divine talisman

Chapter 1321 Turbulent Land [Part 3]

Huang Lang was grabbed by the neck by Chen Xi, and he struggled for a while, in vain, and couldn't help screaming.

"Let go, let me go! You fucking..."


Huang Lang's neck bones shattered, his voice stopped abruptly, his head tilted, and he died completely.

"Although the fairy stone is good, you have to have a life to get it."

Chen Xi retrieved his storage bag, and then casually threw away the other party's body.

In this ruthless and decisive scene, the eyelids of Li Bao and the others couldn't help but twitch, and his face changed slightly. This kid seems to be a ruthless character.

"Are you planning to avenge him, or are you going to leave now?" Chen Xi raised his head, his gaze coldly swept towards the other party like a knife.

"My friend, this is the city of guilt, you're going too far for doing this!" Li Bao, the leader, snorted coldly, staring at Chen Xi with gloomy eyes.

"So, you plan to avenge him?" Chen Xi's expression was as calm as ever.

Li Bao's eyes narrowed, he was a little confused about the young man in front of him, and he said after a while: "It's always wrong to kill people, my friend, why don't you take out your valuables, and I'll leave immediately, how about that?"

Chen Xi smiled: "What if I don't agree?"

"Don't agree? Then we brothers can't agree. Let me remind you again, this is the city of guilt. You are a newcomer, so don't be confused for a while and risk your own life!"

Li Bao grinned grimly, and the aura of guilt was violent and turbulent all over his body.

Behind him, the dozens of subordinates also sneered endlessly, with a cruel and bloodthirsty luster in their eyes.

These years, they have been entrenched in the city of sin, and they have seen a lot of new characters like Chen Xi, and they are all crazy, but in the end they don't even know how to die.

Chen Xi's eyes suddenly overflowed with a cold and frightening light, "I also remind you, I will count to three, and all of you will get out."

As soon as the scrolling words came out, it was like thunder and shock, deafening.

There was a bang, and the void was shaken by invisible sound waves, which made the other party feel agitated.

"Damn, who are you?"

Chen Xi's voice contained a terrifying power of the Great Dao, which made Li Bao feel hallucinated. He couldn't help but take a step back, and suddenly became angry and yelled loudly.


Chen Xi didn't answer the other party's question, but spoke calmly.

"Give it to me, all of you, kill this ignorant bastard!"

Li Bao waved his hand, his face ferocious and roared fiercely.



More than 30 Mysterious Immortal Realm powerhouses and seven or eight Great Luo Jinxian powerhouses were dispatched simultaneously at this moment, attacking Chen Xi from all directions.


In an instant, Chen Xi's figure disappeared out of thin air, making it impossible for all attacks to find a target.

Li Bao's eyes shrank, and a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart. Before he could react, Chen Xi's voice sounded again.


After uttering the three words, Chen Xi's figure suddenly appeared out of thin air. With a wave of his sleeves, killing sword aura shot up into the sky. The next moment, it had already enveloped the whole world, like a finely woven sword!

puff puff puff puff...

Blood splattered!

Minced meat flying everywhere!

The more than 30 mysterious immortals who were the first to bear the brunt were dismembered in an instant, and they didn't even have time to let out a scream. Chen Xi's sword energy was too fierce, beyond imagination. .


Li Bao was startled, and with just one move, most of his subordinates were killed. Who is this young man?


The sword energy pierced through the air, criss-crossing, and just as Li Bao was stunned, all of his remaining Da Luo Jinxian subordinates were directly obliterated by Chen Xi's sword energy, and even their souls were crushed to pieces, and they died completely violently.

"Damn it! This time I kicked the iron board!"

Li Bao's face changed completely, and he could kill seven of his Da Luo Jinxian subordinates in an instant. Such a ruthless character cannot be found in the city of guilt!

He knew that Huang Lang had tricked him this time, this young man is not a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered, he is obviously a hidden and terrifying existence!But at this time...it's too late to regret.

"Kill me!"

Li Leopard took a deep breath suddenly, and the power of crimes all over his body was overwhelming. Holding a blood-red long spear, he slammed towards Chen Xi violently.


The void shattered, this spear was as violent as a thunderbolt, and he had already brought into full play the late stage strength of Da Luo, and even made a breakthrough. Facing this spear, even if it exists at the same level, I'm afraid Also stay out of the way.

Regarding this, Chen Xi's figure suddenly remained motionless, quietly watching the traces of the blood gun filling his field of vision, until he reached a foot in front of his chest, he suddenly reached out and grabbed lightly.


The bloody spear froze in the air, unable to move at all!

On the other side of the spear, Li Bao's eyes suddenly expanded, and his face changed wildly, showing a look of horror and horror uncontrollably.

At this moment, without even thinking about it, he directly discarded the bloody spear, and was about to escape in a flash. The strength of this young man was too terrifying, and they were not on the same level at all.

