "No wonder Junior Brother Chen Xi is so calm and composed, so he I have already embarked on the path of the sword god, and have spied on the path of a higher level..."

The Realm of the Sword God!

At the same time, many people in the field recognized it, and they were all dumbfounded. It has only been a few years since Chen Xi advanced to the Daluo realm.

Originally, everyone thought that he was just extremely perverted in practice, but they never thought that he had reached such a terrifying level in this way of the sword.

Sword God!

Looking at the Da Luo Realm powerhouses in the entire fairy world, how many can you find?

And that Leng Yunsou and other figures in the Blighted Academy were a little suspicious. In every battle, this Chen Xi seemed to be able to display an unexpected tyrannical method. They were already prepared and thought that , with Xiao Qianshui present, even if Chen Xi was scheming, it would not be of much use.

Who would have thought that what the other party displayed this time was not a fairy treasure, nor a fierce tactic, but a kind of upright ability, a terrifying power that reached the realm of the sword god!


"The Realm of the Sword God? Very good, defeating you is just enough to explain the power of my immortal sword!"

Xiao Qianshui narrowed his eyes, his cold light was overwhelming, his aura instantly locked onto Chen Xi, and he stabbed in the air with the extremely narrow Immortal Piercing Sword in his hand.


The sword intent is shocking, engulfing thousands of disaster breaths, like a torrent of disaster, where the void is withered and shattered, it seems to have suffered endless disasters, and it is about to collapse!

Regarding this, Chen Xi stomped his footsteps and slashed out with a sword. Immediately, immeasurable light shot up from his body, majestic and vast, incomparably holy and pure. on the body.

In between waving his hands, Chen Xi displayed the law of light that he had just mastered!

With one strike of the sword, the light exploded, spreading across the entire arena. Wherever it passed, the turbulent sword intent of disaster was completely crushed, and Chen Xi's sword energy, with undiminished momentum, pierced through again and directly slashed at the opponent's body. .

"The power of light! How can you master the light! That's not Nuwa..."

Xiao Qianshui was finally moved, and the cold light in his eyes flickered frequently, as if he couldn't believe it, he screamed sharply, but in the middle of speaking, he stopped abruptly.

Because Chen Xi's sword energy was already striking at his head, forcing him to dodge his figure and resist head-on.

In an instant, the Sword of Light and the Sword of Disaster had clashed no less than a thousand times. The sword intent was fierce, and the divine splendor roared, covering the entire arena, making the world eclipsed.

Everyone in the room was suffocated when they saw that the two beings at the top of the Great Luo Realm were each displaying the supreme swordsmanship. The visual shock was simply unparalleled, and it made people's hearts sway and they couldn't hold on to themselves.


ps: The third update is over, see you tomorrow~

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