divine talisman

Chapter 1317 Chapter 7 Scorching Sun [Part 3]

After the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy ended, Chen Xi's practice life returned to being calm.

In addition to meditating and practicing every day, he just condensed the profound meaning of the law, and occasionally had a drink with Ye Tang and Qingye, and his life was quite fulfilling and peaceful.

However, in the four thousand nine hundred continents of the fairy world, everything about him has become the most discussed topic in recent times.

The most talked about thing is the battle where he defeated Xiao Qianshui. Many experts believe that in the current fairy world, there is no one within the level of the Da Luo Jinxian who is worthy of a battle with Chen Xi!

Not even the six scorching suns of the fairy world!

Of course, there were also people who refuted this, thinking that although Chen Xi had defeated Xiao Qianshui, he might not be able to beat the six scorching suns of the fairy world.

In short, during this period of time, discussions like this have occurred in almost every corner of the fairyland. Although everyone has different opinions on whether Chen Xi is capable of overwhelming the six scorching suns of the fairyland, there is no doubt that Chen Xi's current Prestige and fighting power are enough to rival the six scorching suns of the fairy world.

It was also after this heated debate that Chen Xi became the seventh hot sun in the fairy world!And it is the most brilliant and eye-catching one!


In addition, after the conclusion of the Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy, the news about the Supreme Master also swept through the entire fairy world like a hurricane, causing many waves.

Too good to teach!

That is a hostile force recognized by the Three Realms. In the boundless years of the practice world, this orthodoxy that pursues the "ruthless" way has caused countless bloody storms and caused many catastrophes in the world.

After the calamity of gods and demons a million years ago, although the disciples of the Supreme Master disappeared and could not return to hiding, no one will forget the bloody events that happened in the long river of history.

Now, the news about the Supreme Master has reappeared after countless years, which naturally attracted too much attention.

There are rumors that the three major academies of Kuji, Dahuang, and Changkong have now become pawns of the Supreme Master.

There are also rumors that the sudden appearance of the Supreme Sect should be related to the upcoming turmoil in the Three Realms. The Supreme Sect must take advantage of this opportunity to stir up trouble in the Three Realms and cause disaster to the world.

In short, all these are just rumors after all, at least the vast majority of forces in the fairy world have not yet expressed a clear attitude towards this.


at the same time.

Iris Immortal Continent, within the Zuoqiu Clan.

Dressed in white and wearing a feather crown, Zuo Qiukong quietly read the jade slips in his hand and fell into a long silence.

The seventh round of scorching sun in the fairy world?

Stronger than Ye Tang?

The leader of the Seven Academy Discussion Society?

Recalling the news recorded in the jade slips in his mind, Zuoqiu Kong also had an uncontrollable evil fire rising in his chest, which could not be contained at all.


The jade slip in his hand shattered, turning into powder and floating from between his fingers.

Zuo Qiukong's face was already gloomy and livid.

"How long has it been since a thing who has just ascended to the fairy world has already possessed strength comparable to mine? If I had known this, I should have killed him in the human world!"

Facing Chen Xi's demonstrated strength and the sensational rumors about him, Zuo Qiukong rarely lost control of his emotions, and his mood became seriously unbalanced.

He even doubted how Chen Xi cultivated. If he needed resources but had no resources, and if he wanted connections without connections, how could his strength soar so fast?

"No, I can't sit idly by any longer. This son will become a bad person when he sees it. If this continues, it will only become a serious problem for my Zuoqiu family!"

Zuo Qiukong took a few deep breaths, tried his best to suppress the disgust and irritability in his heart, and his expression gradually calmed down, except for that pair of eyes, which revealed a icy murderous intent.

"Come on!"

"Young master, what are your orders?" An old man with the appearance of a housekeeper appeared out of thin air.

"Send someone, as long as they find the time for Chen Xi to leave the Dao Emperor Academy, they will use all their strength to kill this boy!" Zuo Qiukong paused, his voice seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth.

The old man's heart trembled, and he said: "Master, this matter is very involved, do you want to tell the Patriarch to know before making a decision?"

Zuo Qiukong frowned, and said displeasedly: "Why, do you think that with my current power in the clan, I can't even issue a single order?"

The old man hurriedly said: "Don't dare."

Immediately, he still patiently explained: "It's only the elders of the half-step fairy king level in the clan who are dispatched, and they must be ordered by the patriarch himself."

At this moment, Zuo Qiukong felt uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly, and he couldn't help but roared sharply: "What time is it, why are you talking about breaking the family rules with me? Do you have to wait until that damned bastard?" Killing came to the door, you plan to act?"

"Master, you are out of control."

Regarding this, the old man was surprisingly calm, "If you don't have rules, you won't be able to achieve success. If you can't bear it, you will make big plans. You should think twice before you do things, young master."

Zuo Qiu's chest heaved in the air, he pointed at the old man in front of him, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Could it be that you think that only a half-step fairy king can wipe out that damn evil son? What about the holy fairyland in the clan? Are they all pigs?"

