divine talisman

Chapter 1320 Alluring Guilt [Part 2]

The sky was full of wind and snow, and it was as dark as ink, permeating the power of guilt.

But at this moment, a ray of light soars into the sky, dazzling and blazing, just like a ray of light before the darkness of dawn, illuminating thousands of mountains and rivers!

chi chi!chi chi! ...

It can be clearly seen that the purification power diffused in the immeasurable light, in a turbulent and destructive posture, enveloped the sky in the wind and snow, and the billowing black power of guilt was completely incinerated, making roaring sounds.

This scene is too terrifying, bright and infinite, purifying sins, as if the divine is adjudicating sins and heresies, the momentum is grand, blazing, brilliant and majestic.

Everyone was shocked and their breath was suffocated.

Everyone, including the beautiful woman Susu, and the middle-aged and burly middle-aged, lost their minds in the shocking scene. It was almost unbelievable that this scene could be done by one person.





"How did he find us?"

"Brightness! Purification! Could this damn thing be..."

A muffled sound of breaking, mixed with mournful howls, suddenly resounded in the boundless wilderness.

Then, everyone was shocked to find that in the snowstorm that was purified by light, one after another silhouettes fell to the ground like dead dogs, with horrific expressions, ferocious expressions, and wisps of black sin power radiating from their bodies.

But soon, these figures were obliterated and purified by the omnipresent light, and their bodies were incinerated, burned, turned into ashes and disappeared.

After half a sound.

The wind and snow are still there, but within ninety thousand miles of mountains and rivers, there is no trace of guilt anymore!

Snow, white as silver, pure and holy, never dark before.

The light shines everywhere, covering everyone present, like the sun pouring down, bathing the whole body, filling everyone's heart with a warm and peaceful atmosphere.

It was not until a long time before they woke up like a dream.

But in the world, Chen Xi's figure was no longer to be found.

"Just now...those criminals who hunted us down...are hiding nearby?" A man swallowed hard, with a tinge of fear in his expression.

Hearing this, the faces of the others also changed slightly, and their hearts were shaken. Yes, if it wasn't for the young man just now, they would not have known that they had already fallen into a siege!

"If it hadn't been for him to make a move... we... it's really game over this time..." Some people couldn't help taking a few deep breaths, but they still couldn't hide their shock.

Everyone was silent, it was very clear that the young man had saved him and the others just now.

When they thought that they were still hostile to each other just now, they felt annoyed in their hearts.

Only Susu pursed her cherry lips and murmured: "Although I lack experience, I still firmly believe that good people will be rewarded, just like... now."

The burly middle-aged man beside him was momentarily speechless, but he couldn't find a reason to reprimand Susu again.

Even this time, it was because of Susu's reminder that he won the favor of the person just now, so he helped them to resolve a disaster!

"I think that young man just now seems to be...Chen Xi?" An old man suddenly hesitated and said, "After all, he looks so much like the rumored Chen Xi, and he has mastered the law of light, while Chen Xi was in that seven days ago. At the Academy Discussion Conference, it once showed the power of light."

Chen Xi?

Everyone was stunned, their expressions were shocked, and they remembered that young man who is now famous all over the world in the fairy world. He... is now the seventh round of the hot sun figure in the fairy world!

"Is it him, no wonder he is so powerful..." Su Su was also stunned, her beautiful eyes flickering with anticipation.


Helping Susu's group was just done by Chen Xi. After doing all this, he didn't take it to heart, turned around and continued to rush towards Wuya Immortal City.

Along the way, nothing unexpected happened.

Boundless fairy city.

Before arriving, Chen Xi could see from a distance that a layer of sinful atmosphere like black mist shrouded the entire Wuya Immortal City like a cloud cover, making it look like a forest where demons come and go.

The weather is terrible!

The crimes turned into clouds, covering the sky and covering the sun. It can be seen how many sinners are hiding in the city. No wonder it is called "the city of crimes".

Even from a distance, Chen Xi could see many figures standing in front of the Boundless Immortal City, and each of them was surrounded by black halos of guilt, obviously they were murderers with bloody hands.

Chen Xi restrained his whole body's aura, covering up the power of his own merits and virtues, making it completely obscure. Unless his realm was higher than his, it would be absolutely difficult to see his strength.

After finishing all this, he jumped forward and headed towards the distant Wuya Immortal City.

According to the information given by the mysterious woman, as long as she arrives at the Dragon Soul Pavilion in Wuya Immortal City within ten days, the other party will naturally come as scheduled.

For this, Chen Xi was convinced, the opponent's strength was unfathomable, and it was impossible to deceive him.

"Friend, are you going to the city?"

Just when Chen Xi arrived in front of the gate of Wuya Immortal City, a middle-aged man with mischievous eyebrows approached him and asked tentatively.


Chen Xi glanced at the other party, and instantly saw that the power of guilt was lingering around the other party's body, and it was obvious that he was also a murderer with hands stained with blood.

