divine talisman

Chapter 1316 Dao Emperor Dean [Part 2]

The Splendid Palace was built in the hinterland of a fairy mountain, with winding paths leading to secluded places.

After walking in, it suddenly became clear that the precious light was overflowing and shining brightly. It was a large-scale palace, and there were rows of crystal counters displayed in the counters, and various treasures and rare treasures were piled up in the counters. .



Arcane category.

Array class.


It is all-encompassing and has everything that one expects to find, just like walking into a treasure house of a fairy family.

Here is the star value hall!

The star points earned by the disciples of Daohuang Academy can be exchanged here.

This is the first time Chen Xi has come to the star value hall. As soon as he entered, his eyes were filled with all kinds of precious lights. Looking around, there were all kinds of shining fairy treasures everywhere. My eyes were dazzled, and my heart secretly smacked my tongue.

At this time, many disciples had gathered in the star value hall, and the atmosphere was quite lively, most of them were choosing their favorite treasures.

Wang Daolu led Chen Xi all the way into the main hall, did not stop, but made several turns and turned to the fourth floor of the main hall.

And during this process, Chen Xi also noticed that with the increase in the number of floors of the main hall, the ranks of immortal treasures placed in it also became more and more precious and rare.

For example, in the main hall on the first floor, most of the fairy treasures are of the Xuanling level, suitable for the disciples of the Xuanxian Realm to choose.

In the main hall on the second floor, there are all immortal treasures of the Zhouguang level, which can already meet the needs of many Daluo realms.

On the third floor, all the treasures of the Taiwu rank are placed, not only the Daluo rank, but also the existence of the saint rank can find their favorite treasures here.

And in this fourth layer...

They are all kinds of fairy treasures that cannot be exchanged for star value alone!

In other words, in order to exchange for the treasures displayed in the fourth-floor hall, besides the star value, there are some additional conditions. If the requirements cannot be met, even if you have enough star value, you cannot exchange it.

This reminded Chen Xi of the "Piece of the River Map" that he had long cherished in his heart, and it also had an additional condition—obtaining the approval of the Dao Emperor's inheritance from the Dao Emperor's Ancient Land!


The fourth floor of the star value hall is vast and magnificent. When entering it, one can clearly feel that the air is filled with layers of terrifying ancient restrictions, which are extremely frightening.

Even with Chen Xi's knowledge of the talisman restriction, he couldn't help but feel a wave of shock. He knew very well that if he acted recklessly here, he would be obliterated and turned into scum in an instant.

The hall was very quiet, only a young man who looked like a young man was sitting behind a desk in a corner of the hall, with a quiet and peaceful expression, holding an old blue jade silk scripture in one hand, reading it carefully, while the other hand was on the desk. Nianzi play chess, enjoy yourself.

He has an ordinary appearance, fair complexion, calm and elegant temperament, but there is a vicissitudes of life between his brows, as if he has gone through thousands of years of ups and downs. Looking from afar, it seems that what he sees is not a person, but a vast expanse, The boundless, vast and deep starry sky.

This feeling is so unique that one can't help but feel a sense of awe in his heart.

This is definitely an old antique in the academy who has the power to reach the sky!

Chen Xi's eyes were focused, and he immediately judged that even though the other party looked like a young man, the imposing aura that was as vast as a starry sky was not something that young people could have at all.

Even the Wang Daolu next to him seemed to pale in comparison!

Who is the other party?

A trace of doubt arose in Chen Xi's heart, but it was a pity that since he entered this hall, this young man had never raised his head, and seemed to turn a blind eye to them.

And Wang Daolu didn't even have the slightest intention of introducing the other party to Chen Xi, and directly led him to a counter.

"Look, this is the reward you deserve this time."

Inside the counter, there was only one treasure on display. It was an irregular fragment, only the size of a baby's palm, sealed in a jade box, and filled with wisps of obscure aura.

And in front of the jade box, there is a line of writing: "Chaos fragments, the exchange condition is 6000 million star points!"

Chen Xi was completely stunned. It was too unexpected. He never expected that after winning the position of leader of the Dao Discussion Association of the Seventh Academy, he would be able to obtain such a valuable reward!

More importantly, this treasure was exactly what he had dreamed of getting!

"Could it be that the academy already knew that they needed this thing?" Chen Xi couldn't help but his thoughts were flying.

"The efficacy of this treasure is unpredictable, and it has all kinds of amazing uses. Even I am quite attracted to it. Unfortunately, according to the rules of the academy, only those who have made great contributions to the academy can obtain this treasure."

At this moment, looking at the chaotic shards, Wang Daolu also had a hint of envy in his expression. Obviously, the chaotic shards also have a great attraction for a half-step fairy king like him.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, and couldn't help hesitating: "Senior, if you want to obtain this treasure, shouldn't you have to pay 6000 million star points?"