The old man sighed: "Master, don't forget, last time we were on the battlefield outside the territory, our clan paid a lot of money to invite the Tuoba Tianxie of Daohuang Academy to dispatch, but in the end it was a failure."

"That's because Zuoqiu Taiwu Patriarch forcibly intervened, otherwise, how could that kid have survived to this day?"

Zuo Qiukong scolded sharply, but as soon as he finished speaking, the whole portrait suddenly understood, and his expression suddenly became calm, even a little low.

"Master, do you finally understand now?" said the old man.

Zuo Qiukong pursed his lips, and said indifferently, "Is it because there are still some people in our clan who don't want Chen Xi to die?"

The old man didn't say anything, but he acquiesced.

"Hey, sister is really good at tricks! Good tricks!" Zuo Qiukong laughed and sighed, but the smile was extremely cold, without any emotional fluctuations.

Seeing this, the old man couldn't help but glanced at Zuo Qiukong worriedly, and said, "Young master, maybe when the patriarch leaves the customs, all of this will be solved."

Zuoqiukong was stunned and remained silent for a long time before he smiled bitterly and said, "In the final analysis, I still have to rely on my father to come forward, right?"

He took a deep breath and waved his hands: "Okay, you don't need to say more, I understand what to do."

"Young Master, don't be impulsive. He's just a little guy. He won't be able to jump around for a long time. Our Zuoqiu clan has been standing in the immortal world for countless years, and he can't be shaken by just one person."

Seeing this, the old man couldn't hold back in the end and said something before turning around and leaving out of thin air.

"Is he really alone..."

Zuo Qiukong stared blankly, looking up at the sky, suddenly felt an indescribable feeling of powerlessness.


Time flies, fleeting.

Unknowingly, it has been two months since the conclusion of the Discussion Conference of the Seventh Academy.

this day.

Chen Xi didn't cultivate, so he came to the cliff outside the cave by himself.

He sat casually on a stone by the cliff, holding a gourd of wine in his hand, while drinking, he looked at the rolling sea of ​​clouds in the distance, with a calm expression, and a sense of openness between his brows.

Nowadays, in terms of cultivation, it is difficult to make any progress by relying solely on hard work behind closed doors, unless one can break through and advance to the realm of the holy immortals, which is the path to the sacred.

But Chen Xi knew that he still had a long way to go from the Saint Immortal Realm, and it wasn't reflected in his cultivation, 21 kinds of sharpening, one kind of opportunity, and one kind of precipitation.

There is no rush for this kind of thing, it must be done step by step, and haste makes waste.

As for the condensing of the laws, he has achieved a lot in these two months, and now he has mastered the fifth level of the five elements, the yin and yang, the wind and thunder, the star annihilation, and the space. ——"Space God Chain"!

The so-called star annihilation divine pattern is a kind of Da Luo law that is a fusion of the law of stars and the law of annihilation.

Among the more than ten kinds of Dao laws that Chen Xi has mastered, the stars and annihilation are the most compatible and the easiest to condense successfully. However, their power is extremely powerful, three times more powerful than the Yin-Yang Divine Pattern and the Wind and Thunder Divine Pattern. point.

After fusing the two supreme inheritances of the "Sword of Stars" and "Sword of Annihilation" from the Wuji Divine Manual, the combat power erupted by the royal star annihilation divine pattern is even more terrifying. At least let Chen Xi face Xiao Xiao at this time. Qian Shui can definitely kill the opponent with one sword.

And the reason why it is said that the condensing of the star annihilation divine pattern is the easiest is because it is too difficult to integrate and condense other Dao laws that Chen Xi has mastered, such as immortality, good fortune, devouring, light, darkness, etc. .

These Dao Laws are all rare Dao Profound Truths, supreme existence, and for other Da Luo Realm powerhouses, being able to master one of them is enough to last a lifetime.

It is precisely because these Dao laws are too powerful that it is particularly difficult to integrate them one by one.

In short, it is already impossible to condense them one by one in a short period of time and turn them into various Daluo divine patterns.

As for the "space god chain", it is the fourth power of the space god pattern. Once it is used, it can turn the invisible power of space into a god chain for imperial use. It is powerful and unpredictable, whether it is used to trap enemies, kill enemies, or sneak attacks , saving people, all have incredible magical effects.

What's more important is that as his understanding of the laws of space deepens step by step, Chen Xi's cognition of space has also reached a terrifying height, which will definitely play a huge role in his future impact on the Immortal King Realm. big help.

"Senior brother Chen Xi, so you are here."

Suddenly, a voice broke Chen Xi's contemplation. He raised his eyes and saw the green leaf floating towards him, smiling slightly cautiously at him.

"Junior Brother Qingye, do you have anything to do with me?" Chen Xi got up from the rock beside the cliff and asked with a smile.

Qingye nodded, took out a letter, and handed it over: "Brother, this is your letter, it was sent by a woman named Diandian."

a little bit?

Is it time to start taking action?

Chen Xi was startled, a gleam appeared in his eyes.


ps: Continue to code words!The fourth is after midnight, continue to shout for monthly tickets~~~

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