However, this is the Immortal City of Boundless, and it is a paradise for sinners. Chen Xi did not come here to exterminate demons and protect the way, and he did not embarrass the other party.

After all, once he gets killed, he is afraid that he will become an enemy of the criminals in the city. In that case, too many troubles will inevitably arise, which is not conducive to the purpose of his trip.

"Oh, it's easy to handle. It must be the first time for you to come to Wuya Xiancheng, my friend. You don't know the rules here, but the rules? It's easy to handle once you are born and second time. It depends on whether you are on the road or not. .”

The middle-aged man with roguish eyebrows sized Chen Xi up, rolled his eyes, then stretched out his hand, and said, "Pay first... um, 1000 yuan of immortal stones, so that you won't be bullied when you enter the city."

"it is good."

Chen Xi glanced around the city gate, and found that many fierce eyes were looking at him with malicious intentions, so he immediately nodded and agreed, and he would treat it as a waste of money and avoid disaster.

Seeing Chen Xi being so happy, the middle-aged man couldn't help being startled, and immediately scratched his head, wondering: "My friend, you also know that this is the city of guilt, and you must have fled here from the outside, but after all, the face It's too unfamiliar, and it's easy to cause too many misunderstandings..."

"Five Thousand Immortal Stones, take me to the Dragon Soul Immortal Pavilion." Chen Xi interrupted the other party's chatter with a frown.

He doesn't mind being misunderstood by the other party as a sinful person who fled, but the other party is so long-winded and talks so much, in the final analysis it is for the immortal stone, and he doesn't want to waste time on the other party.

While speaking, he had already thrown a storage bag to the other party.

The middle-aged eyes lit up, and he took it with his hand, and hid it carefully, then he smiled and said: "My friend is really open-minded. I'm going to Huang Lang. If you have anything in the future, you can come to me."

With that said, he had already led Chen Xi towards the middle of the city.

"That kid has a weird breath, could it be a hunting fairy?"

"I don't know, but if you dare to come here alone, you may have something to rely on. For this kind of guy who can't see through, it's better to observe and observe."

"Hey, we have this patience, but it doesn't mean that Li Bao has this patience. Huang Lang is now begging for food with Li Bao. His eyes are not as vicious as before. I hope he won't stumble this time."

In front of the city gate, many people sneered as they watched Chen Xi follow Huang Lang into the Wuya Immortal City.

The Wuya Immortal City is indeed very chaotic, with no order at all.

During the short tea time when he entered Immortal City, Chen Xi sensed at least a few murder incidents. One was when two groups of people fought on the street, and the other was when a drunk man flirted with a woman and slapped her with a slap He died, and the third time was even more absurd. An old man in Da Luojing, just because he disliked the food and drink, demolished the entire restaurant, and even mutilated the owner of the restaurant. The methods were extremely cruel.

In short, this boundless fairy city is too turbulent and chaotic, full of strong sinful power, like a dark purgatory, filled with the smell of violence and blood.

It's crazy!

There is no order and no rules here, and strength is the most important thing. On the streets and in restaurants, criminals stained with crimes can be seen everywhere, which is worthy of the title of "City of Sin".

"Friend, you seem to be leading the wrong way, right?" Chen Xi suddenly stopped and asked calmly.

"It's impossible, the Dragon Soul Immortal Pavilion is not far ahead." Huang Lang was startled, and quickly pointed to the distance to explain.

"A thousand miles ahead, there are six restaurants, but none of them is called the Dragon Soul Fairy Pavilion. Five thousand miles ahead, there are chaotic ruins, and the ruins cover an area of ​​eight thousand miles. A boundless ocean, I guess that should be the boundless sea."

Chen Xi turned his head, looked at Huang Lang, and said, "This path is wrong, do you need to give me an explanation?"

Huang Lang's complexion changed suddenly. He never expected that the opponent's power of immortal consciousness would cover such a long distance. For a while, he didn't know how to explain it.

"Hmph, if you can't explain it, why don't you explain it!"

At this moment, a cold snort came from far away on the street, appearing like a thunderbolt, and accompanied by the sound, dozens of figures suddenly looted from both sides of the street.

These figures seem to have been ambushed long ago, there are men and women, old and young, and there are even many strange-looking creatures of other races.

But the only thing in common is that these dozens of figures are all haunted by the power of guilt in different shades.Especially the bald-headed middle-aged leader, the power of guilt turned into black armor, covering the whole body, incomparably frightening.

"Boss Li?"

As soon as Huang Lang was stunned, he raised his foot and was about to run over.

But before he could make a move, Chen Xi lifted his hand from behind and firmly grabbed his neck, "I paid the immortal stone, and you want to run away, but that would be too unkind."

The voice was flat, but it carried a chilling power that reached people's hearts.

When the scene in front of him appeared, how could Chen Xi not understand that these guys were obviously in the same group, and they had their idea on him?


ps: The third update is around 10:[-]~

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