divine talisman

Chapter 1315 Leader Reward [Part 1]


Xiao Qianshui flew across, like a puddle of bloody mud falling to the ground, screaming sharply.

The power of a sword is so terrifying!

The audience was a sensation, and it was almost unbelievable. Although everyone had already confirmed that Chen Xi had retained his strength, they never expected that when he really started to display his power, Xiao Qianshui would be so vulnerable.

This is too shocking!

One must know that Xiao Qianshui's combat power displayed before is not inferior to Wan Jiansheng and Ye Tang's generation at all, and he has mastered the Supreme Tribulation. How could such a supreme secret method be ordinary?

But unfortunately, such a monstrous figure was easily crushed and fell to the ground by Chen Xi's three consecutive strikes, it was effortless!

All of this does not prove that Xiao Qianshui is weak, it can only be said that Chen Xi's current combat power has surpassed many of his peers, and he can be said to be unique in the world, shocking the past and the present.

"In the realm of Da Luo, Junior Brother Chen Xi is enough to overwhelm all the others, overwhelming the scorching sun!" Above the auspicious clouds, Ye Tang laughed and sighed, seeming to be overwhelmed, but with a look of pride.

Hearing these words, the hearts of the Buddhist disciples Zhenlu and Zhao Mengli were shocked. It was very clear that Ye Tang's words meant that he was inferior to Chen Xi!

And who would have imagined that it was only a few years since Chen Xi stepped into the realm of Da Luo?

At this moment, both Fozi Zhenlu and Zhao Mengli's emotions were extremely complicated, as if they could no longer regard Chen Xi as an opponent of the same level.

Because... Chen Xi had already unconsciously surpassed them by too much!

"Strong! It's too strong!"

"It's more than just being powerful. I think in the current fairy world, even those scorching sun figures will be eclipsed in front of Senior Brother Chen Xi."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's a bit taboo to hear the words of Senior Brother Ye Tang and Senior Sister Ling Qingwu."

"Hmph, Xiao Qianshui is still clamoring to reverse the previous structure of the Dao Discussion Association and defeat Senior Brother Chen Xi and the others on the territory of our Dao Emperor Academy. Now, it's all right, and he will be made into a dead dog directly!"

All the teachers and students of the Daohuang Academy were excited and excited, and there was a look of admiration in the eyes of Chen Xi's handsome figure on the ring.

Some female disciples even made no secret of their admiration, their beautiful eyes were looking forward, and their enthusiasm was like fire.

At this moment, all of them let go of their hearts completely, and they were no longer nervous or worried, because they had already seen that with Xiao Qianshui's defeat, the leader of this session of the Seventh Academy Discussion Conference was already Something in Chen Xi's pocket!


Compared with the excitement and excitement here, the three major academies of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong are dead silent. Whether it is the instructors or the disciples, they all look stiff and dull, and they seem to be unable to accept such a scene.

It’s too unexpected!

None of them thought that this guy Chen Xi would be so powerful, it was simply unimaginable that there was someone in this world who could possess such terrifying fighting power in the Da Luo realm.

Even comparing it with the six scorching suns of the fairy world, it seems that they can't hide the latter's dazzling light.

"This time, if Chen Xi hadn't appeared at the seminar, we...would have won..." A disciple made a weak voice, with resignation written all over his face.

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt sad and their expressions became more and more gloomy.

That's right, at this Dao Discussion Conference, Ye Tang, one of the six great suns in the fairy world, lost, Fozi Zhenlu, the leader of the younger generation of the Buddhist world, Ji Xuanbing, the direct descendant of the ancient imperial family, lost, and the true leader of the Huang family lost. Phoenix descendant Zhao Mengli was defeated...

But who would have thought that when they were about to win the final victory, a Chen Xi would suddenly appear, not only defeated Yan Yun and successfully entered the final round of Dao discussion, but also swept the audience with one against seven?


"In the past, there was Yun Fusheng who swept away the invincible opponents of his peers in the three academies by himself, but now there is Chen Xi who is fighting alone to turn the tide! Hahaha, it's amazing, it's really amazing!"

Wang Daolu looked up to the sky and laughed, incomparably carefree.


For everyone present, the battle has already been decided, and the curtain is about to come to an end.

But to Chen Xi, this was not the end.

He came in front of Xiao Qianshui who was lying on the ground dying and breathing miserably, looked down, his black eyes were cold and calm, and said: "Now, I have defeated you."

The voice was calm, without any sarcasm, just explaining a fact that had already happened.

But when it fell into Xiao Qianshui's ears, it sounded extremely ear-piercing. It made him tremble all over, like a beast on the verge of extinction. His bloodshot eyes stared at Chen Xi with hatred, and he said hoarsely and sharply: "You ruined the plan, you are doomed!" You have to pay a heavy price, you only won for a while, and what you get in exchange is destined to be unforgettable pain and suffering for a lifetime!"

In the end, it was almost a roar.

Chen Xi remained expressionless, and said, "Idiot, it seems that you haven't recognized your identity clearly. You are just a pawn in someone else's hand. Do you think that even if you win today, you can still leave alive?"

Xiao Qianshui was stunned for a moment, as if thinking of something, his complexion changed suddenly, and he screamed: "This is the Dao Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy, do you still want to kill people at the Daohuang Academy?"

