divine talisman

Chapter 1318 An Unexpected Encounter [Part 4]

Mingxue Xianzhou.

Boundless fairy city.

Ten days limit.

Meet at the Dragon Soul Fairy Building.

This is the information that Chen Xicai obtained from the jade slip, concise and to the point.

"I actually have to rush to the Wuya Immortal City within ten days..."

Chen Xi put away the jade slips, pondering endlessly.

As far as he knew, Mingxue Immortal Continent was located at the northernmost point of the Immortal Realm, and beyond that, there was a sea transformed by space-time storms, called the Boundless Sea.Boundless Immortal City is located on the bank of Boundless Sea.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi, are you going to Wuya Immortal City?" Qingye couldn't help asking from the side.

"En." Chen Xi nodded.

"Senior Brother, that Wuya Immortal City is located at the northernmost edge of the Immortal Realm. It is also known as the 'City of Sins'. Even the forces of the Immortal Court cannot control it. If you go there, you must be careful." Aoba reminded.

City of guilt?

Chen Xi was startled for a moment, it was the first time he had heard such a statement, and wanted to ask further, but Qingye said that his knowledge was limited.

"Brother, if you want to know more, you might as well go to the Xianji Pavilion. There are all kinds of news there, and you will definitely understand it clearly." Qingye suggested in a low voice.

"Alright." Chen Xi nodded.

He originally planned to set off directly, but just because he heard what Qingye said, he didn't dare to underestimate this Wuya Immortal City, which has the title of "City of Sins".


Xianji Pavilion.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi!"

"I've seen Senior Brother Chen Xi!"

"Brother, do you need help?"

When Chen Xi's figure appeared in the main hall of the Immortal Machine Pavilion, there was an instant commotion at the scene, and many disciples looked at him without concealing their reverence.

For this, Chen Xi had long been used to it, and immediately nodded with a smile, and immediately walked towards the depths of the hall.

"Senior Brother Chen Xi is amazing. Ever since he won the position of leader of the Dao Discussion Society of the Seventh Academy, his name has spread throughout the entire fairy world.

"Who said it wasn't? Just last month, I saw with my own eyes that Senior Brother Chen Xi won the No.1 position on the Purple Ribbon Gold List in one fell swoop, overwhelming Senior Sister Ling Qingwu!"

"Not only that, but the day before yesterday, on the stone monuments on the 30th and 72nd floors of Illusionary Wonderland No. [-], Senior Brother Chen Xi once again broke the record and won the top spot."

"It's too powerful. Before, I had some doubts that senior brother Chen Xi was not as good as senior sister Ling Qingwu and senior brother Ye Tang. Now, it seems that senior brother Chen Xi is slightly better."

Seeing Chen Xi's figure disappear, there was a burst of heated discussion at the scene.

The most discussed one was the fact that Chen Xi won No.1 on the Purple Ribbon Gold List and No.1 on the Imaginary Wonderland Clearance Stele in the two months after the conclusion of the Dao Discussion Conference of the Seven Academy.

It is precisely because of such remarkable achievements that many inner court disciples believe that among the seven scorching suns of the fairy world, Senior Brother Chen Xi is definitely better than the other scorching suns, and he can be said to be the only one in the Great Luo Realm. fight!


When Chen Xi walked out of the Immortal Machine Pavilion, he felt that his trip was worthwhile.

The reason is very simple. If you don't understand it, you will be shocked when you understand it. It turns out that the Wuya Immortal City is simply a paradise for villains from the fairy world.

Among those murderers, there are different levels of realm. According to rumors, the most powerful one even exists at the level of a half-step fairy king!

This city is adjacent to the Boundless Sea, which is full of time-space storms, fractured space zones, and mysterious black hole vortexes... and some terrible natural disasters often break out, affecting the Boundless Immortal City, making the Immortal Court forces unwilling to station there. .

This also made those criminals even more unscrupulous. When they were hunted down and had nowhere to go, they took Wuya Xiancheng as their place to stay.

Over time, the present "City of Sins" has been formed!

"Wuya Xiancheng is adjacent to the Wuya Sea, and according to the news I just learned, the end of the Wuya Sea seems to be the Forsaken Land of Primordial Mengmeng. Could it be that... that little girl is aiming for the Forsaken Land of Primordial Mengmeng?"

While thinking about it, Chen Xi galloped forward, and soon returned to the Sword Cottage Cave Mansion.

When he was in Xianji Pavilion before, he also tried to inquire about the news about the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng, but unfortunately he found nothing. This shows how mysterious the existence of the Forsaken Land of Hongmeng is.


"No! I'm going too!"

When he heard that Chen Xi was going to leave for a while, Ling Bai immediately called out to go with him, Ah Man, Xiao Xing, and Bai Kui also echoed, looking at Chen Xi eagerly, as if he was afraid that Chen Xi would leave them behind again. up.

Chen Xi had no choice but to smile wryly, but in the end he still didn't agree.

The reason is very simple, that girl Diandian's strength is unfathomable, and she found him to cooperate with her, and even took out a piece of the River Map as a reward, so the purpose of this trip must not be simple, and even dangerous.

Under such circumstances, how dare he bring Ling Bai and the others with him again.

