divine talisman

Chapter 1319 Hunting Immortal [Part 1]

Thanks to mud pudding children's shoes and teacher Doudian for their support~


Chen Xi was also very surprised that he was able to meet Wan Jiansheng here.

You know, this is the extreme north of the fairy world, and it is still on a deserted and uninhabited ice field. It is indeed a coincidence to meet here.

Wan Jiansheng looked coldly at the dead body on the ground, then at Chen Xi, frowned and said, "Do you know her identity?"

Chen Xi said: "She has committed too many crimes, even if she doesn't know her, she has no choice but to kill her."

He was telling the truth. From the first moment he saw the woman, he felt a strong aura of guilt. Although she was covered up extremely tightly by the other party, Chen Xi had killed many sinners and possessed the essence of God. How could he be blinded by her.

If not, he wouldn't be so rude once he made a move.

Hearing this, Wan Jiansheng's lonely and indifferent expression eased a lot, and he said: "It is indeed worthy of killing, this girl's name is Lan Yufeng, and she also has a nickname called 'Sushou Rakshasa'. The secret method brutally murdered [-] boys and girls, out of righteous indignation, I have followed her for three days, but I did not expect that she died in your hands."

Chen Xi was stunned. He thought that this woman had a great hatred for Wan Jiansheng, but he never thought that Wan Jiansheng did all this just out of righteous indignation.

This made him appreciate Wan Jiansheng more and more. Although this person is proud and lonely, with a cold and imposing manner, he is full of chivalry and courage, which is not admirable.

There are very few people in this world who possess the spirit of a hero like Wan Jiansheng.


Wan Jiansheng didn't intend to spend too much time with Chen Xi, so he turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Chen Xi hurriedly chased after him, and said, "Senior brother Wan is planning to go to Wuya Immortal City?"

Wan Jiansheng frowned: "How do you know?"

Chen Xi smiled, not caring at all about the other party's attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, pointing to the front and saying: "Going in this direction, there is only one destination, and that is Wuya Immortal City."

Speaking of this, he said directly: "To be honest, I plan to go there too, how about we go together?"

Wan Jiansheng frowned more and more, and resolutely refused: "No, I am going to kill thieves and eradicate crimes. I am afraid that there will be many dangers along the way. If you follow me, you will only harm yourself."

Eliminate guilt!

Hearing this reason, Chen Xi couldn't help asking: "Senior Brother Wan, you're going to Wuya Immortal City this time, isn't it because you want to fight against the criminals there alone?"

"That's the city of guilt, if I don't eradicate it, what's the use of all my abilities?" Wan Jiansheng's answer was equally simple: "So, why not if I go there?"

Why not?

In just four words, it is so natural, filled with the feeling that things should be done this way, so they must be done this way!

Yes, why not?

Chen Xi chewed these words carefully, but he admired Wan Jiansheng more and more in his heart. There are some things in this world that he knows can't be done, is it really stupid?

"In this world, there are too many unfair things, and I just want to kill more people who deserve to be killed, not for honor, not for the common people, just to be worthy of my sword heart..."

In the long wind and snow, Wan Jiansheng, dressed in black, floated away, and the bright red fringe of the fairy sword with sheath fluttered on his back, flying in the sky and earth like a splash of hot blood!


"Senior brother Ye Tang's way is to seek freedom, Wan Jiansheng's way is to complain about injustice, there is no good or bad, and it is rare and precious to stick to it until now..."

Chen Xi murmured, "And my way... is to abide by my heart!"

If there is a spirit in the heart, there is a way to everything, and the direction of the heart is no more than a grain of sand in the vast universe.

Chen Xi took a deep breath, shook his head, turned around and walked into the wind and snow.

From here to Wuya Xiancheng, there is a distance of more than 2000 million miles. As an ordinary person, even if you spend your whole life, it would be difficult to trek to the destination. But for Chen Xi, who has mastered space teleportation, he can reach it in a few hours.

After a stick of incense.

Chen Xi suddenly stopped teleporting, his eyes swept around, and his heart also secretly trembled.

I saw that the sky like a silver snowstorm turned into black, and the black snowflakes fluttered, permeating a palpitating aura, which was the power of guilt, permeated with resentment, poisonous thoughts, curses and other mixed auras, Being in it, even immortals will be affected, and their temperament will become more and more violent and perverse. If they are slightly stimulated, blood will flow into rivers and corpses will float everywhere.

Of course, you can also sharpen your cultivation here. In this chaotic and sinful place, if you can keep your heart and not be shaken, you can temper your martial arts will and Dao Xin cultivation.

"I haven't arrived at the Wuya Immortal City yet, the aura of guilt is so strong, it can be seen that there are countless sinners here who have been dormant and practiced here..."

Chen Xi was thoughtful. The sinners in the fairy world are different from the human world. They are all immortals. When it comes to strength, they are also extremely terrifying. Their hands are stained with blood, and their temperaments are ruthless. Compared with some of the great sects of the fairy sect Children will be difficult.

"The fairy world is nothing more than that. The more you understand it, the more you understand it. In fact, there is not much difference between it and the human world. What is a happy and long life, and the same life as the ages, in the final analysis, if you want to achieve all of these, it depends on your strength."