Wang Daolu was dumb, and said with a smile: "Of course not."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeve robe, and a radiance filled the air. He directly took out the piece of chaotic shard together with the jade box, and handed it to Chen Xi, "You are about to hit the realm of the holy fairy, and the piece of chaotic shard It contains the original aura of Dao, which is enough to ensure that when you advance, you will step into the ranks of innate saints."

Chen Xi quickly took it with both hands, and then asked, "The original breath of the Dao?"

"It's not just that simple." Wang Daolu shook his head and said, "This is just one of the wonderful uses of Chaos Shards. When you refine them, you will understand its benefits."

Chen Xi nodded, and carefully put away the jade box. He had already obtained the original aura of the Dao from the fragments of the river map, and he no longer needed to rely on the fragments of chaos for cultivation.

Moreover, he didn't intend to use this thing himself, but gave it to Xiao Ding.

"Cultivate well after you go back. In less than three years, the Dao Emperor Ancient Land will be opened. If you can cultivate to the realm of the Holy Immortal during this period, you will gain more benefits from it."

Wang Daolu smiled and encouraged Chen Xi, then turned around and left with him.

When he returned, Chen Xi couldn't help but glanced at the young man sitting in the corner of the hall. He always felt that the other party seemed to be reading a book and playing chess, but in fact, since he entered the hall, the other party had been examining him.

It's an indescribable feeling.

Until he left the star value hall, Chen Xi finally couldn't hold back, and asked Wang Daolu in a low voice: "Senior, the senior who was on the fourth floor just now..."

Wang Daolu seemed to have expected him to ask such a question, a meaningful smile appeared on his lips: "You will understand who he is later."

Chen Xi almost couldn't help rolling his eyes, these old fellows are indeed more showy than the other!

In fact, he already had an answer in his heart, but he didn't dare to confirm it.


After Chen Xi and Wang Daolu left, on the fourth floor of the star value hall, the young man who had been sitting quietly in the corner of the hall suddenly smiled slightly, put down the light blue jade silk book in his hand, and set his eyes on the copybook.

There is a chessboard on the case, the whole body is ancient, filled with the clear starlight.

But this object is not like a chessboard, because there are no criss-crossing chess lines on the surface, but only a vast expanse of stars like a starry sky.

When the eyes fell on it, it was like seeing a passage leading to the universe starry sky.


The young man waved his sleeves, and the index finger of his right hand beat plantains like rain, repeatedly moving on the chessboard, and there was a clanging and powerful sound full of killing spirit.

After a while.

There was a strange buzzing sound, and on the chessboard, the figures of a real phoenix and a black dragon were cruising between the starry sky, full of supreme power.

"come back."

The young man spoke calmly.

The next moment, he waved his sleeve and put the chessboard away.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from the entrance of the fourth floor hall.

"Dean, it has been roughly confirmed that the three colleges of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong have been completely reduced to pawns of the Supreme Master. Do you want to..."

The person who came was thin and shriveled, with disheveled gray hair, wrinkled face, filled with a surly look, it was the dean of the inner courtyard, Chi Cangsheng, but at this time, when he faced the young man behind the desk, he still restrained himself a little. There was a look of violence in his expression.

The reason is very simple. There is only one person in the entire Daohuang Academy who can be called the "Principal" by the dean of the inner courtyard. Obviously, the young man behind the desk is the dean of the Daohuang Academy!

To say that he is a young man is just judging from his appearance, but in fact, when facing him, one can only feel the vicissitudes of time.

"Since you know they are just pawns, what's the use of staying? Let them go." The young man said casually, then picked up the light blue jade silk scroll and read it carefully.

Chi Cangsheng was stunned, and said, "It would be such a pity if we don't kill him."

"If you kill him, the Immortal World will really be in turmoil. That may be the real purpose of the Supreme Master. Please bear with it for a while and wait for the news of Hongmeng Remains."

The young man said in a young voice, his eyes were deep and deep, as if there was a universe of stars turning endlessly in it.

"Land of Hongmeng..."

Chi Cangsheng's eyes flickered, and he seemed ready to move, "Why don't we get involved too?"

"There are too many catastrophes, so it's worth noting."

The young man suddenly put down the light blue jade silk scroll in his hand, and after a long silence, he said, "That is the place where the chaos of the Three Realms began. If you go to the Immortal King Realm, you may fall into it..."


In Jianlu Cave Mansion.

After Chen Xi returned, he couldn't wait to find Xiao Ding and give the chaotic shards to him, but in the end he got frustrated because Xiao Ding was now instructing the second clone to cultivate in the world of Jiuding, and he couldn't get away from it.

"It's so ruthless..." Chen Xi could feel the cultivation status of the second clone in the Jiuding world at the moment, it was more than a miserable word?

"Now that I have reached the late stage of Da Luo, within half a year, that mysterious woman Diandian should come to my door. If I can get a fragment of the river map by then, it would be great."

Chen Xi took a deep breath and fell into deep thought.


ps: I’m doing my best to code, I didn’t even upload q today, just to code wholeheartedly, I ask for a monthly ticket to encourage~

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