"Sorry, I still need your head."

The indifferent voice rang in Li Bao's ears, and the hairs all over his body stood on end with the stimulation, and the soul of the dead burst out. Under the stimulation of death, he couldn't help but beg for mercy.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a muffled pop, and was shocked to find that his body had no head...

The reason was that Chen Xi shot too quickly, directly cutting off his neck, causing his head to fly into the air, and that was why he saw that incomparably horrifying scene.

Immediately, Li Bao's eyes went dark and he completely lost consciousness.


Bloodlines gushed out like waves sweeping through the air, and Li Bao's head was already held in Chen Xi's hands.

"Holding your head, there shouldn't be any unsightly people coming to your door..." Chen Xi rubbed his chin, and immediately ignored the pile of corpses on the ground. Holding Li Hu's head, he drifted away. go.

The entire battle, before and after only a moment, has come to an end.

In other words, this is not a battle at all, but a massacre!

"So cruel!"

"This young man should be a newcomer. It's a pity. Li Bao is an idiot who has been used to being arrogant and pampered all these years. He did it rashly without even asking about the details. Isn't he courting death?"

"However, Li Bao's death is fine, at least let us know that the young man's methods are very unusual."

"I'm just curious, what is the identity of this kid, if it's hunting immortals, it will be a little troublesome..."

"Go, find someone to check."

After Chen Xi left, figures appeared in the field one after another. Seeing the dead bodies and blood all over the ground, their expressions all became solemn, discussed and chatted in low voices, and then left separately.

No body was collected.

No one is clearing the field.

Because there are too many battles in the city of sins every day, life and death, for every murderer in the city of sins, it has long been a common occurrence, and it is not surprising.


Chen Xi held Li Bao's head, and caused a lot of surprised glances along the way, but no one dared to come to find out about Chen Xi.

This is called deterrence.

At any rate, Li Bao is also a well-known No. [-] figure in Sin Immortal City. As a strong man in the late stage of Da Luo, he has been ruthless and has gathered a group of subordinates. Few people dare to provoke Li Bao.

Now, Li Bao's head is held in the hands of a strange young man, this kind of meaning is too obvious.

After a cup of tea.

Chen Xi finally found the Dragon Soul Pavilion.

This is a towering restaurant, located on the edge of Wuya Xiancheng, with the vast and violent boundless sea on one side.

The whole body of this building is made of pitch-black boulders, with some mottled dark red blood stains permeating the surface. From a distance, it looks like a black dragon standing in the sky, exuding a ferocious aura.

"I didn't expect that there would be a restaurant of this size in this sinful fairy city..."

Chen Xi sized up the Dragon Soul Celestial Pavilion, and then walked straight into it.

"Sir, do you want to stay or eat?"

When he saw Chen Xi walking into the restaurant with Li Bao's head in his hands, the shopkeeper behind the counter couldn't help twitching his lips, and hurriedly greeted him with a smile.

"Stay here for a period of time, no more than ten days at most."

Chen Xi threw out a storage bag, which was exactly the 5000 Yuan immortal stone that Huang Lang had given to him before, but the latter was desperate to spend it now.

"Ten days? Accommodation is far from enough."

The shopkeeper took the storage bag and looked it over, then he was embarrassed to speak.

According to the shopkeeper's explanation, it turns out that this city of crimes is different from the outside world, the prices are ridiculously high, and the consumption is also very abnormal. Trade here.

This also makes the city of offended trespasses extremely short of supplies, and the consumption is naturally extremely high.

Chen Xi understood this, and after paying 5000 yuan of immortal stones again, he was taken to an elegant room on the third floor.

"My lord, you have to be careful. My Dragon Soul Pavilion will not be responsible for any accidents that happen here." Before leaving, the shopkeeper glanced at the head of Li Bao in Chen Xi's hand, and reminded him meaningfully. Chen Xi said a word.

"Thank you for reminding me."

Chen Xi smiled, not surprised by this.

After resting in the room for a while, Chen Xi thought about it, then walked out of the room, went to the hall on the first floor, ordered some food and wine, and drank for himself.

"I don't know when that little girl will arrive. The longer I stay here, I'm afraid I can't help but want to kill again and again..."

Chen Xi turned his head and stared out of the window. He could clearly feel that in the city with a radius of ten thousand li around him as the center, there were countless thugs doing some dirty things. Killing, conflict, blood, crime... all kinds of auras Moments are in the air.

That is the power of guilt, the source of evil.

Here, you can't find a kind person at all.

Including the shopkeeper who was looking at him from behind the counter at this time, his whole body seemed to be clean, but in fact Chen Xi knew that this guy had already restrained his guilt, and once he released it, he would even be more powerful than that Li Bao.

This is the city of sin, a paradise where sinners gather.


ps: Around 4:12 am on the [-]th.

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