Chen Xi's figure didn't linger any longer, and he dodged into the black snowstorm that filled the sky.

It didn't take long for Chen Xi to see a group of figures from a distance. These were more than ten immortal cultivators, some old and some young, and the team was led by two Da Luo Jinxians.

It can be seen that this team has suffered heavy injuries. Some immortal cultivators have broken armor and blood stains, and their expressions are more or less vigilant and dignified.

"These should be those hunting immortals who earn high bounties by hunting sinners..."

Chen Xi was startled, and soon remembered that it was mentioned in the news he learned from the Immortal Machine Pavilion that Wuya Immortal City was known as the "City of Sins", but in the eyes of the hunting immortals in the Immortal Realm, it was a place where wealth was concentrated , every time they kill a sinner, they can get a lot of rewards from the fairy court.

This is a bloody business with high risks, but the rewards are correspondingly higher.

Generally speaking, hunting immortals will form a team to take action, and they will not venture into the Wuya Immortal City, but will choose to hunt and kill passing sinners outside the Wuya Immortal City.

In this way, the risk will undoubtedly be reduced a lot.

The team in front of them is filled with fierce and bloodthirsty aura, but has no aura of guilt, so it must be hunting immortals.

"Wan Jiansheng killed the criminals out of righteous indignation, and these people hunted and killed the criminals out of profit. They were compared with each other, and the superiors and inferiors were compared. Although the methods and methods were different, the prosperity of the world was for profit. Hustle and bustle are all for profit, these methods of hunting immortals are also hunting sinners, and they are extremely worthy of encouragement..."

While Chen Xi was thinking, he galloped forward.

After cultivating to his level, he has already begun to look for the traces of the way of heaven from all things in the world. The so-called understanding of the mind and nature is to comprehend the highest and deepest truth from the small things.

Only in this way can we move from the "me" road to the "sacred road".

Simply relying on retreat and meditation, it is impossible to reach the realm of the holy immortals, and thus have the means to "evangelize the world".

This is a kind of accumulation of experience, like the actions of these hunting immortals out of interest, and the actions of Wan Jiansheng out of righteous indignation before, there is a kind of power in them, that is "benefit" and "righteousness"!

These two things seem to be invisible, but they are affecting the structure of the Three Realms, just like the way of the sage's enlightenment, ritual, righteousness, benefit, virtue, faith, honor, humiliation, kindness... these invisible enlightening forces are the ones that maintain the order of the Three Realms the root of.

And the path of the saint is to comprehend the true meaning of enlightenment, and only then can one further prove the Tao as sacred.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay still. The city in front of you is the famous city of crimes in the fairy world. Don't go any further, otherwise you may risk your life."

In that team, a pretty woman caught sight of Chen Xi's figure, raised her eyebrows immediately, and reminded her aloud.

A burly middle-aged man next to him was startled, and said in a low voice: "Susu, this person's origin is unknown, maybe he is a murderer who fled to the city of sin, you are too reckless to do this!"

The young woman named Su Su was stunned, stuck out her tongue, and said in a low voice: "I just... just don't think he looks like a person who has been tainted with sin."

"You, you still lack experience, and what you see may not be true." The burly middle-aged man sighed, and immediately glanced at Chen Xi, saying, "He has a cultivation level of the Great Luo Realm, so it's obvious that his strength is not weak. If you haven't figured out the details Before, you can't speculate, who knows if he is good or bad?"

Su Su was reprimanded immediately and bowed her head, deeply ashamed.

Chen Xi was not in a hurry to leave this time. He stood in mid-air and glanced at Na Susu and the burly middle-aged man. Although he couldn't hear the other party's voice transmission, he roughly understood something from the other party's expression. A smile.

"You seem to have been hunted down just now?" Chen Xi asked.

"How do you know?" Su Su blurted out, and as soon as the words fell, she was embarrassed for a while, and looked embarrassedly at the burly middle-aged man beside her.

The burly middle-aged man showed vigilance, and with a wave of his hand, everyone else was on alert, and then he said coldly: "This matter has nothing to do with fellow Taoists, please leave quickly."

The atmosphere suddenly became a little chilly.

Regarding this, Chen Xi shrugged his shoulders, looked at that charming woman, and said with a smile: "You reminded me just now, now, I will help you solve some troubles, just treat it as...repaying your kindness."

"what are you going to do!"

The burly middle-aged man's face darkened, and he shouted violently, but he thought that Chen Xi was going to play some tricks, and he looked like he would fight if there was anything wrong.

At the same time, the others were also vigilant and prepared, as if they regarded Chen Xi as a hostile existence.

Regarding this, Chen Xi didn't pay any attention to it, he suddenly turned around, and his tall figure was standing in the black snow, with his clothes loose and his long hair flying.

Immediately, a huge and boundless force of light blasted from his body and rushed straight to the sky.

At this moment, it was like a scorching sun rising into the sky, illuminating ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers!


ps: There are 2 more updates from yesterday to today, and I will work hard tonight to add updates again, asking for monthly tickets~ If there are more monthly tickets, I will explode 4 more updates!

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