divine talisman

Chapter 1314 Chen Xi’s Strength [Part 2]

Disaster turned into catastrophe and completely drowned Chen Xi!

Seeing such a horrific scene, many disciples in the room were shocked, and their hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

The power of this supreme catastrophe is also too terrifying. If the catastrophe comes, it will be impossible to avoid it!

"Is it unstoppable?"

Above the auspicious clouds, the unrestrained look on Ye Tang's face disappeared and was replaced by a dignified look. With his strength, he couldn't help but feel a little startled at this moment.

He even asked himself, if he were present, it would be difficult to escape.

"Chen Xi... will he be fine?"

On the side, Zhao Mengli was nervous and restless, her clear eyes were fixed on the ring, but unfortunately she could only see a piece of black calamity thunder and could not find a trace of Chen Xi at all.

This made her heart sink again, a little worried about gains and losses.

"The winner has not yet been decided. Wait a little longer. If Chen Xi's life is in danger, he will definitely be removed from the ring."

At this moment, Fozi Zhenlu was quite calm, but his tightly clenched knuckles revealed that his heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

Not only them, but all the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy in the entire dojo at this moment were all uneasy, and some couldn't believe that such a scene would happen.

If Chen Xi loses, then this time the battle for the leader of the Dao Discussion Association of the Seventh Academy will really fall to his family...




All kinds of depressive emotions have all turned into silence, making one's chest tight and his face ugly.

On the other hand, at Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong Academy, all the teachers and students were amazed, delighted, and excited... Are you finally going to defeat this damn bastard?

Chen Xi beat Yan Yun, Yu Xiushui, Wang Xuechong... and the others ruthlessly before, which had already filled their hearts with anger. Seeing that the incomparable Chen Xi was finally suppressed, how could they not be elated?


"Hahaha, don't worry, I won't let him be eliminated so easily!"

On the ring stage, Xiao Qianshui, who was surrounded by the aura of catastrophe and thunder, suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, flaunting wantonly, filled with the pride of a winner.

And what he said made all the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy jump in their hearts, and their faces turned ugly again.

This Xiao Qianshui had a cold and surly temperament, like a pervert, if Chen Xi fell into his hands, wouldn't he be tortured to the point where he couldn't survive or die?

"This bastard of the Supreme Master! You're still so proud. If something happens to Chen Xi, after the Dao Discussion is over, I'll see you!" At this moment, Wang Daolu's expression was livid, and he secretly gritted his teeth.

In his capacity, he would actually hate a junior, which shows how sullen he is at the moment.

Seeing the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy like this, Xiao Qianshui became more and more elated, and laughed shrillly.

And when he thought of ravaging and torturing Chen Xi, a peerless figure of the young generation who is famous all over the world, in front of everyone, Xiao Qianshui trembled with excitement, his cold and narrow cheeks were full of surly flushes.

But the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly.

Because in his field of vision, the calamity thunder that completely submerged Chen Xi was split open from it without a sound, spreading towards both sides.

Then, Chen Xi's tall and handsome figure appeared in it. His clothes were loose, his expression was calm, his long black hair flew up, his skin was fair and clean, and he was unscathed!

Xiao Qianshui felt as if struck by lightning, his eyes dilated, he stared in disbelief, and said in disbelief, "You... how could you not be harmed?"

At the same time, everyone present also saw this scene, each of them stiffened, as if seeing a miracle happening, felt an unspeakable sense of suffocation, and their minds were agitated to the extreme.

Before, they were nervously worried about Chen Xi's fate.

Now, Chen Xi appeared in front of his eyes completely intact, and he didn't suffer any damage at all!

This comparison of the front and the back caused their emotions to fluctuate, and they felt that their hearts were tortured to the point of stopping beating, but in general, they were mostly pleasantly surprised.

As for Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong Academy, they couldn't believe it, and they were also shocked, but their mood suddenly sank from excitement to a trough.

"This...how is it possible! How did that damned bastard do it?" A student of the Bitter Silence Academy couldn't control his emotions, and cried out involuntarily.

One sentence immediately aroused the anger of the teachers and students of Daohuang Academy.

"Little thing! How do you talk?"

"Damn it, when the seminar is over, I have to fix you shit-spitting bastard!"

"How dare you scold me, Senior Brother Chen Xi, on the territory of my Daohuang Academy, you bastard, wait for my mother!"

The disciple of the Kuji Academy was immediately scolded with an ugly face and extremely angry, but he didn't dare to retaliate. He had no choice but to worry about causing public anger, and he would not be able to leave the Emperor's Academy.


"That's enough patience?"

On the arena, a mocking look appeared on the corners of his lips. Chen Xi raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Qianshui. On his fair and slender fingertips, there was still a wisp of calamity thunder lingering, but it couldn't hurt him at all.

Xiao Qianshui had already come to his senses at this time, but he still couldn't believe how Chen Xi was able to survive the calamity and thunder without a scratch.

Chen Xi would never tell him that since he practiced until now, because of the fragments of the river map, his fate has been covered by the secrets of the heavens, and he was regarded as a heretic by the catastrophe. On the top floor of the Jie Dayan Pagoda, the merits and virtues of the inherited secret method are immeasurable to cover the whole body.

It can be said that there is no aura of doom in his body at all, otherwise he would have died a long time ago, how could he have reached the point where he is today?