Even, Chen Xi had made up his mind to not even bring Xiao Ding and the second clone with him this time. In this way, even if something happened to his main body, at least he still had the second clone as a way out.

And the reason why he did this was very simple, to get that piece of the river map!

Now in Chen Xi's hands, he has already grasped five fragments of the river map, and only four pieces are needed to make up the complete river map. Faced with such a temptation, he cannot refuse it.

After all, from the moment he stepped on the road of cultivation, the fragments of the River Map have helped him countless times, whether it is the Eye of Divine Truth, or stepping into the Talisman Realm to experience, or when enlightening and practicing, they are always there. Aided by river map shards.

If he couldn't get it all together, Chen Xi would inevitably have regrets in his heart.

after one day.

Chen Xi left the academy alone, without alarming anyone.


Mingxue Xianzhou.

This continent is the extreme northern part of the fairy world. It is covered with snow all the year round, and the air is filled with extremely abundant ice spirit power. It is very suitable for immortals who practice water attribute skills to practice here.

woo woo~~ woo woo~~

In the icy and snowy land, the biting cold wind resounded between the heaven and the earth like ghosts crying and howling wolves, sweeping across the sky with snowflakes, rendering the world a chill and cold.

The air here is too cold, forming an ice demon, flooding the wilderness, even ordinary immortals here, I'm afraid they can't withstand the invasion of the ice demon.


There was a wave of fluctuation in the void, and a tall and handsome figure came out, with a green shirt, long hair flying, and a calm expression on his handsome face. It was Chen Xi who came from the Dao Emperor Academy.

"The power of this space is really amazing, and the speed of my space movement is obviously three points faster than before..."

Chen Xi sighed with emotion, and then swept his gaze around.

Even if he is standing in this icy place where the sky is full of snow and snow, those icy evil spirits will not affect him at all. On the contrary, as he breathes in and out, the ice spirit and fairy power rolling in the sky and the ground will be like a wave. A torrent of cool and refreshing flooded into his body, like snow bathing his whole body, refreshing inside and out.

"This must be the Mingxue Immortal Continent, and this place has a circumference of 2000 miles, and there is no human habitation. According to the records on the map, it should be the Xuanguang Icefield, which is located [-] million miles away from the Wuya Immortal City..."

Chen Xi looked around and roughly judged his exact location.

However, just as he was about to take action, there was a violent power fluctuation in the distance, as if someone was rushing towards this side...

"Help! Young Master, help!"

Suddenly, the void trembled, and a slim figure emerged, her temples were messed up, her long hair was disheveled, her clothes were soaked in bright red blood stains, her beautiful face was pale and full of horror.

Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. He never expected that in this desolate and uninhabited ice field, he would encounter such a woman who seemed to be running for her life.

"My lord, my lord must save me, the man will come after me later, please wait to stop him for a while, and when the little girl escapes, there will be a rich reward in the future."

The woman seemed to be extremely anxious, she glanced behind her in horror, and before Chen Xi could agree or not, she turned around and wanted to run away again.

Obviously, she didn't pin her hope of being rescued on Chen Xi at all.

"Wait a minute!"

With a flash of Chen Xi's figure, he stopped in front of that beautiful woman.

"My lord, what are you going to do? Hurry up and get out of the way, or I'm afraid your life will be dragged down!"

The woman froze for a moment, and then became more anxious, with a look of panic and anger between her brows and eyes.


At this moment, Chen Xi didn't talk nonsense, he pulled out the Star Lanning Immortal Sword, pointed at the woman coldly, and said, "Wait a while, it's not too late to leave."

The woman's expression changed suddenly, and she screamed: "Could it be that you and that damn bastard are in the same group?"

Having said that, she was unceremonious, and with a throw of her bare hand, a silver jade ruyi flew into the air, shattering into tens of thousands of hazy silver rays, and roaring towards Chen Xi violently.

He was the first to do it!

Moreover, this blow was fierce, direct, and ferocious, crushing the void, obviously intending to kill Chen Xi with one blow.


Regarding this, Chen Xi's action was very simple, he swung his immortal sword.

In an instant, a flash of sword energy was born, easily slicing the silver glow in the sky, and then the momentum remained undiminished. Before the opponent had time to react, the sword wiped off the opponent's throat, and blood spattered!

This beautiful woman's head flew into the air, her eyes were wide open, she couldn't believe it when she was about to die, how could she lose so quickly, back and forth, not even in a split second!

"You actually pinned your hopes on me, and you deserve it..." Chen Xi put away the fairy sword, let out a breath, and looked into the distance.


At this moment, there was a wave in the void, and a thin figure appeared out of thin air. His brows were stern and cold, and his expression was indifferent and lonely. He was dressed in well-cut black clothes and carried a sheathed fairy sword on his back. Flying in the wind.

Only its left arm is empty, which looks a little uncoordinated.

This person is that Bi Yuan? Wan Jiansheng!

He glanced at Chen Xi slightly unexpectedly, as if he didn't expect to meet Chen Xi here, and immediately turned his gaze to the dead body on the ground, and said, "You killed her?"

Chen Xi smiled and nodded.


ps: 4 updates are complete!Tonight’s one plus the one added the day before yesterday made a total of 3 more updates, and there are 9 more, which will be returned as soon as possible!Finally, everyone enjoyed watching, don’t forget to vote for the monthly ticket~

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