As soon as these words came out, it attracted the attention of the entire audience, and everyone stared at the past one after another. Could it be that Chen Xi wanted to kill this guy?

"Unjust is doomed to destruction."

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't seem to be aware of it, he just stared at Xiao Qianshui, and softly uttered a sentence from his lips, not to Xiao Qianshui, but to the Supreme Master behind Xiao Qianshui!

After finishing speaking, Chen Xi kicked Xiao Qianshui out of the ring.

So far, the discussion meeting of the Seventh Academy has come to an end.


Qingyue's bell resounded, spread out, and spread to every corner of Douxuan Immortal City. Along with the bell, the news that Chen Xi had defeated Xiao Qianshui and won the position of leader of the Dao Discussion Society also spread throughout the entire city like a hurricane. Douxuan Immortal City.

All of a sudden, there was a sensation in the whole city, causing an uproar.

Not surprisingly, it won't be long before the results of this seven-academy seminar will spread throughout the [-] continents of the fairy world, and Chen Xi's name is destined to receive the attention of countless eyes like the scorching sun in the sky!


The Discussion Meeting of the Seventh Academy has come to an end, but some things are not over yet.

The teachers and students of Yunlan, Fengchuan, and Daoxuan colleges were reduced to complete bystanders at the Dao discussion meeting this time. They were inevitably in a complicated mood and left in a hurry, shameless to stay any longer.

However, when the teachers and students of the three colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong were about to leave with endless loss and anger, they were stopped by a sudden figure.

"Everyone, it's rare to get together once, why bother to leave in such a hurry?"

That figure was thin and shriveled, with gray and fluffy hair, wrinkles and ravines on his face, full of violent and perverse looks, it looked inconspicuous, but when he stood casually in mid-air, there was an air as majestic as a mountain and as vast as an ocean. The terrifying aura is impossible to ignore.

This person is Chi Cangsheng, the dean of the inner courtyard!

"Old Devil Chi? What do you mean by that?"

"Do you still want to keep us all?"

When seeing Chi Cangsheng appearing, all the teachers and teachers from the three colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong changed their faces. They knew very well that this Chi Cangsheng was definitely an unscrupulous master, with a very bad temper and surly temper. Don't dare to do things.

"Huh! I just left you guys together for a while, are you afraid that I will eat you up? If anyone refuses to agree, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chi Cangsheng snorted coldly, his words were not polite.

Chen Xi clicked his tongue, and before he could think too much, he was stopped by Wang Daolu: "Let's go, let this old guy take care of the rest."

Before the words fell, Wang Daolu couldn't help but lead him away.

Only then did Chen Xi realize that all the teachers and students of the Daohuang Academy in the performance hall also left this place like a tide, as if they had been ordered.

"Could it be that, because of the Grand Master, some old antiques from Daohuang Academy are going to settle accounts with those guys?" A thought suddenly flashed in Chen Xi's mind.

Wang Daolu seemed to see what Chen Xi was thinking, and said, "Presumably you have also heard some rumors about the Supreme Master. The smell of the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy is not right. There are some things that must be thoroughly investigated."

At the end of the conversation, they had already left the dojo, and could only hear Chi Cangsheng's surly roar, floating in the air from afar.

Chen Xi said thoughtfully, "Senior, could it be that there are still some conflicts between our Daohuang Academy and the Supreme Master?"

Wang Daolu shook his head: "Do you know that the biggest enemy of the entire Three Realms is not among the alien races outside the territory, nor among those alien beasts from the universe, but the Three Realms themselves."

Chen Xi's heart trembled: "Is it the Supreme Master?"

Wang Daolu nodded.

This was beyond Chen Xi's expectation. Originally, he thought that because of the fall of the Chaos God Lotus and the killing of the evil lotus, he just regarded the Supreme Sect as an enemy. He never thought that this Supreme Sect was actually an enemy recognized by the three realms !

"The Supreme Lord forgets his feelings. Since the ancient times, I don't know how many catastrophes have been caused, and each time it has affected the Three Realms, causing too much blood and turmoil."

Wang Daolu sighed softly, "Behind many catastrophes in history, the shadow of the Supreme Master can almost be found. There is no one who can not be afraid of such an orthodoxy."

It was the first time for Chen Xi to hear these secrets, and his heart was shocked, which also made his understanding of the Supreme Sect more clear.

"In short, you just need to remember that the Supreme Master pursues the way of 'ruthless', cutting off the seven emotions and cutting off the six desires. If you encounter a successor of this orthodox tradition in the future, you must be careful."

Wang Daolu gave Chen Xi a serious look, then smiled slightly, and changed the subject, "Would you like to know what rewards the academy will give you after you live to be the leader of the Taoism?"

Chen Xi was startled, and then he remembered that there was indeed such a reward condition at the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy.

"Please enlighten me, senior." Chen Xi couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in his heart. As for the rewards, naturally the more the better, the more the better, he wouldn't think too much.

"Come with me and you'll know."

Wang Daolu smiled and glanced at Chen Xi. With a wave of his sleeve, he arrived in front of a splendid and magnificent palace in a flash.


ps: The second update is at 9:11, the third update is at 12:[-], and the fourth update is around [-]:[-] in the morning. Please ask for a monthly pass~ The monthly pass for these two days is simply horrible...

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