And because of the existence of immeasurable merit, how could the calamity and thunder be able to hurt him?

"This is absolutely impossible, I don't believe it!"

Suddenly, Xiao Qianshui raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, his whole body was filled with a sense of disaster, and the Immortal Immortal Immortal Sword was splashed, turning into black tribulation thunders, and came violently again.

This time, Chen Xi no longer held back.


A swipe of sword energy rose from the sky, and the wind and thunder suddenly appeared!

The power of the wind and thunder god pattern!

This is a sword that combines the "Inheritance of the Sword of Wind" and "Inheritance of the Sword of Thunder" in the Wuji Divine Book. It is cast by the Daluo Divine Pattern that contains the breath of wind and thunder, and is assisted by the supreme sword power of the sword god. Waiting for the power, it can be said that the sky is shocked by the wind and thunder!


The catastrophe, tribulation and thunder were crushed, and Xiao Qianshui's whole figure, like a kite with a broken string, was thrown out violently, and blood spurted out of his mouth uncontrollably.

This blow was too terrifying, the power of wind and thunder swept across the wilderness and remnant clouds!

There was a sensation in the audience, no one expected that the situation would change so quickly, it could be called twists and turns!

"You...you...have been hiding your strength just now?"

Xiao Qianshui stood there, with a hint of surprise in the paleness of his cold cheeks.

"You just reacted now?"

At this moment, Chen Xi appeared to be very calm, and he did not chase after him continuously. He said, "That's right, I just wanted to see what methods you learned from there. Now it seems that it's nothing more than that."

where is it?

Chen Xi didn't say it directly, but Xiao Qianshui understood very well that what the other party said must be the Supreme Master, which made it difficult for him to keep calm in his heart, and his expression became more and more suspicious.

When the people around the arena heard Chen Xi's words, they couldn't help being dumbfounded. Just now...Chen Xi actually kept his strength?And when he did this, he just wanted to test how capable Xiao Qianshui was?

"Junior Brother Chen Xi, you really are an extraordinary person! Hahaha..." Above the auspicious clouds, Ye Tang laughed loudly.

He is indeed an extraordinary person, he is simply an unfathomable freak!

Everyone was stunned in amazement.

"Humph! I'm not ashamed to say it!"

Looking at Chen Xi who was so calm and complacent, Xiao Qianshui inexplicably felt a trace of uneasiness in his heart. He didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and came towards Chen Xi violently again.

For this blow, he had almost exerted all his strength, and the sword energy all over the sky turned into a massive and astonishing calamity thunder, which made the world pale, and the sun and the moon dimmed.


Regarding this, Chen Xi stood still on the spot, and casually slashed out with a sword. In that sword energy, Yin and Yang blended, and black and white merged. It was a fusion of the "Sword of Yin" and "Sword of Yang" from the Wuji Divine Manual. The sword of the two supreme inheritances!

This sword is brilliant and vast, as if it wants to separate the world, black and white, good and evil, morning and evening into a clear one, and return the world to a brighter world!


After an earth-shattering collision, Xiao Qianshui was defeated again, his figure staggered, the corners of his lips coughed up blood, and he was severely shocked by Chen Xi for the second time, which already made his face full of horror and disbelief. color.

Everyone in the room was also shocked. The combat power displayed by Chen Xi before and after was so different that it didn't look like it was performed by the same person!

This also made them finally dare to believe that what Chen Xi said before might be true, and the reason why Xiao Qianshui was able to fight against him just now was entirely because Chen Xi didn't exert all his strength at all!

"That's enough patience?"

On the ring, Chen Xi looked indifferent, and repeated the words, "It seems that you are not a direct disciple there, otherwise how could you be so weak."

The reason for saying this is very simple. In his opinion, he is the weakest direct disciple of Shenyan Mountain, but the other party is not even as good as himself, so it must not be the direct disciple of the Supreme Master, because as the third One of the highest orthodoxy, the direct disciples of the Supreme Sect should not be as weak as Xiao Qianshui.

Hearing this, Xiao Qianshui's long and narrow cheeks twitched uncontrollably, as if his heart had been stabbed severely by these words, his expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"You bastard, beat me!"

After saying this, Xiao Qianshui disappeared again.

In an instant, the ring once again roared with disaster and thunder, and the momentum became more and more terrifying.

After all, Chen Xi became a little impatient with this. With a cold light from his sword, the Five Elements Divine Mark pervaded and evaporated, turning into a trace of coldness and sternness, and suddenly disappeared out of thin air.


The next moment, endless roaring sounds resounded in the arena, and the terrifying calamity thunder was crushed and shattered inch by inch, as if vulnerable to a single blow, and along with it, there was an indestructible sword aura, which seemed to be able to make Wan Jian Surrender, full of supreme power!

Xiao Qianshui's complexion changed suddenly, but he had no time to dodge, so he could only shake hard, and then, his whole body seemed to be hit by an ancient savage dragon.

clack clack...

Under the horrified stares of one after another, all the bones in his body were shattered in an instant, blood flowed horizontally, soaking his whole body, and his face was collapsed by a huge force, beyond recognition!


ps: Today I encountered a bit of a mess, and my mood is too big, I feel uncomfortable, I can’t calm down and devote myself to writing articles for the time being, for the time being 2 updates, tomorrow 4 updates, in the end, I hope everyone can vote more monthly and give me some energy Thank you for your support~

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